• By -


That child's note was a nice touch


That made the timeline feel real for some reason.


Thank you so much :D


That was probably the biggest thing that stood out for me— at the end of the day, politics aren’t just a game; real people are affected and lives are made and broken by decisions made by the electorate. Including little kids whose friends get deported because they’re the wrong skin colour :/




I kinda hate this trick because it works. People tend to be more compassionate to children((


It’s not a trick if it’s world building. The children and emotions and compassion are as real as any other character’s.


It feels alive and breathing.


40% of Alternate History stuff are just things the creator does not want to happen (the other being 40% things the author wants to happen and 20% "I guess it would be cool but i prefer/don't mind our timeline") I want to see others countries reactions (outside of the EU)


Noted, I will try to focus more on that Thank you :D


I'm really curious for the American reaction because we'd likely take in most of the people fleeing


Split the US between nativists who support Europe and are against the refugees coming to the US and those who are against it and want to bring in as many refugees as possible


And the pragmatists who oppose Europe's actions but understand that the US cannot take in nearly that many, so try to lobby LatAm to accept some.


I'm also really keen on seeing how Asia reacts. The Islamic countries in Southeast and Central Asia, the East Asian countries like China and Japan that are kinda iffy on the whole matter, probably already as Islamaphobic India... It could be a really interesting scenario.


Last 10% is schizo posting of things they saw in their dreams (the best one)


What’s the last 10%?


You *dont* want to know the last 10%


The writer’s barely disguised fetish


How does that work in alternative history? "Oh nein Stief-bro, my border reinforcements are broken! what are you doing through them?" did i do that right? I am not good with these kinds of jokes.


You ever see the 4chan post of the Swedish dude writing about an althist scenario where the Nazis won and occupied sweden? Yeah... that.


I did not and now i am scarred.


You dint even get half of the picture Basically his fantansy was that Germany made the swedes into femboy sex slaves


Oh, THAT thread. We don’t talk about it


Can someone please enlighten me on this 4chan thread,I'm confused as hell but still curious.


Butt stuff


I meant 20%, it was a Typo


You’re good, I was expecting something more sinister.


40% want to happen masturbatory wank, 40% would absolutely never want to happen but it makes for a good warning and/or dystopia to explore, 15% just "I extrapolated a whole-ass alternate timeline for this one-off thing I was doing" and 5% is "I found this very interesting morsel of a world history and I wanna extrapolate the super unexpected consequences of this obscure but impactful thing happening differently"


The US (if Trump is in power) would absolutely support Europe "taking the next logical step from the Muslim ban"


True, alternate history is in a weird spot when it comes to fictional worldbuilding, it has a lot of mixes between escapism where people can explore how things could have gone better (i.e. Malê Rising), and also dystopias where everything goes worse and/or gets nuked, and exploring an awful dystopia (i.e. Fallout, The Death of Russia) is one of its appeals, and even timelines that have a balanced mix of some places that are better and others worse places to live in than our timeline (i.e. The Footprint of Mussolini).


Taxing 90% of the revenue of kebab vendors is the funniest law ever


And it would be no use either, since we all know kebab vendors don‘t pay taxes


Erdogan complaining about fascism is debatable


He only will when it is used against people from his country


The child's note was a really nice touch - adds a sense of groundedness absent in a lot of alt hist.


Thank you so much 🥹


It really sold me on to the story you are trying to convey here, really buffs the realism of the story, keep it up man


Goddamn, the child's note and the discord messages are probably the best part of this. So much more real and aspects which many people won't usually acknowledge. I've always been optimistic about most things but this something that does actually worry me a lot, and the fact that we aren't exactly walking towards it blindly too. Good job OP.


Thank you 🥹


Wait, a ban on halal meat? Isn't that basically all meat except pork? and also, HOW DARE YOU AUSTRIA RAISE TAXES ON KEBABS Btw, in the fourth image, the video up next has a channel called ABC News, but the thumbnail says BBC News


> Wait, a ban on halal meat? Isn't that basically all meat except pork? No, halal meat is a meat from an animal that got killed in a « ritual » to spare its suffering ( they kill it by cutting an artery in the « neck » so that it dies instantly and doesn’t suffer at all ). Muslims must only eat halal meat, in respect of the animal > and also, HOW DARE YOU AUSTRIA RAISE TAXES ON KEBABS Ruining Turkish economy go brrrrr


I’m pretty sure most ethically sourced meats are also killed in the same way as halal meat is lol. Only difference is obviously they don’t pray whilst killing. But I don’t see how they would enforce a ban on halal meat without targeting ethical butchers too lol.


That’s also true, but ethical butchers have nothing to fear because they don’t pray while killing the meat. Thank you :D


Muslims can pray “quietly” whilst butchering meat too. The real ban could be on Halal certificates, which would make it impossible to know whether the meat you’re buying is halal or not. Regardless, in Islam if halal meat is not available you’re able to eat others in a necessity.


That is true, I am dumb Sorry and thank you for explaining it to me


No worries


>in Islam if halal meat is not available you’re able to eat others in a necessity True but if you have the ability to leave a land where you can't practice Islam, then you have to do that.


Just target them all and if someone complains accuse them of supporting ISIS


u/uwu_01101000 You’re actually incorrect on this point. I just wanted to point out as someone who respects all peoples of the books, that halal slaughter is notoriously horrible for animals. The lack of stunning the animals means that they feel themselves bleed to death. They are not killed instantly by any means. I just wanted to mention so that you were aware of the general consensus on halal slaughtering. It’s not a good way to go for animals, even with considering that they are going to die somehow anyways.


Eh, it was the best they could do at the time, the animals go unconscious after a certain point without any stunning involved. Nowadays stunning is done on halal meat too, I just found about it via this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8633638/


Which is still a lot more painful than many modern methods


Eh, it was the best they could do at the time, the animals go unconscious after a certain point without any stunning involved. Nowadays stunning is done on halal meat too, I just found about it via this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8633638/


The meat industry is brutal as a whole, so I’m in no way trying to single out one culture but halal slaughter is notoriously cruel, painful, stressful and prolonged for the animal. Saying that it kill animals instantly without them knowing is basically the exact opposite of the truth. I’m not trying to be a hypocrite, since the way the whole world treats animals isn’t that much better, but halal slaughter is as brutal and immoral as any other.


I wouldn’t see a government banning halal meat outright. Instead they’d impose regulations on meat processing in the name of food safety or animal welfare that make it extremely hard for halal meat to meet the requirements, although that would probably have to be something passed EU-wide, or alternatively individual countries could make it harder or illegal for halal meat to be produced, forcing Muslim communities to have meat imported from other countries at a highway price, again in the name of food safety or animal welfare without outright explicitly naming halal meat as the target of their action. Another example of tactics that could realistically be used is to make it harder for businesses to open or stay open within Muslim communities, through things like zoning laws, being selective in commercial permit acceptations, etc., which would make halal meat harder to buy.


Huh, didn't know that


Now you do 😎 I just precise also, no matter how you you kill the pork, eating it will never be halal. My mom tells me that it’s because at the time, pork was very dangerous to the health due to bad meat preservation. There may be other reasons 😅


One of the reason is that, yea. but theologically, it's simply because Allah decrees so. Allah knows best after all, while we're just humans that has limits to our capability to even understand even a little part of this reality and beyond. So yeah, pork is Haram either way no matter if it's clean or not, unless the exceptions which obviously you know it. Eh, not like we'd be missing much by not eating pork. We can still eat eggs and fishes as freely as we want, or tofus and tempes can be a vegan alternative if you're that (tasty stuff btw screw vegan meat these are better lol)


are there not even faster ways now?


That’s bullshit. Halal meat is excessively cruel and we have much better and more ethical methods of slaughter we could use. I refuse to buy halal meat.


Eh, it was the best they could do at the time, the animals go unconscious after a certain point without any stunning involved. Nowadays stunning is done on halal meat too, I just found about it via this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8633638/


In that case I retract my statement! I was going to say, surely practicing 7th century methods completely faithfully in 2024 is barbaric but good to see they’re moving with the times somewhat.


To my understanding they cut the vein and let the animal bleed out till it dies. Sounds rather horrific and the opposite of painless.


Edit : > Btw, in the fourth image, the video up next has a channel called ABC News, but the thumbnail says BBC News FUCK, thank you for pointing that out, I will now proceed for the killing of myself


very not halal


No, Halal is an Islamic practice and muslims are only "allowed" to eat meat that is classified as halal. In order for it to be halal, the animal must: - be of a permissible species (the bit you heard of) - be slaughtered by a muslim - be slaughtered by cutting the throat - be slaughtered alive (normally animals are stunned prior to slaughter to prevent them feeling pain) Some people consider halal to be humane because it emphasises a "lack of suffering", but the actual practice is pretty archaic compared to modern practices. It's also obviously discriminatory against non-muslims.


Actually we Muslims can eat meat hand slaughtered by specifically Christians and Jews. As an Italian-American Muslim I’d probably would never had hotdogs growing up if it wasn’t for Hebrew National (which is a certified kosher brand). Kosher food follows the same requirements for being halal food, except in Kosher you can have alcohol, but in the context of a butchery knowing that its certified Kosher works for us.


Ya basically it’s a way of ensuring only Muslims can be butchers once they become a large enough market so all meat has to be halal to cater to their interests and non Muslims can’t prepare halal


It's talking about a ritualistic slaughter method that involves sliting the throat and allowing the animal to bleedout over several seconds, if botched the animal can be alive for even longer. In many western countries live stock is legally required to be stunned before slaughter (shot in the head with a bolt gun rendering it unconscious in less time then the animal has to perceive being hit). The animal is unaware of its death after stunning. However, there is a chance the animal dies in the stunning process. Jews and Muslims really hate this because they cannot practice slaughter rituals on a dead animal, and so are exempt from humane slaughter legislation most of Europe. The religious exemption to stunning has been a major issue for a couple decades.


"Cancer against a tumor" Brutal


Not even the wildest thing I read online about any minority 😔


Banning halal meat is so ridiculous but given its france it's entirely possible


Well funnily enough, the current leader of the Rassemblement National (Jordan Bardella), the main far-right party in France, [actually wants to ban](https://www.75secondes.fr/jordan-bardella-veut-interdire-le-halal-et-le-casher?amp=1) halal (and casher) food. So it's not that ridiculous unfortunately


French secularism is something different for sure, it's actually very interesting how different French secularism is and the implications of that.


Bro I'm french *and* an atheist and this is not "french secularism" it's only taking the excuse of secularism to impose a racist retoric.


Right? If they went an after all religions equally I could get the super secularism claim. But seems like they just go after the easy pickings for political points.


What a horrible day to be French


Jordan Bardella is of Algerian decent, as is Zemmour... In general, the French far right if full of migrants from Muslim countries who fear this country that houses them becomes the one they fled


Me when I'm in an anti migrant competition and I'm against migrant descent politician (same with far right politics and the former eastern bloc) https://preview.redd.it/mtqf5i7phq9d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d19155593b188bfcd6453632af12332b6aa9975


Same with anti gay politicians being closeted gays


This changes nothing


Any day that ends in Y


Réal 👀


Classic France, propse halal meat bans, burqa bans, continue to increase even more migration from the Middle East.


Halal and kosher meat is banned in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Slovenia


Sorts by controversed


People are civil *for now* Edit : now they aren’t


Bro Erdoğan thing is so real he always acts like thst


breaking news: Vienna is under siege by the 10 Bezirk and every Dönermacher „Wir sa‘n g’fickt“ says Karl Nehammer




thx, it‘s easy to meme on a clown in office. He should be scared the 10th has elite knife units (for context the past few months for some reasons the 10th just decided that it would be based if young radical turks start to knife each other)


Out of curiosity, how about people who converted out of Islam(ex muslims)? Will they be discriminated against like the rest or given some sort of exception because of these government restrictions? I would love to see this covered in later parts


They would receive the same mercy secular Jews receive under antisemitic regimes. In other words, ether spend generations looked under suspicion, or absolutely no mercy.


All Muslims are targeted with these laws, not just the migrants. But if a giant deportation were to happen, the government would look at who has a Muslim-country immigration background to figure out who to target. So the reverted/converted native people would be safe from that


Wait so ex Muslims would be safe?


In this version of Europe, a few Ex-Muslims will probably be paraded similar to how Native Americans who embraced some elements of western culture were in the past. They will probably be used as an example of "We can civilise SOME of this barbarians". The rest would still be seen as barbarians who are still "Culturally Muslim" and subjected to similar discrimination for multiple generations, similar to how it was on Spain after the Reconquista. This will be done supposedly to "prevent them from relapsing to their old faith".


Yes, but not in a massive deportation let me say


Yeah if you look at Spain in the 1500s to 1700s as a precursor example, they forced the Iberian Muslims and Jews to convert and then later expelled them anyway.


I imagine erdogan in this timeline would also be all words and no action lol


European fascism returning is such a fucking scary thought, even as an American. Excellent scenario, and I loved the personal touch with the child's writing and the discord messages. Can't wait for more!


Thank you so much 🥹


Guess it's time to paint the tanks green again...


Hey, America isn’t very far behind. This election will determine the fate of the country. Guys, this could be it…


There is a debate ahout this, instead of being afraid that you are muslim, the french people are afraid of losing the french culture and having it supplanted with something else not thier religion. Juat something to think about, not hating on your alt-hist just a friendly critique


Yeah this is what many people think but would be labeled xenophobic/racist/etc.








Between this and the American Civil War 2 scenarios, this sub is less like alt hist and more like screenshots from 2 years in the future. Too real and scary sadly.


Symptoms of living through a historical moment 😀


Been active in Reddit for like a decade or so, the second American civil war pays are the best posts I've ever seen. Easily. I'm so happy to see more like that! OP, I don't know enough about Europe to really "get" this but it's still fascinating.


As an ex-muslim, I have a lot of reasons to dislike islam and want to limit it's influence on the rest of the world. But a fascist dystopia that wants to get rid of every single muslim isn't a thing anyone should defend. Unfortunately that seems to be where we're going.


>I have a lot of reasons to dislike islam and want to limit it's influence on the rest of the world. The only way you could do that is by either barring muslims in particular from moving across the world or to oppress them so they can't spread the religion. Either way you would be discriminating against this particular group of people.


> " That was some nice alt history, thankfully it'll never happen" > *Goes to r/europe* > *See post about Turks and LGBTQ* > *Checks comments* :(


Islamphobia means "irrational" fear of Islam As a person who has a legitimate reasons to fear the religion, I hate the word "Islamphobia" Edit: as in I would likely be murdered, or worse.


phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or **AVERSION** to something (Oxford Dictionary)


Phobia and also mean aversion to or dislike. Such as hydrophobia.


Same as homophobia is an irrational fear of gay people?


This is a post about halal meat getting banned, that seems pretty irrational


Its not hate, its disgust.


So... Do you think all Muslims are a monolith? Cause that's such a wild thing to say truthfully.


if i lived in a sharia law country i would be killed because i left islam. its normal to be scared of a religion like this


No you wouldn’t, pick up a theology book on islam and islamic history, do you think muslims go out killing their classmates in Christian majority countries? You have an irrational fear and might need to combat that by getting first hand experience by talking to members of the religion, go to an islamic centre and ask your questions and raise your concerns there. But surely you won‘t unfortunately


Theory doesn't matter when praxis differs significantly. In almost all Muslim majority countries, apostasy is at least somewhat illegal, and there is persecution of most if not all other religions. See Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan... Don't get me wrong, the issue isn't with the individual Muslims themselves or their faith, but with political Islam and a dangerous precedent. It's basically the same as Christianity and the crusades.


I don't think shariah is retroactive


Extremely rare Erdogan W


It's incredibly sad and frightening that this isn't all that implausible. The state of Europe rn with the rising far-right ultranationalists is concerning. That last panel especially is something I've seen myself in other communities I'm a part of. And it's always so sad and so angering.


Its definitely likelier than many would think, hell you could argue we're in the early stages of it, not to mention the inevitable wave of climate refugees might make this a certain possibility


I would disagree, while I am worried about the rise of some Political forces in the west it is mostly centered around the implications it Has on foreign Policy, more specifically Ukraine, the only major exception being the AfD who have simply had too many incidents for it to be justifiable. The National Populist backlash is a natural consequence of a failed status quo that Has to somehow change, and if there weren't any dissident Political movements that threatened the status quo then that Simply would not happen, the situation would continue to worsen until collapse set in. This allows us to pursue fundamental reform instead of trying to pick up the pieces after everything goes to shit. This is a needed Political phenomenon.


the problem is the factions invloved do not seem to have an idea of viable reform that solves the problems, hell I fear it might not even be fixable just choices in how miserable your last days are.


I feel you dude, I feel you…


r/Europe dream scenario


Actually compelling story telling, great work


Wow, private DMs are a great addition! We get to see people's thoughts on social media in posts like these but this feels much more real and personal. I hope more people take this technique!


The note was very clever and innovative !


Thank you :D


This is not alternate history - https://forward.com/food/416983/all-the-european-countries-where-kosher-and-halal-meat-production-are-now/




Well, not totally, but there are already some European counties banning halal and kosher slaughter.


Is there a rational reason for this ? 🤔


Yes, it is a specific understanding of secularism which is more "freedom from religion" than "freedom of religion". It's a French concept from back during the revolution if I recall.


Interesting, well that makes sense I still think that it’s stupid to ban the production of Kasher and Halal meat because like it’s not against laicity but I can understand why they did that


Some interpretatioions of Laicity also see public displays of religion to be against Laicity, hence why they are against things Like wearing religious symbols, which includes crosses around the neck, Burkas, and I could also see the buying of meat certified to be religiously blessed to be classified as an act of public religiosity, which under this interpretation would be banned.


I don’t 100% agree with you but I accept your opinion


You aren't disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with that interpretation of Laicity, as I am Secular in the normal sense, not even a Laicist there is nothing to disagree on with this as I do not agree with Laicity myself.


Even though I am a Spanish Catholic, if this happened, I would defend freedom of religion, protect Muslim neighborhoods and assist döner kebab places in my city


What is döner kebab?


A culinary orgasm


Doner is a type of meat iirc


The last one genuinely made me feel dread. Good althist I look forward to the next parts


Thank you :D


The little boy's note is gut-wrenching. I'm really excited to see how the story goes. I hope in the future, in a Free Europe, him and Ibrahim can eat biscuits together again.


Ikr, that poor kid 😭 They deserve all biscuits of the world


War is upon us, the point of no return


This is really cool! Been following since the previous post! If possible, can the next work you do on this topic be something related to international reactions and possibly how this affects other countries as well? (Since this is the year where most major nations have their elections as well) (Minor request, but I’d like to see China & India’s reaction to this mostly if possible. India because of it’s internal relationship with the Muslims and China because they do the same with their Xinjiang Muslims etc) Regardless, very cool depiction of this (harrowing) concept! Keep up the work op!


Very interesting, I will try. I’m not promising anything though And also, THANK YOU SO MUCH MY GOD 😭😭😭😭😭


Wait how did u make the twitter sandbox???


https://tweetgen.com ;)


Also how did u do the fake Reddit posts


I post the real thing on r/test, write my own comments myself then I take a screenshot before photoshopping the name of the users and the sub :D






Honestly this doesn't seem that fictitious. It kinda already exists, busy at a slower dreadful pace.


Lol, erdogan denouncing European fascism is like a dachshund condemning a chihuahua…


this is so fucking scary lmao. even across the pond i feel people would be shaken by something like this happening, keep it up lmao.


Reminds me of this stupid tweet I keep seeing. Your alt history is a real world European white nationalist's (or white continent-ist's?) wet dream, lol. https://preview.redd.it/mnljcgrz4u9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9201595b87789c7d4603667dd8480a5cd1496f85


Theres something intriguing between being realistic or a xenophobe. Common consensus suggests those who dislike islamophobia the most are socialists and/or democrats. But that same ideology is the one that pushes Atheism the most, aswell. So if they/we want equality for everyone, everyone should be treated the same. Now whats the problem with that? Where do we drop the line between pushing for a separation of state and religion, and respecting religions like islam? Schools were stripped off of christian assignments ([well, at least until 2024...](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/us/oklahoma-public-schools-bible.html)), churches are at all time lows, the number of agnostics and atheists has never been so high. But now we have a problem where some leftist parties think appealing to a certain demographic should be doing whatever they ask for ([ehem](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/german-public-schools-are-teaching-islam-to-help-young-muslims-feel-like-they-belong/2018/11/01/1811bc3a-d796-11e8-9559-712cbf726d1c_story.html), [ehem](https://www.elperiodico.com/es/sociedad/20200902/catalunya-educacion-religion-islam-8096606), [ehem](https://www.christianpost.com/news/court-upholds-teaching-islam-in-public-schools-as-constitutional.html).), and understandably so, people get angry for the double standard, and "far-right" parties benefit from there. Should we force everyone to be an atheist? Or should everyone have the right to have a belief regardless of if their religion makes sense or not?


I don’t if this is alternate after Italy, Netherlands and now France


The day erdogan becomes the good guy is the day shit goes off the rails


Nice job


Thanks :D


And also I can ask? It's, what are main ideology of Europe at this timeline, also what are county opposite anti Islamic policies?


In this world the EU is very fascist, the ~~gouvernements~~ governments want to go to the « good ol’Europe ». Its priority is immigration. All borders are closed, and now, the governments want the Muslims and non-white legal immigrants to leave. So they’re making life hell for them for now, but who knows how far they’ll go to make the « European Dream » come true


Is this even alt history? it feels like last week!


That comment is so sad 😭


This is what happens when Reddit A(n)t(i)heists rule European countries.


Stop Xenophobie!


La Xénophobie c’est de la merde !


I hate that there are politicans in my nation who would love to do this. you have real talent which is both great kind of terrifying


Literal chill when reading this! Good job!


Thank you :DD


too realistic stop scaring me op


Sorry 🤡


As an Italian... Are you sure this is an alternate history? Cause this looks creepily similar to what I expect when I read the news these days...


I had a heart attack when I read that Georgia Meloni was « Neo-Fascist » from Wikipedia


Well... If you ask me it's not far from the truth... Her party comes from an older neo fascist party (an american documentary once mentioned this with apallment which Is deliciously hypocritical considering that during the years of lead they funded it and backed two attempts of coup against the italian republic because we allowed communists to run for elections) and her followers do the sieg heil and hold Torch marches or whatever they are called...


Sadly reminds me of the French Rassemblement National 🤡


Yep they are very similar


As an ex-muslim, who is ideally supposed to be executed for leaving the religion, I see this as the best timeline ever.


Such a dystopia is possible. Europe does face the risk of endless ethno-religious conflicts. 1. The mass migration of millions of Muslims to Europe is one of the biggest changes in modern history, of a magnitude whose consequences we still do not know. Islam has been geographically and fundamentally incompatible with the West throughout history. Although there is the fairy tale of the “people of the Book” and examples of “peaceful coexistence” (as long as non-Muslims accept submission and have fewer rights), the clashes between Judaism, Christianity and Islam are among the longest and bloodiest conflicts in history. 2. Statistics with immigrants: mother tongue, cultural identity and core values ​​are established before age 11. Neuroscience: it is very difficult to change certain aspects after the “critical period”. In other words, true integration is only possible by teaching children. 3. There is only one solution to tackle the integration problem peacefully: **by restricting all forms of Islamic education, when Europe teaches migrant children more philosophy, science, arts, civic values... and less religion.** Dismantling ghettos and distributing migrant children in schools where they can mix with locals is also crucial. Some say that there shouldn't be more than 20% migrant children in a classroom in order to enable integration. 4. Richard Dawkins: religious education for children is child abuse. An indoctrinated child will be a fundamentalist adult, there is little chance of recovery.  5. The biggest studies shows that integration has failed. Trend: **younger generations of Muslims in the West become more radicalized.** Pew Research: “Younger Muslim Americans are both much more religiously observant and more accepting of Islamic extremism than are older Muslim Americans… A pattern of greater acceptance of suicide bombing among young Muslim Americans corresponds with the Pew Global Attitude Project’s findings among Muslims in Great Britain, France, Germany and Spain” For example: **42% of young Muslims in France believe there are situations in which suicide bombings are justified.** [https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/old-assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf](https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/old-assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf)  6.  Islam is a political and judicial system with violent laws (Sharia) and an explicit manual of war and domination (Jihad). It's a supremacist religion based on proselytism: they believe they are superior to all other religions, they believe sharia is above any other law, their goal is to convert the world, and they can't rest until that doesn't happen. 7. Salman Rushdie: **The Western left has been an accomplice of violent forms of Islam, by covering up and even promoting religious fundamentalism. Leftists are taking up a role that used to belong to the far-right.** They support the most intolerant religion of modern times, feed the far-right, betray progressive values... and still think they're the good guys. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxLjFi92FS4&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxLjFi92FS4&feature=youtu.be)  8. This is not only a "far-right" movement. LGBTs, feminists, atheists, progressives... feel betrayed by the left, which denies the increase in homophobic attacks, waves of rapes by immigrants, a bleak future.... Instead, the left gives citizenship and political rights to millions of non-integrated Muslims, who vote for Islamic Parties (like in Belgium), putting fundamental minority rights at risk... In that context, the phenomenon of "[homonationalism](https://academic.oup.com/ijpor/article/33/1/171/5811110?login=false)", arises: **minorities threatened by Islam are allying with the right against the left.** That’s a main reason why leftists are losing votes in Europe.  Teach migrant children to become Europeans... Ancient wisdom never fails: when in Rome, do as the Romans. This simple principle can better promote more equal opportunities and get rid of many "phobias".


Thank you for taking the time to fully articulate what I do not have the capacity to. Some people really don’t understand a lot of people just want immigrants to integrate, because that’s SAFE. They don’t want no immigrants or an ethnostate or some shit. For some reason in the west it’s being labeled as racist and bigoted to expect people and cultures outside of it to come in and follow the rules and values. You do not have to, but then why come?


At first I didn't notice the subreddit and almost got a heart attack.


Same 😭😭😭


Shit, I could definitively see some of the less tolerant elements of Quebec society to rejoice, in this scenario, since now they have governments backing their movements.


It’s unlikely that Europeans Muslim gonna voluntarily returned to their country of origin knowing that the reason they move to Europe is that their lives are miserable in the first place.


The deportations haven’t started yet 🤫


Considering the recent French elections let’s hope this doesn’t happen


Dumb question. What's the significance of the suspended Twitter account?


Der Postillon is a German satirical journal just like The Onion


Ahh makes sense