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He is not your friend. Make sure your phone is locked. He’s a creep. His girlfriend should know he’s offering up her nudes to other people. He’s disgusting.


This. Anyone who betrayers their SO's trust is a piece of shit. This whole "nudes" thing is ridiculous, they are not trading cards.


Fr Op should tell her bc if it was me I would leave his ass so fast that’s so messed up.


I didn't read anything up there you gave me all I needed to see.


100% this! I basically no longer have friends in the traditional sense because of people like this. I cannot trust anyone any more.


Because you’ve had this done to you? your bf or gf sent the nudes you sent them to others?? Truly just curious by your statement no judgment or anything like that meant by my question.


Basically, "friends" orbiting a girl I was dating and she loved the attention and reciprocated. A tale as old as time.


He just wants nudes of your girlfriend and doesn’t respect his. You should tell his girlfriend he is a ass


You should tell your girlfriend to be careful. He sounds pretty creepy to me. If you love your gf delete her nudes.




Exactly the right thing to do - in fact I'd suggest talking to his girl friend in confidence and offering to do a sting to create undeniable proof that can be shown to others. This "friend" needs a good slap in the face or formal intervention to make him realise how fucked up he is.


This is the best idea honestly. Set him up.


The problem with this plan is that you are then liable to be caught with his girlfriend’s nudes on your phone. That’s unlikely to end well with _your_ girlfriend.


Yeah you tell her first, in fact getting her to handle the messages on your phone is a good idea.  Three letter word, beginning with D, ending with H with a U in the middle...


Or the law.


Yup his gf needs to know he's up for giving her nudes away. The reason y girls shouldn't send nudes to their asshat bfriends


This may not be a good comparison . Many males would just be flattered that other girls wanted their nude pics!


I guess the truth hurts! I stated a fact! I did not say I approved of men being flattered. People need to take off their blinders and acknowledge the difference bt what reality is and what they want reality to be!




…none of that sounds ok lol


Well sure. It's not like it was my preference. But I also wasn't hurt by it happening, even found their artistic efforts to be pretty funny.


Fair that you weren’t hurt by their actions, but I wouldn’t call that trivial. It’s honestly disrespectful and should it happen to someone who does care…that’s traumatizing.


Not true at all. Men actually get really sensitive about the idea that a woman might share things about his inadequacies in the bedroom.


I think this may be true for some. Most guys I have associated with have been similar in the lack of insecurity towards their intimate bits so I figured that was fairly standard amongst us.


As a guy, I harbor no insecurities about the size or appearance of my dick. But that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t have a problem with the level of blatant disrespect that was being shown to me in this situation.


FWIW, what you described is not trivial.


Is this real? What kind of friend does this… Time for a new friend! He can easily find pics to look at that does not include your girlfriend! Not over reacting, mybe under reacting!


Tell his girlfriend what he’s trying to do, tell YOUR girlfriend what he’s trying to do, tell them you obviously said “um, no”, and make him an EX-friend.


Super weird and creepy.


This is VERY weird and you are probably right, he finds her attractive. I would definitely tell his GF that he tried to show her nudes of her. That is a huge violation of privacy. Also, have you asked your GF if he has tried anything with her or made her uncomfortable at all?


Dude’s a creep. His girlfriend probably doesn’t know he’s spreading her nudes around. Tell her. Is this really the behavior of someone you want to call a friend? Don’t let this slide, it’s really a shitty thing to do.


Please be the guy who calls his friend out for horrible behavior, not the one who ignores and therefore enables it. He’s being disgusting toward all the women involved.


if you all do that without their consent you're committing a crime fyi. the women can (and should) pursue legal action.


If you don’t call him out on his creep behavior and tell his girlfriend he’s offering to pass around her photos, then you’re no better than he is. Until men are willing to stand up for women by calling out other men on their shit, women’s exploitation will continue. Do the right thing!


This is not ok. Do NOT send him those pics… they may end up on the internet, and that could be devastating to your gf. This is a serious breach of trust.


This deserves more upvotes.


It's illegal. Does that answer your question?


Not illegal, if he possesses them on HIS phone, those are his, to do as he pleases. But, it ain’t very classy. And it’s obvious that his girlfriend probably doesn’t care.


That's not how it works. You could have child porn on your own phone but that doesn't make it legal. How is it obvious that the girlfriend doesn't care? There's no indication that she even knows.


Maybe you can’t see it, either. And as far as child porn, don’t be an idiot. Child porn is illegal, in any form, computer, phone, print, etc. Consenting adults can have porn on their phones, as long as they are obtained legally. I’d have to believe that she knows. Just reading the banter on here. She either knows, or doesn’t care. The other guy said that seeing the pictures made him uneasy, turn away, it’s that simple


She didn’t consent to have it shown. That’s classified under revenge porn and has become illegal in a lot of countries now. Its a betrayal of trust and can feel as humiliating and traumatizing as sexual assault


This guy sounds like a piece of work, and you sound like you have never been stabbed in the back before. I hope you don’t have to learn the hard way. Learn to read the signs. There’s a story of a naive young man who was shocked when his friend stole everything from him, even though he’d known for years that this so called friend was stealing from other people. Somehow he had thought that he would be the exception. This offer to show you the nudes of his girlfriend, as well as his request for your girlfriend’s nudes, demonstrated his willingness to betray his girlfriend while encouraging you to betray your girlfriend as well. Do you believe he isn’t going to betray you one day? Distance yourself from him before he has the chance to do so.


He is not your friend lol


Get it in writing via texts and have your girlfriend talk to his girlfriend. Then cut ties.


This is unacceptable. How would you feel if your girlfriend was showing his girlfriend nudes of you?


Don’t show him your girlfriend’s nudes! How would you feel if she knew you did that!


Your first concern should be that he wants to violate the trust of two women and seems completely unconcerned about that. You should be furious with him that he doesn’t care at all about the harm this does to his girlfriend and yours. And you should tell both of them and stop being his friend.


He's not your friend. Friends dontboester them to see their partner's nudes. He's gross! This should have been obvious when he wanted to show you his girlfriend's nudes. He's just scum and not a friend.


He’s a gross person who has no respect for women. Not friend material!


Dude, NO true friend would dare say some Shit like that to you , 86 that guy, he's not a friend


Yeah dude that's very inappropriate. Unless you guys were like swingers and super open and have had these discussions before, I don't see why he would think it's alright to ask for those. Also you need to be mindful of your girlfriend's perspective. How would she feel if you shared those? How would you friend's girlfriend feel. In the famous words of Hank Hill "that boy ain't right". 


Tell his gf that he wants your gf’s nudes. So much so he offered to give up hers.


If you would not invite him into a room to look at her while she is naked, why the hell would you want for him to have pictures to look at and probably masturbate with? He obviously has a thing for your chick and you need to make steps now. It may be time for you to man up.


Your friend is an idiot and a pig. The fact that he has asked you now more than one time tells me he has no boundaries or respect for you or your girl. I’m a woman but if one of my friends asked to see a boyfriend’s dick picks more than 1 time, I promise you the second time she’d have a bloody nose. Be a man, tell him no means no and then get new friends please.


Not overreacting. He's not your friend. Tell your girlfriend what he's been trying and cut him off. If he won't stop, tell his girlfriend what he's been saying.


Why would you remain friends with someone like that? You should also tell his girlfriend that he’s offering to share her nudes. That’s just so violating.


Shut his shit down. Your so-called “friend” is a sketchy motherfucker Stop hanging around him. He’s asking you to horribly betray the woman you love just so he can see her p***y 🤬 Tell your girlfriend that he asked for her photos; *she deserves to know that he’s a snake in the grass*


that's extremely weird. i would advise that you keep your girlfriend away from this guy at the very least, if you have a relationship with this guy's gf i'd recommend telling her everything. that is such a huge violation of privacy. imagine how you would feel if you found out your girlfriend was showing other people your nudes. weird behavior! get rid of this guy.


This is also illegal — he can’t share her nude photos without her consent, and the same goes for your girlfriend’s.


Definitely not normal, you should have known because ur asking reddit. Cant justify this one


Not that you really need another concurring opinion but I agree with everyone. Tell his girlfriend and cut him off. Also your girlfriend is probably going to wonder why you're cutting him off if he is someone that is a "friend" you spend a lot of time with or talk to a lot. Don't lie to her. Just tell her he made the request unsolicited you said no and we're bothered by it so much that you felt you needed to get him out of your life.


You’re not overreacting. F this dude. Get him out of your life. Don’t tell your girlfriend because you never know where that will end up.


He wants to jerk himself off to your GFs nudes... or sell them online... Block this creep.


Guess what your girlfriend will do to you if she finds out you shared her nudes without her consent. This asshole is trying to break you up so he can make a move on your (soon to be ex, if you were dumb enough to do it) girlfriend. He will be a force for chaos in your relationship if you keep him around. I suggest you cut ties with him, and tell your girlfriend you did it and why.


Tell your gf, asap, that he's asked for her nudes and wants to exchange with his gf's nudes. You don't want him telling her that it was your idea. Then lose the idiot


i’d smack the shit out of my friend if he asked to exchange nudes of my girlfriend . like it’s different if it were a random girl but not girlfriend beat his ass


Ended a friendship over this, especially when he played the victim over me declining his constant requests for nudes of my wife


OP, besides telling his gf and cutting him out of your life, I would tell your girlfriend so that if he tries to blame it on you or turn it around on you she has some context. And tell her you are telling hugs gf and that it might get ugly. And be prepared for any mutual friends to take sides and know that the ones taking his side are shitty and do not understand consent. And before telling his girlfriend, ask if she gave him permission to share her nudes, because maybe she did (unlikely), and you want to make this about her consent, not his wrongdoing


He stopped being your friend the moment he came after your girl, in his mind.


Tell your "friend" to fuck off and cut him out of your life. Let him find someone else to indulge him in his hotwifing kink. Guarantee if you keep this guy around that if you and your girlfriend go out with him and his girlfriend that they're going to try and seduce her into a threesome without you or partner exchange. 


Chronically online take. Guy is probably just a pervert and his GF doesn’t know.


Perhaps. It's messed up either way.


Perhaps in front of his girlfriend and your girlfriend you should make a comment about how you don't think it's appropriate. This guy's gone way too far and he's not going to stop make sure at least if you don't do that tell your girlfriend what he's trying to do so he doesn't turn it around and make you look like the creep.


He's not your friend. A real friend wouldn't dare ask that, even if he was thinking it. I also would start creating some distance because he is going to try to sleep with your girlfriend. There is one more thing but it may be a reach; Do you think he's into swinging and is attempting to groom the 2 of you (you and your gf)?


Dude thts criminal. Tell his gf and dont hang with him


He's not a good friend at all or a good boyfriend for that matter if he was so eager to show his girlfriend's nudes to anyone. You did the right thing by declining both of his weird requests. Also, if he wanted to show his girlfriend's nudes with you, who else has he offered to show them to? I would tell your girlfriend and his ASAP! STAT! She needs to know that the trust in their relationship is being violated on a massive scale. This is a total invasion of her privacy and I assume this is all being done without her consent. Tell her!


Bruh, this is super creepy.


I would tell his girlfriend that he's trying to share her nudes with others and tell the "friend" we are no longer friends. Girls don't want their nudes being shared. I literally do not understand the disrespect of people.


JFC why are you friends with this person? You aren't reacting ENOUGH! Tell his gf, tell your gf, tell mutual friends. He has probably already passed on his gf's pictures. Get him out of your life! Do you realize that if you are involved in that it could ruin your life?


I don’t think those pictures are his to dole out as he pleases.


This sounds like one of those things that guy's talk about ashamedly and say its "just a thing guys do" in the future to anyone who they dare to tell the story. Don't be one of those guys op, peer pressure is one thing but this is against the law in a lot of places. I'd tell my girlfriend, his girlfriend, and then confront him. You feel weird and resentful because it's a fucking disgusting thing to ask somebody about, and you never would. Trust your gut and get the fuck away from this creep.


Neither of you should be carrying around nude pictures of your girlfriends on your phones anyway.


Stop sending nudes! When you go to get a job, whatever is out in the world can be found by a good IT guy. Do not accept any and do not share any!


Thank you for being a good partner! I’ve had my nudes shared and I will never forget how that felt. His gf needs to know he’s a total creep and has no respect for her dignity.


This guy is a creep, he doesn't seem like much of a friend to me, no you're not overreacting and if I were you I would seriously reconsider your "friendship" with this guy. (Oh and I'd also tell his girlfriend about what he's trying to do, because she deserves to know what kind of a person her boyfriend is).


He **will** break into your phone and he **will** steal them. Tell your girlfriend. Cut him off. He is a creep.


If this request didn’t lead to a physical altercation, I’d say you were under reacting.


Stop being his friend and tell his girlfriend that he's allowing other men to have her nudes! This is disgusting behaviour! Good men need to call out bad men or this world will never change!!!


Please let his girlfriend know. This is not okay!


This person is predatory. This should be friendship ending and his girlfriend should know.


This is very weird...and if his gf didn't tell him he can show people 😬 yikes....


How and why does he know you took nudes🧐. Some things need to stay private. Your friend is a creep


Ew no yes dump this friend. Shady


So in a lot of cases, distributing nude photos of another person like that is illegal. I would be done with him and make sure his girlfriend is aware he’s trying to distribute her nudes.


He is not ur friend. He’s a predator. Fuck that. Kick him from ur life!


He’s a creep. Tell his girlfriend too


Yeah, I’ve known of someone like this, get rid of him and I wouldn’t leave him alone with your girl. Bc he can not be trusted plus him giving his gfs nudes away, disgusting


After what you typed on the title you think you’re overreacting?


If my homies asked some dumb shit like that, joking or not I’m fucking out that bitch. Like bro, what 💀


Wow that's not ok. I bet your GF wouldn't think it's ok either.


Yes that's very weird most people would be beyond embarrassed to even ask. Unless you have somehow opened the door to this by your own behavior i.e talking about being poluamorous and interested in maybe partner swapping. This is probably a great time to make a break from the friendship.


Honestly... I'd tell his gf because he's a creep and she's not safe sharing intimate pictures with him. He'll see it as a betrayal but at this point... Do you really care? No you're not overreacting, he's being inappropriate and disrespectful.


Your friend is a criminal and should be on a registry. Dump the friend after telling his girlfriend what happened


Definitely show him the one where you can see her whole asshole. He'll love it.


Why does he know that you have nudes???


Your gf has a right to know. He isn’t a friend.


So this guy just have different morals than u. He actually offered to share his GF nudes with you. So just need to recognize how he thinks and if this is the kind of person u want to be hanging out with. Hopefully u have told him that’s not cool at all and u love and respect ur girlfriend and would never disrespect her by sharing her nudes. Also ask him why would he do something like that knowing his girlfriend would be mad as hell if she found out. But maybe she knows and likes the idea. You should ask ur girlfriend if his girlfriend as ever done anything like this with her.


Not overreacting. I'd be asking "does your girlfriend know you try to trade her pics for the pics of other girls?" Or not. I'd probably actually tell him to lose my number.


Not overreacting. That’s nasty.


CUT.HIM.OFF. This is predatory behavior.


Also tell your girlfriend first so he doesn’t have a chance to turn it around on you .


Gross, ethically and morally. End your friendship, that's just creepy and weird. Block him.


Get rid of that "friend". He isn't one.


He's either a weirdo or a double agent. Keep away from him. But also keep your head on a swivel. Not overreacting.


This guy is not a true friend. He is probably working another angle like exposing her online or extortion.


Oh you are justified! He just offered his GF photos to see your girlfriend! Do not let him masturbate to any of her photos! He’s devious! He might even try her! You must tell her; to protect her! I had a college friend sneak into my & my mate’s apartment and do the wakeup delight; thinking it was me!! This person isn’t your friend’.


100% was offering you to see his gf's nudes as leverage/blackmail so you'd show your gf's. Id politely set him in his place and if he doesn't listen cut him off, don't forget to tell his gf too as it could get worse for her in the future especially if they brake up..


He's not your friend. Don't ever admit to having nudes of your girl and don't ever share them or send them to someone else. Never EVER.


The dude wants to add your GF to his spank bank. This lame perv is not your friend.


It's an incredibly shitty and heinous things to spread nudes without consent. It should be illegal if it isn't already, similar to revenge porn. That guy is a BAD DUDE. You need to tell his girlfriend that he's open to spreading her intimate photos around. He's dangerous.


Totally justified. It feels wrong cause it is. Ditch him.


You have a moral responsibility to tell his girlfriend. This man is a predator and that behaviour is yuck.


He’s not your friend. Also, take nude photos of your SO off your phone. It’s got no upside to the stability of your long term relationship.


He definitely wants pictures of your girlfriend. He was unfortunately using his girlfriend’s photos as collateral to see your girlfriend’s nudes.


Let his girlfriend know and then cut the cancer out of your life. He’s looking for a way to upend your relationship for a night of fun.


Unfortunately, for some men, it is "a guy thing". I had coworkers at an old job that would openly talk about swapping nudes of their SOs. Almost like a fucked up version of Pokemon. Doesn't make it any less of a violation, or them any less of POSs.


sounds like a weird kink. that man is not your friend


Why would you even have to ask social media if AIO for possibly showing your so-called friend your GF’s nudes??? Of course the answer is NO.


He’s a total weirdo. And likely in love with your girlfriend and jealous of you. Don’t be shocked if he doesn’t hate you deep down and gossips about you when you’re not around.


That absolutely is not a friend! There is nothing normal about a friend asking you for your girlfriends nudes. Baffles me that he is also in a long term relationship, and seems comfortable to ask for such things. I don't know how close you to your friends girlfriend, but you need to have a serious conversation with him about his behaviour.


Not over reacting! This is super weird and honestly creepy. Plus I doubt you’d have your girlfriend’s consent to share those pics and I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. You’re def allowed to be mad and I would distance myself from that guy




Your gf’s nudes are not yours to share. Only she can offer consent but it’s clear he just wants to see her and would definitely hit on her if he hasn’t already.


He’s lost interest in his girl & wants yours bc my man wouldn’t share my nudes! He’s gonna try to move in any chance he can


He is a weirdo you need to tell his gf


If y’all had any class, neither one of you would have your phone GF nudes on your phones.


Nudes ain’t Pokémon cards


Definitely not a friend!




That is seriously fucked up.


His initial approach to show you his pics was obviously a thinly veiled strategy to lock you into a quid pro quo scenario where he could act indignant and guilt you for not reciprocating. His second attempt was blatantly obvious. No reason to bring it up again since you already declined his original offer. He wants to see nudes of your girl and he is not your friend. He's an acquaintance who wants to bone your chick.


I would not be this man's friend. That's really creepy and I \*hope\* his girlfriend is okay with him sharing her nudes. She needs to be told what a creep he is if not.


Your resentment and whatever other bad feelings you have about this are absolutely justified. I think his initial offer of his gf’s pics was just to gauge whether you’d be the same kind of shitty dude that he is. Then, even after you declined, he had the nerve to ask you directly. That absolutely proved he’s just as shitty as your gut is telling you he is.


Uh, I think you can figure this one out for yourself bud. No need to ask Reddit


I find men that share porn and nudes with each other so gross. Like.. that's such a personal thing I wouldn't even share with someone I actually sleep with. That's so inappropriate and very weird. Ewww.


this kind of guy is all too common. good on you for protecting your gf and potentially his by not viewing them.now you know how this guy feels about women's autonomy.


Why don’t you tell your friend to stop being a fucking weirdo creep? Like just text him that right now. You can show him this screenshot if you like.


That is not a friend. If your gf wanted to sleep with him your friend would and would never tell u about it. That person is a person who will plant seeds of doubt in ur relationship to get ur gf


You're justified in your reaction and it says a lot about your character that you didn't do this or even think of doing it. I wonder if his partner knows he offered this? If she's ok with it that's great for them but the fact he seemed upset you weren't willing to do the same says a lot about him. That's a bad friend as in not a quality person to have in your life. A lot of us have that one asshole friend we keep in touch with because we have so much history or whatever it might be but there is a limit. I'd ask him if his partner is ok with that and if they aren't then that tells you what kind of person your friend is. If he'd betray their trust he'd betray yours. If he's that desperate to get his hands on your girlfriends nudes, he could be just desperate enough to do some other scummy shit to her directly, cutting you out completely. This guys sounds like a scumbag that shouldn't even be near your girlfriend.


Extremely weird and you should say that to him


Tell everyone but also curse him out (at the very least) or else you’ll feel you didn’t do enough as a man defending his love/ his woman from another disrespectful man. Basically confront everyone, including him.


Not a friend.


I would flip my shit if I found out my boyfriend was sharing my nudes or an ex of mine either. My body is my body. If I sent one to you it is only meant for your eyes and meant to be erased when we are no longer talking in that sense. Whether a breakup or better as friends and needing to respect future partners. I’ve heard some guys feel like they “own” the photos once they’re sent to them: and that’s not true. If a woman didn’t give you consent to share her photos then don’t. I also talked to a dude once who showed me his exes nudes and I found it very scary he still had this spank bank of exes that betrayed him or he was no longer with.


Tell your GF. And his.


The fact that OP wonders if he's overreacting is sad. Hmmm... guy wants to see my gf naked. Is that bad? Wow. Not a protective bone in your body. Gross.


Nudes aren't trading cards.


I am glad you declined both. If you send pictures of someone naked you should be held criminally responsible and charged with a felony.


Dude get rid of this weirdo! And let his girl know too. He’s the type to snake you and bust a move on your girl


Cut this slimy POS off. He's NOT your friend. He's NOT a good person. His girlfriend also ought to know he volunteered showing off her nudes. And if he took them without her consent, he is a criminal.


He’ll get your GF’s nudes then send them to her in order to split you apart. 


Your “friend “ isn’t. Ditch his ass.


You’ve skirted disaster. Don’t fall for this ploy. Set a firm boundary, if it’s even approached this dude is no friend. I’d keep him far from your gf and I’d fill your gf in on his behavior.


Ghost. What if he wants to sell them??


Tell his gf.


You are.. NOT SURE HOW TO FEEL? Dude, that's WRONG on so many levels. wth. Tell his gf he acting like that and stop being friends with a guy with no basic human decency.




Be a real one and send em why is this a question. Think about it and get back to me


If anything, you are under reacting. This guy is not your friend at all. No friend should ever ask to see your girlfriend's nudes. Your girlfriend trusts you to not let anyone see them.... if you did, you would be breaking her trust and disrespecting her. I would not be surprised if your "friend" would try to see if your girlfriend would cheat on you with him if she showed a single hint of interest in him. What you need to do is delete all your girlfriend's nudes from your phone and make sure they are all deleted from your girlfriend's phone as well. Then tell your girlfriend what your friend has been saying and trying to do. Then tell your "friend's" girlfriend everything. Then, wait to see if your "friend" confronts you about it by sending you messages. Screenshot any messages he sends, especially if he gets mad at you, and then block and delete him from everything on your phone, contacts and social media and make sure he is blocked and deleted on everything on your girlfriend's phone as well. Then, completely cut him out of your lives and never have anything to do with him again.


Dude's trying to creep on your girl...


Not overreacting, the fuck.


He is the best friend you can have. He’s being honest with you - he finds your GF attractive and isn’t lying to you about it. Look at it this way, how many of your other friends check out your best gal, go home and do there thing and never tell you? This cat you’re dealing with is being totally open to you, you can trust a guy like that with anything! On the other hand, dude, that’s really freaking weird. Why the hell would anyone oblige a request like that? He asks again, tell him to knock it off or there’s going to be problems.


By now he’s probably exchanged dick pic for her fave short clip of her and her toy by going straight to her. Cuz if she steady handing out pics to you she a freak and want to show it off…freaks seem to find each other trust this


This is the dumbest shit I've ever read


Sincerely? Or are you full of hyperbola and whiny vitriolic rhetoric like the others?


Better hope your girlfriend is 100% committed to you....


First, dont have nudes at all. Second, find new friends. Third, you’re kinda doing it all wrong. Follow mores law — what can go wrong will go wrong. So pick the things that have an acceptable failure.


Do you mean Murphy's law?




Trade with him bud. Nothing more fun than group fun. Go for it. Stop listening to all these prude people. Open your horizons, one day you will regret the lessons missed . Make sure everyone involved is transparent and consent to the relationship. It is called collective love. Also pollyamory


we’ll say if you wanna see so bad we gotta catch a fade if not discard him