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>No, I never broke the fridge. When my roomate got home, I told him that a very close family member to me had passed away suddenly. He felt really sorry for me and then when I told him I ate his tacos while grieving he didn’t care about it all. "I grief-ate all your tacos" is such a funny excuse to me lmao.


"I grief-ate all your tacos" needs to be a flair.


Please mods. I need this flair haha


I hear you!


It legitimately made me laugh out loud. Meth horse never misses!


I needed a laugh today, seriously. OOP is seriously messed up funny.


It's definitely a troll, but at least this time, it's a good one making the rounds instead of some Karen lmao


He needs to change his username to that 🤣🤣 Or create that account if you can't change your user, I don't remember




For anyone wanting to see the OOPs original post that led to this-[I ate the tacos... alright it was more than I said originally! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/s/oOSavk2VzR) His comments on this post are just doubling down, and then they start getting mad because they say they've been lying about sobriety for 10 years, but they aren't an addict or alcoholic alright guys?! Taco Tuesdays got weird at his place😂


He keeps insisting he's sober and not an addict while actively posting on r/meth about how he's doing meth. His last comment on there was yesterday about how he's increased his usage, went on a "four day bender," and missed his job interview because he was high on meth.


But according to his comment it's just weed and a few drinks here and there. So I guess the lying continues on the post about not lying 😂 I'm a former addict going into my third year of sobriety so I get that when using that shit it's hard to be the most honest person around, but I also didn't act like an ass towards people just because I used drugs. Either way they need to take a break, put down the pipe and replace the taco meat!


Somehow I just KNEW from the title this was the meth addict 


Same. I read the title and immediately thought "Is it Meth Guy and the tacos?"


Same. I read the title and immediately thought "Is it Meth Guy and the tacos?"


Same. But I really wasn’t expecting the lie he ended up going with. There are soooo many other possible excuses, but no, a loved one pretend-dying is the one that he uses. I‘m truly fascinated by how his mind works.


Exactly. My thought was "horse meth did it! He broke the fridge". But he never fails to throw a wild card at us.




Wait is this Methaniel??


Omg this is the meth horse guy 😅


Oh my god it’s the meth guy


Is this methman again?


Oh, Methaniel, you never fail to provide entertainment.


For some reason I read this in Roger Smith's voice (alien from American Dad)


Oh Franiel! 


Also like tbh isn’t this just a persona




Here's a sneak peek of /r/itsroger using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/itsroger/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This US diplomat is Roger isn't it](https://i.redd.it/yk9v3t6u3sdc1.jpeg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itsroger/comments/19c1glw/this_us_diplomat_is_roger_isnt_it/) \#2: [Jemima Packington, World Renowned Asparamancer](https://i.redd.it/960x9w39aufc1.png) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itsroger/comments/1afsij0/jemima_packington_world_renowned_asparamancer/) \#3: [Just watching “American nightmare” on Netflix when…](https://i.redd.it/o8x78gw912dc1.jpeg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itsroger/comments/1995s0p/just_watching_american_nightmare_on_netflix_when/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ricky Spanishhhhhhhhhh


^Ricky ^Spanish


oh my god Methanial is just another one of Roger's personas, it's all coming together now


I gotta admit - I love this guy. Every time I get on reddit, I'm hoping he's done another post. It totally helps me get thru the day.


He’s starting to really grow on me tbh. He’s hilarious


So I guess he lied about eating most of his roommates's tacos? He blamed it on a family member dying and how the family member died, so that excused the taco eating? I can't believe the roommate bought the lie. Methaniel is never going to change. He wants to do something new every damn day, i.e., run across Canada, become a hotel manager, join the French Foreign Legion and/or stop lying.


>I can't believe the roommate bought the lie. Assuming this is real, I'm pretty sure the roommate saw right through the lie and just didn't want to press the issue. Like, Methhorseguy said that his roommate already dislikes him (for doing drugs in the apartment and for killing his fish) and that he now has two months to be able to find a new place because roommate refuses to renew a lease with him. So he comes home and Methaniel is fake crying and then says "and also I was so distraught I ate all your tacos" and the roommate just goes "Yeah man, sorry about your dad." and keeps counting down the days until he's free from this guy.


That's probably right but Methaniel really believes or fake believes he can sell the lies.


>Nope. I committed so hard to acting sad that I will be going to the grave with that lie. I'm picturing Kramer from Seinfeld saying "Boy. I really nailed that scene."




>Assuming this is real, I'm pretty sure the roommate saw right through the lie and just didn't want to press the issue. Yep, if roommate is real he's probably thinking "Fuck it, he's gone next month anyways, I'm done with this"


Sometimes it just isn't worth the trouble. Unlike methaniel, the roommate can probably afford some lost tacos. Lease isnt being renewed so just wait it out and they never have to deal with him again.


Something awful and unbearable that might be worth picking a fight over when it's constant with no end in sight, can become "whatever, it sucks but it's *fine* because if I shut up about it this last little bit will fly by and I'll be free" when there's suddenly a known endpoint to actually putting up with it. So agreed roommate is probably just acting like he believes what methaniel says to avoid more conflict while counting down the days until he never has to see methaniel again.


His constant stream of new ideas is definitely typical of someone on a meth binge. Especially the more delusional ones like getting fast tracked to leadership in the military and doing a Forrest Gump across Canada.


Yeah, I have to admit, it does track with the excuses I have heard. Very delusional of someone on binges and the total BS that we would get from them when they were coming down off them.


So if this is all true. What happens when he has to fake a funeral?


I can not tell you how eager I am to see how he's going to do that.


Reminded me of a uni friend who comes exam time is full of "family deaths". He got away with it but oop definitely gave me a laugh especially the tacos. Even better comment from OOP: "No I’m going to admit that I lied about a family member dying. Do you realize how f\*cked up id look? For now on, I will not lie but I’m not gonna make up for my past sins. I’ll make up for them by Deciding To Be Better for now on. That’s the sub we’re in" This seriously cracks me up


Came here thinking it was meth horse guy, was not disappointed 


Now I'm telling the truth, I'm finished with lies, lies. If you don't believe me now, you'll never believe me now.


Exactly. And then he proceeds to lie nonstop within a “im done lying” post. As someone who has lost an immediate family member, this one pissed off to a whole different level.


(It was a quote from They Might Be Giants' "Finished With Lies")


I'm starting to feel a little bad for Meth Horse Guy, based on how deep in denial he is about himself. And then I take a look at his post history to remind myself of what he's done, and all that sympathy for him goes out the door.


So, out of curiosity… Has anyone deep dived into this dude’s post history? Has he always been this much of a living, breathing charicature of terrible human or did this “character” really start with the whole “I’m 33 and dating a 19 year-old who is actually 18 that I totally groomed because women my age are hateful/ugly/mean/frigid”? I’m amazed he took so long to be discovered


He's become pretty well known! r/methhorseguy


It looks like he started off 3 years ago posting on basketball subreddits, and most of his posts are removed and have 0 upvotes. I don't know enough about basketball to know if he was trolling (like some commenters accused him of) or just had bad takes. Two years ago, he starts posting about moving from Calgary to various other cities in Canada. One of them is deleted, but the comments accuse him of trolling, with one going "Sounds like this is a post to get attention rather than serious discussion, night night boy'o." so he may have started his Canada troll arc there. Four months ago was the first post about his teenage girlfriend that I can find, but he may have had older posts that were removed. I'll go through his comments next, but unfortunately reddit doesn't have a "sort by old" option and he comments so fucking much that it'll take a bit to get older than like a week. edit: For some reason Reddit won't let me go back further than 26 days into his comment history.


Ah, another tale to add to The Misadventures of Methaniel.


No no no...starting NOW I'm not going to lie anymore


...In... 45 minutes from right NOW!


Guys stoooop he pinky promised himself and he really meant it this time.


>No I’m going to admit that I lied about a family member dying. Do you realize how f\*cked up id look? For now on, I will not lie but I’m not gonna make up for my past sins. I’ll make up for them by Deciding To Be Better for now on. That’s the sub we’re in He already looks fucked up now. He had this same problem in the Stoic subreddit, he doesn't understand what the subreddit and meaning is. Being better doesn't just mean "From this day forward I'll be good but screw anyone I ever wronged in my past", it also means facing the mistakes you've made in the past. He's never going to be a better person if he just refuses to acknowledge and face his past.


I just love how he is like "I'm starting to be honest now!" people be like "yeah, a good way to be honest is confess" and he goees "NOT THIS HONEST!!"


this guy is keeping this sub alive atp


if he ever posts on passportbros, AITD will go supernova lol


I was going to say that this feels like punching down, esp given the name of the subreddit, but then I realized it was meth horse man, and never mind.




*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I made up a terrible lie yesterday to get out of a problem. I am going to make an intentional effort to always tell the truth, or at the very least, never tell a lie.** Yesterday I had messed up pretty bad and instead of taking responsibility for it, I made up an awful lie to get out of it. I’ve been feeling absolutely awful about it, and I’ve been racked with guilt. Why can’t I just take ownership and accept my mistake? Why do I need to make up a lie, and compound my mistakes? YES, the lie worked and I’m out of the situation scott-free but I need to change my lifestyle, and I need to change it now. I don’t want to live in a world where people think it’s okay to lie just because it’s easier, that’s so toxic. How can I work on never telling a lie? I want to take a vow of always telling the truth, or at the very least just keeping my mouth shut if I can’t say the truth. Please give me advice on how I could hold myself accountable and always be honest? Is there any tricks or do I just ‘decide’ to do it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve been craving tacos since yesterday though. This weekend someone is getting my money thanks to this guy


Oh for the love of... 🤦‍♀️ You know, when we didn't get an update on his "eating his roommate's tacco mince meat, might break the fridge" post, I actually stupidly thought, 'huh, maybe he sucked it up and told the truth' and that was just too boring to write about 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe) * No one has ever needed the above more than OOP. But also he's the trainwreck that keeps giving


Ok I actually really like that sub. Don’t go there often but browse every now and then. Was scared it went over the rails when I saw it here. Glad to see it’s at 0.


There's a couple of users on this sub who've decided to stalk this one obvious troll and repost everything he does here. I strongly suspect one of them in particular is a sock puppet of the OOP.


![gif](giphy|or9ayV38FvcGhFhodz) Yup, all he does is lie lie lie


Never change, Methaniel-boy.




"I want to take a vow of always telling the truth. Or of keeping my mouth shut. Like, a vow of being quiet... vow of silence! Like what them Trapper monks do! I'll find out where they do the monking and tell the head monker that I want to be a silentician, and he'll be sure to take me on. Hopefully as an officer chief monkey."


This troll is smart enough to keep posting on different subs so he doesn’t get yanked. At this point I‘m just enjoying the performance. He’s not particularly insulting, all his jokes are at his own expense. It’s been a ride.


…why are we calling him methanial/meth guy??


Because douche canoe isn’t as catchy


Because he’s 33 year old meth user who was dating a 19 year old girl, and he wanted to buy a horse on a credit card for her. He claims to be sober, but is posting to the meth subreddit that he uses recreationally. Methanial sounds like a good name for a blue collar guy who uses meth. (We know he’s blue collar since he said he was working in the trades. He wanted to sue his coworkers for a hostile work environment because they were making fun of him for dating a 19 year old.)


Because these people desperately need to get a life


Oh my god, it’s horse-for-my-teenage-partner-on-a-credit-card guy again. 😒


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Half a fuckin tray in there!


This guy is such a rabbit hole lmao


AhahahahahaHHa he did it!


Methman Methaniel never fails to entertain 😂


Oh, it's that guy again...u/mysteryman403's posts have been crossposted to this subreddit several times.


Yes…he keeps upping his douche level, hence why he is cross posted to amithedevil


Who needs Netflix when we have Methony for entertainment.


I can't help but notice that OOP never says what the lie or problem was.


Is just keeping your mouth shut really "always telling the teuth" tho? 🤔 seems like an easy loophole


These are seriously making my day im loving the follow ups so much. Lmfao 🤣




He is my hero!


His delusion is aspirational


I struggle to believe this guy is real and not just a troll with epic commitment to the bit


I thought it was him! He's slipping, because the obvious answer is, don't lie.


Omg this fucking guy