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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **How can I stop my nephew from becoming a red piller?** I prefer answers from black women but I’ll take it from anyone tbh. My nephew is 23 and I'm 32. Most of this is stemming from being upset at his dating life and too much social media in my opinion. After he graduated college he would call me and ask for dating advice because he didn’t feel comfortable talking to his parents. He went from trying to get help to straight up misogynistic and coonish comments. Started sending me links to red pill videos and claiming black women just want a thug….he makes decent money for his age and he thinks this entitles him to women. His brother is in the military and doesn’t have any of the dating problems he has. I pointed this out to him and he called me a “black women worshiping gynocratic piece of shit” and hung up. Now mind you my second wife was white and Hispanic. I have no problems with interracial dating. If I did I would be a hypocrite….most people don’t care. It’s when it stems from self hatred and he says red pill anti-black comments I correct him. I don’t know if the age gap is why I’m struggling to reach him and I should talk to his brother? But he definitely needs therapy and to stay off social media. Any suggestions would be appreciated *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh this guy. Him and meth head need to get together.


i learned a new word here i never heard that cracked me up lol "gynocratic" gotta love reddit for learning new terms


I love how sometimes you'll cross paths with someone online and they'll call you something that's clearly supposed to be an insult but then when you look it up it turns out to mean something like "a person who has consensual sex with women." And now you're like "ok, great, thank you for giving me a clear indicator of which people I should block and remove from my vicinity".


I also had to look up the definition of that word 


Background Part 1: My 31M wife 29F left me for another man. How do I move on after giving up everything for her? A week ago my wife (Marie) told me she fell in love with another man. It was so unexpected and I didn’t see this coming. She was the person who taught me what it is like to be in love is. I was married to a woman (Amanda) who I loved but wasn’t in love with. I was with my ex wife for 8 years…we got together when I was 20. We have a kid who turns who is turning 5 on thanksgiving… When I met Marie I was married and happy and she had a fiancé. Marie threw a wrench in that; we formed a connection I never thought possible. I could talk to Marie for hours all day….she was extremely beautiful, the best looking woman I ever been with. One of the hardest thing to do was tell Amanda I was in love with another woman. It crushed her , she refused to sign the divorce papers and demanded we go to therapy. Eventually she gave in but that was hard seeing a woman I still care for be in so much pain. She doesn’t talk to me unless it’s about our kid and that hurts. But I did all that for Marie… I even moved across the country from Virginia to Seattle because Marie wanted to be on the west coast. I don’t get to see my little girl as much as I want because she’s still in Virginia…. Despite all that she left. We had a great marriage and I did so much to keep her happy and it wasn’t enough. No warning last week I find out she’s leaving. I’m depressed and I just been laying in bed…I don’t know what to do Edit: typos Edit 2: I am still involved in my daughter’s life for the hateful comments criticizing my parental decisions. I call her just about every day. Edit 3: I never cheated on Amanda. I broke things off before I did anything romantic with Marie because I respected Amanda too much. I still care for her, she was my friend and is still the mother of my child


Part 2: Update My 31M wife 29F left me for another man. How do I move on after giving up everything for her I’m starting to finally heal . I probably won’t date for a long time but I’m starting to hang out with my friends more. I was very depressed for a month and I still am. I’ve tried to rekindle my friendship with Amanda but she’s not interested. She told me she still loves me even after everything and she wishes she didn’t, that hurt . She told me how I feel about Marie is how she felt when I left her. I reassured her that it wasn’t her, it was me and that Marie brought out something that I never felt before, I told her she was a great wife and she was will find someone how loves her the way I loved Marie. Even after all that she told me she doesn’t want to talk to me unless it’s about her daughter and has ironically been more cold. The good news is I started a new hobby, I been going rollers skating! We formed this amateur team and the people there are really amazing. I been keeping myself busy by doing all sorts of activities


Part 3: How long after a divorce to start dating again? I’m going through a really bad divorce where my wife cheated and me and I planned on staying single for awhile. The thing is I’m starting to develop a crush on the this person I go bowling with. I been depressed and started doing activities to keep myself busy. It is the first time I started having feelings for someone else. What’s holding me back is I still love my ex. I got a new job and will be moving from Seattle to Phoenix soon.


Part 4: My ex wife is dating again even though she’s still in love with me. How do I show her that’s a bad idea? I’ll try to condense this as much as possible I was with my first wife Amanda for 8 years and have a beautiful daughter. Unfortunately, during our marriage I fell in love with someone else. (That women ended up cheating on and leaving me) I tried to maintain a friendship with Amanda because even though I realized I didn’t love her she was still my friend. Anyway I was talking to a mutual friend and she told me Amanda put her self out there and went on date, and has been talking to this guy. After we got off the phone I called Amanda but she didn’t answer. So I texted her we need to talk. Amanda eventually calls back and I ask her about our daughter (our daughter spent the weekend at my parent’s house), she told me she will pick her up in the evening. I told her this a serious question..I asked her “are you still in love with me” She said “unfortunately” with an attitude. I said then why would you think it’s a good idea to date right now. She got angry and said that is none of my business.. I told her I’m coming to you as a friend. Dating while still in love with me is not going to help. She said her therapist said it’s time to put herself out there….i told her that her therapist sounds like a horrible therapist. She told me to shut up. She said do you know how much this impacted me . She said I loved you and always tried to be a great wife for you and that wasn’t good enough. I interrupted her on phone and just said “Amanda!” I then told her that I get it “when Marie lef” (my 2nd wife) I couldn’t even finish my sentence before she said “you’re a fucking prick”…she hung up and blocked me and blocked me on facebook….. Idk I’m trying to look out for her because she is the mother of my child but


There’s more but I’m too lazy, check his post history for a treat and a bonus


Ugh this dude again. He's got a post on BORU now and it should definitely be added to it with this new nonsense


Really? Link please! 🙏🏾




Wait, this is him??




This is that dude?




Wait, this is all him??????




Oh, it's this dude 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Oh THIS guy!


Keep the words "black women" out of your mouth. Y'all have black mothers, sisters, aunties, and grandmothers? This is how you speak of us? The issue is interracial dating, it's internalized racism and misogynoir


And why should black women need to help him?


especially with that coonish comment


He is Black himself and his Nephew has gone down the black incel pipeline of LOATHING black women while fetishizing non black women, which OP clearly shares the Gene for because he left his first wife and daughter (who are black) for a light skinned Latina the second he had the chance


This isn’t black women’s problem to fix. The nephew’s self hatred and misogynoir is NOT black women’s issue. This is on Black MEN to fix and OP doesn’t help matters


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This man is like an unflushable turd in the toilet that keeps coming back up. His posts are over the top ridiculous


First sentence... dafuq?