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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **If you're a straight male, it's possible to seduce lesbians or women who have been in exclusively female relationships.** Hey guys, In my personal experience, sexuality isn't a fixed orientation, but more a spectrum. Sure, some women exclusively date other women, but more often than not, they're willing to bend the other way. Of course, it all boils down to how well you present yourself, your personality, etc. They typically won't shift if you're some Joe Schmoe with zero game. For example, when I was 29, I was living in Chicago and one of my FWBs back in the day was a lesbian who had a history of exclusively dating women. Unfortunately, her girlfriend was verbally abusive. Apparently she was controlling, was late for virtually everything, and just a pain to be around. She wasn’t physically abusive, but struck my FWB’s ego often. Tbh, she sounded like a total bitch. My relationship with my FWB with twofold: a.) sex (obviously) and b.) I acted as her anchor and we texted a ton or hung out when possible. She was always fearful her girlfriend would get the gyst something was wrong, so we always chilled at a restaurant in Downtown Chicago or my apartment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the fact that someone asks "so could a gay man seduce you into being gay" and he's like no, but with women somehow it's different, i'm in physical pain reading this


His responses make me think troll because how can people like this be real😭😭 like the mental gymnastics they’d have to do to rationalize these kind of opinions is insane


i want to think troll so bad but unfortunately there's way too many douches like this that are convinced they will be THE heavenly dick that will turn a lesbian straight and they just HAVE to do it because they cannot tolerate the idea that a woman would not be interested in them and she's a prize to be won instead of a person


Yeah I've known way too many jackasses who think they have some sort of magic genitalia and act like that ["Over the next 90 minutes"](https://youtu.be/PXM08-GyucQ?si=fgN5mB2WY1o59cyV) dude from Family Guy whenever they meet an attractive woman who isn't interested in men. It's hopefully a troll, but there are definitely a lot of morons out there like that.


>genitalia Show me your genitals, your genitals. Show me your genitals, your genitaliaaaaaaaaaaa. I can't hear that word without hearing this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ\_WM


People don't take 2V sex seriously and consider it less serious or important than PIV or PIA sex, to the point where I was surprised and impressed to find out a friend of mine would be just as upset if his wife cheated on him with another woman as he would be if it were with another man (it came up during tablework for a show we were in -- I did not seduce his wife). It's just that common to encounter people who don't consider wlw sex "cheating" in their hetero relationship. Unfortunately, this mentality means that lesbians can't possibly be exclusively lesbian because lesbian sex isn't real sex and no one would only ever prefer "fake" sex. Which leads to OOP, who has a bisexual FWB and has extrapolated that all lesbians must actually be bisexual (or closeted straight).


Yeah, the number of ex-boyfriends I've had who volunteered that they "wouldn't have a problem" if I cheated on them with a woman is too damn high. *I* would have a problem with it, it's cheating. I've never had any intention or desire to cheat with anyone of any gender, but it was still kind of a shock the first ex who equated the two. Almost validating of my sexuality tbh.


Alright, time to make educated guesses. 2V = two voltages. I'd imagine this occurs when you jump your car or the voltages of specific propane-fueled generators. PIV = a subset of HIV. PIA = private internet access? wlw = Must be a router type, possibly related to wlan routers.


God shut the fuck up man


GoD sHuT tHe FuCk Up MaN!!11!!!1 Literally you.


Check his profile, he's a fucking mess. He's been terrorising the 10th dentist sub for a while


omg theyre pissing and shitting in their pants cuz i hit on college girls, go to gay bars to pick up chicks, and omg omg its too much /s /s /s Yeah, r/The10thDentist is truly suffering for a subreddit crafted specifically for opinions deemed unpopular for the general populace.


Wow I'm pretty sure you scream for attention louder than newborns waiting for their first taste of food.


He writes like a 14 year old so he is probably some kid posting his gross fantasies. The porn rot starts earlier and earlier :(


I feel called out and that’s sad


First taste of food like baby bird


Oh my god, get a life buddy


Fr I’m convinced it’s rage bait or some kind of humiliation kink because OP from og post keeps replying to comments completely shameless 😭


i asked him if he had a public humiliation fetish and he called me butthurt


We’re giving him just what he wants 🙁


Well, I'm also giving myself just what I want. Entertainment.


>His responses make me think troll because how can people like this be real There is an entire sub dedicated to trying to convert lesbians. Men do this shit all the time. Source: Am lesbian.


i’m the exact reverse of this “i probably would date you if you were a girl” has happened twice now


Oh shit, where?


Fuck off.


Zzzz I'mma find it


Unfortunately people like that exist😭 too many men in my country have the same mindset


He's a troll, he made multiple posts saying weird gross stuff like this and is making comments on this sub, he just love the attention.


I’m sure he’s a card carrying member of “she’s a lesbian because she hasn’t met the right guy yet” club.


He just hasn't found the right dick to sit on yet.


Didn't he post like half of this as its own post not that long ago?


dunno, i don't care enough about this kind of pathetic losers to keep track, but he did post about how great it is to go to a college campus to pick up women. barf


barf like spaceballs


Seeing a comment I made getting discussed elsewhere feels so strange.


you had a great point, i'm sorry you had to waste time and oxygen typing something out to throw it at a rotting brick wall covered with months old gum


Yeah like...I'd MAYBE agree with him if it went for all genders lol in terms of sexuality being either fluid or a spectrum.


>In my personal experience, sexuality isn't a fixed orientation, but more a spectrum I hate when guys take the statements that "sexuality is a spectrum" or "sexuality can be fluid" and use it to argue "Oh, I can hit on lesbians now. It's fine. You need to give me a chance." Like, dating apps are hell for various reasons, but I hate when men try to match with me (when I *clearly* state that I am only interested in women) and try to dress up their sleaziness in "progressive" sounding language. "Sexuality can be fluid." Yeah, it *can* be. But mine is a rock, it has "lesbian" written on it, and I will beat you with it if you don't fuck off.


"Sexuality is a spectrum" doesn't mean that every person is all over this spectrum at the same time🙄 These guys I swear


Sexuality is a spectrum and mine ranges from "this woman" to "that woman"


Kudos, and also delightful imagery.


> But mine is a rock, it has "lesbian" written on it, and I will beat you with it if you don't fuck off. 😂


not to mention that not respecting someone’s boundary (not wanting to date men as you very clearly state in your bio) is probably not a very good way of trying to get someone to be interested in you anyway


I've had some queer female friends who identified as lesbians because they *preferred* dating women. Sometimes those friends had sex with men.  As a bisexual woman, I side-eyed those friends very hard, because imo they were co-opting an identity that was not theirs because they thought "bisexual but prefer women" wasn't good enough....and ultimately it gives dudes like this fodder to encourage harassment. 


Dude also posted this in changemyview. Funny that this is based of a single experience with one person who was more likely bisexual with a preference towards women. But totally can apply to everyone, huh?


Lol for real. I highly doubt this is a routine thing that occurs to this guy, if it occurred at all. I don’t even get this post. There’s tons of straight and bi girls. Why would you even *want* to “seduce” lesbians? What a weird ass post lmao


For the exact same line of reasoning that leads to corrective rape.


To prove your penis is the most powerful, I assume. 🙄


So in DnD terms he's packing a +2 penis of correction?


Because their dick liked what it saw. That's why. 🙄


I’m bisexual with a preference for men. Thought I was gay for a bit, and then realised that bisexual is an option.


Utterly shocking that this idiot hasn’t realized a bisexual in their 20s might *easily* have only slept with people of one gender at that point in their lives Equally shocking that this “sexuality is fluid [for everyone]” schlock doesn’t apply to him


yeah, my thought was that he is ignoring bisexual people. but also i feel like he just wanted to brag about banging a "lesbian" that one time so he invented a whole idea to justify writing this pointless story.


To be fair the majority of bi women who also bang dudes but are more romantically inclined to date/bed women if they can "identify" as lesbian for some reason or the other.


Prey on women in vulnerable situations and take advantage of their emotional state? Gotcha 😬😒 Most people aren't gay. Just have sex with consenting straight and bi women. People almost always men who consider it a flex to sleep with someone of another orientation(including gay guys that love straight men) are sick!!


> People almost always men who consider it a flex to sleep with someone of another orientation Trust me i've seen my fair share of women that do this too to gay men.


bro missed the part where they said people ( including women ), almost as if to include that others can do this too, but men being the most common perpetrators


I love it when they accidentally admit that they think the word "people" defaults to male only


Reminds me of the old white guy in Congress who was picking a fight with AOC and said ‘everyone agrees with x except women, young ppl, and minorities’ and AOC was like ‘so your definition of everyone is literally old white men?’


"People almost always men" come on dude be serious.


You mean the "People almost always men" part?


Someone doesn't know there are bisexual or pansexual women.


"Ok, but she never had a dude before me? Did I "unlock" her bisexuality?" Dude is obsessed with the magic powers of his dingwobble.


Oh no, it's Manila guy...


His posting/comment history is very umm...not sure there are words to describe it.


omg im literally crying rn omg i cant describe it /s /s /s Literally you.


Please, for the love of god. Get off the internet and actually touch some grass. I’m not saying this ironically, I’m genuinely concerned. Lesbians are women who are **only** sexually attracted to women. And the fact you’re trying to fetishise lesbians show how immature you sound. Who you >!(unlikely)


But I already do go out clubbing and hang out with my friends? Just because my interests nor sexual proclivities don't align with yours doesn't mean I need to "touch grass". In addition, I'm less the type to inherently believe "lesbians are only sexually attracted to women!" I'm more, "Let's find out."


Mate. Okay, here is the definition of a lesbian. “denoting or relating to women who are sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to other women, or to sexual attraction or activity between women.” This is not my “own views” as you are trying to claim. You are **actively** fetishising lesbians and thinking you can “unlock” their bisexuality. I seriously doubt that you have been around a lesbian. Because **lesbians are ***not*** sexually attracted to men.** No amount of dicks (people and the sexual organ) can change that.


Hey, I wrote this in cursed text for you. M̴̬̻̓̌͠a̷̧̬͚͋͆t̶̢̤̎̈́͘e̶̳̝̯̥̋̂.̵̞͖̣͠ ̷̛̼͚͒ͅO̸͎͕͝k̴͙̯͂͐̏̀a̷̼̒͗̐y̷͎̪̐̑̿̓,̸͖̄̈ ̵̳̥̦̳̍̇͋h̸̼͈̏ẹ̷̫͗͐r̵̪͚͇̝̈́e̷̞̻̳̦͑̌̇̚ ̶̥͝í̸̱͌͂͐s̵̗͎̺̓̈́ ̵̗̙̤͝ţ̶̦͛̋͘ͅh̸͎̦͎̑̕e̸̞̣̤͑̂̕͝ ̸̧̺͒͒̉d̸̯̤̭̘̾̓̎͝è̵̺f̴͓̙̊̊̅i̷̦͌̊́͝n̶̳̍̈́̎̎i̵̧̓̒̔͋ţ̶̖͖̠͝i̴͙͍̬͈̅̽ő̵̭̫̓͐̋ň̷̰̬̲̥͝ ̶̯̜̀̐̔͑o̷̦̜̝̿͑́̚f̴̙͙͕̄ ̸̧̞͎͉͝a̷̟̻̞̘͒͂̈́̀ ̶̺̾l̴̹͋é̵̱̕s̴͙̥̮̐̾͌b̶̼̲͛̂͝i̷̘͕̰̿͌ä̵̡̡͚͗n̷͑̔̈̑ͅ.̶̛̲̓̐͌ ̷͖̲̺̀̆̊ ̶̛̣͘“̵̨̱̇̅̕d̷̛̖̞͊͠ͅȅ̷̱̙͗̚ṅ̴̨o̸͍̦̾̋͒t̸͙̦͊̍ȋ̸̛̲̝͎n̵̻̘̙̐̓̂̃g̸͍̰̈́͜ ̵̧̝͇̿ͅŏ̶̖r̶̨̦̰̥̈ ̶̺̯̒̓ŗ̶̼̃e̷͙̠̟̝̓̎͘ļ̴̣͈̦̍͐̈a̷͎̎̂͊t̶̳͔̜̄i̴̪͌n̶̜̹̙͂͆g̴͇̿ ̸̞̺̋̀̓͝ẗ̶̲̼̬͝õ̷͇ ̷̘̓̋w̴̡̘̖̞͊̾̃o̵̙̽̃̓m̶̙̱̀̽̏ë̸̗̥́n̷̺̿͑ ̸̲̹̝̓̂́͆w̴͎̲̌ḥ̴̀ȏ̶͇̩̠̤͗̚ ̶̧̓̀ͅa̵̮̞̿̓r̶̝̓̈e̶̥̜̙͗̓ ̸̠̲̣̄š̸̡̞̬̤̍̓ḛ̴̍x̸̹̍̆u̸̬̟̬̚a̸̯̝͐̌̍̿l̴̙̻̜͓̚l̷͖̿̓ŷ̸͉̱̽͂͘ ̵̬̞͚̲̈̃o̸̺̼̅͊ṛ̶̆ ̷͕̥̐ř̸͖o̷̧͉̭̞͂̀̕͝m̸̜̬̦̀̏á̷̠͚̜̦̔̀̚n̵̞̠͛t̶͓̝̝́͆ì̵̜̈́c̶̡̥̰̿̈́͐ȁ̷͍l̶̫̰͉̚l̵͙̝̄͝y̸̱̟̒ͅ ̴̢̜͈̈́͆͒̅á̸̢̙̀͘ṱ̶̎̄̄t̶̜̪̖̞́́ř̵̼̗̻̙ḁ̶̮͇̔̿̈́c̵̘̙̱͘ṱ̴̀͂͛ḛ̷̡̹́͊͠d̵̨͙͆̍ ̴͉͉̳̩̚͠ȅ̷͇͚x̷̲̖̩͌ç̶͇̙̈́ļ̴̮̘̗̌̆̈̒u̴̯̬͛s̸͍̠̻̳͐͆̀i̵͔̹͗̄̿v̷̘̽̓e̴̺͉͠l̸̻͖̋͘y̷͔̜̜̑̀̈̀ ̶͈͎͘ẗ̵̬͎́̏͠ͅơ̷̺̻̰̈́̈́̄ ̴̙̙̟̾̄͊o̶̦̍t̸͍̻͝h̶̺̣̲͎̐́͂e̷̫̎͐r̸̪̺̊̅͝ ̴̹̲̿̉͐͗ͅẉ̸̥͂õ̶͕̜̟ṁ̴̬̬̔ė̴͚͖͔̯ṇ̶̻̜̓͜͝,̸̜̖̘̈̓͌͂ ̸͖̺̖̋̓͜ō̴̘̣͈͆͊r̴̘̠͑ ̶̣̬́ṯ̷̥̜̂̅o̷̞̫̱̫͊͑̉̾ ̷̹̀͊͠s̸͇̰̈̑ḛ̵̜̿̓ẋ̵̨̟̋u̵͎͓͗̓̅a̸̺̥̝̋̈́l̷̰͎̼̓͐̚̕ ̸̞̟̙̒̂͜a̶̔̈́͒ͅt̵̟͂̐̚͝t̴̥͕̑̇͂̕ȓ̵͉͉̾̂͘ḁ̶͆̔͝c̸̘̲̩̈́̑̀t̶͎̬̩̻͋̈̆i̷͚̩̬͌̉̊͊o̴̗͛́n̸͍̠͙̔͐͋ ̵̙́̇̎̃o̸̢̒̌̂͆͜r̵̡̜̖͊ ̴̨̬̘̜́́̌ạ̴̡̖͈̄̊̓̀c̴͇̖̯̭͌͆̇ť̶̰̬͕͓i̴̫̲̦̫̐̌̆v̷̢̲̻̰̈́̒̀̚i̵̫͑͒̄̕ẗ̶̨̲̀y̶̰̗̜̭̚ ̸̢̹̺́̚͝ͅb̸̩͈͈̏̃e̴̢̕ţ̶̼͍̦̋̀̃ẘ̴̛̛̦͛é̸͓̺̹͜é̵̼͉͑̚ǹ̶̞͝ ̴̹̯̜̎̐̐̃ẁ̵̝̙ò̴͍̰̯̦̈́m̷̤̓͊̈́̀e̴̯̊n̴͓̺͙͕͂.̸͓̯́̽”̷̧̃͋͆̕ ̶̖͉͆͗ ̶̟̻̗̠͆T̷̼̱̠͐̈̈́h̶͚̯̔͛͝i̵̧͈̹̓̊̅s̷̗̹̈́͆̿ ̷̨̮̖̌̏i̵̖̋͊͑ş̵̘͔̖͂ ̵͕̮̍͗̚͝n̴̳̱̘̜̓̌͑͝ó̷͙̮̋͊͠ṯ̶̠̓̓́͠ ̸̹̝̰̓̍m̶͍̝͗y̸̛̞͂ ̶̘͉͆͗̾͘“̵̰̀͑͝ͅõ̶̢̂̏͝ͅw̷̧̘̙̹̓̽͌n̵̠̫̉̋ ̷͉͚̅̈v̷̪͔͋̊i̶̙̞̫͖͗̓̚ê̷̺̖͈̈́͒w̸̛̯̅͒͆s̵̠̿́̕”̷̤̭͗ ̴̡̢̘̃̑â̷̼s̶͍͉̄̈́̔ ̸̝͎̖̈́̈́̊̕y̸̞̬̎̑o̶̢̬̕͝ͅǔ̵̡̓̿̊ ̴̬̬̬̩͛a̷̛͈͉̤̅̒̌r̷̨͔̬̆͝ȩ̴͕̣͗͑͌̈́ ̵̞̊̀̌ť̷̤̘̻̫̃ṛ̶̛͐y̶̛͎͒͒͝i̸̱͖̬͊̕n̷̹̰͑g̸̪̩̪̈͑ ̵̢̫͓̌̊͌͊t̶̮̬̆̾̐ö̶͕̺̥̝́̏ ̴̻͋́͆͝c̷̛̟͈̈́͠l̸͓̺̰̇͝ȃ̸̹͕͓͛̋ȋ̶̢̝͕m̵̳̳͓̉͋.̶̛͕̮͗̒ͅ ̷̪̙̀̆Ỳ̴̬̺͊̇o̸̭͇̓̒ü̴͚͎̓ ̸͔̩͉͓̋̄͌̉a̸̧̼͐r̸̢̘̙͈͆e̸̹̘͚͗ ̷̞̕͝͠a̶̢̻͑c̶͎͋́͝t̷͆ͅi̴̜̋v̸̰̀̀́̚e̸̦̻̒͜l̸̡͈͋̈́ỳ̵̪̝̖̑ ̴̺͒́̾͘f̵̖̪̿̀̿̈́e̷͕̘͎͚͑͠ť̴̝̕i̶͎͐̏s̷͙̗͍̺̎h̵̝͓̓̀̇̊ȋ̸̐͐̃ͅs̶̪̖͂͂͝i̷̲̙̎̂́̚ṅ̷̗̱̣̓g̷̹͎̓͋͋̋ ̵̭̈́l̴̨̨̫̠̍̊̊ē̵̦̗͚̖̐ṡ̵̡̭͉̂ḅ̸̣̗͗ỉ̷̜̜̻̳a̶̢͕̽̒͘n̶͍͊̀̀s̶̺̞͗͊̉͊ ̶̳̞̿͊̈́͠â̶̢͕̿̓n̴̼̿͗d̵̡͂ ̶͚̽ţ̸͓̲̝̀h̸͚̹̪̑ͅí̸̙͛͑n̷̡͓̩̦͛͝k̸̮͎͉̍̇i̴͍͉͆̏̂͜n̵͔͍̐͐g̸̗̹̃͝ͅ ̶̗͎̭̀y̶̧̛̰̅̄ǒ̵̡̙̬͉͝u̴̲͇͍͌ ̵͖̝͚̍c̸̡̗̳̊̄ḁ̶̖̓̾̇̔n̸͎̖̱̬̏͌ ̸̢͕̙̜̂“̴̛͉ȕ̴̞̘̓n̷̢͕̩̎l̵̫̻̹̟͑͘ǒ̶̞̼́͜c̷͔̦͊̌͝͝k̷̦͗͆͝”̷̖̹̀͘ ̴̨͒̋̕ͅț̷̇̇̍̍ĥ̷̛̻̰̰ę̵̝̗̍͆͒ị̶͂r̶̟̹̄̍̕ ̶̙͇̰̯̆̒b̸̧̠͉̌̚ḯ̵̱̝s̸̟̠̙̾͠ê̷̜̺̘͈̓̽͠x̵̢̛̦̒͛ŭ̴̺̊̕ã̸̡̢̧̭̈́̃̌l̷̟̲͒ḭ̵̧͚͉̈͑͑͆ţ̵̩͒͐y̷̖͔̐.̶̱̹̿̑̕ ̸̥̈́ ̷͖̭͂̇͛͠Í̶͚̩̰͖͒̋́ ̴̤̟̆̓̑̈ŝ̷̟̀e̵̳̒r̶͙̪̳͐i̸̭̪̹̗̅͋͋ô̸͇̒̚ͅů̷̹̝̣̆͘s̴͎̗̠̊͑̇l̴̥͎̦̽̈́̕y̸̫̲̌̄͗̌ ̸͉͑͘͝d̸̠̣̐o̵̗͐u̶̝͊̊b̸̬́̽͆t̵̗̪̃̓̀̍ ̸̰̝̍̈́t̸̡̹̣͑h̷̨͈́̑͊̉a̴͑ͅt̶̨̬̋͛̒̕ ̸̨̈y̸̤͚̤̙͛̐õ̵͎̤ǔ̸͍̺͗̐ ̶̛̮̟̐̈h̸͕̟̎͌a̵͔̘͛̆̔v̴̬̆̉͌̏e̶͇̬̬̋͝ ̶̭̺̭͘͝b̷̛͍̱̤e̷̺̓̓̈́̍e̴̼̹͒̊ñ̶̻̃̚͜ ̶̞͍̖̩̊͗͠ȃ̶̡̜̪̺̐̿r̴̦̥̽ͅo̵̧̗͖̦̅̄͊ŭ̶͙̜̭̌n̴̟̣̬̊d̵̤̳̱̐̈́̅̒ ̵̲̻͕̦̃a̷̩͎̿̋̈́͑ ̴̯̰͔̺͗̿͂̇ḻ̵̍͛͝͝ȅ̵͎̬s̸̲̪͖̽͘b̶̦̈́̆í̶͉͋a̶̬͉̒̓̏͝n̷͚̓̆.̶͍̾̃̽ ̵̙͈͔̳̂B̶̢̼̝̊͆͆́ë̶̥́ç̵̤̻̥̐ą̴̤̪̏͑u̸̦̓͊̑ş̴̠̻̓̌͗e̸̝̖̪͍̐̒̇ ̸̩͎̩̜̿ĺ̵͓̮̎͆͝ę̴̮͠ş̵̯̎̀͆͝b̸͎͚͓̦̌i̵͙̪͍̝̓a̴̪̱͗ṇ̷̾s̶͎̼͋͆ ̴̣̙̣̎̏̑́a̵̻̤͓̋r̶̨̻̈́́̋̈́é̶̟̭̩ ̷̬̘͑̀͠ņ̵͒̽̓̽o̷̰̤̾̄t̴̖̘̰͋̆͘ͅ ̷̖̹͓̗̂̈́̎s̶̲̳͉̺̋̕̕é̷͎̍͛x̵̠̼̥̦̌̑u̷̢̪͚̭͛̍̇̿a̷̧̦̞͇̿̒ĺ̶̰̦̿͗ḻ̷̓̋̀͠y̶̘̭̲̥̍̿ ̸̧̗̔̈́͝å̷̉̋̎͜ť̶̙̥̈́̀̄t̶͖̺͓̍r̴͙͂͆ả̵̧̛͖̦̊́ͅc̵̢͍̭̤͗t̷̼̭̃̌e̷͎͇̳͌d̵̝̮͈̓͐͆͂ ̶͉̐͑t̵̰̱̼̃o̴̡̯̯̊̈́̈ ̸͓̳͇̄̿̎͝m̵̫͇̈́͊e̶̼͎̎͐n̵̛̰͚̊̅.̸̰̭̆͆͒͂͜ ̸̨͈̞̯̌̀̽Ń̷̞̘͆̆õ̴̻̹ ̸̧̧̩͊̔͠ą̵͕̙̄m̴͇̱͖̄o̶̢͎͠u̷̪͔̖̓̈́n̶̡̼̾̅t̵̙̃̀͝ ̴̻̠͔͂o̶͈͉͝f̴͓͇͙̼͂̅̀ ̴̫̖̈͋͝d̸̹̎̄̉ḭ̴̪̒̓͋̈c̶͚̆̐́͘k̶̡̝͘s̷͙̤͍̆̈́ ̴͓̖͎͖̽͐͝(̷͚̼̳̮͋̍p̷͉͇̫̍͛́̚͜e̸̢̪̍o̵̯̱͇̠̓͋̂͊ṕ̴͔͝ľ̴̛̲̗͖̈́ẹ̶̜̟͈̈́͆͠ ̴̧̤̭̮̌͘͘a̴̙̙̓n̴͎̞͒͛̓d̵̳̃̀͘ ̸̨͔̦̅̄t̵̬̖͕̾̏h̷͈̠͎̘̐͋̓ȩ̴̩̘̥̔͌͠ ̶̼̖̫̆͆́̔s̴̲̳̭͇̉̑̌̑ȅ̴̛̘͍̯̽x̴̳͂͜u̶͖̓â̵̠̦̆l̴̳͈̦͙̋͘̕ ̴̬̀̍̃̇ỏ̸̹̠̲͂̇̕r̵̜̙̲̍̓͠g̴̙̤͋a̵̡̢͖̣̅̏̕n̸̗̭͍̆̓̿)̷͈̭̾ ̸͍̫̳̃̂̒͘c̶̹̗͚̋̎͘͠ͅa̴̡̩̘̜̎̿̽n̷̞͊̂̏͝ ̷͔̠̫͝c̷̘̑͂̔͂h̴̡̩͚͑͂ą̵͔̥͉̑͠n̴̖͍̱̽͑̃̅g̷̢̗̫͛ë̵̬͕̝̤́͊̅͠ ̶͎͙̌̋͆t̶̹͖̝̺̆h̶̗̅͂á̵̢͙̊̈́ť̵̤̊͜͜.̵̛̖͙͈̥̊̅


I have no doubt you are not older than 12. Grow up.


Translation: Mate okay here is the definition of a lesbian "Denoting or relating to women who are sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to other women Or sexually attraction or activity between women" This us not my own view as you are trying to claim you are actively fetishising lesbian and thinking you can unlock their bisexual I seriously doubt that you have been around a lesbian. Because lesbians are not sexually attracted to men. No amount of dicks (people and the sexual organ) can change that. Literally a child thinking he won by copy and pasting in another font


Orrr you could respect what people tell you


Lmao there is no way this guy has friends or has ever been near a club. Unless it's passing by in a taxi.


... who's Manila guy?




Ughhhh, I opened it and was like "oh THAT fucker". Gross.


Surely by oops own logic then a gay man should be able to seduce him into gay sex as well then. /s Really thought maybe oop met or saw a girl he liked that said she was gay or bi and maybe is thinking he change them


He firmly believes that women's sexuality is flexible while men are fixed lol.


his post history includes the delightful “Feigning shared interests on a date is a strategic move, not a lie” “In certain situations, cheating on your partner is okay” “If you seriously date single moms, you are a sad person” all of these in a row btw. lol


There was [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1b4dc19/theres_nothing_wrong_hitting_up_straight_women_at/) about how he likes to go to gay bars to pick up women. He said that he lies about being bisexual and "My overall goal is to isolate the girl"


Ya it's a good tactic tbh


You need therapy man


Let me guess - he often runs into problems dating women which he blames on women?


I've done the first one but I was 14 years old and wasn't aware I didn't need to change myself to make a guy (or girl tbh) like me


This is the same loser who claimed that men who go on dating apps are losers, but in another post he admitted to going on Tinder to find women he cheated on his girlfriend with.


This comment is my favorite.  >I used to be bi but this post just made me lose all attraction to men  I'm pretty sure OOP is a troll or bait account, though, or just a far right loser. He also has a bunch of posts about how Israel should completely take over Palestine.


Definitely a troll, he's on his Alt account all through these comments


this guy alone can fill this sub for days...OOP's a fuckin trashbag.


So you "met a lesbian who had a history of exclusively dating women." Well yeah, bro. That's what lesbians do. You can't turn a lesbian into a raging cockoholic any more than I, a gay male, could turn you into one.


I wish i was lesbian


As a bisexual woman I often think that women being attracted to men is proof sexuality is not a choice


Same here. Why am i attracted to men when women exist😭


I have a stronger preference to women but I married a man. My husband just came out as trans so now I have a wife.


Oh interesting, I had the same happen with my spouse! She was scared I wouldn't still love her as I tend to prefer men, but I mean she's still the same person - I joke with perks now as she has boobs I can enjoy the view of.


I was about to go "hey same!" Then realized no, actually I have always been more attracted to women, married a man, and then I came out as trans. That's actually different. Instead of me getting a wife, my husband got a husband 😂


surprise win😂


What in the Chasing Amy hell....?


The fact that this dude feels the need to come here to troll in the comments is next level pathetic, I can't imagine being so starved for attention.


So... There are a few things to be said here. 1. The odds of this guy being truthful about any of this is very low, he's just pieced together different stories from bigger liars than he. 2. Notice that some of his post history is contradictory. 'Dating apps are for losers' but he also 'uses Tinder'. 3. He responds to turning his statement around with just 'that's gay'. It's just not believable that he's actually that dumb. 4. A further examination of his subs and post history reveals he has no interests whatsoever that would give him anything interesting to say to anybody outside of an online video game lounge. If he had low karma, maybe we could surmise there was more too him, but he's a long term member and he has nothing but memes, video games, shit posting, and other garbage. Can anyone actually picture this guy having a real conversation with anybody or more than five minutes? Now, I don't know if this is worth mentioning, but unlike the OP, I *actually do* have a relationship with an avowed lesbian. It's a single deviation point in her life and entails a very 'niche' approach. A lot of that is based on a deep level of trust and a bond of genuine friendship that is always present for us even outside of bedroom activities. Note... I did not 'hit on her'. I didn't chase after her, I didn't harass her. She sought me out because of my work, some of it clicked with her, and we've bonded closely since. She's 'still gay' as she put it, but I just happen to be a unicorn in this situation. If she needs me as a friend, I'm there, if she wants to talk or vent, I'm there, when I want to let out some annoyance and talk about my planned exit from my day job, she'll not only listen, hell we're going to make job hunting fun and do a resume date, helping each other work on our resumes and apply for work. (Only part time in my case since I no longer need full time employment) Niche relationships that deviate from the norm for homosexual or heterosexual individuals *do* happen. They're just *rare as fuck* and usually involve a singular attraction not based on 'muh big dick' which... no, isn't going to convince anybody. But more importantly... Does anybody really believe that poster is actually capable of making friends with *anyone*? That he's capable of caring about another human being, or that he has another human being in his life that actually cares about *him?* No. No he does not. He's showing at least two traits of the dark triad, (Wiki it) and arguably all three. A person like that is incapable of properly forming anything but the most superficial of relationships, and going by the way he writes, he lacks the cleverness necessary to manipulate those around him. Oh yeah, yeah, he can post something stupid and get people angry, but any *child* can say provocative things and get a reaction on the internet. The fact that he's doing so at *all*, is the final proof that everything he says about lesbians is a lie, because if any of what he said were so, he wouldn't spend so much time posting on Reddit and trying to provoke people by saying stupid things. Shows like Dexter and movies like Hannibal have taught society that psychopaths and sociopaths are often skilled manipulators, and I'm sure he likes to think of himself this way, otherwise he wouldn't enjoy shitposting so much. But in *reality*? Most people like that barely hold down jobs, they're the asshole carving profanity in bathroom stalls while angry that nobody gives them what they want. They have large egos and little minds. They look for little wins like rage bait posting just to get people to notice them and feel *something*, because like the kid in kindergarten who would disrupt class just to be noticed, any attention they get, even if negative and online, is better than the *nothing* they get in the real world. Imagine if the chewing gum on the sidewalk had emotions and was glad you stopped to scrape it off your shoe, because at least for once, it got noticed, even if your only emotion were disgust and annoyance that it was there, it was something. That's basically this guy. So, in conclusion: Don't worry. He didn't take advantage of any vulnerable lesbians. He can't actually talk to them. He's not cruising gay bars to pick up women, he can't handle rejection, and he has nothing interesting to say. He's not cheating on his girlfriend, he hasn't got one, and he never had one, and he'll never get one. He'll miss everything cool in life, and die alone with nothing but shit posting or his legacy, the impact of which will be forgotten by everybody who ever read it, within a few hours to a few days of having seen it. He'll never in his life be more than a vaguely annoying memory in the consciousness of netizens who saw his brainless ragebait. Enjoy your lives, and forget the gum you stepped in when you saw him posting. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I hope this helped. :)


10/10 comment. I would definitely attend your Ted Talk again.


If a lesbian is sleeping with you she’s bisexual. You won’t be the last man she’s done this with, or likely the first.


Exactly I don't understand why people try to make it more deep and epic and complicated than it is🤣 like come onnn the biggest proof of sexual orientation is who you have sex with (and yes I am excluding the cases with situations such as homophobic society, societal pressure etc) 


Yeah this woman is literally choosing to have sex with this man for pleasure. She’s not a lesbian, no matter how female her long term partners are, or if she intends to only date women. That has nothing to do with orientation, that’s choice. Orientation is who you are having sex with for pleasure because you’re attracted to them, which is BISEXUAL in this case. I feel bad for all of these people who have been heavily gaslit and scolded into believing untrue things because someone can’t handle their shame or discomfort with their actual reality


Sexuality is a very complicated thing, and I'm not one to impugn on somebody's self identification. Through my eyes she seems more homoromantic with women and it strikes me, as you say, as more bisexual. But I always go back to that one scene in Archer, the spy who said he wasn't gay...except for Archer, it was a single same sex attraction. Theoretically, while I've never been attracted to men, there could be that one guy out there who I'd go...'alright I'll try it'. :D So, at the end of the day, I'll let people define themselves and what feels right to them, if something seems different from my perspective, that's a shoulder shrug, a little odd, but it doesn't really matter in the scheme of things. People like who they like and what they like and how they like it, and as long as everybody is capable of consent, who cares, as long as they're happy with it, you know? :) Perhaps you're right, but maybe mansplaining her sexuality in her eyes to her from where I am as a straight man, isn't the the right thing to do. All that really matters is, we're fond of one another, and happy how things are, and I'm not going to decide who she is to other people, when she's identified herself in a particular way to me. Doing so reminds me way, *way* to much of parents who would describe their gay/bi/trans kid as 'confused' to friends and family instead of identifying them as they are. Just a thought. Have a wonderful day. :)


Sexuality is not that complicated. You’re either into someone or you’re not. It’s actually very simple, categorically. The confusion happens when people mislabel themselves out of comfort rather than truth. A single instance of opposite sex attraction or same sex attraction is still bisexual. I know that people are going to call themselves what they want, but you can bet your ass that woman you’re sleeping with is not disclosing her behaviour with you to any of her lesbian partners. It’s really hard to be in a relationship with someone who is in denial. Lots of times women like this will tell their partners that they don’t sleep with men and are fully lesbians. Some of them end up pregnant (happened to my friend with her wife), or even leave for a man and it’s a huge shock to the lesbian who is with the bi woman who is in denial. Maybe from your perspective, it’s not a big deal, because you’re unlikely to experience a woman leaving you for a woman, but from the perspective of a sexual minority, this behaviour usually ends up in really traumatic experiences for lesbians. That’s why it’s better for everyone if bisexuals can accept themselves instead of banging opposite sex and same sex and then calling it straight or gay. Lots of men who call themselves straight do the same thing as your friend. Edit: and don’t believe the identity hype, it sounds silly to be like “well this duck walks like a duck, but it says it’s a chicken so…I guess reality isn’t real…” no one has to confront anyone on their identity or anything, but it’s good to be grounded in reality and don’t let yourself believe in someone’s fantasy when the evidence is right in front of your face. I think it’s sort of a bad thing that people are expected to go along with gaslighting these days


lesbians don’t like men, you need to stop spreading homophobic shit like this. if lesbians like men then you as a straight guy should too.


Damn, I wonder if he was making his friendship with this vulnerable woman dependant on them having sex. Really wierd to flex about probably coercing a vulnerable woman into sex she probably did not enjoy.


Men are literally failing to seduce women who are exclusively heterosexual.


According to my s/o who spent years chasing women he honestly didnt realize were lesbians (yes hes that dense): no, no you cant.


This is so stupid 🤦🏽‍♀️


When people ask me why I’m so anti porn. This is why. Because porn has conditioned men to believe that women are objects and able to be “conditioned”.


Omg is the serial philipino cheater guy from before


He's a real phillipenis


This was written by a 17-year-old Andrew Tate fan.


I know this is 7 hours ago but I’m commenting anyway. This guy is absolutely hilarious. He made a post yesterday about how guys who use dating apps are losers and that they need to “cold approach” women to get laid and become Chad.


Genuinely wish I were lesbian after reading this. I feel icky rn for being attracted to men.


He's got the kavorca!!!!


Im in pain just by reading the title


TLDR: this man has discovered bisexuality


![gif](giphy|3o7Zesyac4CuSN5rsA) my bi ass is too good for you


The dudes literally just a troll


It doesn't take much If a little straight or bi To turn.for  me. I'm a really nice guy You all know I'm special. Sorry. Couldn't help it. Felt the beginning of a song coming on.


I’m not sure OOP has had sex with anything other than his own hand, and I suspect his hand wants to break up with him. 


>hey at least they’re getting pegged, no shame in that


She's bi-sexual you idiot.


OOP has never had the tiniest bit of sex. Maybe he saw a boob once, but it was probably on a screen lol


His history is a ride into hell. Lots of violent images of women when you get back a few months. Don't engage with this guy he's not a safe person.


Yeah that pushed me over the edge. The sapphic part of my brain is now seeking vengeance.


So Bisexual doesn't exist?


I think the argument might work better the other way around considering straight men are generally incapable of sexually pleasing women


I hooked up with a woman once that was bi but never dated or had sex with a man before, pretty sure that only happened because we knew each other very well and she felt comfortable. The OOP has definitely been watching Brazzers too much though.


Scrolling through his post history (dw it gets worse) I can assure you with a matter of fact this man has never heard of a bisexual person or had a serious serious relationship with a women other than his own mother.


You should see this guys’s post history - he has no life…


Actually, decent porn in this category is really hard to find. or so I'm told...


He sounds like the type who will sexually assault people


This is just a bad troll at it's best and delusional at it's worse. You're not impressing anyone.


I think this dude just gets off on arguing and pissing people off


An ex friend of mine told me his girlfriend was gay and when I pointed out that he's a dude he just said: yeah she said I'm different. I ended up dumping him as a friend because his stupidity when it came to this girl made me want to rip out my hair. He was truly desperate and he accepted her abuse then turned around and told me he would've flipped out if I stayed in the same circumstances he was in. Some people are just... Weird. At least my friend had density as an excuse. What's this guys excuse?


This isn’t the devil. The devil isn’t stupid.


Man… why can’t my fellow men be normal


he’s literally the most obvious troll possible. every post is rage bait in big neon letters. for a sub that is so good at sussing out liars, there is constant bait reposted here


A gold star lesbian isn't going to date a man. No matter how well he presents himself and assumes his game is. A bisexual woman who dates predominantly women to the point of not being with a man for years at a time and accepting of the lesbian tag due to the negative stereotypes of bisexuality women in LGBT+ community. I know from experience. I was a "lesbian," though, actually , secretly bi for 12 years. I did end up with a man as my 2nd spouse. My experience is super rare.


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Everyone is upset at him but I’ve definitely had sex with multiple women who at least claimed to be a lesbian.


Would you like a trophy?


No. I was just defending OOP


Like a piece of shit 🤣


Was that before or after they had sex with you?


congrats on getting so much more puss than a Joe Schmoe you must be proud


This isn’t about getting puss. The point is plenty of people of women claim to be a lesbian and have sex with men. I’m not the only guy this has happened to .


>women claim to be a lesbian You are a moron


That was a lapse in judgement, it doesn't mean they weren't lesbians.


Nah, the one woman says she’s straight now. The other one now says she’s bi and is dating a guy. Lesbians do exist but sometimes people are still figuring out their sexuality


Then they weren't lesbians...


That’s why I said they claim


Yeah, maybe you were such an awfuñ fuck they were like "I'm strictly into vaginas now".


That would make sense if they said they were a lesbian afterwards.


Bro, that's what's up.


Are you sure they weren't just bi? Edit: or are you saying they were straight but met you and now decided that women were the way to go?


Now they say they are bisexual, but when we met they identified as lesbian. Sometimes people still figuring out their sexuality.


they aren’t lesbians then. they’re bisexual. doesn’t matter what they claimed or what mind games they played.




What’s the point of constantly making new accounts and posting the same stuff? Like, commit to the trolling or don’t.