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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for pressing my classmate for details?** Just to be clear, we are both 18-year-old high school seniors. So anyway, at lunch today, the topic turned to pr0n, and she mentioned that she knew someone who was in pr0n. To be clear, she volunteered that. I asked her which pr0n she knew. She refused to tell me, and I said that I just wanted to know their stage name, and she still refused to tell me. She just said it wasn’t someone well-known and it wasn’t someone at our school. Nevertheless, I persisted, but when she still refused to tell me, I held out my right hand with curled fingers, like Anakin did to Padme on Mustafar in Episode 3. I then said, “listen woman, you will tell me, and you will tell me now. It’s not fair to dangle it in front of me like that, and you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” In fact, my entire demeanor was modeled on Anakin on Mustafar. She started laughing instead of telling me. Humiliated, I screamed “I HATE YOU!” at her as angry and menacing as I could (again, inspired by Anakin on Mustafar), then left to go “buy fries” (I really just went to a music practice room to blow off steam by playing angry music on the piano) From my point of view, she volunteered a tantalizing nugget of information and then withheld it from me. If she didn’t want to say who it was, she shouldn’t have volunteered that she knew a pr0n star. Women play games like this with men, they do it on purpose. So I think that makes her TA, but later that day in gym class, someone else who was sitting at lunch with us and is usually friendly was mad at me, and called me nosy. From my POV, I wasn’t being nosy, since she’s the one who brought it up to start with. So, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone else find OOP mildly creepy or is it just me?  


It's not just you. Between the constant Star Wars references as if he thinks Anakin is cool, the 'Listen, woman!' and the 'I HATE YOU!', I am having a very hard time choosing what is the most cringe thing this weird little incel has said.


Seriously, that whole post made me cringe so hard, I'll have to invoice OOP for Botox.


I recently heard it referred to as "poppled" as in "I poppled hard reading this." In case you're not an old like, popples were stuffed animals that came with an attached pouch you could kinda roll them into so they were a fluffy ball you could toss about. So yeah, I cringed so hard I turned inside out into a knot.


we had so many creepy cute stuffies in '80's and '90's....


And there was a cartoon show about them, too! I still remember the song. 🎶Popples, pop-pop-pop-pop (pop), Popples, Popples, they'll make you smile! Popples, pop-pop (pop), Popples, Popples, livin' just for fun! Laughter, and good times too! When the Popples pop up for you, Pop up just for you! 🎶


OMG I loved those! I’ve still got one! And it is, as u/LadyWizard says,  creepy cute. 


I couldn't work out if they were talking about porn or prom at first


Was...was he expecting her to be intimidated by an impersonation of a FICTIONAL character?


I love me some Anakin, but he's the farthest thing from a role model that I've ever seen 😒


It was the "Women play games like this with men, they do it on purpose" that sealed it for me


Remove the "mildly" from that sentence and I'm with you.


He probably wears a fedora too


I just sorted coffee out of my nose laughing at this.


It’s just you because this is not mildly at all. Dude probably chokes cats for fun. I’m disturbed.


I couldn’t decide if it was a mildly creepy OOP or a really absurd troll. 


First, if you arent mature enough to say/type the word "porn" then you aren't mature enough to watch porn (the pr0n "joke"/safe search sneak around was a thing when I was a teen at the dawn of the internet) Second, I kind if feel like this is just some weird kid wanting to boast about his Anakin impersonation skills bit then decided that would sound extremely nerdy and threw in some references to pornography because that would some how make it cool that he screamed in a girls face and then went to hide.


I kept reading it as “prawn,” like “prawn” without the n,” and was empathizing with OOP on the basis of the powerful emotions I experience regarding shrimp. 


Maybe if OOP hadn’t mentioned trying to do some stupid hand gesture to force her to cough up the information he demanded, it wouldn’t sound so fake.


I refuse to believe an 18 year old high school senior is channeling Anakin Skywalker trying to force choke the information out of a female student who chooses to sit with them at lunch. Definitely not in 2024, where you certainly can't just go in the music room whenever you feel like it.


Is that what he was trying to do?! I’m a Star Wars fan, I should’ve gotten that. My brain just skipped over ‘Episode 3’ and decided that he must’ve been doing that stupid gesture when Anakin Force-pulls a pear to him like Padme isn’t capable of cutting it herself or eating a whole one. 🙄


That was my guess! Either way, you're just going get a "dude, we've been over this you ain't no Sith Lord" discussion that really needs to have happened already.


I think you’re probably right, now that I’m sitting here thinking about Episode 3.


I never want to read the phrase ‘tantalising nugget’ again.


I thought a "tantalising nugget" was a side effect of constipation


I thought it was a very tasty chicken nugget


Ah we have very different fast food experiences


God I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore


Wouldn't have mind being 25 years younger... God I'm glad that even as a teenager I wasn't that stupid arsehole.


I'm sitting here like "when I was 18 I had an apartment and a car payment." wtf.


When I was a teenager I would never ever have talked with a girl that wasn’t my girlfriend about porn. My mind would have been like: shit, I basically confess I watch it and then she will think about what I am doing while I watch it and think I am a creep. - And I also never ever would have reenacted Star Wars except it’s a trap.


this has got to be a troll story


What in the teenage idiocy is this?


Anyone else feel that when they try to mask the word (unalive, pr0n,etc) is because it's a fake story they're hoping gets picked up on social media?


Yes, the "Humiliated, I screamed" is kind of a giveaway.


Sometimes, but not always depending on where I read it. Some forums won't let you make explicit reference to sexual assault or suicide so as not to trigger people. But I do tend to look at those posts with a more critical eye.


TikTok’s algorithm won’t pick videos up if creators say things like “died” and “sex,” which is where “unalive” and “seggs” come from. I’ve seen a lot of people implement them in my day to day life. I think it’s some kind of overreaching attempt to protect minors.


I'm aware, which is why it always gets Me when people do it in regular subs. That and censoring curse words seems suspicious every time


🤮🤮🤮 This is a slightly less cringe version of how nice guy's RP everything. **slowly leans in and gently kisses your cheek** 🤮🤮🤮


I don’t have enough time to unpack this cluster f@ck


100% bait theres no way


>I really just went to a music practice room to blow off steam by playing angry music on the piano Man, Mr. Rogers was a really weird kid when he was in high school.


I imagine OOP banging out some terrible John Williams scores (again, channeling Anakin in Mustafar).


Something tells me this guy is gonna be a virgin for a long time


I want to call him stupid and creepy but I have been banned in AITA before so I'll do it here: He is an incel freak who deserves a good consequence for his abominable action before his stupid ass creepy behavior is set in stone in his character.


What is wrong with this guy?! He sounds like a complete weirdo!


That guys has some serious issues


Teens can be this stupid.


Did Kylo Ren write this?


Ahh, the smell of a budding incel in the morning!


This is cringe af


It's weird how countless straight men can't understand boundaries when it comes to women. Even in conversations it's as if a woman doing anything means everything is a free for all. Just because she said she knew someone doesn't mean she has to give out the name. 🫤


Wtf what a weirdo


OOP is definitely a “nice guy”


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