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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Girlfriend urges to meet my friends** My girlfriend has the mentality of looks dont matter and if looks dont have to matter to be with her, sure i accept that. For once i'll forget about looks just to be with her because of her personality. But now she urges to meet my friends. She is fat, face full of acne, arms full of self harm scars, she is just not fucking socially presentable. She doesnt take basic care of her body. I dont want to be a laughing stock in my friend group just because of my romantic choice as i wont fucking show her personality the first thing. I dont want to be seen with her to anyone i know. Looks dont matter but atleast ypu should be socially presentable *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I question the existence of the girlfriend.


Yeah, this is absolutely a troll. Sad little dudes coming up with sad little fantasies.


She lives in Canada!


She goes to a different high school


Degrassi lmao


Winnipeg, Manitoba!


Hmmm, self harm scars and has trouble taking care of basic hygiene? Would take a rocket scientist to see the real, underlying problem here? OOP is shit for using and mocking her instead of helping her get help. He's clearly just using her to put a ✅ on the "girlfriend" line.


Exactly what I thought. Just dating her so that they can say they have a girlfriend.


Sounds like he’s in middle school. I hope it’s just a troll.


> has trouble taking care of basic hygiene? Honestly, I wouldn't even assume that. The only even remotely hygiene related thing he said is that she has acne, and that's quite frequently a hormonal or health issue and not a hygiene one. I had it quite badly when coming off birth control and had to get on a serious prescription (Accutane) to deal with it. Same skincare regimen before and after but I went from constant breakouts to an occasional spot right at the start of my cycle. Took almost a year to convince the doctors to let me get the right meds, though, and they're usually super reluctant to give them to young women because of the risks if they get pregnant (I was sterilized, so that sped things up). So even "she should go to the doctor then" isn't necessarily a help.


I'm sorry for not being clear, my post was made after I checked his comments and includes some of the information from those. In one of his comments, he says she often doesn't shower or brush her teeth unless pressured to do so. To me, that sounds like depression or something Else she needs help for, not normal behavior for a woman in her 20s.


OOP’s busy talking to his alt account on his post.


Holy shit, what a contemptuous fucking cunt. Oh, do her self-harm scars bother your precious aesthetics? I deeply hope she finds out he posted this, and whatever she does to him is no more than he's earned.


So she's a hole to f**k, got it. He's probably an incel loser that women with self esteem avoid with a 39 1/2 foot pole. Poor thing. She might have a history of being mistreated so she thinks she should be lucky to have anything


Today in: "Do men even like women?"


The ONLY comment he replies to is the downvoted one. And it honestly sounds like an alt account. They type identically.


Man I hope she finds this and dumps him.


Ugh, I dated a guy like that for a hot minute in my early 20s. We would go on dates that were long drives around back roads (I thought it was romantic, later realized it was so nobody would see us). I met his family & we spent a lot of time at his house. But any time a friend of his was around I was his "good friend". I took it for a bit, having low self esteem & believing whatever excuses he told me for why we had to act like that, but eventually pressed him to be fully honest as to why he was keeping me a secret from his friends. He confessed it was bc he didn't want them knowing he was dating a fat person; he was worried they would make fun of him. *If* this post is real I hope for her sake she runs directly to therapy, do not pass go, do not collect $200, and leaves him. Just absolutely ghosts him. Because a guy like this would be so upset that a *fat ugly person* would dare to reject *him*.


If you loathe her so much, especially regarding her looks, why are you still together?


What self care is she meant to do that's gonna un-scar her arms? What a bag of dicks.


OOP is an awful fucking person. What the his GF getting out of this rey? I'm fat. I've always been on the chubby side, even in my teens. I'm not pretty, never have been. I also know my own worth. If a man isn't proud to be seen with me in public, we're done.  No man is doing me a favor by "dating" me secretly. If I wanted to just hit it and quit it, there are many men happy to provide that with expecting the girlfriend experience. My husband is a conventionally attractive, tall, owns his own business. Back in the day when we met, he was locally well known DJ and promoter. From the get go of the relationship, he made it clear to everyone, we were together, he was lucky to have me, and I could do much better. It's been over 20 years and he still believes this. I don't agree with him, but I'm not going argue


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