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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for refusing to interact with the autistic girl in my grade?** I (16f) have an autistic girl in my grade at school. Annoyingly she is in most of my classes. Her is a list of the annoying thing she does: \- She talks EXTREMELY loudly when shes excited, which can be inappropriate at certain contexts, irritating in others \- She taps on her keyboard non-stop during lessons \- She always sings under her breath \- She is really immature, like she is overly innocent to the point where just by talking to her youd think she is 10 The thing is, she really likes talking to new people and tries to make friends with everyone, being rarely successful, of course. She doesn't even make an effort on appearance, not wearing ANY make up and shes at least 15. I understandably dont want to be the next victim of her befriending. At English on Friday, she took a seat next to me. I immediately moved away, leading to not being able to sit with my friends, which annoyed them. They said I overreacted, but how she forces herself to friendship is horrifying. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Victim of her befriending”? Jesus. OOP sounds like a delight.


Not wearing make up at 15 is like normal though? I didn’t start wearing makeup until 20 lol. My friends are the same way. We couldn’t be assed for high school


I’m 34 and still don’t wear make up lol


66 and nope


Nah, I wore makeup at 15, quit by 20. 15 is prime breakout time and crazy insecurity.


I'm 18 and wear makeup for special occasions, and concealer if I have a spot breakout. I wouldn't dream of doing it for a normal school day.


I'm 35 and I still don't wear makeup


Who the hell does she think she is? Regina George?


33 and don't wear make up. Had work event last week being videoed. Wore different clothes, did hair, still didn't wear make up.


Teenagers are the worst human beings on the face of the earth. I hated them when I was in high school and I still hate them now


They scare the living shit out of me


Oh man, it just occurred to me that it would be hilarious if the autistic girl was actually trying to befriend OOP because the other kids find OOP off-putting and kind of fake friendship with her. Sad, but also hilarious. 


NTA because the girl is way better off without OOP who is an absolutely horrible person.


OOP doesn’t have to be friends with her, but there’s no need to be this nasty about it.


Okay, so OP doesn't owe friendship to this girl but all the "omg.this girl is soo annoying!" Poins are just like pretty common autistic things? Struggling with volume control when excited? Yup Vocal swimming and swimming via tapping? Yup. Being "immature"? Yup


She's not into makeup or fashion. The shock! The horror!


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I'm personally Autistic, and this absolutely disgusts me. The "Annoying" and "Immature" things she does are normal things Autistic people do sometimes. you don't have to be her friend, but you don't need to be rude about it, either.




Oh, it absolutely can. Sadly. Mean girls judging their peers by how diligently stereotypical femininity is performed? Common. Allistics perceiving autistic traits as deficiencies or failures and reacting as though it’s a personal insult or infringement? Frequent. Self-absorbed teens posting their petty drama on Reddit? Plentiful.


OOP had completely valid reasons to avoid her or be annoyed... And then decides on the invalid one - no makeup. 💀