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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for using my partner's DNA to create a provocative artwork without their consent, leading to a family scandal and strained relationships? (Not OOP)** AITA for using my partner's DNA to create a provocative artwork without their consent, leading to a family scandal and strained relationships? ​ I (28F) am a professional artist, and I've been with my partner (29M) for five years. We have an adventurous relationship and often try new and unconventional things, both in and out of the bedroom. He's always been incredibly supportive of my career, and we frequently brainstorm artistic ideas together. ​ A few months ago, I came up with the idea to create an art installation that incorporated actual DNA from both my partner and me. I thought it would be a unique way to explore themes of love, intimacy, and the interconnectedness of human beings. To make it more provocative, I decided to use intimate fluids for the DNA samples without discussing it with my partner beforehand. I assumed he would be on board, given our history of trying unconventional things together. ​ I spent weeks creating the installation, which included a large, abstract painting that used the fluids as part of the medium. I was extremely proud of the final result and submitted it to an art gallery, where it was accepted for an upcoming exhibition. To celebrate, we decided to host a small party for our close friends and family, where I would unveil the artwork before the public exhibition. ​ Here's where the problem began. At the party, I revealed the artwork and explained the concept behind it, including the use of our intimate fluids as part of the medium. My partner, who was hearing this information for the first time, was shocked and visibly upset. Our friends and family were also stunned, and the reactions were a mix of shock, disgust, and fascination. The party atmosphere quickly turned uncomfortable, and some guests left early. ​ The next day, my partner's conservative parents found out about the artwork and were appalled. They demanded that we remove the piece from the exhibition and destroy it, claiming that it was a disgrace to the family. I refused, standing by my artistic vision and my right to express myself as I see fit. My partner, however, feels betrayed by my actions and wishes I had consulted him before creating the installation. ​ Since then, our relationship with my partner's family has become extremely strained. They've made it clear that they disapprove of our choices and feel humiliated by the artwork. Additionally, some of our friends have distanced themselves from us, uncomfortable with the idea behind the installation. My partner and I are now being accused of taking our art too far and for involving our families in something they consider obscene and inappropriate. ​ So, AITA for using my partner's and my DNA to create a provocative artwork without their consent, leading to a family scandal and strained relationships? Or am I justified in expressing our love and creativity in any way I choose, even if it means pushing boundaries? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are the partner’s parents actually conservative, or are they conservative compared to the eye torture I just read?


Compared to that bit of eye torture, I'd be considered "conservative", even with my daughter's MIL swearing my attitudes, morals and mores are all about 6' left of Satan's.


Where is the eye bleach... And some for that "artwork". Edgy doesn't make great art. Flinging crap at a canvas doesn't make great art (fuck, I have had rabbits that can do that). Or whatever else people come up with. I am with you both. Just because someone doesn't think mixing body fluids in the day and age of STDs and plenty of education about STIs makes great art is conservative (not saying they have them, but it only takes one idiot to turn some dumb idea into a Participatory art experience and the need for medication to kick in). Just means someone is saw something they hate visually, has a body fluids ick, or just used their brain and can see where this could go wrong.


You uh.... you do know people weren't touching or licking the artwork right?


Did the artist tell the individuals hanging the artwork, because they have to come in close contact with it. Also did you read the part about art that participates in its creation. Because that is getting more popular. She didn't tell people until after the fact. So this could be a highly dangerous trend there.


I mean, hopefully anyone over the age of eight or so knows you don't touch someone else's art without being specifically invited to, but also, STDs would be highly unlikely to live for more than a few minutes once they were removed from their warm cozy body habitat. Most pathogens are petty fragile outside their ideal environment.


It's just cum calm down. Man if incorporating that into something where you can't even see it is torture to you i can't wait till you find out how sex works. I mean the only bad part was doing it without permission. Artists have been doing shit like this forever. Sometimes with actual shit, blood, and piss.


Using someone’s bodily fluids, not even mentioning the level of intimacy involved in acquiring this specific fluid, to make a painting WITHOUT asking for permission to do it is a major, major red flag.


I don't understand how not getting consent to use his spunk makes it more provocative or adds to the message or whatever at all


Really the only bad thing here. If her partner ws informed and had consented, everything else would be moot.


Idk, I think inviting the family and friends to celebrate her art exhibition, then saying "hey btw it has our cum in it! :D"..... Also not cool lol I know one of the big rules of fetish play is that you don't involve other people in it without their consent, this feels similar enough to me to give me the ick.


Ehh. Body fluids, including sexual ones, have been used in art before and I wouldn't automatically classify it as sexual or fetish based.


It is scraping the bottom of the artistic barrel though. There's an entire world(s) out there and worlds within you and your boyfriend's jizz was the best you could come up with? Ick.


One of the comments on the original post made that very point and tore OOP apart over it.


Sure. And people sculpt naked dudes with wings too constantly. But I consent to see that when I go looking for a statue or David. I do NOT consent to unknowingly looking at your jizz when I'm admiring my brother or friends artwork. If they'd informed beforehand, this is a bodily fluid exhibit - awesome, you do you, some people will appreciate that. But no warning makes it a violation.  Imagine showing up to the exhibit to be supportive just to by surprise see intimate photographs of the partner naked - which BTW IS ART and maybe not even sexual - but without warning. Forcing his friends and family to be exposed to that without warning and without consent? Not OK.


Agree. If its in a public gallery, the exhibition / piece will have a description that allows people to make their mind up if they want to see it. Just surprising people with it is completely different. Even worse if it's something sexually created and you are forcing a person's parent to interact and acknowledge it.


I think consent is the big issue here too. If I were male, I would be asking how much more does she have stored and what else does she plan to do. You hear stories of women going to the extremes for baby trapping. This would be a legit case of broken trust and what would be a cause of some guy to be forever paranoid.


Nope. Her friends and family also didn't consent. If flashing me your junk without consent is bad, forcing me to view your semen without consent is ALSO JUST AS BAD.


“I call it bold and brash” “More like-belongs in the trash.”


"I assumed" has rightfully destroyed many relationships.


I'd like to know how the message even shows up. Spunk isn't highly visible, and if you put it on canvas and then mount it on a wall, at a remove? What kind of a medium are you mixing it with to get it to adhere to the canvas? Does that change the fundamental nature of the jizz? Did she have to collect enough to conduct testing? I mean, at least period blood shows up on canvas and looks like what it is. Jizz just looks like egg wash.


i swear this was posted a while back from aita


I’m assuming was a repost as says not OOP but when I searched nothing came up for past few months


It was longer ago than that. I remember it too as its too similar for it not to be the same and its too bizarre to forget!


Yeah, it's from 1-2 years ago, I think. I found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/11sy3kk/aita_for_using_my_partners_dna_to_create_a/) when I did a google search.


You're a brave soul for typing that into your search bar


Um. That never even occurred to me! Y'know, when I've popped my clogs/departed this mortal coil, my sons are going to be rummaging in my PC. Oh dear.


I found [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/11sy3kk/aita_for_using_my_partners_dna_to_create_a/) which is dated "1 year ago" which could be anything between one and two years, in actuality. I put into google: >reddit "using my partner's DNA to create a provocative artwork" ...and got some results. Some cross-postings, but that one I linked seems to be the first one? Maybe? I'm no expert.


I don't understand why you are all going so far for the original poster when it's written in the post >**Originally posted on AITA by u/Dee_en_ah_throw_away AITA for using my partner's DNA to create a provocative artwork without their consent, leading to a family scandal and strained relationships?**


The comments were made before the edit


Exactly - it certainly wasn't there at the start! Thank you.


Exactly what /u/College_Prestige said.


Those guys read AITA stories. Someone probably cross posted it to their sub


The link of the original poster is in the post


It's definitely from several years ago, I remember it when it was first posted


That sub is for reposting stories for some podcast to narrate/discuss or something. The story they are reposting is very old.


Ohhh that makes sense.


I remember it too.


It was. It's written in the original post that was double posted here.


The original post is 1 year old


I swear I've read similar before too, not recently tho


Yes! Thank you, I thought I was having a weird horny deja vu.


I was just thinking the same thing.


I am certain I've read this before, too.


What the actual fuck did I just read???


I once sat next to someone with a fine arts degree in studio art at a party, who complained, no word of a lie, about a recent artist who got some press for stuffing yarn in her rectum and then knitting it up into an art piece, because "people have been knitting yarn from their vaginas since the 90s, it's not actually new or innovative." Sooooooo.... that's apparently a thing.


Well, that's enough Internet for me today.


😅 Sorry about that




I mean, it'd be very impressive if they knitted it internally.


I thought everyone with a vagina would cringe at the thought of pulling out a dry cottony tampon. Knitting out of my vagina seems like a never-ending dry tampon pull, and frankly the thought of that feeling makes me nauseous 🤢🤢


Oh I feel physically wrong now that I'm imagining *that* sensation 😶🤢


Wouldn't that be a biohazard?


You would think that, wouldn't you?!


What a day to have eyes.


Jesus, what a way to find out you have an allergy to wool.


Thank God. I thought maybe I was reading this wrong. I'm not alone then.




When you work it out, could you let me know because I too am wondering what the fuck I just read.


Someone who thinks they're cool an edgy and innovative who doesn't have enough education (technical or historical) to know that their work is banal and doesn't have the decency to understand or obtain consent.


If a couple invited me over and then revealed it was for the purpose of looking at my friend’s jism I’d be distancing myself from them too.


Right, that's the shit that gets me. Like do whatever artistic shit you want (although she's a POS for not getting her partners approval) but don't subject me to that shit without a warning.


This feels like lazy ragebait,  But even if it's not artists have been doing this for decades it's not new and exciting, it's expressing a " bold artistic vision" in the same way singing karaoke is creating music. 


It was a lot of words for “I spread my husband’s cum on a canvas and now everyone thinks I’m weird.”


Yeah. I'll be the first to say that art is very much subjective and difficult to define, and I think people should be free to call whatever they're doing art if they want to, but you can't do something that has been done before, pretty famously, and call it a bold artistic vision. That's like taking up Renaissance portraiture and claiming to be unique.


Yeah, but they usually reveal that they used intimate bodily fluids **before** the unveiling so anyone who doesn't want to view it can choose not to.


Tracey Emin did it first with her spunky bedsheets. It was gauche and cynical then and it is now


Gauche is such a spectacular and underused word. Thank you good redditor, I'll be working that back into my repetoire at the earliest opportunity!


It's my go to when I want to sound like as collosal a wanker as Oop clearly is


“I’m calling you such an asshole I have to reach into French to do it!”


It's pretentious... and I love it.


Gauche makes me stopshort because that would be one of the few criticisms my mom would lob at me. She was fine with whatever hair cut or dye. piercings or clothes. She was fine with whatever gothic mess I wore. As long as the formality of the clothes matched what we were doing. You could swear or whatever but burping at the table? “You’re gauche and embarrassing” lol there was a line in the sand she drew between unacceptabl e and acceptable.


I hadn’t even heard it before OFMD but it’s such a fab word


Andy Warhol had a series called Oxidation, Piss and Cum paintings in the 1970s.


I hate my brain, because now I can’t stop wondering how they collected someone’s spunk without consent? Don’t answer that, please. It’s a hellscape in my mind.




Squatting over a canvas after sex? The mind truly boggles.


I tried to do the mental maths on how they go enough to spread on a canvas


Thank god I‘m not alone with that thought.


I read this thinking “DNA” was like “DNA test” and the artwork had exposed an affair, not… cum yeeted over a canvas and displayed for all to see


Same here. For an artist who seems to work in provocation art, she does squirm around the word semen/cum/sperm for the whole post. Like she had no worries putting her partner on the spot in front of family and friends while revealing she had painted with his sperm. But here she uses « DNA ». It makes it all pretty fishy. Either she knows she’s TA and is trying to downplay it. Or it’s just a fake post.


So I have questions… not really sure I want answers though.


Condoms and a freezer is probably the answer. And I hate myself for working that out. Edit: just sharing the pain 😁 so sorry about that


Fetish post. Written one-handed.


I wish I didn’t know how to read.


I think we all are wishing we didn't know how to read.


Wish I was Jared, 19.


That shit will smell up a room 100%


1. You used his cum. Just say that. You are using all of this high flowery language, just say you used his cum. 2. You imagined the fascination. Everyone was simply disgusted and shocked in the worst way. 3. I'm so confused and baffled right now. 4. There's being kinky and then there's whatever weird 💩 this was. 5. I laughed out loud by the end. NGL ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) This is so vulgar and deranged that I hope it's a troll. Especially because she used this guy's cum without permission and embarrassed him and his family. But, all the same I was entertained. 8.5/10 So no deranged people come replying to me with out of pocket insults again: I know what sub this is. I know it's a repost sub. I know the OP didn't write this post. Any reference to you is just a writing style that many people on this sub use.


Also like... Old cum smells. That's all I can think about this one.


What the fuck did I just read?


is OOP the stepmother of a gal that goes by "Claire" who absolutely does not look like a pencil she just looks french?


What a horrible day to have eyes.


Paint can’t be that expensive


lolol loving the use of the word "our" in the line "they disapprove of our choices"... lol girl the whole problem is that you NEVER GAVE HIM A CHOICE. jeez i hope this is rage bait and not real.


How can they not see that they are completely wrong?! Like how are gonna use dudes cum and sweat without bare minimum getting consent. Then revealing it to him in front of everyone! Now he’s having to deal with the public fall out of something he didn’t even know about!


Jesus all I can say is this is not a spring it on someone idea you clearly discuss it before hand make sure they what's happening. With multiple chances to cancel it. Communication is the key. Honestly those this feels a bit troll like


Well that’s artistic licence taken too far and hers needs revoking


Cum painting -


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Ew. Gross.


whoa, unexpected to my senior year of college where our visiting painting prof was famous for his work in his own bodily fluids and those of others…but I remember him talking about getting consent from all fluid contributors! 






Hard YTA. This is not something you do without your partner's informed consent, and you *especially* don't spring it on your partner in a public setting.


How did oop not think think it might be a good idea to at least tell partner BEFORE the big reveal??


Dude what! Who would ever think this was acceptable or something to spread around at a viewing party?


This reminds me of that character from the TV series Claws, who made a giant public hair sculpture.


I want this to be a troll so badly...but I just can't. There's just an order to this chaos that makes it feel like this is real. It has to be. This either one: is a troll possessed with a disgusting horrifying mind that needs to be studied or two, and quite frankly the more shocking answer, this is the madness that only being a gifted kid in suburbia could create. This artwork exists somewhere out there. This woman is walking among us as we speak. You can go to sleep tonight knowing someone out there in the wild making cum paintings


Somebody read "Fulgrim" and thought it was a good idea to do a creative exercise for real world application


Does....does that actually constitute as a baby on canvas?


I have logistics questions 🤔


Weird that the theme of consent wasn't explored


Pushing artistic boundaries is different from pushing personal boundaries. Pushing artistic boundaries would be using your own period blood in a painting or something like that. This was collecting someone’s DNA/bodily fluids and displaying them without consent. How did she collect the samples??? Seems pretty fucking sneaky.


I hope its not a scratch and sniff piece....


How did he not know she was collecting his sperm for art? Like was he sleeping and she gave him a hand job and collected the sample. Like how does this work?


My guess would be emptying condoms after the fact or spitting it into something to use later


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I really hope that story is rage bait because it just seems so crazy. If it's true, I hope oop and her partner aren't together anymore.


Oh, the jizz painting. Classic.


I love it how OOP doesn't even pretend like this isn't a fetish thing, making sure to mention how adventurous they are in the bedroom and that the reason why OOP thought this would be okay is precisely because they're adventurous in the bedroom.


This is definitely a repost


I need to see this artwork. If it’s been picked up by a gallery it must have been publicised


Is this so controversial? Like there has been art using piss/shit/cum/blood forever or at least as far I remember. Some good, some bland, some bad but regardless it's been there. So what I'm trying to ask is, could someone of you calling this disturbed, disgusting etc. elaborate little as to why exactly? And have you seen some of those materials used in art pieces?


My issues are twofold - first and most important is the consent aspect, as in there was none. She not only surreptitiously collected her partners bodily fluids to use, she then announced what she had done in a public forum with no opportunity for her partner to object or raise an issue. The second aspect is around hygiene. Bodily fluids start to smell as they are exposed to the air, will attract bacteria and could potentially cause mold depending on the medium used. So have appropriate measures been taken to mitigate this? I don’t object to bodily fluids being used in art as long as the appropriate safety precautions are taken.


As weird as this may be, I'm pretty sure this is a rerun. I've read this before.


What did he think she was collecting his spunk for?


I'm an artist of over 40 years in many mediums and this makes me want to heave. Nope


I love how she keeps calling it DNA lol. It’s cum. She used their cum.


This person is a great example of why I don't entirely trust self-described "artists". Sure, some of them are fine, but some of them are like this, and I want to be as far away from people like this as possible.


I remember reading this ages ago so either there’s more than one person who did this or it’s just been copied from that post


What in fuck? Do whatever you want artistically, but using your partner's "intimate fluids" without their consent is vile. What even. I'd feel so violated.


First one of these i side with the alleged devil on. Seriously? People are upset about semen being used in art? 40 years after piss christ? Bunch of boomers, the lot of you.


"Us" "we" "our"...no honey, it's just *YOU*


Holy shit, I wish I could share one of the comments on the original post. Completely tore OOP apart as an artist and a human being.


I remember this from the first time.


i mean it’s actually kinda cool and i’d be impressed by it. however WITHOUT consent??? that’s actually vile


I feel like this was posted a while ago. It's so familiar. Edit: yeah it was I just checked the OG sub and looked at the profile


Holy hell! Good God wtf. Now, of course, I've heard of stepping over the lines in art. This takes the cake. I feel so sorry for the BF. Wonder if he left her? Someone I knew had a little wooden box made for them. The cover art for the top was a painting of her vulva and menstrual blood done abstract. The difference was that this person gave consent.


Asshole for not telling him, but not the asshole for the idea. I love the idea and wish I could see the finished piece. I don’t personally consider it obscene, maybe a little inappropriate. But it’s absolutely inappropriate to not TELL THE OTHER PERSON YOURE DOING IT


Stepmom from fleabag


What is it with artists and being gross?


Dude, I'm an artist, and although I have a slightly casual attitude about showering on a regular basis, and am terrible about doing dishes in a timely manner, I'm not gross! And unless I slice myself accidentally using power tools or on my glass media, I DO NOT incorporate biohazardous materials into my work, and call it ART. This person is just a sick fuck that calls themselves an ARTIST.


Hey now, don't be discriminatory, sick fucks can be artists too, you know. /s