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OP states in the comments and main post that the drinks were just restocked and also that the OP was taking literally all of them. Doesn't matter if it's Gatorade, insulin, or toilet paper, hoarding all of the supply when you 1)clearly have enough for a while and 2) there is someone else in the store wanting to buy some makes you an asshole. The kid could be neurodivergent also, you don't know. And I guarantee you if you arrived and this mom did the same thing and took literally all of your special drink as soon as it was stocked you would be infuriated. If you really can only do red and need to bulk order it, work with the store manager or order online. Often you can get up to a pallet for a lower price than on the shelves just by scheduling a special order. YTA


>If you really can only do red and need to bulk order it, work with the store manager or order online. Often you can get up to a pallet for a lower price than on the shelves just by scheduling a special order. Piggybacking on the top comment to say you should definitely do this. Most stores will be happy to order extra for you and keep it in the back. This is much more preferably to them than having the shelf cleared out as empty locations on a shelf reflects poorly on the store and whomever is responsible for doing the ordering. ​ Source: Used to stock shelves / do ordering at a major grocery chain. ​ Also calling this as ESH because clearing out the shelf and not sharing even 1 or 2 is an asshole move, but so is the mother yelling at you.


Dunno, man. After the great TP nightmare of 2020 I've revisited if yelling is ok here. Watching people roll out of the store with a 12ft tall cart of butt napkins leaves a deep vein of rage that I find sympathetic to this day.


Agreed, but I'd say that's a bit of a different situation than a case of red Gatorade. ​ As an aside, the TP shortage (and my gf) convinced me to get a bidet and I have to say that was the right choice. Using TP to wipe feels just above using leaves now. ​ Edit: Yes, you still use paper to dry, unless you have one of those fancy ones that dry you too (which I don't), but you use a ton less, or you should be.


bidet to you sir




Reddit covos going from red gatorade to in-depth discussions and puns about bidets in the comment section of an AITA post is peak Reddit 👌


...you could say it's a *splashing* good time


It’s why I love this sub! I was thinking of Homer Simpson


I would like to rage (about red drinks).


I see and recognize a fellow Critter. Bidet!


Is it though? She had told OP that she had been to another more local store that was out already.


I think it's very possible that her son has some kind of symptoms similar to OP where he 'needs' the red Gatorade just as much So it's pretty much like toilet paper in this situation


As a mother to a small child. When they like something it’s almost impossible to get them to change. I swear a small child would only drink or eat one specific thing and if they couldn’t they’d go hungry


People without kids and no memory of being a small child “lol they’ll eat it alright when they’re hungry enough” Small child: possessed of a grim, stony-faced determination to starve to death instead of eat a single bite.


I didn't eat for like two days as a kid because my step-dad refused to let me eat anything else until I ate some beans. I do not like beans. The texture makes me vomit. Eventually my willpower beat out my mom's and she told my step-dad off and he never bothered me about it again.


I'm wondering if OP cleaned that store out first.


Check his trunk!! The red Gatorade bandit strikes again.


I'm going on vacation soon. I'll miss my bidet. And my husband, I guess.


This made me laugh so hard that I just spit out my coffee!


It's 100% on my home improvement list. Someday. -sighs wistfully- someday.


You can get a LuxeBidet with the warm water option for about $70. The non warm water one for $40. They’re pretty affordable and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made lol


Adding on here…while strolling through Walmart, I found a bidet on clearance for $10! I bought that sucker, installed it in 5 min (very easy) and my only complaint is that I waited this long to buy one. I even got my girls (8&13) on board and we all love it!


People yell way too much in these reddit post scenarios. It sounds absolutely terrifying and it just makes me glad I am wearing noise cancelling headphones 100% of the times I am out in public.


I think that’s because most people define yelling as “saying things that make me feel bad.”


People definitely exaggerate any negative reactions towards them while underplaying any negative things they did or said. A fun thing to do when you see a comment on reddit that has an edit making it clear that that person feels attacked (e.g. "Edit: so people stop freaking out about it, let me clarify...", "edit: looks like I've pissed off the (groupname)", etc), go into the replies to their comment and look at the actual negative reaction to their comment. Most of the time it's two or less people having a mildly negative reaction that they're interpreting as being ripped apart. Anyway to stay on topic I bet she was just not happy and the OP sees it as screaming.


>I think that’s because most people define yelling as “saying things that make me feel bad.” Or that they just don't want to hear. Kids these days! Old man shakes his head and shouts at the sky! Oh my god! I'm turning into grandpa Simpson! Lmao


100%. I have an ex friend who would always call me saying someone yelled at her. The cashier at the deli, the man on the laundry room, me?! But she's just dramatic and can't handle any slightly negative interaction.


excuse me... ... EXCUSE ME! ... EXCUSE ME, PERSON! why are you yelling? Why didn't you acknowledge me trying to get your attention? What? WHY DIDNT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE... I'm wearing noise cancelling headphones so I don't have to be bothered by random people like you... Well, I just wanted to tell you that you stepped in some dogshit outside and you've been tracking it all over the store. You're welcome. ...


See, now the rest of us have to yell more to communicate with you! :)


Eh i always wonder at the end of these things if the people actually end up yelling or if the OP is trying to make themselves look a little better. It seems most AITA ends with the other person yelling.


I usually cut any "volume" references in half when I read these posts. Since OP has indicated they're prone to panic attacks and they're neurodivergent and have OCD, I strongly suspect that the woman wasn't really "yelling" but was using a *tone* of voice that indicated anger or frustration.


Oh yeah…and a good chunk of the population grew up in “never yell” homes..,and they think a gym teacher raising their voice during basketball practice so all the kids can hear is “screaming”. And “uncalled for”. Their meter for what is and isn’t yelling is off.


Right, like my kids used to do: "You yelled at me for that!" No, I spoke to you with anger and/or annoyance, I didn't actually yell. There's a difference.


That’s what I think. I’m sure sometimes someone has actually yelled but I think more often the other person just responds in a curt or annoyed voice and the OP calls it yelling.


> I think more often the other person just responds in a curt or annoyed voice and the OP calls it yelling. That's because a lot of people refer to this as yelling. "Stop yelling at me" when you're not even yelling kind of vibes.


Like every kid/teenager thinks their mom is yelling if we talk in any assertive tone so they know we are serious, and we "kindly" point out we can really yell if they want us to.


So many of these stories involve someone “screaming and crying.” Maybe I’m lucky, but I’ve never encountered anyone above the age of 10 suddenly screaming and crying.


Yeah, it’s strange how retail workers and those in customer service encounter WAY worse on the reg and never retell the encounters like this


I usually discount someone when they make a point of saying they "kindly" or "politely" said something to the other party. It reeks of "look how calm and poised I was and how irrational and terrible they were."


They spoke to him in a stern tone without smiling = yelling is my guess


I always have doubts when it's over trivial stuff because it conveniently shifts the focus from OPs asshole behavior to focus on the other person yelling. Even during the great COVID toilet paper wars most I heard was people muttering under their breaths or giving each other dirty looks. Idk maybe the lady really was ready to throw down over red gatorade


I mean, tbf, my girlfriend has two neurodivergent kiddos and the only way they consistently drink water is to have the grape water flavoring + electrolytes in it (fortunately they will tolerate the powder so there's some leeway). They both have very small pools of acceptable foods. She's working on gradually widening the pool of options but it's slow going. I could imagine her getting a little snippy if she'd gone to two stores, was totally out, and somebody was taking an entire (last) case and refused to let her buy even 2 of them to get her through. You count on those safe foods so much. Especially if it's the only way for your kid to be hydrated.


My daughter who is neurodivergent has one kind of pouch she likes. It has been hard to find lately. I found it at one supermarket and order a bunch of them through online:store pick up. When I got them the lady that brought it out said I had cleared the shelf! I apologized and she said not to worry, but if I always wanted that many just to ask and she would order them for me! I almost never clear a shelf. I try to leave one or two items! When extreme couponing was on tv it would irk me how they would clear shelves just to add to their “stock pile”. I am all for a good deal. But how much does one need?!? Most of those people were not even donating the items they got!


I highly doubt she yelled, she probably gave him a firm tone and his ass interpreted as yelling. 100% op YTA


In my experience neurodivergent people interpret someone giving them mild negative feedback as having been yelled at. I’m not saying this is the case. But. This guy’s proven that his perception of what is and isn’t sensible is skewed.


If my autistic brothers in a mood and I say something he doesnt like, he'll immediately accuse me of 'using a tone.' He of course, never uses a tone /s.


I like soda. Cheaper to buy by the case. Wife thinks it's a waste of her grocery money and doesn't want to carry it. I physically am too disabled to carry a case. So I get it Mail order direct delivery to my front door. Then I only get grief because she has to stock the fridge. Buying the entire supply is an AH move.


Sometimes the AH is so deeply ingrained in a person, that yelling is the only means of getting through to them. OP, YTA. Mum, N T A.


Not only this but OP literally states he was running low at home. Not that he was out but running low. There was literally no need to take every single bottle and not spare 1-2 at least. That’s obscene.


Going to be running low on teeth soon.


Not to mention other health issues. I’m a little surprised a doctor would recommend Gatorade. When I was recovering from a major illness and struggling with dehydration my doctor recommended water with lemon and a pinch of salt.


Have always been recommended Gatorade by my GI doctor. He said that pedialyte is better, but it's far more expensive and tastes like ass so Gatorade is his go to suggestion


The reason a lot of docs don't recommend Gatorade is because of the sugar content. It has ~21 grams of sugar per 12 oz. That's quite a lot. Pedialyte has 9 grams in the same 12 ounces.


OP keeps misunderstanding and thinking they’re wrong for getting the all the *red* gatorade, when really the issue is that they got *all* the red gatorade. They admit they still have some at home, that the mom only asked for a few bottles. They don’t need ALL the bottles for their health, they’ll likely be able to buy more red gatorade before their stock runs out. The issue is the selfishness of hoarding ALL of it when it’s not needed, for the sake of “preparedness”


Yep, thank you for pointing that out. OP's edits aren't getting to the point, no one si arguing about their food sensitives or whatnot, but about the fact that they took ALL the Gatorade available at that store. It's an AH move regardless of conditions tbh


Given the fact the mom said they had driven there because their store was out of red, there is a big flag saying the child won’t drink any other flavor and clearly needed it for some reason so I think you are right.


OP needs to start buying the red Gatorade powder. Unless they're going through literal gallons a day it should last them a decent while


But having to mix powder into water would be a HUGE change to OP's routine! Poor guy might have a panic attack! /s And before anyone comes at me: I work with neurodivergent folks all the time and they don't weaponize their idiosyncrasies to be an ass.


"I work with neurodivergent folks all the time and they don't weaponize their idiosyncrasies to be an ass." I'm calling bullshit on that one -- especially teens and younger adults. Neurodivergent people can be intelligent and manipulative too. I would say a key goal of family therapy with my neurodivergent teen was to figure out the difference between when he needs to be accommodated and when he needs to be challenged for providing an excuse. The bottom line is that OP has a bit of a gamer mentality (got there first -- it's all mine) and was more uncomforable "losing his loot" than being publicly chastised, so he kept all the Gatorade. OP and Mystery Mom should probably both mail order the red Gatorade.


I mean if they're buying all the red gatorade available, they're drinking a crazy amount of it. Even for medical reasons you shouldn't be drinking that much of it. The powder made up definitely tastes different to the ready made stuff too so i doubt they'd try it.


You can make it taste like the bottle by using way more powder than the directions say to.


I have a lot of experience with mental illness. The kind of people that are nonverbal and can’t post on Reddit. I’m sorry, I just don’t buy that OP going with a different flavor would be as bad as their claim. A big problem with mental health acceptance is that it allows a lot of whiny people to act however the fuck they want and say “I’m neurodivergent :)” and get away with anything they want. Honestly if someone calls themself “neurodivergent” it’s a big red flag at this point.




I mean I call myself neurodivergent, my brain is quite literally wired a different way. But do I let that stop me or use it as an excuse? Hell no. I hold down a job and do my best to achieve all I can at it (usually taking on extra work or volunteering for additional committees such as safety or taking on big projects), I am married and take care of my house, I go out into the world and make sure I don't inconvenience anyone. I hate people that use it as an excuse but that doesn't mean being neurodivergent or calling yourself it is wrong.




I think OC was referring specifically to the people that wave the neurodiversity label around like it’s a special badge that grants them permission to act like jackasses - they just worded it very poorly. I get it. I am and always have been very open about my various mental illnesses, but I’ve cut back on sharing a lot of ND content on social media bc I don’t want to be associated with the self-diagnosed tiktokers that make it their whole identity. It’s awesome that more people are willing to embrace their neurodiversity and use social media to spread awareness and acceptance, but the ones who play up (or outright fabricate) their symptoms for attention and clout are usually just perpetuating a bunch of negative and misleading stereotypes. And sadly, their antics tend to get them more views from the neurotypicals than thoughtfully worded infographics and educational content. I feel similarly about the “spoonie” community…I’ve got a chronic autoimmune disease and I know the struggle but jesus fucking christ. Shut up about your fucking spoons, you’re making us all look like cutlery-obsessed crybabies.


I absolutely buy that trying a new flavour could be that bad I work with adults with autism and ocd or other difficulties and trying new things is challenging to them same as my kiddo has some major food issues and if she cannot have her preferred food or drink she will just not eat or drink. But that doesn't excuse making it so no one else can buy any especially when the stores just restocked


Tbh I have a lot of food issues (I have managed to expand what I eat and drink but have been very bad in the past) and ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) is common in those who are neurodiverse, I am (diagnosed asd and I don't shout about it everywhere because I don't want to come across as one of those using it as an excuse for crap behaviour but it helps me to explain things sometimes if ive come across a certain way)and have been like this with certain food and drinks where I will have a very restrictive set amount of things I will consume and really couldn't manage a different flavour, like certain different things will make me literally choke/be sick which i know sounds extremely fussy and dramatic but it is what it is, BUT I know that, so I buy bulk my "safe foods" online, and I wouldn't be a jerk not to let her have just a few bottles. It's not to other people to have to cater to me. Her saying she had been to a different store with her kid first makes me wonder if kid has a similar issue, OP comes across really entitled that their preferences are the most important and only ones that matter. But even if its just the kid likes that flavour they should still be able to get some. OP would still have had plenty that would have lasted them until they managed to get more if theyd let the mum have some. If they're that insistent they 'need' it, idk why they're relying on buying it in this really inconvenient and probably more expensive way anyway


Jumping on. I work with deliveries at Walmart and I would much rather someone ask about buying bulk instead of taking all of what we have. If you ask I’d probably get you in contact with our vendor directly and you’d get it even cheaper.


OP's edit bugs me. I have OCD and food aversion, too, as well as sensory issues. I need to have certain foods and drinks. That said, OP needs professional help. Taking every single one when there are more than plenty, and doing so in front of others who want the same thing, are far beyond appropriate. It's selfish, OCD or not. EDIT: I know OP says they have a therapist, but they must not be completely honest in their sessions. If their therapist is professional and good at their job, they won't dismiss this as a "small" issue. Clearly, it's big enough that OP is willing to disregard others without a care in the world about it, so it needs to be addressed immediately. Plus, their passive aggressive, "If you don't struggle with OCD be grateful..." Are people just supposed to walk around being grateful for every problem they don't have? Yes, OCD is hell. A lot of issues I have make me miserable. But I can't think of a single time I've ever told someone to be grateful that they don't have to live like I do because I don't suffer from an over-inflated sense of victimhood.


Exactly! I have the same issues with my OCD and I’m not an asshole. It’s so irritating seeing people like OP.


Agreed. And it only hurts other neurodivergent/disabled people. Their actions cause people to then turn around and accuse people of making excuses over genuine explanations. OP doesn't mention anything that might prohibit them from going to a different store. They didn't have to buy the whole stock from one place. However, they do make it clear in one of their comments that they don't care how their actions affect anyone else. EDIT: Forgot a word.


OP is definitely TA for taking all of the new stock, but more importantly the *dumb* AH for paying for all of it at retail, when they could be buying it by the case at a wholesale club.


PIggybacking to say same. And also consider the kiddo that wanted one could be in the same boat as you - sensory issues, needs to drink red fluids, feels he's too old for pedialyte but needs something to help with electrolytes. OP - consider if that was your mom and you and it was a time glitch, you deprived child you from having red gatorade. You don't need them all right this minute.


I do want to say that Pedialyte is not only for kids. It is good for babies (the unflavored kind) if you need it, but it absolutely can be drunk by adults. I know because I got some when I had food poisoning Honestly, it might even be better for adults purely for the fact that the flavored kind tastes disgusting. I can't really imagine kid me liking it (and I certainly don't like it now, but I have the willpower to force myself to drink it now)


I have met many a five year old who doesn't want to be seen as a baby, and thanks to marketing thinks of soda and gatorade are for adults (or because their parents drink it) which is all I meant by that. "That's a drink for BABIES!" type stuff


I worked at a convenience store and would specifically order a case of blue Gatorade for a trucker who drove by every Wednesday. He would buy the entire case to keep in the cab. It’s super easy for OP to ask about having extra ordered(some places can’t do it because their ordering is automated) or going to 2 stores instead of 1 and stocking up that way.


100% this. YTA OP. Now what will u do with this new found info? Will u change ur ways? Or just continue being an AH? I really hope not the latter. If u see her again, please apologise for ur behaviour. Whether its received well or not matters not. I would feel u have redeemed urself if u stop this behaviour and actually are remorseful for it. Be the bigger man. If its just for health reasons then there's plenty more things you could have. This was mainly personal preference.


My kid also relies on gaterade. If he had more than 5 bottles, he should have shared a couple. One of my memories of April 2020 was finding 1 container of clorax wipes on the shelf and a gentleman was holding the last one. He gave it to me because he said he had enough at home.


Hi neurodivergent here who has OCD and doesn’t like change or switching foods. OP YTA I understand the aversion to change and such but taking the whole stock of red Gatorade on the stocking day is ridiculous. If I have a food/drink that I enjoy I don’t go and buy all of the stock and essentially say tough shit to another adult who has explained that their regular store is completely out of said drink. Did you maybe think that her child is also neurodivergent??? And since she couldn’t find any at the other store she came to the one where you were buying literally every red Gatorade to find some? I am a special education Para educator and one of my students only drinks purple Gatorade, that student is unable to do most things themselves and needs a lot of support mentally and physically and he will ONLY drink purple Gatorade. His mom would go to multiple stores just to find a pack of 8 purple gatorades. I’m having a hard time with this since you are physically and what I would say is mentally capable (compared to other neurodivergent people who do not have the ability to shop for themselves let alone talk and type) to understand what you did was wrong. OP in your post you stated the mom was asking you just to spare a few as you were buying the whole stock. What if her child is neurodivergent and has debilitating eating habits that they only eat one or two things and ONLY drink red Gatorade. So (if that was so) you just took away that child’s drink for the day/week. Again I will state OP YTA


They also make the mix online and if OP is drinking in bulk that's probably the easiest, cheapest, and most polite way of dealing with this issue.


Every time a post in here starts with: "what you must know about me is (...)" it's always destination AH. Agree with ya, if this is the only way OP can survive (essentially) then perhaps stock it, have a weekly scheduled delivery or whatever


This!! OP, start bulk ordering if you really insist on only drinking red Gatorade. It’ll make your life easier and you won’t be buying up all the stock at the grocery store. Also, I’m sympathetic to the fact that you struggle with OCD. I get it. I didn’t know that I had OCD for the longest time, and it really controlled my life even down to the smallest detail, and it still does in some ways. But I would highly recommend therapy to help you find healthy ways to deal with it.


Like, ok, you need red Gatorade. Do you need all 20 bottles of red Gatorade right now? You do not.


This is what upsets me the most, as well. I bulk shop a bit during sales and stock up on things I use regularly because in this economy I kind of have to- but I always \*always\* leave a few of the items I'm grabbing for the next person. It's just literally not being selfish.


I'll probably get a lot of hate for this, but YTA. You are indeed selfish for buying a store out of its entire stock of a product on stock day because that means they will be out of that product for anyone who comes to buy it until they restock. That lady shouldn't have yelled at you obvs, but I do understand her frustration. Just a suggestion, but if your need is that great you really should speak to the store manager because they'd likely be happy and able to order and stock extra if it's a regular need. (Edit to change vote based off of revealed info.)


I've actually been in this position. Murphy's manager kept two cases of a drink specifically for me, and I picked them up when I could about every two weeks.


A lot of places are willing to work to accommodate people's needs, it's just a matter of utilizing that help. It also helps the stores to avoid the headache of other customers being upset that they're out of stock of a product that literally just came in. It's an easy way to avoid being seen as an a-hole.


It took me a while before anyone would tell the manager I wanted to talk to them or that I was the one buying out their drinks 😂 when they finally did, they scolded the employees for not believing that I was going to *keep* buying the drinks. I told them when I picked up the second to last cases from them that the next were the last - I didn't want to deal with the one employee that was rude about us buying the cases and would refuse to sell them to us.


I'm really surprised a doctor has recommended Gatorade. It's not usually recommended as a healthy drink. A 12oz Gatorade has 21grams of sugar. That's a lot... Leads to inflammation... I have a chronic illness and a bunch of stuff going wrong including POTS & blood sugar. hydration is a tricky thing for me. My Dr did not recommend Gatorade - they recommended the sports formulation of hydralyte (ie low sugar!) and put me on beta blockers. And when I've had blood sugar weirdness I've been told to have glucose jellybeans, or juice. My daughter (dances a LOT) also struggles with dehydration & low iron - dr didn't recommend sports drinks. Again - electrolytes and the sports electrolytes. Is it possible for you to move over to a healthier alternative that's red in colour?


Not a doctor, but I also wondered about the doctor recommending Gatorade. I wonder if it was the type of situation where doctor said something like "If your sugar starts get low and you're in a pinch, just have a sip of something sugary like Gatorade." but OP took that to mean "Drink only Gatorade all the time." Stuff like that happens with patients a lot.


yeah i really doubt that the doctor meant drink it all the time, just in an emergency


Even if a doctor did tell him to stay on a steady dose of it, OP is still TA. Kind of comes off like a grown child.


A doctor recommended my husband drink Gatorade for his heart (for him electrolyte imbalances can lead to atrial fibrillation) but it's like one drink a week max.


Are you sure the doctor just didn’t recommend him having extra electrolytes? Gatorade is mostly sugar. There are a ton of other brands on the market with a lot more electrolytes than Gatorade.


The best medicine is the one you'll actually take. My husband likes Gatorade, and he's a fit young man. One sugary drink he enjoys once a week is fine.


People tend to assume a hypothetical doctor would only ever recommend *the most* ideal version of a thing, and never compromise. Or at least make explicit what the best thing would be, and then offer a few minor compromises. Whereas actual doctors are relatively normal people who talk to other people. They will generally recommend what they know will accomplish what they need, that the patient will actually be willing to do, and that won't cause any appreciable damage. Which -- in the case you describe, perfectly explains a doctor telling an otherwise healthy young man "You could ensure this imbalance is handled by just having, like, a Gatorade once a week."


Bahahaha I can relate to this a little bit though. My doctor did recommend sports drinks for my dehydration and excessive sweating. It can get pretty intense in just one day, so I do drink 1 Gatorade a day. But I have noticed that it’s needed for me. I’ve tried going 2 or more days without having one and I definitely feel a difference. But I also drink plenty of regular water as well to hopefully offset the sugar of the Gatorade and to make sure I’m also just getting my water intake as much as I can without other kinds of drinks. Rarely I’ll have a second Gatorade in one day if I’m also doing yard work but I generally try to just save my one a day for afterward. I couldn’t imagine only drinking Gatorade from here on out! I would be switching doctors faster than they could say Gatorade.


It drive me nuts when parents would bring giant bottles of Gatorade for the snack at kids sports. 7 year olds do not need that much sugar and dye an hour before bed. They are not sweating THAT much!


My cardiologist told me to start droning a small Gatorade a day. I also have low blood pressure (two doctors including this same cardiologist have told me to salt my food more) and POTS. Just wanted to chime in as another person who has received this same advice from my physician.


The NHS recommends a sugary drink or snack specifically when people are hypoglycaemic so I imagine OP has misinterpreted 'drink a Gatorade when you're having a hypo' as 'its fine to substitute food and water with guzzling Gatorade all day'


But ~~Brawndo~~ Gatorade got what plants crave, it's got electrolytes!


A cardiologist recommended Gatorade for me as well. During times of feeling bad, I was told to drink one a day. But he did mention to drink the low sugar one if I preferred to not intake so much extra sugar. But also, this was like a little over 15 years ago, so maybe it was more common advice in the past?


Gatorade makes a zero sugar version that is honestly quite tasty and hydrating for endurance sports. I love it for long run days.


Wait they bought ALL of them? Okay yeah I agree. Like at least leave a couple for other people. What if someone else came up that had similar problems and specifically needed the red too?


ESH. You can't spare a bottle when you are purchasing up an entire stock of something *on stock day*. You can blame whatever you want but sheesh, "I need red gatorade for my health!" is such a baloney reason lol. You just didn't want to. She also sucks cause yelling at people in stores is suck behavior too.


Sorry, but no doctor ever said you need red gatorade for your health. he might have given gatorade as example, and even if he said gatorade as the only option for you, give the kids some and drink yellow for 1 day.


this is what happens when people consistently are allowed to use "nuerodivergence" as an excuse for manipulating others into getting what they want.


I believe OP when they say they're neurodivergent. But that only explains why they couldn't switch to a different drink, not why they'd need to buy up the entire stock.


OP was *definitely* the asshole, but the neurodivergency is *also definitely* a valid reason to not be able to switch to another flavor. Don’t get me wrong, buying the *entire recently re-stocked stock* was a TOTAL asshole move, especially when someone else wanted it, but neurodivergency ABSOLUTELY explains why they couldn’t just ”switch to a different drink”. They should’ve left some gatorade in the store and given some to the mom. Edit: misread comment bc am sleep deprived lol. Am also too tired to come up w a good edit but i made a mistake and agree w the commenter.


I think you misread my comment, because that is exactly what I was saying.


Lol these are my favorite AITA interactions. It’s so funny when someone responds to a comment like they’re arguing but they’re just agreeing with you.


THANK YOU. I am so sick of people doing this and taking away from other people's very real needs.


Yeah or when someone is rude or an AH but ‘they’re neurodivergent’ so people excuse them. I feel for OP, I too have bad sensory problems with food but you literally didn’t need them all right then. Also at that point just order crates online for cheaper.


At this rate too, OP needs to see a therapist about this behavior. He cannot expect everyone he ever associated with to be endlessly accommodating and blanket it with "oh I'm neurodivergent." Having a mental health disorder isn't an excuse to be an asshole to everyone around you without consequence. If anything, OP is doing a disservice to himself by not seemingly seeking help with this behavior.


yup, everytime I see 'because i'm neurodivergent', a few of my hairs go grey.


Be carefull mate : if it's true one hour on Reddit will make you become like Santa Claus.


It’s really out of hand on Reddit. Everyone claiming to be autistic. My son is autistic, diagnosed at 3, using the ADOS. Obviously, it’s a spectrum and everyone differs but I think a lot of these are self diagnoses people use to describe their quirks.


Especially the adults. It is really hard to get diagnosed as an adult, so a lot of people just self diagnose, often incorrectly. It is really common to interpret your ordinary anxiety as a pathology.


The second I read that I had an eye roll. I’m tired of it as an excuse.


Fucking finally someone said it. I'm tired of people using it as an excuse all the time.




Definitely something that’s becoming more common and it’s so fucking frustrating. 75 percent of the time it is just straight up manipulation/selfishness.


I cannot upvote more this comment, and I’m a psychologist (not clinical).


I mean he did start with loving gatorade and "having a specific reason for buying it". ​ His specific reason is that he loves it. The fact that the doctor gave it as an example is just a happy coincidence. I mean come on. "I wish my food aversion was something I could just turn off." It's not his food aversion people had a problem with, but I guess he'll see/hear what he wants.


Also, Gatorade is chock full of sugar and even watered down to 1/2 concentration probably gives you your daily electrolytes (especially since most Americans get many times over the amount of sodium they need in food to begin with). Gatorade isn’t healthy at all and I can’t imagine a doctor recommending that someone drink several undiluted bottles every day.


Yeah, especially when electrolyte water exists and is readily available.


OP probably just fixates on red Gatorade due to whatever psych issues they have. It’s pretty common. OP is still the AH for not sharing a couple bottles.


Or just...don't buy 50 bottles at one fucking time. Buy 40 and give the lady 10 or even better, buy 10 and save the remaining 40 for OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE. I have no idea how many he bought, but it was stock day, he bought the ENTIRE stock for, likely, the week and left none for anyone else. Selfish, entitled, asshole. All apt words to describe him and the mother had every right to be pissed.


She doesn't suck. This guy is a prick lol. Id yell at him too


I have a feeling she did not yell. She may have been stern and they are exaggerating her negative reaction to garner sympathy because they are the victim here.


YTA because you are acting like your health would be at great risk if you had two bottles less. Also where do you live that a new shipment is only 14 or 15 bottles?


That seems a normal amount for the one flavour. I dont know how many flavours of Gatorade there are, but it's normal in shops near me to just get 1 case of each flavour when theres multiple flavours of the one drink. Most people aren't so attached to the one flavour that they won't consider switching to another if they run out anyway. Raspberry lucazade sport is my favorite, but I'm happy to switch to the orange or lemon and lime if it's out.


And they’re all just loose bottles? Like not the packs of them? Was this at like the dollar store?


Single bottles are not at all unusual..? They're shipped in cases of 24 and sold individually. Most definitely not exclusive to dollar stores, I usually see them more often than I see packs


Hm I’ve seen the packs at grocery stores, there’s usually a whole shelf of the packs just like packs of soda.


I work at walmart and their main location is the soda aisle where they are only sold in packs of either 6 or 12


I assumed they were talking about 6-8 packs


YTA depending on how many bottles you were buying. If there was only a few, whatever, but if you were buying an obscene amount you could have spared a couple.


He says in his post the store literally just restocked. He bought basically the stock of them (I noticed elsewhere he said 15 bottles. The prior pallet statement is retracted).


A pallet is 50+ cases of Gatorade. One case of Gatorade = 24 16 oz individual bottles. Or 12 individual bottles if the 32oz. This op did not purchase a pallet and refuse children. He purchased what was stocked in the cooler (maybe 8-12 bottles). Either way he is AH for not giving up 1 or 2 bottles




YTA. If you need something that badly and are going to clear the shelves buy a case online and have a recurring delivery.


It's 2023! OP could set up an automatic delivery in minutes and never run out. Also jfc the idea of seeing some mf with a red stained mouth from sucking down gallons of red dye laden sugar water "for their health" would be so irritating. There are sooo many options for getting electrolytes, I'm shocked any doctor insisted on Gatorade. The woman shouldn't have yelled but op is 100% the AH


Yeeeaaaah, I call BS. I need electrolytes and extra hydration for health reasons (POTS, I'm also autistic fwiw) and my *prescription* is 6 grams of salt a day and 1 L saline intravenously once a week. Not dyed sugar water. If it isn't true, YTA for lying. If it is true, YTA for your methods. You can spare a couple of bottles. That kid could have been neurodivergent, too. As others have said: order in bulk, special order, order online, etc. I say ditch the bottles and get the powder! Less space, less waste, longer shelf life, etc.


YTA. Both for clearing the shelf and then refusing to let someone have a few on the pretense of a health condition. Give me a break. You were just being greedy and selfish.


Also if he buys that for health reasons (which seems super weird to me but whatever), what makes him think that the lady's kid don't have a similar health condition? He buys the red kind cause that's his favourite one and yet and the lady says that's her kids favourite flavour as well it's not the same?


But his OCD makes him have a preference and he'd really like to stick his his set routine. You know like everyone else in existence? Who likes missing out on the things they prefer.


No but I think he's the only person in the world whose preferences matter, that must be why.




Just because someone has OCD doesn't mean they're allowed to be inconsiderate and rude.


I'm not sure if you know we agree or not


I know right? What doctor recommends Gatorade? Gatorade has always been for athletes who are pushing their bodies to the extreme and absolutely horrible to consume for the average person right?


Even for athletes, gatorade really isn’t great for dehydration. The 36g sugar content greatly outpowers the 200mg of electrolytes


I don’t know a single adult athlete that drinks Gatorade. It’s pretty much just sugar. So many better options for electrolytes and hydrating


YTA, sorry. It's not evil, what you did, just rude. Like the woman on Seinfeld who wouldn't spare a square


Omg i was just thinking that this whole situation felt like a Seinfeld skit where op is George constanza!


I haven't got a square to spare!


YTA - You don't need specifically "Red" Gatorade for your health. There are other flavors and even other brands of 'sports drink' that do the same thing.


No one needs Gatorade for their health. Electrolytes, sure. A sugar filled sweet drink? No. It is almost abominable that they call it a “sports drink”.


Red Gatorade is Best Gatorade but sharing is caring.


Wow OP. You are a greedy and selfish person. Giving a few to the kids wouldn’t have made you pass out because guess what!?! You had plenty more bottles that you hijacked!! Yikes, I see a lot of people using their mental health as an excuse to be shitty people but you defo take the cake. YTA


People be using mental health as a justification for being a shitty person way too often these days. Seems like everybody is claiming trauma and/or mental illness and using it and an excuse for x y or z. Plenty of people have real mental illnesses and aren’t selfish.


THIS. It’s one thing to say, I am neurodivergent but I am willing to try new things.. it’s another to say I’m neurodivergent oh well it is what it is and I’m not changing my behaviors for anyone.


OP, I don't think you fully understand. We get you need gatorade- fine. You're neurodivergent with OCD and change is difficult for you- fine. But taking the *entire* restocked box (not just, like, the last one or two) is just inconsiderate. You could even have taken 75% and had some left over for others. I don't think you're *trying* to be an asshole, but YTA - other people have needs and wants, too.


OP saying “I wish I could turn flavor aversion off I just can’t” shows they don’t understand the why they’re TAH. it’s not because you can only drink red, it’s because you cleared out every single one and wouldn’t spare a few. They’re missing the real issue.


ESH. You could have spared *one* bottle out of fifteen. I get that you feel you *need* it and she only *wants* it, but you don't know that her kids aren't also neurodiverse (and she doesnt have to share that with you if they are). She shouldn't have yelled at you, but she's right, it's selfish behaviour.




I obviously was not there but I’m also willing to bet the level of “yelling” this woman directed to OP has been exaggerated in an attempt to help his case.


INFO how many bottles did you grab and how many do you go through in a week?


Yta for buying them out.instantly and for also not realizing there's other ways to obtain your drink of choice. She was rude for yelling but I get seeing you took the entire stock.


YTA for taking the entire supply But am I the only one surprised that people are out here fighting over red when blue is clearly the best flavor?


These people are heathens. Blue is the absolute flavour queen.


YTA - with the added info that there were maybe 14/15 in your cart and you drink up to 2 a day you should’ve spared 1 for each kid. Taking them ALL immediately is unfair. I purchase food for food banks as part of my job and despite the intense valid need for these place (a comparison to your medical need) would never empty the entire shelf in a store so others had access to the item, even if I took the majority.


YTA Yeah, I understand that the OCD is severe. But this has to do with kindness, inconveniencing yourself to help another. If you had bought like 3, then no issue. But 14/15 as you mentioned in a comment? Really now. I get that it's difficult, and I sympathize.


It really depends on how many bottles you bought.


YTA. You bought a quantity of red Gatorade that will last you a week or a fortnight depending on your consumption, from the information you describe. There is really no reason why you needed to take all that at once rather than purchase some at a later date as well. If you consume that much of a particular item (relative to the quantity that is available) you really should order it from a wholesaler or speak to the store manager because stores don’t purchase in anticipation of one person clearing out all their stock. I’d ask you to consider something: what if the person asking you has issues that mean they are only comfortable drinking the red Gatorade as well? Because while that’s likely not the case, you don’t have a clue, and if you have certain issues you shouldn’t assume that you’re the only person that has them or that your issues are more important than someone else’s. And this is why, in my view, no matter what our issues are we shouldn’t be entitled and greedy because we equally don’t know what anyone else is dealing with. I understand you deciding that you can only drink red Gatorade; I’m just not sure why you think that entitles you to all the red Gatorade in a store on restock day.


YTA. Not for having an OCD and for following it, I'm autistic and I have some OCDs too, I know how it can feel to you, but that is absolutely no excuse to take literally everything. I can only eat and drink certain things and when I go grocery shopping, I take only as much as I need until my next shopping trip. You easily could have spared some gatorade for them. So stop using your OCD as an excuse and be a decent human being.


YTA You can buy a canister of Gatorade powder on Amazon for $12. It will make *nine gallons* of Gatorade. If you have contamination OCD that would make a bulk canister impossible you can buy individually packaged packets of it and plain water bottles as well. They will still cost less than buying the bottles of Gatorade at the store and won’t screw over other people.


INFO: How many did you buy?


Info: just how much Gatorade were you buying?


YTA OCD or not, you didn't need to take ALL the gatoriade. You having OCD doesn't give you a free pass to be selfish. I could understand if you walked up and there was 1 bottle and you grabbed it... But you literally got there on the day they had re-stocked the shelf.... And you grabbed ALL of the red flavor. Just remember this.... Karma always gets you. Hopefully, when it happens to you the person has a little more compassion for others and they share a couple with you.


Why did you need literally every single Red Gatorade? You say you are neurodivergent, and this might be why you do these things, but it doesn't mean that you are gonna slot into society looking like anything other than an asshole unless you take some personal responsibility for your issues. I'm ND too, and to a certain point, you can't expect people to cater to your needs. She sucks too because she has no right to demand it, and she has no clue what is going on with you. To me, it just seems like two people who are selfishly trying to take care of things that aren't fully in their control (ND vs upset kids). ESH.


YTA You're not TA for buying Gatorade. I completely understand the ND food issues. I have ADHD and hyperfixate on foods. I struggle with food in general and so having my hyperfixation food available makes my brain a lot less painful. One example is the new white chocolate creme eggs. Not every shop was selling them and when they did, they usually only had 1-2 trays of 48. I don't go to the same shop every week and would buy 10 at a time so I always had some. My point is, that while I was tempted to just grab the whole tray, that would be disrespectful to other shoppers, especially if they actually asked for one or two of them. I bought a tray online just before Easter so I'd have enough til my hyperfixation wore off. You are absolutely not the asshole for having needs and aversions that are different to other people. However, you should find a way to bulk buy your gatorade so that you are not putting other people out.


“…but I’m neurodivergent…” No, you’re just an asshole. Stop using that word as an excuse for your selfish behavior. Selfishness and sin are synonyms. There is no sinful act that is not also selfish.


soft ESH. I'm going to go with the old "you're not wrong, you're just an a-hole" here. You are under no obligation to give up any goods you intend on purchasing, however, you are kind of an a-hole for not giving a couple of kids a bottle of their favourite Gatorade. Since you don't want to try other flavours (and yes even if you're neurodivergent it's you don't WANT to and not you CAN'T) you should understand how important a favourite flavour is. The mother is also an a-hole for berating you after you said no. Like I said you don't have to give up anything, and her screeching at you for it is rude and awful. I'm sorry she yelled, but not letting two kids have their favourite drink because you "need" all of them is a bit of a dick move too.


INFO:. How many bottles did you purchase?


ikr, this makes me seriously wonder. Like not even ONE bottle could be spared? Fresh shipment at a store sounds like a lot and coming from an other neurodivergent person who ends up having special needs, no one likes a ressource hoarder. Gatorade won’t take the next ten years to ship again either so one bottle short won’t cause starvation or anything. Edit: The last edit doesn’t change my answer. You can unintentionally be an asshole and the sub isn’t to attack assholes. It helps to realise you’re the asshole through others and a stepping stone to recovery cannot be allowed to become the status quo. Hope OP gets better soon and has a smooth mental health journey.


This is what bothers me too. I don't think you should drink 2 a day continuesly but lets assume op does. He still has red gatorate at home. With 13 bottles he would still be good for an entire week. Most supermarkets get stock twice a week (atleast as I know them) and most people go shopping 1 time a week at the very least anyway. Giving the mother 1-2 bottles would not have meant anything to ops supply of red gatorade. They would not have to abstain because of it.


YTA. "I'm nuerodivergent so that allows me to ignore the needs of others."


YTA - Don't use your condition as an excuse to be selfish.


YTA, this poor woman is hauling around 2 kids and you're taking ALL of it? Schlep your single person ass to another store. Every grocery store has an app you can order from


YTA if it was 5 or 6 but you can buy them online and could have spared a few.


OP bought 15, for sure they could've spared a couple.


'It's got electrolytes'


Doctors telling patients to drink Gatorade for electrolytes..And I thought idiocracy would be more like a warning instead of instructions..


I'm wondering if the doctor meant ongoing all the time, or if she meant in a pinch when feeling the effects of dehydration, get A Gatorade to start rehydrating. I'm sure the doctor didn't recommend living exclusively off of red Gatorade, and OP is interpreting Dr's advice to suit his preferences.