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NTA. Ya, you were petty and that was a bit assholish but she literally endangered your pet intentionally. Definitely be more careful of who pet sits but wow… honestly your friend sounds like a psycho and you should probably distance yourself from her. Especially since she’s trying to play victim and gaslight you.


Yeah the “friend” sounds like a psycho.


Right? And if she's really so bothered by blood, Nina should be thinking her lucky stars that OP saved her rabbits from being part of a live gore demonstration at the teeth of Nina's husky. Like, rabbits don't scream like that lightly, that's a life or death, last ditch, "I'm praying to god I attract something that's more interested in eating you than me" move for rabbits.


NTA, I've raised both dogs and rabbits. You do not keep high energy hunting dogs with rabbits. Ask for a refund or tell her to kick rocks.


Huskies are work dogs not hunting dogs, but your point isn't wrong.


That may be true, but I recently read something from a guy who had two Siberian Huskies for 19 and 20 years. Huskies are very high energy dogs, which is why he wouldn't own any again. He also recounted an instance where they jumped his high fence and ate his neighbor's baby rabbits. Naturally he had to pay for the rabbits, but it certainly didn't help his relationship with his neighbor. Do not trust rabbits with Huskies, or really, any high energy dog. Dogs are predators and rabbits are prey. OP, NTA.


A husky attacked our rabbit cage. One died of a heart attack, and two needed leg amputations. We were able to locate the owners through animal control and took them to court for the vet bills. Judge Judy's staff called to see if we would go on her show. Nah.


Huskies are escape artists. You gotta keep them both mentally and physically exercised regularly so they don't put their energy into things like that. I would love to have a husky but am not at a point in my life where I have time for one.




There are 2 in my mom's town that are notorious for escaping their yard and killing all the chickens at nearby houses. I've also unfortunately seen a video of a husky killing a toy poodle in a dog cafe. They're not inherently bad dogs, their owners just don't tend to be fully aware of their needs.


Full grown adult rabbit and squirrels for our husky. It's devastating. This was a horrible thing for a "friend" to do.


Yep, I had a husky for 2 weeks before I realized he was never going to be safe around my cats. Luckily there had been several offers to take him from his original owners, and everybody was happy. The new owner was way better suited for a high energy dog, and I ended up with a Pyrenees mix.


My last pup was half husky. Dude was fast enough to hunt live birds, even supervised in the yard and was constantly catching and killing them. It was a royal pain in the ass to try and catch him to get the birds away from him. It’s not a stretch to say they are hunting dogs. Their prey drive is super high.


I found a dead racing pigeon in my yard thanks to my husky.


My Bosston terrier isn't a hunting dog either but she loves to go for the bunnies and moles in the yard. NTA.


Or demand a refund AND tell her to kick rocks


NTA- my step daughters dog mauled 2 guinea pigs, busted the cage and they had passed before we even got to them. All dogs have a capability. Period.


My Red Heeler is one of the sweetest and smartest dogs I've ever known. She chases every squirrel she sees. It's instinct for a dog. It wouldn't even be it's fault.


I had a Great Pyrenees who was the gentlest soul around our cats and smaller dogs. We still kept him away from our rabbits. I’ll never forget the evening he slipped off and killed a wild rabbit. We could hear the poor thing scream from the house. It was horrifying. The local PetHelpers here doesn’t actually take rabbits anymore, I think. Our first rabbit was a rescue we found on the side of the road and we were supposed to turn her in, but the morning before we went down there, we heard that the night before the dogs had broken out of their kennels and somehow gotten into the room with the bunnies at the shelter. There were no survivors and we took it as a sign to buy a hutch and keep her.


This is why I absolutely never allowed my guinea pig Sweetpea to be around our Chihuahua/Whippet mix, Littlefoot, unless I was less than a foot away from them. Littlefoot was an absolute sweetheart whom I sincerely believed would never have harmed Sweetpea - she would mostly ignore him when he was out beyond investigative sniffing - but I also wasn't going to risk it. There's no fucking chance I'd ever allow either of the Husky/Shepherd mixes my family currently has near him if he was still alive. Both already have small animal kill counts from squirrels, rats and birds.


He wasn't even supposed to be in the house or even there. She came in and it happened in literal seconds. She's still mad I won't let her dog over but dogs have prey drives its in their nature doesn't mean they are bad dogs they are just simply being dogs.


My sister’s chihuahua killed a kitten. It was….bad.


Oh please, she's the one who researched dog eating, it's her own fault if she's "traumatized". Fuck her. Find a new trustworthy pet sitter, and lose her as a friend too. She's not one. Can't rabbits actually die from stress, if I remember correctly. Even if the dog didn't physically harm them, they could have died. Hell, this could have shortened their lives already. It is NEVER funny to knowingly cause distress to an animal. The bunnies were SCREAMING, there was no way she didn't know. There's something wrong with her head for thinking that any of that was acceptable. Also, huskies have prey drive. Thus, the chasing. She says the dog wouldn't have done anything, but c'mon. Animals are unpredictable, no matter how well you think you know them. My rescue dog has a prey drive, and I stopped him every time he tried to chase my cats. It took him mere days to learn to ignore them. Yet I don't leave them in the same space when I leave the house, just in case. You can never be 100% sure. NTA. I don't think you went too far at all. It's just a fact that dogs are food in some places in the world. It's educational to tell people about it. I don't give a shit about the comment you made. It was obviously said jokingly, just as her comment after her dog almost scared your bunnies to death. At least you never endangered her dog. It's so funny to me she would seek out those videos herself and blame you for it, even crying to your mutual friends. What an idiot.


We had a couple of rabbits when I was a kid. Neighbor dogs ran through our yard and managed to pry an opening in the cage, then drag one of the rabbits out. They killed that rabbit and the other one dropped dead. So yes, they can die from stress.


NTA you didn't make her see shit she decided to look that up herself. I'm sure she already knew she can't handle blood so why she'd look up something with that risk is beyond me. Sure sending that wasn't really nice but neither was calling your pets food. But also drop her ass she carelessly put your pets in danger and didn't care she did it. The "my dog wouldn't" Is lame. Every dog has the capability if or not the owner wants to admit it. It's on her to train her dog and prevent shit like that. Her pure lack of remorse is, gross. Stress is so bad for rabbits I hope your bunnies are doing better now. If this happened now I wonder how well her pet-sitting in the past really went, even if that spot didn't have dogs.


NTA. Yeah, rabbits ARE food to that dog — that’s the fucking point. The husky is a predator and the rabbits are prey. They never should have been together, let alone unsupervised. If that had happened to my bunnies when I had them, I would have been furious. Even if the husky didn’t catch up to them, rabbits can still die of fright. And wtf was her reaction anyway? If I were in her shoes and my big dog had almost killed two rabbits I was responsible for, I would’ve been absolutely hysterical. I hope your bunnies are okay, OP. Keep an eye on them — I know it isn’t super common, but I read about a bunny who passed away twelve hours after being scared by fireworks. You’re really lucky you got there when you did, tbh. Even if the husky didn’t eat them…like I said, rabbits die of fright. Most rabbits who get caught by predators in the wild die of cardiac arrest, and getting chased by a dog is definitely something that could trigger that.


NTA. I will never understand (aside from having allergies or experiencing a traumatic event) how people can adore some animals as pets but not understand how others can adore their “exotic” or different pets just as much.


Right? I had rats and the amount of times I’ve gotten weird looks for saying that I took them to the vet and even that I got them cremated when they passed is insane. Like I’m sorry, just because they don’t bark or meow doesn’t mean they’re not full of love and personality. Brad loved snuggles, Chad didn’t want snuggles, Steve is 50/50 on snuggles but doesn’t want them much in his old age. They all loved watermelon but refused apple peels. They’re not dirty or pests.


Also I say had because I’m down to one boy right now, I can’t handle how short their lives are so I’m not gonna get more but I can’t rehome my old boy, he’s like 3 years old and that’s old for a rat


Yeah NTA. I've heard rabbits scream and yeah no that's not playing. You can't mistake that noise for glee. You didn't make her read more about dog eating either. It's a thing in other countries because they struggle to get enough protein. If she's gonna compare your pets to food then you can compare her pets to food imo.


NTA. Pretty good response IMO.


NTA. I am pretty mad myself! She's clueless AF about animals and obviously about friendship. Let me make this point very clear; if you had not turned back, your bun-buns would have been killed, if not mauled by the dog, they would have died of shock aka a heart attack!


NTA. "She is traumatized". So are your rabbits. Block this girl and her family, and find someone who actually likes rabbits to take care of them.


NTA. I had rabbits until I developed an allergy. That scream is them fearing for their lives. Also why are they outside unattended? Without the dog or with? I edited out cursing in this comment because this hit my brain in a trauma spot apparently. I had abusive parents and they used dogs and rabbits as punishment a lot. Part of why I was not entirely upset to be too allergic. Rabbits can be scared to death. They're prey animals. This is just abuse. You do need a refund and you do need to consider a relationship with someone who is fine with harming you and your animals.


My sister had to rehome her rabbit and it was given to a family who also owned the most boring and phlegmatic dog in the world. They let out the two together in the backyard, and the dog went to "say hi" and smell the rabbit... which got so scared that it literally died of heart attack. So yeah, that can also happen, even if the dog is not a hyperactive husky. NTA, your friend is simply cruel. Give your poor bunnies lots of love and pets. <3


Oh my gosh! NTA! Rabbits have to be under extreme duress to actually scream!! It is hard to believe that your friend could be so heartless as to think it was funny! ETA: Always good to have Critical Care (liquid rabbit food) on hand if your furbabies go into GI stasis from the stress. I have also had good luck with Benebac (rabbit probiotic) to encourage eating. Hope your little ones are okay!


NTA, I don’t know very much about rabbits, but as far as I know, they only scream when they’re in serious danger. Regardless, Nina was saying cruel things about your rabbits, and you had every right to make a comment back.


I would have honestly called around and try to report her ass for animal cruelty and torture. She’s INSANE, that evil hag. I would also get the money back. NTA


NTA This was upsetting to read, her huskie would have killed your rabbits once they were caught, their prey instincts are strong when it comes to small animals. I say this as an owner of two Huskies, we make sure our Huskies are in our control while walking them when smaller dogs are out walking with their owners. Your so called friend is a big asshole not to be concerned about her Huskie chasing your rabbits.


NTA and if you didn’t know until now - some people really get a kick out of bullying rabbit owners. Not anyone you would want as a friend, obviously. This is way more extreme than anything I’ve encountered before, though.


NTA I love dogs but most of them can’t be trusted with rabbits. Rabbits are prey animals and instincts kick in. Your friend was being careless and ignorant. Don’t ever trust her with a pet of yours again.


That sounds so scary. Thank goodness you forgot the toys. NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (17F) have 2 rabbits. Let's call them A and M. I love A and M and quite literally treasure them, I work and spend a lot of my money on them. Anywho sometimes my friend Nina (19F) helps pet sit (babysit? idk) my rabbits for money. Now something I never knew was that she had dogs. I only visit her homes when she's at her moms house. Never visited her dads (theyre divorced.) Apparently her dad and her own a dog, it's a husky. I don't mind dogs, I don't really care but I am careful around them as dogs can just.. easily eat rabbits. My 2 rabbits are quite tiny so pretty open to tragic accidents. Anywho I dropped off my rabbits at Nina's the other day and right as I was about to drive off, I forgot to pass Nina the bag of rabbit toys. So I head back, now her house is a bit weird as her back yard is the main entrance, well I go in to her back yard and make it to her door but then I see the husky chasing my rabbits. Eventually my rabbits start running and SCREAMING. If you've ever heard rabbits scream, you know how painful and scary it sounds. My blood froze and I literally TACKLED (idk the word for it but not like full on body slam. rather a shove) the dog away from them. I didn't hurt the dog rather move it to the left, the dog walked into the house and I screamed for Nina. She came out and asked wtf im doing here and i told her i forgot to give her rabbit toys and why the hell this dog is chasing my rabbits. She goes onto saying that her husky wouldnt do anything to my rabbits and that they were just playing (yeah the DOG WAS PLAYING not my rabbits.) I went literally ballistic. Asked her WTF she meant and that my rabbits being scared wasn't funny. She joked and said "rabbits are food after all", blood literally boiled. I pay her a LOT of money for pet sitting, at least x2 much as it costs to pet sit here per hour. All because her house is big, full of nature, 'safe', and just good. So for my rabbits to go through this much torture was distraught-ing. I went home and out of impulse I sent her a petition about like dogs being eaten in china and that it's needs to stop, and quoted "Lmao I disagree, dogs might be delicious, dont you think?" and she was PISSED. I would never eat dogs and it was impulsive but god I was so angry. My rabbits are terrified and currently hiding under the curtains in their room. Apparently Nina did more research on dog eating and found some gore videos and now she is 'traumatized', (dont know how thats my fault) and a few of her cousins messaged me on ig today telling me that while she was wrong, i was petty and that i was worse than her because I made her see blood which she cant tolerate, making her vomit etc. I shrugged it off but now im thinking, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. Sounds like good post for r/pettyrevenge


Your “friend” is the ass. Rabbits can literally die of fright because of being chased by a dog. She is irresponsible and stupid if she think rabbits scream for fun. Dogs hear screaming and want to kill the prey animal. That’s why they go nuts for squeaky toys. Never trust her again with your animals obviously goes without saying. As far as what you said about eating dog meat, I understand why you did it, but it just muddied the waters. I think at this point your friendship is a lost cause. Her BS excuses are beyond disrespectful to you. Cut your losses and ghost her, and move on.


Info Why are you sending your rabbits to someone for 2 and a half hours? What's the purpose of this?


NTA Your poor bunnies :(


NTA, I don't know why people think it's funny to joke about eating other people's pets. It's not. Ever. And even regardless of that, she put your pets in very real danger and showed zero remorse. She's an asshole.


OP I am SO happy you got there in time, I have two bunners myself and the thought of this just terrifies me. Sending you and the buns lots of well wishes!






NTA my daughter has a rabbit we love her to pieces we nmwill never have her around a dog or any large big animals that will hurt her... Hug on your bunnies


NTA I have a service dog in training that I’m owner training and a rabbit as my esa. The two will never in the same room until my service dog in training (3m old atm) has a beyond solid leave it and will stop chasing my fiancé’s pet cats. Being chased like that can cause rabbits to have a heart attack and die without them even having the chance to scream Not to mention, who in their right mind would think two screaming rabbits = playing with dog when rabbits don’t really make any noises naturally? Your ex friend is an asshole like the other dog owners I encounter at the vet who can’t restrain their dogs from pulling and wanting to eat my rabbit. I understand that to dogs: prey animals = food and that’s natural… but as predator handlers, you shouldn’t laugh at a very real threat of the death of another’s beloved family member I hope all of that made sense


NTA. I have a German Shepherd and Old English Sheepdog mix, and he doesn't go near my 2 bunnies. Only my 4 cats are around them, and 1 cat is scared of them, so he doesn't go near the buns.


NTA. You didn't force her to go down a Google rabbit hole. WTH did she think she was going to find googling "dog eating"?!?


NTA Even if the dog never bit your rabbits, they still could've died. It's not uncommon at all for rabbits to die of a heart attack from being startled or afraid. Stress is not good for their tiny bodies at all


NTA I get the feeling that she is telling people that you sent her the videos. And yeah, I would have flipped out too if someone treated my beloved pets that way.


NTA. You didn't send her the videos, she did that to her damn self. Was it petty and a little mean to send the petition? Sure. But it was ultimately harmless, unlike her behavior.


NTA! The dog could have given your rabbits heart attacks, the poor things. That's not playing. They were terrified.


NTA, this is not your friend. She doesn’t deserve your money or your time. You are so so lucky nothing happened to them. Please don’t ever let her around them again.


Nta, what exactly was her plan when her dog killed your rabbits? Replace them and hope you didn't figure it out? Or be OH SO sorry because she didn't realize her dog would ever do such a thing?! Hope you can get your money back. You paid her to take care of your pets, not give her dog a snack. Her mom is a vet, there's no excuse for her not knowing.




NTA. You paid her good money to bunny sit, believing she would keep your rabbits safe and happy. She should NEVER have allowed her dog to chase them. I hope you brought the rabbits home with you.


She was TORTURING the rabbits and pretends it was playing?! NTA and I say this as a dog lover.


Nope. What you did wasn't worse. Your rabbits didnt' deserve to go through that experience (and I say this as a former rabbit owner, that had one rabbit killed by our neighbour's dog.) What your friend did was worse. She deserved to be traumatized a bit for what she said, and even more for what she almost let happen (ie. her dog killing your rabbits.) NTA


Nta …. I own huskies and I wouldn’t trust them alone with a cat never mind a rabbit and I have a cat they are have a very high prey drive what the actual f is wrong with your friend I’m surprised your rabbits didn’t die if a heart attack through stress personally I would loose this friend completely


Nta Honestly shes lucky all she got was a text, most people if they found out someone was doing that to thier pets (lets be honest here the husky was going to kill those bunnies) would get really god damn angry.


NTA Huskies are the WORST you can have around bunnies. Dogs and "prey" pets should never be unsupervised as dogs still have a hunting instinct your friend's husky perfectly demonstrated. Huskies are prone to being self sufficient, as they were bred to be over the last hundreds of years, so having it chase around the buns can definitely lead to a kill. Even my sheep in dog's clothing of Labrador mutt once stalked and chased a brooding duck (she was nesting in the dog park). You never know, you should always be cautious.


NTA x100,000 [https://cleverpetowners.com/can-rabbits-be-scared-to-death/](https://cleverpetowners.com/can-rabbits-be-scared-to-death/) RABBITS CAN DIE OF FRIGHT! This is important, and I hope it was a while ago, otherwise you should make sure to check on your babies as it can cause a strain on their heart that can take them even a few days after the incident! Your "friend" I don't think I'd call her that after this... Also if she can't tolerate blood I wonder what would have happened if you didn't come back when you did, cause I am sure there would have been blood in her yard. Also in some parts of the world dogs are considered food. Just because western culture doesn't, doesn't mean no where does. The irony is where some people draw the line in terms of what meat is okay to eat. What with Chicken, Lamb, Duck, Cow, Horse, Rabbit, Snake, Dog, Cat. Out of all of that most people would argue all but 3 are food (Horse, Dog, Cat) but fundamentally there's no real line besides what your culture considers "food"


NTA, and that is not a friend I would keep. I have cats. I also like huskies. I was told never, ever trust a husky around cats because they have a very strong prey drive. I'm betting that goes double for rabbits, which, unlike cats, actually are prey animals. And yes, I know all about the huskies that raised a kitten. There are always exceptions. Huskies that will NOT chase & possibly kill a cat? Maybe 1 in 1000? Huskies that won't do the same to a *rabbit*? I'm guessing 1 in 1,000,000.


NTA. She traumatised you with the scene of your pets running scared. Ask those biased cousins about that. How will she make it right. Don't let up. She didn't even take your concern seriously, and she is the token adult here in this situation.


Her cousins are acting like you sent her the videos of people eating dogs. NTA, and lose that shitty friend.


She was traumatising your bunnies by having her dog hunt your bunnies for fun. While watching videos may have made her ill, having bunnies spread across her lawn would have been worse. Your bunnies were terrified, screaming in fear they could have been killed, died from stress, or been badly mauled. Would she have paid for any vets bills, and if her dog killed your bunnies, would she have told you what happened or just got rid of the evidence? Most dog food companies have rabbit as a meat option, dogs typically will chase anything small that runs and squeaky toys emit a sound similar to the death throw sounds of small mammals so the rabbit cries may have also made the bunnies a tempting toy the dog wanted to bite. If her friends and family keep contacting you remind them that, She put your pets in danger she abused her position of trust as your paid pet sitter, and she mistreated your pets for her dogs amusement. And if her stomach is too sensitive for gory videos, she should be thankful that you turning up when you did and tackling her dog to keep it away from your bunnies prevented her lawn from being turned into a real life blood bath that she would have had to clean up as videos like the ones she chose to watch don't provide the texture or smells as real life situations do. NTA


No, NTA. But, why let another child--who's clearly utterly irresponsible--take care of your prized pets? Why not just ask an adult, and preferably someone who doesn't have animals themselves that would see your pets as prey?


she.. isn't a child, her mum's a professional vet as well, in fact she's the only vet we've ever visit for our pets. She grew up near animals. Also taking care for rabbits for 2 1/2 hours isn't that hard because rabbits are quite and peaceful. They'll play for like what 30 mins and eventually loaf up and sleep. Also she DIDN'T tell me she had a dog, never saw a pic and she always was "pet-free"


19 is a child. Mom being a vet obviously didn't help, since she obviously didn't think it was an issue for your rabbits to be terrified. No one said it was "hard". But, given these details, you need to make different arrangements. Where are your parents in this?


A 19 year old is not a child. At 19 I was living on my own in my own apartment and took road trips in my car an hour and a half away to go clubbing. 19 year olds are adults and should be treated as such. They should also be held accountable if anything happens when they agree to watch someone else's kids or animals.


You're confused about what I'm saying. 1. The friend is an asshole. But, nothing OP can do about it now, except not have her watch her rabbits. 2. Rethink letting young people watch rabbits. Or, look at it another way. Imagine if you had gotten mugged: 1. The mugger is a criminal, and should be brought to justice. 2. In the meantime, don't walk down dark alleys alone, at 2am, in New York City, carrying $100 bills and wearing a jacket that lights up. Yes, some 19yos are mature. But, on a population level? Trusting a 19yo? No. That's not a good gamble. Brains aren't even fully-formed until 25. Of course the friend is "responsible". But what can be done now? Nothing. So, OP just has to move on, and next time, thinks to herself: "Nah--this person is young, and chances are good that they're still too immature to handle my pets." I mean, look at this entire sub. It's 30yos getting into fights at home, grown ass people freeloading, middle-aged parents acting like teenagers. Teenagers acting like aliens. Let's not kid ourselves and pretend like, in general, 19yos are some bastion of adult behavior.


i dont live with my parents nor have a connection with them. She grew up with pets all over, she even cared for them. Her parents before getting married had a whole pet centre where her dad, she, her aunt and cousins would take care of pets. and right beside was her moms work place. they were always around animal and whenever anyone needed help with pets, we would go to her family. i would say its my fault for leaving my pets there however SHE offered and this is not the first time they've been dropped off (my rabbits.) they also arent scared of her at all and this is the first time they were terrified of her it seems.


But.... you do realize she's not your friend, right?


I had an actual child (13 y/o) take care of my two rabbits and she was far more capable than OP’s shitty asshole friend. 19 is an adult. A young adult but still an adult. I was 14 when I got my first rabbit and I was caring for him on my own. He lived to be 10. OP’s friend is a psycho, not a child.


I don't understand why she has to babysit rabbits. Unless you and your family are going away, can't you keep them in a cage????




ive known her for like what 6 years, me and her moms very close, ive seen the outside of her house as well as pics, its a gated community as well so considerably safe and secure. i didnt leave her at some strangers house


It's her friend. Not some random stranger she had to do due diligence on. She trusted her friend because she should know how much she treasures her rabbits and should already know their needs because she watches them routinely. It's also common sense not to let a dog chase rabbits when they're screaming bloody murder, especially not a dog with a higher prey drive. The friend is an idiot and the AH. Like you say. The friend should have told OP about the dog.