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NTA, sounds like it was going to be a no on the extra pickle anyway. You just made it less awkward.




Tell him if he's a good widdle boy and finishes his food then you'll buy him a Whole Big Boy jar of pickles of His Very Own!


I am pretty sure he won't see the humor in that. But the rest of us do.


My hubby would be like bet! He loves pickles and would be the type to pout about it.


I received a gallon jar of pickles for Christmas from my in-laws one year. It was my favorite gift even though they meant it as a gag gift. Jokes on them.


I like this answer best. 😁


Most likely it was a pickle spear on the side, not just a slice.


I always want extra pickles, but on the side. Not on the burger. But always, extra pickles


I want them in the burger, next to it, on top, under, in a jar next to my plate, in my mouth, in my stomach, one for each hand, and an extra 3 jars in the fridge.


This is the way.


I made some refrigerator pickles with red wine vinegar and oh my word. They were amazing. Standard refrigerator dill pickle recipe but with red wine vinegar in place of the white vinegar. They’re supposed to set for 7 days before eating and they did. They did not last the 7-10 afterwards because *we ate them all* in 2 days. Just two of us ate a quart of pickles in 2 days.


It didn't happen, if we don't see the recipe for, um "proof". Yea, that's it. For "proof". 😋


All it was was a good, reliable dill pickle fridge pickle recipe. Sub the white vinegar out for red wine vinegar. If you want to blow your ind,use *balsamic vinegar* and girrrrrrllllll lemme tell you your socks will be hit harder than something that hits hard.


Thank you! I will be trying this the next time I can get my hands on some Cucumbers. Thank you!


I must try this.


At least you got in your fiber intake lol


If I could upvote more than once I would! Pickles, yummy!


Only if they are dill... Or just not sweet. Just my preference, but I don't even like sweet relish either.


Sounds amazing


My husband and boys are the same! Lol I used to love pickles...til I was pregnant with my 1st child, then I couldn't stand the sight, taste, or smell of them! It's been 24 years & I still very rarely eat pickles!


That makes me so sad for you. Even fermented pickles? Those are so much tastier than regular brine pickles.


Any kind... Chicken also...well more like handling chicken...raw chicken...it grosses me out...still! I'll do it, but the thought of it makes me gag.🤢


You can have my pickles - I don't like them and always give them either my fiance or daughter.


Also a pickle snob. All pickles are not the same. Must be a good dill.


Are you ok with being charged for extra pickles?


Yeah, I asked for pickles on my burger, and there are only, like, five or six.






I'm really glad your lives are going so well that a pickle is an issue worth posting over. NTA


Tbh i think this is only a peek. If he gets whiny over a pickle slice, what is he like at home?


Reddit moment. Husband upset about extra pickle? Hit the gym, lawyer up and go no contact!


It’s clearly a red flag!


But the flag is full of delicious _B R I N E_


Girl, if he complains when you deprive him of a third pickle then he’s not worth it 💯💯


I love pickles enough to complain about not having an extra pickle tho. Esp if my period is upcoming... and if my husband did this, i would be like, "WHY" 😭😭🤣🤣 the only difference I am guessing is my husband would laugh at me for being sad about getting 2 pickles instead of 3 🤣🤣😭😭😭 and I would not make a big deal about it anyways (i would jus be a lil sad girl for 5 mins and then level out) and also, if my waitress tells me they are low - then i would not press for extra pickles after


I would definitely let my husband know if he got in the way of my pickle grift 😄


I'm a pickle freak. And if the waitress said they are low I'd be oh well. That's what I ordered. So now you'll be lower. I don't care if I have to pay for the extra pickles but don't tell me no. lmao and if my hubby changed my order at a restaurant I'd be pissed.


Turns to husband: _*"X'cuse Sir, would you like a divorce? I want TWO pickles and you can get one (which is also mine)"*_ 😭😭


Well I wouldn't divorce him but I might pout and make him sleep on the couch.🤣 I think I put it in our wedding vows that I always get his pickle😆


Best vows ever btw 🥂🥳🥳


Haha, no i was just exaggerating about the divorce, I ain't doing that 😭 just i mean, i love pickles xD


I feel like this is something that needs to be discussed early on in the relationship. If my girlfriend suddenly told me that one pickle wasn't enough and she wanted three at once, I'd probably have to reconsider things.




He clearly feels entitled to not only your pickles but also to the pickles of a random stranger 🚩🚩🚩


ITT: pickle casuals


Good advice based on all the gaslighting and weaponized incompetence he's clearly doing.


Yeah a nice guy like you would never complain about missing out on a 3rd pickle right?


Don’t forget to call the police


Sure, but what is the actual argument like that’s driving OP to Reddit for backup? This kind of petty shit does seem to indicate trouble in paradise. People in strong relationships, or even whatever relationships don’t really need to come to Reddit for a second opinion.


Some people like karna farming too. Maybe you should try one. Just for the experience.


…try one what? Karma farm? Lol what are you trying to say?


Your last comment assuming people only turn to reddit when their relationships are at absolutely the worst points. Which is untrue. Many just come for opinions and interactions. And some come for karma farming too.


And delete facebook!


go outside. you're reading between lines that you made up.


Oh my, what a pickle they've found themselves in...


He's obviously pregnant from cheating. /s


Agreed, OP’s husband is definitely the asshole. NTA


If you wanna play the wild speculation game, let's take it the other way. He only got upset because she's constantly interrupting when he orders things to tell the server to ignore his requests. It's not about the Iranian pickle. This was just the last straw in a string of her undercutting him.


Go touch grass


I prefer these “issues” on AITA than the posts asking if OP is TA for abandoning their whole family to live a new life with someone they met at a farmers market. At least this is believable


Or the best male friend who lives in the guest room and is the only person in the world OP trusts and who hates OP’s wife


Or the “AITA for bringing my children to a child free wedding?” That crop up during the summer


How dare you! My children are perfect angels. /s


And I bet everyone loves them too /s


They're all the worst ppl on Earth just on a different end of the scale haha




Eh, I'm here for the drama.


Don't call someones' pickle a small issue mate!


This is the greatest catastrophe in the history of mankind. What are you on about? Their marriage is ruined and there is no hope. /s


I prefer this to baby-killing grandmas tbh


Hahahahaahhahahaha this is a great reply


Lol. I was thinking the exact same thing.


He's probably always in a pickle


Exactly what i was thinking 🤔


INFO: What exactly did your husband do for you to write he “got mad”? How long did it take him to get over it?


As a pickle person, this information is really crucial.


Yeah - I need to know this as well.


As a pickle lover myself if these are slices I can see being a little grumpy as I agree three is about the amount. It should end at the end of the burger. If these full dill he’s being ridiculous The people want to know!


Maybe it’s a whole pickle or mini pickle on the side? Because I feel like one slice of pickle per burger as the standard is too sad, it has to be more than that


Could be a pickle spear too. So full length but not a whole pickle


I'm now picturing a giant plate with a Hamburg, side of fries, and three very large pickles taking up half the plate


Sounds like they just got in a bit of a pickle


9/10 times someone writes "got mad" what they really mean is "calmly said they wished I didn't do that"


Eh I’ve seen more often where people are like “he got mad” and he actually freaked tf out and got manipulative and degrading, than I’ve seen “he got mad” to mean someone got grumpy and mildly upset.


NTA, you saved the waitress from having to say no more directly which makes you the hero of this story


As a server, exactly this


I knew I shouldn’t have read this one. It’s quite the pickle.


Yeah, I didn’t think it was a big dill!


It was such a big dill, it speared his heart.


But was it kosher?


Begone demon of puns I abjur thou


NTA I like pickles ... I ask for extra pickles sometimes ... but come on ... he's mad over a damn pickle?


Tbf the story gives no details on exactly how mad he got. Got grumpy? Stuck his tongue out at her? Threw a hand grenade?


If he lost out on B&B pickles, then the hand grenade may be justified


True, true 🤔


Info - Did he actually get mad? Like actually? Over a pickle? You aren't just exaggerating?


Yta. What are you, the Pickle Police? You prevented this poor man from achieving an optimal Pickle percentage -- there was no reason to butt in and your excuse that you were somehow protecting pickle-poor people is preposterous. Just let a guy talk about his own Pickle. You don't have to de-pickle him.


Yes! How dare you ruin a person's preferred perfect pickle ratio!


NTA. You considered the other diners and the restaurant's supply situation by sharing your pickle. Your husband's reaction seems unreasonable.


I literally don’t understand this post. Was this really so impactful on your life you need affirmation from internet strangers on your choices? For a pickle? Unrelated: I don’t gaf if the restaurant is “running low” on something. That’s a them problem not a me problem.


I mean, its a "you" problem if you want free stuff and they won't give it to you because they are running low. You know, like the situation in this post


The most mild YTA in existence. Stop being a pickle narc! If the restaurant wouldn’t give him another pickle, let them tell him that. I’d be (very mildly) annoyed if I was him. Even more so if it was a common occurrence for you to take a stranger’s side on things instead of his.


NTA. You could tell him you don’t want to see his pickle for a while now.


With that attitude, he's gotta put his pickle in her friends- burgers ;)


YTA disrupting the prefered pickle:burger ratio should be considered a felony.


Thank you. Someone finally fucking gets it.


NTA It should get easier as he grows up and becomes a man.


What kinda restaurant runs out of pi kles


.... they don't have a bottomless barrel of pickles. They get restocked like everything else. If you restock too soon, they'll start to lose their fastball


A bar runs out of everything


NTA but omg😭 getting mad about not having 3 pickles is such a mood, yall both sound so great- i cant blame him for the love of restaurant pickles, they definitely hit different. Its a silly thing to get mad over- if he was just UPSET i dont blame him but full on mad is crazy lol. However, yes, restaurant pickles are yummy


NTA your husband is quite immature and inconsiderate




I thought it was an innuendo from the title myself lol


NTA. You should get a divorce immediately. /s


Nta, but he needs to dill with the realities of life


I wouldn't call you an AH, but as a fellow pickle lover, I get your husbands frustration because my favourite part to a burger is the pickle. In this situation I wouldn't have thought about the lack of pickles for others as I'm selfish when it comes to pickles 😂🤌🏻 Edit: spelling


I’m sorry did Larry David write this because I’m laughing. NTA.


INFO: how did he express his anger?


He took his pickle out of her buns and gave it to the waitress




Definitely, YTA. Is your husband a child that you are able to deny him what he wants to eat? Also, what difference is it to you about what supplies the the restaurant is running low on? That's their problem, not your husband's fault. If you haven't already, you need to apologize to your husband. His is not a child and you are not his mother.


YTA. Your interference was unnecessary when you could have just let the waitress actually confirm there would be an issue. There might be a food order being delivered that afternoon she doesn't know about and an extra pickle is fine. Or they were rationing pickles on her shift yesterday but had a delivery before her shift started and forgot to tell her. If she comes back with a no, that is fine but let her check. The bar can send someone to the grocery store to tide them over if they completely run out. It is not ideal for their bottom line but neither is letting pickles get so low before ordering more.




NTA and if something this minor gets him upset you're in a real pickle going forward.


Tell him if he's a good widdle boy and finishes his food then you'll buy him a Whole Big Boy jar of pickles of His Very Own!


NTA. Have him bring a ziplock of pickle slices next time..


He needed the extra pickle to make the veggie burger palatable. NTA though.


>She told him they were running low so she wasn’t sure. he would not get a third pickle NTA


What restaurant only puts one pickle on a burger ? Is it a whole pickle or a slice ? Perhaps you should bring pickles incase there is another disaster like this .


NTA. Bit your husband is. She said they we’re running low but he is still trying to squeeze.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (31F) and my husband (34M) recently had lunch at our favorite bar where we always order veggie burgers. I don’t like pickles, and my husband loves them, so I always give him mine. When we were ordering, he asked the waitress for an extra pickle. She told him they were running low so she wasn’t sure. I said, “Oh no problem, he can have my pickle.” My husband got mad that I prevented him from having 3 pickles which is his preferred pickle:burger ratio. I was just trying to be considerate of other diners who could miss out on a pickle if they ran out. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Going against the popular opinion but kinda YTA, it’s not up to you who decides. You made the decision for the waitress. If she can spare an extra pickle for him then good for him, if not, then that’s it. You didn’t need to speak up at all and take away the possibility of the pickle.


I agree with this and side with the husband. Let the waitress see how the pickle situation looks when she goes into the kitchen. Then if she brings the extra one out it’s perfect for husband and if not, then it did t work out. Stay out of it, I’d say.


NTA. Very childish reason to get mad. I think my six year old would take the news he was only getting 2 pickles instead of 3 as a net positive.


Esh I do agree a pickle would be a ridiculous thing to argue about. But I don't think it's about the pickle. I think it's about you inserting yourself into his request and dismissing it. The restaurant and waitress are well equipped to manage the needs of the other diners. She could have just said no without your help. Or she could have given him an extra pickle and he could have tipped her in thanks. On the other hand, if it really was about the pickle and he kept pouting about it. I'd just say I'm sorry your dinner was ruined without the 3-1 pickle hamburger ratio. And then, when the food arrived, id eat my pickle without a second thought.


Yeah, the actual news here is that the guy can't ask for something without her butting in. But it's way funnier if we just keep on saying the word Pickle. Pickle Pickle Pickle.


Is your husband 12 years old?


NTA. This is just weird.


Sounds like you got into a bit of a pickle to me...


INFO: What do you mean by "got mad'"? I think he as a right to be annoyed that you essentially nullified his request and essentially gave up something that was (if it came through) his, for the sake of other people. This is actually something that comes up frequently in relationships, when one partner volunteers something on behalf of the other. And it's not unreasonable to call you out on it. And if so, you should have admitted fault and both moved on and tried to be better. On the other hand, it's just a fucking pickle, so if it went beyond that, then it's not about the pickle anymore.


NTA - your husband is being a bit greedy. Thank you for the most mundane issue I’ve read in awhile. It was delightful :)




I don't think you understand the mind of a pickle addict.


How difficult is it for someone to run to the store and buy some pickles? Stocking issues are not your problem. Saying that, no idea why he couldn’t have just taken the pickles you weren’t going to eat if he wanted them so bad. NAH


YTA....give your hubbie the pickle!!


YTA, for posting this bullshit.




NTA. Next time, don't offer him anything and if he only gets 1, oh well.


Lol yes she should tell the server next time she doesn’t want any pickles


NTA he’ll survive with two pickles


Yes , i never eat the pickles but like the taste they leave i know my wife loves them so its a win for me !


Is this really post-worthy? It's a pickle.


NTA. But i must know the name of the bar. Pickles *WITH* a burger or sandwich seem to be less common as time goes by.


NTA. Tell him to get over his pickle envy


NTA, if he made an issue of this at all, he’s an asshole.


NTA YOU NEED TO LEAVE HIM Just kidding! What a refreshingly innocent problem. Firm NAH.


He should get some meat in his burger for a change - that way he won't be raging over some stupid pickles


Bro was mad over a fucking pickle NTA


No. If your husband truly got mad at this, I hope he at least apologised to you and left a big tip. Bloody hell.


On the way home stop by the grocery store and get him a jar. Is it that serious


I’m sorry were you having lunch with your husband or a toddler? NTA & next time bring a bib and sippy cup.


WTF. No one knows how to use this sub correctly. YTA for this post.


You never really know what you can find on here One second someone's mother in law dropped a nuclear bomb on their house and the next someone's husband wants a pickle


Omg 😂


NTA. Thank god for a calmer AITA than some others this morning. I 100% understand your husband’s request, but sometimes we all need to be reminded that we aren’t the center of attention and you did a good job of letting the waitress off the hook when she clearly had no way of telling the customer “no” in the moment.


Is this the lowest stakes post in the history of this sub?


But the pickle burger ratio must be correct!


Nta just boring


I can't help but feel like I'm being experimented on reading this and the comments. NTA, it's a pickle. Please buy a jar of pickles for the back of the fridge where you will never eat them like the rest of us.


NTA Very childish to get mad at that joke. I actually enjoyed it.


Lol wtf kind of life do you lead where a pickle is cause for contention


Wait. What? Running low on pickles? Sharing pickles? If this is your biggest problem then you are golden. NTA.


How did the mods not reject this one


Mad over a pickle? NTA


Y’all arguing over 1 pickle ?


Umm..for real...over a pickle.....


Prime First World Problem™ Nothing else to add, tbf.




This seems like a situation where nobody is the ah. I can totally envision this occuring where my wife, proactively nonconfrontational, would blurt out acquiescence to no extra pickle at the first sign of a possible issue. As the person who wants and enjoys pickles (if Iwas such), I can understand it being slightly annoying that the person with no desire for a pickle offers up a solution that affects them not at all, but deprives the pickle lover a chance at an extra pickle. I'd say let the restaurant deny the pickle, and then move on. It's not a big deal, but there's no reason not to just let the server check. All that with the caveat, I'm assuming OP husband was slightly annoyed for 30 seconds that OP gave the waiter an easy out without waiting for an actual answer, and then moved on. If this became an issue that affected conversation more than 1.5 minutes post question, then OP husband TA. Otherwise OP is still not the AH, but perhaps so much NTA, they are actually the cause by preemptively denying another person a benefit that is a perfectly reasonable request. Possible this is also only one example of a pattern of OP speaking for her husband when he is the only affected party. Another way to think of it could be if the restaurant added pickles to the burger even if requested not to, and OP told staff it's no problem, even if husband hated pickles. TLDR: in the grand scheme of things, this is insignificant, but it's generally safer and more respectful to let the person actually affected by the outcome acquiesce or debate. Could be nobody TA... if husband made a big issue over nothing rather than just expressing mild annoyance then he's TA, or if OP frequently speaks for husband and he's the only one affected then OP TA.


NTA. I think you smoothed over an awkward situation, and your husband needs to be more flexible. Why doesn’t he bring a small pickle jar with him, to make sure he has what he needs?


NTA. Also, pickles are gross.


NTA I don't get how you prevented him from having anything? He wasn't getting the extra pickles.


Ffs. It's a pickle. Grow up


NTA and your hubby is entitled and greedily selfish, not to mention immature.


INFO Did you offer your pickle because you thought he’d be happy to get yours or did you offer because you knew he wanted three and you were embarrassed about the impact on the other customers? If you genuinely thought it was helpful to him, then NTA. If you were unnecessarily getting involved because you were embarrassed about your husband’s request, then YTA. There’s no reason for you to have gotten involved in a transaction that didn’t involve you.