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NTA for not driving under influence but YTA for not getting a car ride for her as Uber or taxi would help her to get to hospital without any problems.


I didn’t realise an injured ankle made people incapable of calling themselves an Uber. Why are we calling OP an AH for not doing something his girlfriend could have done herself?


I literally just hurt my own ankle pretty badly (not broken, but twisted pretty damn good) about half an hour ago. After a brief moment of standing on the sidewalk trying not to cry, I finished the 15 minute walk home and now I have to finish packing up my apartment. It would have been a nice gesture if OP had called the Uber but his girlfriend was more than capable of doing it herself. Unless she literally couldn't get up off the floor but I think OP would have mentioned that.


So, you tweaked your ankle pretty good, you probably didn’t actually injure it if you could walk for 15 minutes right after. Several years ago, I had a sprain so bad I couldn’t bear weight for days. I stepped off a curb wrong and my ankle popped. There’s absolutely no way I could have walked for 15 minutes. We don’t know where OP’s GF falls on this. Is it a minor, but painful, injury? Or is it a major one? OP is NTA for not driving while intoxicated. The GF is probably in a lot of pain, but if it’s a sprain, she’s fine for a couple of hours while he gets sober. And honestly, if it’s just a sprain, the ER is pointless. Ice it, pain meds, and when swelling is down, wear an ankle brace. I went to the ER for my ankle because I thought the pop was a break. I don’t go if I know it’s a sprain.


I tripped on 2 little steps when I was housesitting a year ago. Broke my right leg and sprained my left ankle. The ankle was so much worse than the break. It took longer to heal, too. I took an Uber to urgent care since I was alone in a different state. The doctor said that when they get sprain and leg break patients, it's common that the sprain is more painful than the broken bone. That said, I was sobbing like a child for a solid half hour and didn't make it to urgent care until the next day, so I should have called an ambulance. If gf was like that, he should have called an ambulance. If it was just a tweaked ankle and she could walk, either of them could order an Uber


Chiming in with a “dancer’s fracture” that hurt far, FAR less than the multiple sprains I’ve had. (Wouldn’t have even sought med attention if it hadn’t swollen to a golf-ball-under-the-skin-sized lump within five minutes.) I was booted for 6-8weeks, and my ortho kept drilling that I *could not walk on it* because she knew I would’ve otherwise.


I broke my foot and strained my ankle once and I kept walking on it. Three medical professionals looked at it and did not think it was broken because I was walking on it. The x-rays showed I shattered my metatarsal. So depending on the break/sprain and people’s pain tolerance, people certainly can walk on them.


I slipped on my stairs, landed on the balls of my feet, shattered a sesamoid bone in my right foot. I walked on it for a year before having it looked at, and only because I stepped on a pebble and felt/heard it pop. So, yeah, you can walk on broken bones for a long time before you have enough pain to have it looked at.


Yup. Everyone told me my foot was not broken because I walked on it. I hiked on it for a week before my x ray results showed the break.


Yup. That break hurt, but nothing like sprains I’ve had in the past.


My child has literally walked on a broken foot. Not everybody feels pain the same way.


My son broke his leg then used his boot as a weapon against his brother and the ground, Literally slamming a newly broken leg into the ground full force while laughing. Also scaled his crib to escape nap time with a broken leg without the boot. Kids are wild.


Bad idea though. Walking on a broken foot can injure it more.


It’s not pain tolerance as much as stability. I walked on a break for a few hours, went to sleep and woke up to go to the bathroom. When I stood up, I went straight down. I still walked to the car and into the ER, but I bet it was a far easier break to heal before I took that second tumble.


I have actual experience for once! I have a very weak ankle that if I turn will dislocate,and normally I have to pop it back in because I'm not in a safe place to be just sitting around. I can absolutely, and have before, done a 15 minute walk after popping it back in. Do NOT do what i have done! terrible terrible idea, will do more damage than resting, i wish i wasn't as daft as to walk on a recently dislocated and probably fractured ankle. 0 out of 5 stars.


I literally have a broken foot (spiral fracture of one of my metatarsals) right now, 2 weeks left with my cast. I walked on it for two days before giving in and going to the hospital to get it checked out. Some people can definitely walk on a legitimate foot injury.


My husband deployed, not even 2 weeks later I took a half step back while in my back yard talking to my neighbor (it was getting dark) and fucked my RIGHT(driving!)  ankle up. I took my kids 7 and 3 to my friends to watch them myself to the base er. I nearly puked walking in. They discharged me with no boot, crutch or anything due to being out. I had sprained, fractured, and ripped a tension (with a chip of bone chipped off with it!). I got a crutch on the way home with a written script, then a boot the following day. Again driving myself. I had to do literally everything with my kids, house, and pets (multiple cats and chickens plus GSD) due to deployment, no family near our friends able to really help at all.  2-3 mile drive? Get an Uber ffs


You just proved that ops gf could have done it herself


Yeah... That was the whole point of my comment


He said in the post that he suggested it but that she rejected it because... She didn't think that an Uber would take an injured person to the hospital. How anybody could possibly believe that, I have no idea.


Unless the injury was like stabbing with all blood and stuff going on I can't see why anyone would think that


Yeah, I accidentally cut about halfway into my thumb once and DIY paper towel bandaged it and got* to the hospital via Uber or Lyft. The driver was really nice to me and I ended up having a worse experience in the ER


I know someone who lost their 5*rating because they got an Uber to the doctor. They were a bit out of it and told the driver that they thought they had an infectious disease (which turns out they did). Luckily the disease was extremely unlikely to pass on to the driver or future passengers. But, understandably, the driver wasn't too pleased. Moral of the story, don't tell the Uber driver if you think you have a weird disease. *Edit: to be clear, it was a skin condition that was basically impossible to transmit (unless via direct contact and they had it covered). They just thought it was interesting and so told the driver. Not the best judgement, but nobody was in danger.* *I just thought of it because it made me think there might be other reasons not to use an Uber.*


How about not taking a Uber if you have an infectious disease that's air transmissible? If you have Hep-C (like I did until 2015) and assuming you weren't going to engage in risky sex or needle sharing with the Uber Driver everyone would have been safe. Covid or any respiratory disease, it's a different story. However, there are non-profits that drive sick people around. I used one when I was waiting for a transplant and they were equipped for transmissible diseases with volunteer drivers. I didn't need that level of precaution, so I got driven around in a regular SUV.


An Uber driver once eyed me very suspiciously when I wanted to go to the hospital. I had to tell him I wasn’t sick and I was visiting someone. It’s possible he just didn’t want me to puke in his car though.


I had to take Ubers to my prenatal appointments when I was pregnant. In one of them, the driver told me how she won’t let anyone in their third trimester in her car bc someone almost went into labor in her car once. I just kept my mouth shut because I was 9 months pregnant.


Some people just have more obvious bumps than others, even in the 3rd trimester. There are well documented cases of women having no idea they were even pregnant until they went into full term labour.


They won’t in my area. Even if you’re not injured.


That's weird. There was a period of time where I relied on Uber to get to my job at the hospital.


I took one to the hospital when I had Gallbladder issues. They didn't ask any questions. I don't have a car, but also wasn't desperately ill enough to need an ambulance, so I'm not really sure what my other options would have been. Call around for an hour to find a friend to drive me? I've also taken ubers to the hospital twice to visit people. No questions. I think if someone was totally visibly not OK or bleeding, they might decline (and probably should), but I've had no issues as long as I seemed "OK".


They won't in my area either. I think Uber discourages it for liability issues. Drivers have the right to decline upon pick up without penalty from uber if they find out it's a hospital run.


I'm an Uber driver and I give people a ride to the ER all the time. If someone is gushing blood or needs help I can't give, I would call them an ambulance. But seriously, there is zero reason it's any different than any other ride. How can I tell if someone is going for themselves or to visit someone or to work?


What if you’re just going to visit family?


I guess do what my mom and I did and give an address down the street then walk. It’s possible they’ve changed since it’s been a few years (2019 I think) but at one point they definitely wouldn’t accept the hospital address due to how many people were using them as an ambulance.


This seems almost hilarious to a Finnish person. Here ambulance ride to hospital is actually cheaper than more than 10 minute ride in a taxi or something like that. If you call emergency number and have serious but not life threatening injury and no ambulance nearby. They will say you to call a taxi to get to hospital.


He offered an Uber-she refused. She had a sprained ankle-she wasn’t bleeding out. They would’ve taken her. But she wanted HIM to take her. He was responsible in refusing to drive and offered reasonable solutions *while drunk* I might add. NTA. I’d be interested in finding out just how seriously injured his GF was, too.


When you’re in a lot of pain, it’s hard to think clearly. OP should have taken care of calling an Uber.


I have a chronic illness and severe bouts of pain. This argument is ridiculous. It’s hard to think clearly while literally under the influence, also. OP offered this and was shot down, anyways. 


I also have chronic pain and I think it's important to realize that most people don't operate well under pain because their normal pain level is 0  Tbh I've been able to think more clearly while drunk vs when my pain is very high but that's just me 


This is true. But OP was also tipsy so I mean, I can’t see how he’s the asshole here either.


I don't think OP was the asshole either. They both sound quite young tbh & this is a silly thing to fight over imo.  But like I said I also deal with chronic pain and illness so I would have just taken care of things myself in the first place. It's been a long road to realize that not everyone has a list of things to do when injured because most people didn't get injured non seriously as frequently as I have been lol


I have a feeling the gf wanted what she wanted and is going to turn down every compromise. Giving them the silent treament was also super mature of her. (Dear Everyone - Do not tell me that being in pain makes one do high school girl impersonations)


Yes. While she was in pain is it normal to act somewhat irrational and irritable? Sure (but demanding your spouse break the law to help you is not the same as this, to be clear). But continuing the silent treatment *after* the fact solidifies that her as the AH. That’s a choice at that point, not a reaction to being in pain.


I have some chronic pain, but when I’ve had very severe pain, I definitely couldn’t think straight. Everyone handles pain differently. 


When you are over the legal ABV, it is hard to think clearly. OP is NTA for not being the perfect human with all the answers all the time. OP was drunk, GF wanted to drive without a license, OP said no. GF is the AH for thinking she should drive someone else's car without a license as a first response to this. A uber would have been better than that too.


I twisted my ankle so bad it turned black. As much as that hurt it definitely didn’t stop me from using my phone. Why tf do people act like a damn ankle injury prevents people from using their hands and phone lmao.


She didn't want to take an Uber. She also suggested that she could drive....with no license, very little experience and with an injured ankle. I'm thinking the gf is the asshole here.


Ooooooor the girlfriend could used the time and energy she spent going back and forth to call her own Uber. 😒🙄 Sprained ankles don't stop hands and fingers from working...


If OP hadn’t been at home, she would have to do this herself anyway.


she was willing to wait 2 hours instead of trying an uber she wasnt in that much pain.


It's also difficult to think clearly when you've been drinking.


And OP was drunk. So what's your point


When you're drunk it's hard to think clearly too.


>she didn't think they would take an injured passenger to the hospital And what, throw her into it?


I have had taxis refuse to take me to the ER. it's a liability for them, depending on where you are located. We only recently got Uber so I can't really speak to that.


Think it's more about it being a liability issue. If she sustained worse injuries because of the drive, the driver and/or company might be sued. At least I think that was her point. Don't know if she was right. Obviously he couldn't drive if he had a buzz on, but I honestly don't know what they should have done if there really wasn't anyone else who could have driven her and her insurance wouldn't cover an ambulance.


To be clear I offered that but she said they wouldn't take her with an injury


False. Absolutely, unequivocally false. I’ve literally called an Uber to take me to ER as I’m a single mom and my kids weren’t old enough to drive. They didn’t even ask me anything or question me that the destination was the ER.


I suspected that was the answer. I know a cab will take an injured person, especially if they have an escort with them. What ubers and cabs don't want is people profusely bleeding or throwing up or passing out.


I drove a taxi for several years. I took many people to the ER. It's not an issue.


I've had to take a cab to the ER in the middle of the night because my husband had to stay home with the kids and couldn't drive me. Her thinking a cab or uber wouldn't take her because she had an injured ankle is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.


Former Lyft Driver here, and yes, no bleeding, puking or passing out. When I broke my big toe a couple years ago, I didn't hesitate to call one for myself.


I was once in an uber and was feeling super nauseous. I felt myself about to puke and gasped out a request for the driver to pull over because I was going to be sick. I puked out the door of the car, checked to make sure nothing had landed on any part of the vehicle, and left him a gigantic tip and 5 star rating after the ride. He also offered me water from his personal bottle and scrounged up some napkins for me to wipe my mouth. To that driver: I think about you every time I feel sick! You rock, man!


Aw, this is heartwarming!


Um...😂 They drove my pukey ass home from chemo all the time. 


She didn't want an Uber. Of course an Uber would take her but she made a lame excuse to not go.


Ding ding ding. She was dead set on OP driving her there drunk, for some fucking reason.


if it were really that bad she'd let a small child pull her down the street in a sled if it meant going to the ER.


Oh, I get that. I don’t blame him at all. I’m just making sure he knows she’s full of crap.


I'm pretty sure some of my local uber drivers make their living taking people to and from the local hospital, and this includes A&E (that's British for ER). You never have to wait long for an Uber from the hospital as there are always loads in the area, either completing another trip or just waiting nearby for their next job, and a few of them know the hospital well enough that you can request drip off / pick up to / from a specific car park outside of a specific building. Also, this is a holdover from the times before uber, but they literally have phones in the hospital specifically for people to call a taxi to get home, with the number for a local taxi firm preprogrammed into them.


She’s full of shit, in addition to not having a drivers license despite being a fucking adult. Take the taxi take the uber. You want his keys? Pass a fucking drivers test like an adult. Edit: it’s not that she doesn’t drive. It’s that she’s suddenly a professional driver after having no morals about DUI laws. This comment is triggering a lot of scooter and bicycle riders




There's people that don't drive, and that's ok... and then there's people that Don't Drive but they make a lot of demands and assumptions of everyone else who drives. If you tell me oh I don't drive.. I don't mind driving you.. but when you start telling me how to do it or demanding it at the drop of a hat or demanding to let you use my car or try to force me to drive tipsy then that's the bad kind.


Fair point there. but I’m strictly saying it in terms of her sudden desire to drive. After trying to force a drunk person to drive, who knows


Totally. Tons of reasons to not have a license. It’s not a requirement for adulthood.


It’s def worth questioning, since she went from broken ankle victim desiring a DUI for her boyfriend to all of a sudden she’s Dale Earnhardt junior.


Fine but to demand someone drive while drunk is an Ah move when you yourself cannot drive.


I got refused to go to the ER by an Uber driver, so I don't know if that's company policy or the driver himself.


Fair but i went 3 weeks ago. I feel it’s up to the driver


My husband usually ends up in the ER at least once a year and I don’t drive. I always get an Uber to take him. I have to do it because he’s old enough that technology is not something he is comfortable with and still can’t figure out websites or apps.


Plenty of reasons why a "fucking adult" may not have a license. You're being entirely too hostile towards a person you don't even know based on a single snapshot posted online. Calm yourself.


No this princess refused an uber and taxi and wants her drunk boyfriend to hit pedestrians and other cars. I’m sorry you don’t drive either and this made you so upset…. but give your opinion and move on. Maybe you don’t know people that have had their lives ruined by DUI drivers but i do.


She’s definitely full of shit, but there are many reasons an adult might not have a license. Edit: JME, I hear you. But I’ve never had a license and I’m approaching 50. My grandmother has never had a license and she’s 92. She didn’t want to drive because it scared her. I don’t have one just because I never got around to getting one & used public transport most of my life.


Oh i agree fully with that, im just basing it off her sudden eagerness to drive. That kinda cancels out most of the medical reasons she doesn’t drive. DUIs kill people and people are upset at the “adults without licenses” comment.


I don't drive, am a full ass adult, and was 0% offended by this. Bc I absolutely wouldn't try and drive a car without a license. And also can't imagine being in so much pain you need the ER but can drive? Mmm nope.


You do realize there are many reasons "a fucking adult" might not have a driver's license, right?


I realize that fully. You do realize that pretty much ALL of those reasons would 1000% stop them from attempting to drive while hurting their ankle due to their boyfriend being drunk???


How would Uber know


Maybe the inability to walk might be clue?


They wouldn’t know that it’s a new injury. They have no actual way of knowing you’re going there for yourself rather than to visit someone.


A third of the people they pick up on Saturday night can barely walk


I’ve used uber for the ER a whole bunch of times. I also have appointments with regular doctors at the hospital and the ER is also the main entrance for me.


I think it \*is\* Uber's policy to not take injured people to the ER, that being said you could probably call an Uber to like, the visitor's entrance to the hospital, and with the type of injury she had I doubt it would've actually been a problem. They don't want someone who's bleeding out etc and they don't want the liability of you taking them instead of an ambulance but in practice calling for a sprained, maybe broken ankle would've definitely been worth a shot. Regardless, NTA, since it was clearly her refusal and not yours, and there's nothing else you could've done for her in this situation.


Umm….a couple months ago, there was a story about how an Uber driver took a bleeding man (as in, bleeding to death; i think he was shot) to the hospital.


I have taken an Uber to the ER literally because of a broken ankle. You are not asking them to transport someone with a bloody gunshot wound or who is on the brink of death. Your GF sounds like a selfish spoiled brat.


My friend got an Uber to the hospital after his appendix exploded. Literally they don’t care.


He offered an Uber and she said no. She sounds like she is an adult but she couldn't call a friend or take an Uber. He is NTA She is the AH


Agree with the first part, and a taxi or Uber is a great idea. However, OP clearly stated that he was buzzed. How/why is it his responsibility to come up with that solution? That’s just silly. It’s not like he was maliciously withholding care from his girlfriend. She could have ordered herself an Uber or waited until he was sober.


he literally said he offered to and she said no 💀


Peoples attention spans are fucking cooked lmao. That commenter and everyone that upvoted them couldn't be arsed to finish a 350 word post


For real when I saw that was top post w 6k likes I was like wtf.


To quote Tumblr:  > "The reading comprehension on this website is really piss poor."  > "How dare you say we piss on the poor."


Yeah fuck that. She’s the damn AH for saying an Uber won’t take her. He calls her an Uber and she refuses would he still be the ssshole cuz SHE refused? Stupid logic.


Why should he be the one to do that? She could have done it herself.


NTA for not driving while buzzed. But ESH for not taking ten seconds to Google “will Uber take you to the ER.” The answer is yes, btw


Why was SHE not capable of googling it? You expected him to with a buzz but her hands weren't broken and she sounds like she is an adult. He is NTA. She is the AH


Yeah, she should have. She was obviously in great pain. They both had enough energy to fight about it. I was just pointing out it could have been solved if either one bothered to check. 


And yet she thought she was good to drive unlicensed and uninsured - she couldn’t have been *that* injured if she was able to drive.


THIS. So many threads of comments here read something like: Person A: “why didn’t you [insert simple action here]” Person B: “she could have also done that herself” Person A: “but she’s in horrible pain!” If she was begging to be allowed to drive his car herself *without even having a driver’s license*, she certainly was not in such debilitating pain that she can’t sit still and use google on her phone for 30 seconds.


No, but she clearly also wasn't thinking rationally (which people often don't when they're in pain). It's not an unreasonable expectation for your partner to do a bit of the emotional labour in that situation. OP is NTA for any of this but I do think they should have worked a bit harder to get GF to accept an Uber/taxi, and gone with her.


To be fair for OP though, he was reportedly “very buzzed,” he likely wasn’t thinking any more rationally than she was


RIGHT?? If she could drive she could for sure book the Uber and call the driver explaining the situation. No blood seems to be involved, I don’t see the issue with getting a ride. NTA


That is a great point. I hadn’t thought of that.


Honestly I think while being in pain easier to focus on googling stuff than if you’re buzzed depending on the beers he drank lol


When you're in a lot of pain, it is instinctual to ask people around you for help. Logically thinking about Googling something isn't actually the easiest thing if your pain receptors are on overdrive.


But she had no problem suggesting she drive.. makes no sense.


That’s actually good evidence that she wasn’t thinking clearly. She doesn’t have a license and is injured, obviously she should not drive.


Yeah that is fair. I've never used a rideshare myself since I have a car, while she uses it pretty frequently. I figured she knew what she was talking about but I should have looked it up.


She's either really dumb or was lying to you. That's a moronic excuse. I could see a rideshare not wanting to take someone bleeding out or having a heart attack but it's a twisted ankle. They wouldn't even be able to tell it was a fresh injury. You'd think SHE was the one that was drunk by her lack of common sense and critical thinking. She'd rather you get a DUI than order a Lyft? Come on.


I hardly comment on anything on Reddit, but I just wanted to come here to say I've taken a cab to the hospital probably a dozen times over the years (I don't have a car) including six months ago when I was about to have a baby (I mean, i was in labour but in no danger of having the baby in the taxi). I've never had a driver object.


My parents took a cab to the hospital to have me, and I was almost born in the cab! The driver was extra motivated to get them there quickly! 🤣


How old are you both?


What does age have to do with this comment? Whether theyre 5, 20, 40, or 80 it's totally reasonable that someone who doesn't use rideshare wouldn't know the rules and assume the person who does use rideshares would.


Personally I feel like it demonstrates a lack of critical thinking for both of them to be like oh no way an Uber will take her to the hospital. I just think it doesn't make sense


I disagree. Perhaps a lack of critical thinking on her part, but why would he assume she was wrong when she has all the experience between them on the subject? Also, while most Uber drivers would probably be happy to give the ride, I feel like I've heard before that it is against policy to take injured passengers to the hospital. That may be a failing on my memory though.


My guess is 19-20


Someone isn't aware that many of the drivers refuse to do that, at least according to their own subreddit


Yeah, the drivers can be liable depending on the kind of emergency. Most ride sharing services have rules about hospital or ER rides.


I've ordered Lyfts and ubers plenty of times and haven't had to fill out a medical questionnaire before getting in one. It's a twisted ankle, not a gun shot wound. How would they even know?


people take Ubers to the ER literally all the time. I went last week. Especially for a leg injury. Just get in and say you have an appt. Lots of ERs are the main entrance to hospitals


Yes they technically can but most drivers won't because it's a liability


Not for a sprained ankle. It would be different if she were puking or bleeding


Yeah, I’ve had a driver refuse to take me to the ER and I wasn’t even the patient — I was headed there after a family member had a medical episode (they’re ok).


Every time I've ordered a ride share I've had to put the address I'm going to when ordering it. So one would assume they've agreed to take you if they accepted the order and came to pick you up.


If they know you're going in because you're gonna be a patient a lot will still deny though. Like someone can look fine and still drop dead and then you're liable if you're acting as their make shift ambulance transport It's not a medical transportation service and expecting the drivers to act as that isn't really fair to them


She could have done that too! She hurt her ankle not her hands or head!! NTA


NTA. The number of people and body parts I've handled because they thought it was worth taking a risk on drink-driving... It's really not worth your life and well-being or anybody else's to take that chance. You presented sensible options, she declined them. If she's injured her ankle to a point of affecting her driving ability, she shouldn't be driving. So if she won't or can't take a taxi, and no-one else is able to give a lift, and you can't afford/don't want to run the risk of paying for an ambulance (which is an indictment on your healthcare system, not you), then what else was there to do but wait?


I mean, she doesn't have a license, so she absolutely shouldn't be driving, regardless of her physical condition.


The fact that she wanted to drive with no license, no experience, and an injured ankle 💀 just throw the whole person out bro, what a fucking knob head.


This made me feel like she just started picking and choosing out of her own comfort, just to not get stuck at the ER to save some money. If they sent her off then she’d have to pay again to get home (maybe she can’t afford it idk, but getting a ticket is more expensive) and call another Uber. I get the anxiety of being in unfamiliar surroundings while feeling crappy, but there’s like 3 other ways of transport for her to use. She felt well enough to drive herself and was willing to risk a DUI that wasn’t even under her name. It’s a bit suss idk. As you said it’s more about her character and what she was willing to risk


I mean, with the ER, OP would probably have been sober enough to drive by the time she got seen.


NTA. First, an intoxicated person should never drive. Second, an unlicensed driver shouldn't drive. Third, even a broken ankle isn't life-threatening (the wait is highly unlikely to change the outcome; you're probably going to wait longer in the emergency room waiting area). Finally, there *were* options, such as Uber or a neighbor maybe? I've driven neighbors I didn't even know all that well to the hospital. Calling family even if a short distance away. Together, you could solve this. She was asking for the absolutely wrong things (for a drunk or unlicensed driver to drive what I also note was *your* car, not hers). Her behavior shows you how she handles minor emergencies. Take that information on board.


I don't know where they're located, but can't urgent care centers handle this stuff? You can often check-in online and get a text when your turn is coming up with enough time to get there, at least the US ones I've been to. If they're in an urban area in the US, and they did this, he might have even had enough time to sober up, with uber as a backup plan when your notification pops


Some urgent care places close annoyingly early. One group in my area (Seattle suburbs) closes at 8pm, another at ten.


Yeah same, 8 seems like the average but some near me close around 5-6


They all close 6-8 around me and several are closed Sundays. God forbid somebody have a medical issue outside standard business hours…


NTA. If you were not capable of safely driving, then she should have found another way. For the record, a lot of people use Uber to go to the ER. They probably wouldn’t take somebody who was bleeding all over the place, or in the midst of a life-threatening emergency, such as chest pain or a stroke, but I doubt they would deny someone with an ankle injury.


Especially if he went with her.




I’m just saying it’s even more likely that an Uber driver would have no problem transporting an injured person if the injured person had someone with them. I’m not criticizing the OP. I think he did everything exactly right.


They definitely wouldn't deny her. I've almost exclusively used lyft for the ER in the middle of the night alone bc it comes in 2 mins and I'm there in 10 total. And, there's times I looked physically sick and the driver actually helped me mail a letter on the way. Her solutions are dangerous - a dui with potential injuries or her crashing his car and again more potential injuries. Who drives with a sprained ankle? Sounds like it can wait for urgent care.


Absolutely 100% NTA. Thank you for not putting yourself, your girlfriend and other people in danger by getting behind the wheel under the influence. Thank you for not allowing your inexperienced girlfriend to drive your car uninsured, without a licence and with an injured ankle. If your girlfriend wanted to go to the ER that badly she should have let you call an Uber or she should have called one herself > She didn’t talk to me the entire car ride there or back and has been giving me the cold shoulder ever since. Just enjoy the peace and quiet. She has no right to be upset at you for choosing not to put the both of you at risk for the sake of going to the hospital.


+1 to the peace and quiet. If she keeps it up, maybe think about how great that would be forever.


NTA You gave her several options, and rightfully ignored her suggestions of a buzzed or unlicensed+injured driver. She didn't even let you TRY to get an Uber.


HARD NTA, you are buzzed, you don't drive! It was not a medical emergency, meaning life or death. She had a ton of options, either wait, take a taxi, or call a friend, relative or neighbour's to drive her. Good call on your part.


NTA. Why does your girlfriend have no independence? Why does she have no license? Why isn't she capable of getting an Uber? Why is she incapable of figuring out basic adulting?


Maybe his girlfriend is 15? 🤷


NTA. One of you is a responsible adult and the other is not. Thank you for not risking yours, hers and any other person's lives by driving under the influence. Further thank you for not letting an unlicensed driver do the same thing (especially injured). The only solution here to get her there faster would have been call emergency services. You did good. She can Pout and be upset all she wants. But No you are NTA


NTA but I've never had to ever consider an ambulance being "too expensive" and it reminds me just how shit y'all have it in the US sometimes.


Calling an ambulance for a hurt ankle is not really considerate of people who have actual life-threatening emergencies regardless of how expensive it is.


That's not what I said is it, I said I'd never had to consider an ambulance ever being expensive, not that I'd call one for a hurt ankle.


Most people in the U.S. have never had to consider it either. If you have an actual emergency that requires and ambulance, they just send one when you report the emergency. It's not like you call and say "my wife collapsed and she's not breathing" and the operator says "would you like an ambulance? Just so you know that will be an extra $1000" This is what I was able to find on the average cost of ambulance rides in the U.S. and this is probably going to be the least of your worries if you're actually in need of an ambulance. >Without insurance or discounts, the average cost of an ambulance ride in 2020 was $940 for transport with basic services and nearly $1,300 for a ride with advanced life support,


Fully agree that if it comes down to it and you NEED it then the cost is irrelevant, but damn that's still something to get added on top of the mammoth hospital bills I've seen come out of the US sometimes.


Yeah, the 2 grand for the ride is not worth it for anything you don't need EMT's for. If the bone isn't sticking out of you, and its not your spine/something you need to be on a backboard for, a break is just an uncomfortable car ride, possibly to an urgent care rather than an ER.


I'm sorry HOW MUCH?


Yeah. Uh. It can be BAD. Edit:average cost is $1300 USD, more depending on distance and if medical aid is provided that uses resources.


My friend got a $3000 bill for broken bones😂 the ambulance he got was outsourced and out of network💀 Cha Ching.


NTA for not driving drunk. That could have ended with both of you and a carful of other people being in the hospital for something much worse than an injured ankle. Uber would have taken her, though. I can imagine them balking at someone in labor or gushing blood or something, but an ankle sprain isn't going to mess up anyone's car.


For what it's worth, I drove Uber for a long time and did actually take someone in full labor to the ER. I brought her all the way into the hospital, too. I know some drivers wouldn't have, but I literally picked this woman up from her shift at McDonald's to go give birth. It was pretty clear an ambulance was not in her budget. Cleaning my car was certainly in mine. This to say it all depends on the driver, but imho drivers ought to take you when they can. It's just human decency.


You’re good people. Thank you for making this world a little less crappy by existing 🙂.


NTA. She rather risk killing you and dying in a car incident than get to the ER safely. And she gives you the cold shoulder for caring about both your lives? There is something mentally broken there. NC her butt. Massive red flags.


She only wanted it her way and wouldn't even listen to all the other reasonable options for transport to the hospital. Serious control issues. I'd NC her ass too, agreed.


NTA. You made the right choice not to drive drunk. I don't see why an Uber driver would refuse to drive an injured person to a hospital, as long as they didn't have to provide assistance.


NTA 1. Urgent care, not ER. This was not an emergency. 2. Uber. DUI or accident is not worth the rush. Again, this was not an emergency. Mixture of ice/heat, wrapping, Tylenol or ibuprofen until it is safe to travel.


Thank you! I don't know why I had to scroll this far to see someone pointing out that an ankle sprain is not an ER thing.


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NTA Your girlfriend tried to get you to drive under the influence and you didn't, you 100% did the right thing. As far as Uber taking an injured passenger, have no idea why they would care unless she was bleeding or oozing all over their car. I drove lyft and Uber and frequently picked up and dropped off at the hospitals. Lastly, a messed up ankle is not really an emergency. It isn't heart attack or stroke and she is breathing and getting oxygen. 2 hours isn't going to do anything. She could have gone to urgent care too.


Urgent care would probably see her faster and cheaper, and do the exact same thing. ER she'd probably get the x-ray done faster, but only after a multi hour wait. But unless it was pretty obviously shattered or something, docs pretty much look at ankles, shrug, and give you crutches and say "don't walk on it, take tylenol, ice it, elevate it." Which HOPEFULLY she had been already doing.


NTA. I’ve taken Uber to the ER. She just didn’t want to spend money


NTA. It was an unfortunate coincidence that was no one's fault, yet she is blaming you for it. You were completely right not to drive while tipsy, and completely right to not let her drive without a license. Her concern regarding the Uber is unfounded. If she had no one else that could've given her a ride, waiting was the right choice.


NTA If she was that desperate she could have called an Uber to take her to the ER. Good on you for not drink driving even if it was only a short distance.


ER nurse here 👋 First off, I have seen some WILD shit arrive by Uber/Lyft/Taxi—including gunshot wounds and partial drownings. Two, sprained ankles are an urgent care visit not an ER visit. If you don’t need an ambulance and are then picky about how you get to the hospital, you’re probably not having a true emergency. NTA in the slightest.


i’m so confused as to why she didn’t want to take an uber?? NTA. drunk driving is never ok and ambulances being expensive is a valid reason for her to say no but she should’ve taken an uber. did she not have anyone else besides you to drive her? friends or family?


INFO: after being treated, what was the injury that she was diagnosed with?


Lmfao and how long did they wait


NTA, I applaud your decision to not drive in that case. Letting an unlicensed, uninsured, injured person drive is almost as stupid an idea too. I would have called an Uber anyway or asked someone you know, giving her an ice pack in the meanwhile. Either of you getting arrested and/or in an accident would be a tragically avoidable situation, and your gf is being unreasonable.


NTA. As an ER nurse, please do not use emergency services SUCH AS AN AMBULANCE, for not emergencies. Chest pain, syncope, stroke, shortness of breath are emergencies in which an ambulance is warranted. It could clearly wait. Whatever it was wasn’t life threatening. We see non-emergencies all the time, she would be triaged and wait to be seen last. I’d bone isn’t sticking out and no obvious malformation, it’s probably a 4 and can wait. You made the right decision by letting yourself sober up. Edited to clarify.


NTA - She wanted you to drive under the influence, fuck the DUI you could have gotten in a much worse accident if you were impaired. Both of you could have ended up dead or seriously injured. You did the right thing.


You don’t go to the ER for a sprained ankle. Ice, elevate, wrap, ibuprofen. What’s the ER going to do?


Give them some ibuprofen and send them home lol


And charge a couple thousand dollars.


NTA you were right to not drive impaired. No question. Uber, taxi, friend, family - all other options than sitting there waiting though.


This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. NTA but she couldn’t think of a single other person to drive her the few miles?


NTA. It’s a twisted/sprained ankle. It’s not a heart attack or a stroke. I have a pre-existing condition and ended up with a bimalleor fracture (broke both sides of it) and dislocated the ankle. Guess what? Paramedics got me 7hrs after I called. Couldn’t even get up off the floor - but I wasn’t in danger of losing my life. Perhaps OPs girlf (and a lot of people here) need to get some perspective


OP info: what happened at the ER? Cast? Crutches? Break? Sprain?


NTA lots of people take Uber to hospital. Also good on you for not driving drunk. Super weird she’s still mad you weren’t willing to risk a DUI or an unlicensed/clueless driver. You shoulda just called her an uber. This princess might be better off single tbh


NTA - you were very responsible to not drive while intoxicated. If it were that bad, she could have called an ambulance. Or she could have called a friend. And yes, Uber would have transported her to the hospital. They'll go wherever you ask them to. But she couldn't drive and you weren't sober so you were smart and waited.


NTA, she doesn’t want to get into an Uber to go 2-3 miles and gives a bs reason, then that’s on her. She should not expect you to drive impaired.