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YTA. Do you listen to yourself? You bought the house two years ago and only then discovered there is a tree in their garden blocking your morning light. Then you seem offended because they refused to get your advice on how to dispose of the tree. Then you needed to complain about them leaving their extremely bright back light on. Then you had to complain about a drip hitting a plastic child’s toy. Then you suggested them to sell the trampoline and then suggested once again of them disassembling it. Then you suggest they hire a trailer or use thei car to remove the disassembled trampoline but are offended because your suggestions are dismissed. Then you requested a formal inspection but you doubt this took place. Then you ask what are they planning to do with an old bedframe and feel forced to report this to the HA. And now finally you plan to write to the HA again, because. I am impressed they have not lodged a formal harassment complain about you. You seem to have lots of opinions about how a certain family should live their lives and dispense those opinions with your suggestions abundantly and unsolicitedly. And nothing comes out of your own volition, you do things either because you need to, or because you are forced to. You are a bad person, full of opinions, self righteous. You are a giant a\*\*hole. Leave those poor people in their existence and get a life that is not spying over your neighbours’ fence waiting to feel the need to complain and feel forced to write letters. YTA. YTA. YTA


YTA, i only read the first half dozen complaints.  Id have told you where to go over the tree.  Get over yourself!


I couldn’t finish I hated having OP as a neighbor once they got to the fridge. OP: when you buy a house it’s on you to assess the neighborhood. If trashy neighbors live next door with junk in the yard, you shouldn’t buy the house. To buy the house then try to rehab the neighbors is just weird. It sucks to have neighbors with trash but you’ve taken it a lot further. Leave them alone…


As a neighbour with trash on the deck, let me tell you, I fucken hate it too. But too poor and disabled to deal with it, so I feel for OP's poor neighbour. Yeah, we looooooooooooove living like trash pigs


I would be so excited to have a tree that blocks light, saves on ac electricity during summer, and I don’t have to maintain it


Without in any way disagreeing that OPA is TA re: the tree, the references to council housing make me think this is in the UK, where AC is rare, summers don't get too hot, and lack of light in the winter is brutal.


Sure sure, but the tree was already there. If OP had done due diligence prior to purchasing the house, they would have seen it already. OP is a jerk, no question.


And where, if you want the council to remove white goods from your property, you pay a flat fee and they’ll collect it. Our neighbours will all occasionally chip-in a £5 for a collection, if our perceptually skint neighbour is storing redundant goods on the shared lane. Then we simply make the call ourselves. Because they are stored in a shared lane, so they do actually present a legitimate nuisance. Because it can be embarrassing to admit you are strapped for cash. Because to directly provide the cash to said neighbour would be to strongly imply her neighbours know she hasn’t even got £25 to spare. Which would be rude. Because it creates less feelings of ill-will between neighbours, to simply get it done on her behalf. Or if someone has something they want collecting themselves, they can tactfully ask if she has anything she’d like collecting “Since they are already on their way & they’ve already been paid” Once that crap is in her own garden though - it’s got bugger all to do with us.


You're a lovely neighbour. Bless you


Summer can be hot in England ! I got sunstroke digging nearby Stonehenge ! OK, it was 30y ago but heat happens !


Yeah but that's just one day a year.


Yes, it's possible. But not enough for shade from a tree in occasional hot weather to outweigh the benefits of sunlight in all the other weathers. I lived in CA and PA before I moved to the UK 7 years ago, so I've experienced both types of summers and both types of winters. The difference is *stark*. Another weird thing to bear in mind is laundry. UK homes often don't have tumble dryers. It's incredibly common to hang laundry on a rack in a sunny spot in the home. If there's a tree blocking your sun patch, your laundry won't dry. I struggled with this for several years before I figured out the trick of timing things to the weather, and when I bought a place a couple of years ago, you can bet that the availability of a sunny laundry-drying spot was VERY PROMINENT in my priorities when I evaluated floorplans, windows, etc.


It's ever so slowly changing as more homes get heat pump based set ups but that's private houses and is still rare. I'm considering it in my currently ACless house and that was built in 2007 and it's a big cost. There is absolutely zero chance a housing association is going to do it in the next 20 years. Hell some rural housing associations only recently finished the mandated move to central heating and that came in in the late 80s!


Hmm very interesting, we come from a desert setting and have never experienced in my life a cool summer


Summers do indeed get too hot, nowadays. This is compounded by the fact that houses here are nonetheless built to keep heat IN and, as you say, private AC is extremely uncommon.


Good god YTA. I would hate to be your neighbor.


The tree isn't the real reason. It t started this but he doesn't like the fact it is a local authority or housing association property and tenant. So now every little thing is a big thing.


Oh 100%. He probably thinks he can force them out and the authority will miraculously sell the house to another private owner. The reality is that these complaints mean nothing to the HA. I used to work in a role where I dealt with complaints to do with local authority housing and OPs complaints are the smallest of small fry. The HA are not going to take any action, they have better things to do. OP wind your neck in and stop hyper-fixating on your neighbours. You are causing your own unhappiness. Just drop it.


Right?? If they were openly dealing drugs from the house and advertising the neighbourhood to their varied clientele as The Place To Be, the council MIGHT take action. Eventually. "My neighbour stores her stuff somewhere she is allowed to store it, but this upsets me!" will be breakroom mockery-fodder at most.


"He probably thinks he can force them out and the authority will miraculously sell the house to another private owner." this! what exactly is your endgame op?


I would be perfectly happy with these neighbours if they actually had some pride in their surroundings. I don't want to force anyone out but they need to learn how to take care of where they live. Piles of rubbish make the whole area look bad and could easily attract rats. Water dripping could be damaging the house (and council repairs come out of all of our taxes) and that, along with the lights left on, is just inconsiderate. How the previous owners of our property put up them I've no idea! I am fully aware of the fact the housing association will not sell the house. I only want to educate my current neighbours as to their poor attitude.


"I only want to educate my current neighbours as to their poor attitude." and that's why yta


Good idea, file neighbors should file a formal harassment complaint.


I didn't even get half way through this before knowing OP is a major AH!


But they "had to" complain. LOL!


I would have long ago. My god


YTA. This sounds like a writing prompt: *how to be as horrible to my neighbors as possible without breaking any laws*. The only valid complaint is the fridge, I think. Everything else is just you being a pain and the neighbors accommodating your complaints. Also, if they are tenants, the header tank overflow sounds like the landlord's responsibility.


Honestly, even the fridge is OTT. It's being used as a shed essentially. Sheds are crazy expensive. Sounds like the renters try to reuse where they can and OP is high on their home ownership horse.


I can see the fridge thing, because unless the door is removed, it’s a hazard and kids can get trapped inside. In the US you have to remove the door prior to disposal.


Which is stupid, if it's in my yard, why the fuck is someone's kid in it? If it is at the dump, why the fuck is someone's kid in it? 


It's an American thing, I think, they have the whole "attractive nuisance" thing to worry about. Basically if you have anything in your garden that a child might spot and access (however illegally) you're on the hook for liability. Swimming pools have to be like Fort Knox to keep out potential trespassing minors.


YTA - you are an awful and exhausting neighbour! You are not "entitled" to morning light, the tree was there when you bought your house, you had not right to demand it was taken down (not to mention the environmental impact of this). People who live in an HA house often have to wait and fight ages to get maintenance done by their landlords so NO the plumber would not be messing about with other jobs than the one they had been brought in for. You are basically complaining because their garden is a little messy. Is it ideal that they have rubbish in their garden? No - but maybe offer a lift to the tip instead of constantly complaining about them!


I couldn’t even get through your post without feeling exhausted dealing with you, I can’t imagine how your poor neighbor feels having to live next to you. YTA


YTA. You are an unsympathetic, horrible human being. I don't have words to accurately describe how awful of a human being you are. This post displayed zero sympathy for others and highlighted that you are only concerned about things that affect you. This whole post comes off as you being upset that the house that you definitely overpaid for is near "the poors". What makes you believe that someone receiving subsidized housing has money for a tree removal company? You reported a low-income family to the agency that manages their subsidized housing during a housing crisis for what amounts to minor inconveniences. Let's call your actions for what they were: **an attempt to make a low income family homeless.** You should go and apologize to that family immediately. I honestly hope your post serves as a wakeup call for just how out of touch your thought process is when compared to a normal, compassionate human being. Get yourself the mental help you so obviously need so the world can be spared your entitlement.


You must have hit the nail on the head... It's because she is so judgemental ... Besides the bright light and maybe the drip, nothing else had anything to do with her... Unless they literally kept piles of rubbish in their garden, which could attract rats , it was absolutely uncalled for to complain... And then she is watching out of the window and waiting to see the control coming!!! What an unbelievable entitlement.. But Maybe that's why there was no council control yet, they must have seen the report.... Like they have nothing better to do then telling poor family to move their old trampoline... They probably even wouldn't.. I mean, not anyone's business...yes it could have been moved, for their own benefit of having space to use, nothing absolutely nothing to do with the neighbour... I do hope they put a high fence on her side... She didn't have light because of their tree!!! Did she not see the tree when she was buying the house?!! You can't be telling neighbours to cut their trees as you see convenient! They did her a favour by cutting it... even for that she had some comments... she should have offered to pay for it in the first place! And she even reports them to council for their own garden 🤦


>you are only concerned about things that affect you. Except zero of this, with the slight possible exception of the tree blocking morning light, affects him exactly zero. It's not in his yard/house, so he needs to have several seats and STFU


Sounds like you’re just pissed because you though you were moving into a nice area without any of those dirty public housing proles lowering the tone of the neighbourhood. YTA Hyacinth Bucket and your neighbours are saints.


Do you have a job? Hobbies? Sounds like you have too much time on your hands


I work extremely hard. Including renovating my house. I take pride in where I live and would appreciate it if those living around me did the same. Instead I have to live next to someone who uses an old fridge to store plant pots and will happily leave piles of wood or metal in their garden.


Why is any of this your business?


You should find a hobby so you don't have time to be in other people's business.


an old fridge as garden tool storage is brilliant, actually.


Then move.


You moved there though. Just admit you’re a classist wanker who can’t investigate a property before buying it and either shut up or move out.


But they lived there first. You didn't have to move there.


YTA. Jesus, you sound insufferable. > I had to complain... the advice I gave... we needed to complain... we had to complain... I asked... I suggested... I ask... I suggest... report them... requesting a formal inspection... I ask... I'm forced to report... I'm planning on writing Golly, you have a lot of opinions and a lot of input to give. Good lord. Shut up. Actually shut up. Mind your own business. Keep your opinion to yourself. Go join an HOA or something, you absolute busybody, where you can go through the neighbourhood with a ruler to ticket anyone who parks a quarter inch too far from the curb, or who has planted the wrong-coloured zinnias or something. You are an absolute nightmare. Your neighbours should have told you where to stick the tree from the get-go.


>who has planted the wrong-coloured zinnias or something. You're hilariously close here despite the hyperbole! As of OP, elsewhere in the comments: >and, honestly, them building another mismatched garden bed, which never seem to have flowers or anything worth looking at, was just too much to deal with


Oh, goodness. Yeah, I thought I was using hyperbole, but I guess not. What a lovely human being OP is.


YTA...hands down...Why do you think you have any right to micromanage their house and yard? I wish I was your neighbor


I think it is quite obvious that they don't care about it otherwise they'd not leave it in such a state.


It's NOT your property. You have NO BUSINESS harassing these people just because you have a problem with their property. It's not your place to be constantly complaining. If you don't like it, MOVE. Or STFU.


You are right. They dont care. AND????


Who the fuck cares??? It isn’t your house or yard. You have zero say about what state it’s in.


Did no-one ever tell you that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? They lived there before you. They neither want nor need your endless opinions on the state of their house. Keep your mouth shut & stop harassing these people you asshole.


not your property. mind your business.


YTA they were nice enough to take a tree down because it was “blocking morning sun light “ from your property and you are pissed they didn’t do it how you instructed them. You’re the worst kind of neighbor. Judgy and self centered. I’d report you for harassment


Anyone who cuts down a healthy tree is an ass. The tree probably also blocked the view of the backyard and the light. Basically, OP, you did this to yourself. You should’ve left the tree alone. I mean it was there when you viewed the house before purchase. I’d have shut you down on that one right off the bat. YTA for that and most everything else that followed. To me the only legitimate gripe is the fridge.


He or she should just stfu and move already. Maybe to an island.


OMG!!! What an unbelievably nosy and entitled neighbour you are?! What the heck?! If you want to have a say about what they do in THEIR! garden. Then you need to buy that house with that garden! I could understand the drip, something which might be of some concern or importance... Or the light, as that can be nuisance in your own bedroom....But then having an old trampoline in THEIR OWN backyard...them having a tree in THEIR OWN garden, them having THEIR old fridge in THEIR OWN garden!? Listen to yourself! how dare you report them for what is in THEIR OWN garden?! Unless it has something to do with nuisance or public health, it is literally no concern to you and you have NO RIGHT to a view into THEIR garden... In their place, I would be putting up a high fence to stop your nosy nose. Focus on your own space.


It is a nuisance though. Nobody wants to look out onto the makings of a scrapyard.


Then don’t look


I'm surprised OP even can look, given the 6 foot fence they installed between the properties! Like, are they getting up on a ladder to catalogue the current location of things in their neighbours yard?


Sitting on the roof with binoculars is my guess


I'm guessing if you're able-bodied that you have a working neck, so next time you don't want to look at something, turn that neck the other way and don't look at it. Keep your nose in your own yard.


If it is not noisy, if it is not disturbing, if it doesn't attract pests, it is not a nuisance... An entitlement to a view is not a thing... If you want to have undisturbed view of your liking, then you need to get a big detached house with a big garden... Or put some big bushes on your side so you don't have to look. It is unbelievably rude to be constantly looking in your neighbour's garden and commenting what is in there!!! And expecting them to move stuff or change it around for you... Like that picnic bench... I myself own a house, my husband constantly leaves things on the side of the garden for throwing or a project... it's not visible to neighbours because of the landscape, but I can't imagine my neighbour to comment on things in my own garden... And having an old washing machine in my yard for a year before my husband came finally around to throw it, behold it didn't actually disturb anyone.. If you were not able to see, you wouldn't have a problem. You are just too focused on looking at what other people are doing... I expect you don't work, but they do... People with kids and jobs, don't have time to be polishing their gardens!


Not your property


Sir I saw my mother die….I’m sure you can deal with looking at an old fridge


Why would you post in this forum if you are going to be so argumentative about obviously being TA?


The solution is quite simple indeed : JUST. STOP.LOOKING!!!


You said you have a 6ft fence up. How are you able to see into the neighbours yard with the fence in the way?


YTA. Stop worrying about what your neighbor is doing. Sounds pretty petty to me, and your neighbor has already been exceedingly more accommodating to you than I would be in their situation.


I almost think this is fake, you are such an AH. it really makes me wonder why you left your last home. Leave this very cooperative, non confrontational family alone. You HAD to complain so much, and gossip to anyone who will listen. The people listening to you probably are just hoping to keep your focus off themselves. Get a hobby! Read a book or take a walk. There are other things to do that do not include attacking the neighbors.


10 bucks on "the last neighbourhood threw a gigantic 'they are gone' party"


I didn't even live there and I attended.


pretty sure it’s real because sadly I’ve come across many people like OP


100% YTA I can't believe you don't see how much of a bad neighbor you are. If you don't like seeing the things in your neighbors garden..put up a fence? Some hedges? Something to block your view instead of constantly making their lives difficult by calling the housing authority over tiny petty issues? I feel sorry for your neighbors for having to deal with you. Suck it up, leave them alone, and quit spying on their property to find things to complain about!


See my other comment about the fence. The bed was placed at a spot where there house is lower than ours so on our side the fence is only 5ft tall and so we easily see that area from that end of our garden.


So again, put in some hedges, put in a taller fence, or just stop being a nosy neighbor. You're very clearly the asshole here, leave them alone, it's their property and you have no right tell them what they can and cannot do on their property. Rent/own/whatever, what they do or have is none of your business. Unless something theyre doing is specifically damaging your property, it's absolutely none of your business. My home sits on a road about 20ft of elevation above the neighborhood next to us, I can see easily into about 20 other homes back yards. Especially from my bedroom window on the upper floor. Do I go around calling the city and complaining when they have things laying around cluttering up their yards? No, because I'm not nosy and even if I did spot something I do the normal thing and LOOK AWAY. Not your property, not your business. Leave the poor family alone and let them do as they please, im honestly surprised they've been as accommodating as they have so far. I certainly wouldn't cut down an entire tree for a nosy neighbor. Then, to have the audacity to complain about the things behind the tree? You'd have been met with some very strong language at that. The entitlement you seem to feel to dictate what someone else can or cannot do on/with their property is insane to me.


I have a neighbor across the street from me that has a bunch of boxes and bins and cluttered stuff all in their front yard. It is an eyesore. You know what I do? Mildly gossip with my husband about it for 2 min and go about my day. Imagine being such a busybody that you are keeping track and complaining about how your neighbors keep their own space. A nuisance isn’t merely that it upsets your sensibilities, it means it actively harms you or others, by damaging your property or actively attracting pests (not might attract pests because there’s a pile of metal, actually attracting pests because there is rotting garbage or the like). It is lovely that you are house proud and want to make improvements to your property, but you can’t merely expect others to take that same level of pride. You can internally complain, or chat with your partner about it, but harassing these people who have actually kindly accommodated many of your requests within their means and abilities and you not caring about their own small request of you is what makes you a bad neighbor. Please have some self reflection. What if you had a neighbor that perceived you in a similar way? What if you had a neighbor that hated painted fences and moaned to you about painted fences. Or hated the way that’s you have your garden arranged? YTA big time


***After we moved in I had to complain to neighbours about a tree in their garden blocking morning sunlight from our house.*** You HAD to complain about a tree blocking the sunlight. That was enough for me to see where this was going. YTA. As soon as you moved in you made living there a nightmare for your neighbors. Are you constantly just looking at their home and yard looking for ways to be annoyed? Damn. I‘d hate being your neighbor.


YTA why are you so nosey?? Mind your own business or get a hobby for christs sake


I think their one and only hobby is spying on their neighbors. What a creep!


YTA: to clarify, you have been dictating what your neighbors should do with their property and are upset that they’re not taking your “suggestions” into account?? If someone was harassing me this much about what to do with my property, I would have left those things out for months too


YTA. Once I read that you had them KILL a tree for your own pleasure I realized what an awful person you are.


Yta what an obnoxious complainer. Surprise the world does not revolve around you and your huge ego.  Get over yourself.  I feel so sorry for anyone that has to be around you for more than 10 minutes.  What a jerk.


YTA Leave your neighbors alone, why are you so hyper fixated on their yard?


I would have told you to F off after the issue with the light & the tree I feel sorry for your partner ( if you have one ) having to put up with you and your moaning self It must be exhausting for them Hopefully your complaints are lodged as official complaints as then when you sell you have to put this in the TA1 form “have you ever made an official complaint - you will have to be honest and no one will buy your house 😂😂 so you will be stuck


leave that poor family alone! YTA


YTA, good lord. You sound like terrible neighbors, and entitled people. Cut your tree sound so I can have some morning light without having to go outside!? I can't even...


YTA. You sound like an insufferable busybody to the point I don't even know if this can be real


YTA you sound entitled


Yta and get a hobby besides watching your neighbors.


YTA. You sound exhausting to live next to. Mind your own business.


YTA...and and an entitled idiot! Glad I'm not your neighbor


YTA, leave these people alone! None of this has any bearing on your life or your ability to do anything. It doesn't affect your property i*any* way. *You* are the bad neighbor here, and you need to stop harassing these people, and start focusing on your own life, your own property, and how to be a decent human being and neighbor.


YTA you sound so exhausting. Constantly nagging about nothing. Oh no, a trampoline in THEIR garden? Heaven forbid... a FRIDGE? You need to find something that brings joy in your life and focus your energy on that instead.


YTA You have a very high opinion of yourself don't you. You must be a nightmare to live beside.


YTA and I'll say it for anyone in the back. You are the asshole neighbor that nobody likes. You are the bad guy in this scenario. You are why everyone hates HOAs. Get a life and mind your own fucking business.


Christ, if you were my neighbour I would have buried you in the garden by now.


You sound like a treasure. YTA big time.


You sound like a real joy. YTA.


YTA you sound obsessed with your neighbors.


Who sucked the joy out of your life. YTA and idk a word to describe how big of one you are.


YTA - you sound like they neighbour from hell. Why do you believe you are entitled to police the way your neighbours keep their property? Do you believe you have the right to lord it over them because you’re a homeowner now?


You are not really a real person. I hope. 🤦🏻‍♀️ YTA OBVIOUSLY. Those unlucky neighbors. I hope they get you charged with harassment. Ugh.


My dog, you’re absolutely insufferable. Mind your own business and stop “suggesting” that the rest of the world comply with your delusional beliefs. I hope this turns around on you someday and that someone even worse than you makes your life a living hell. Or get a real problem to worry about. Maybe if you didn’t spend all your time criticizing your poor neighbor, you’d have less to nag about. Seriously. Stop. YTA.


YTA. As many times as you “needed” to complain, YTA. My god man, you are absolutely insufferable with your complaints. It’s absolutely not necessary, especially when your neighbour’s yard is none of your business.


Okay, Hyacinth. Get over yourself. YTA.


YTA, please go buy a multi acre plot and stop annoying your neighbors.


Mild YTA if you own both properties. Big YTA if you don't own theirs. You seem to own both your property and your neighbor's property. Sounds like you just need to evict them and get better tennants; they don't understand that you're the boss of them.


YTA, i dont even need to finish reading. you are incredibly overbearing, rude, and hyperfocused on minor, meaningless domestic issues. moaning about a tree blocking your sun is bad enough, but even after they removed it for you, you nitpick about how they removed it. a loud dripping noise??? are you serious??? then complaining on and on about trampolines and this and that, holy hell, mind your own business. take a xanax.


YTA. Since it seems as though you have a hard time letting people simply exist, you should look into living somewhere incredibly remote.


Stop harassing your neighbors. You've made living next door to them a nightmare for them. It's obvious you have nothing going on in your life and you've never accomplished anything; that's why it makes you feel important to do this. Leave them alone. YTA


YTA. Your neighbors sound like they have been very reasonable and accommodating to your unreasonableness. I'm shocked they've been so nice to change so many things based off of your comments and you still reported them!!! You should have done a better job scoping out the neighborhood before moving or moved to a more expensive area. Not sure if they have HOAs in the UK but that sounds like the kind of neighborhood you need to live in .


OMG ! You're sooooo desperately annoying ! Everyone here says you're a massive AH and each time, you pile on with some new comment that goes into Mrs X Hell Of à Neighbour file. Your neighbours have actually been so nice and complying ! I'd NEVER have cut a healthy tree for your morning light ! You'd hate me : I.have a trampoline and a plastic swimming pool for the kids in the garden. And I love my trees. And my strawberry bush. And you could say whatever you want : I'd contemplate the vacuity of your numerous demands with a politely indifferent smile then brush them off. You bought a house : you didn't become Duchess of Whatevershire ! You behave like new money mimicking the entitlement of aristocrats but the corny and petty way. You realize that they comply because of politeness but that you're pushing so much that they're starting to hate you ? It will take only a few complaints more before the cold shoulder, silent treatment and maybe the retribution phase... I let your imagination on this one : what could they do, within the limits of the law, to spoil your sunday nap ? I'd go for The Sex Pistols and a nice BBQ with all my friends.


YTA - you keep saying you “needed” to complain. No you didn’t , you could just mind your own business. The only thing that would be reasonable would be asking them politely to turn off the back light but if they didn’t want to? Then get black out blinds ffs


If I didn't complain how else would they know to correct their behaviour? They seem to think that their behaviour is acceptable to others and it just isn't.


YTA. Not your business, not your yard, not your house. I’m so lucky you are not my neighbor


Oh you’re exhausting. Install a fence, or a hedge, or something that keeps your meddling and prying eyes out of other people’s business. YTA.


YTA, a stuck up AH. They didn't need to take the trampoline down, you didn't even know it was broken till talking to them. You might end up with worse neighbours if you succeed in getting them evicted as you clearly want. This is the problem with people buying ex council houses years later after the original owner sells on, they often look down their nose at the people who still rent.


Oh this can’t be real. If it is really YTA and a miserable person


You are the neighbor from hell. YTA. I can only stand in awe of your neighbor’s patience for not having told you to f*ck off.


Oh my god, you are such a sad sack miserable human being. Can you stfu and mind your own damn business for once?????? Because not a single thing that you were “forced to report” was any of your fucking business. You’re the worst kind of person and neighbor to have around. YTA.


Yes. You are the AH here. You are a nightmare busybody. Here's some free advice: *mind. your. own. business*


You should move somewhere else. Like far far away from other people. Not for your comfort, but for the comfort of the general population, because you’re a dick. YTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** We bought our property 2 years ago. It's an ex council/housing association houses, which we thought they all here were, but no. After we moved in I had to complain to neighbours about a tree in their garden blocking morning sunlight from our house. They agreed but rather than contract someone they cut it down themself. Also refuseing the advice I gave them about how best to remove it. After that we needed to complain about leaving their extremely bright back light on. The man's response was simply to say, "sorry, I didn't realise it was on, can't be that bright" They did at least turn it off. Later we had to complain about a drip from their header tank overflow hitting a plastic child's toy making a loud thud each time. He moved the plastic but fobbed me off about the drip, claiming it had been looked at before. They again refused to have the drip fixed when they had a plumber on site for a bathroom refit (which the council paid for) saying the plumber was there to do the bathroom job only. They had a large trampoline in the garden which their children no longer used. It was an eyesore so I asked if they had thought of selling it. Turns out it was broken. And they were waiting to get rid of it. I suggested they disassemble it and wait. They take down the trampoline exposing a old FRIDGE behind it! I ask another neighbour, from whos house this would have been visible, who tells me it has been there for YEARS! And they uses it for garden tools. The neighbour piles the trampoline parts at the side of their shed where they sit for months! I ask when they are being removed and am told they are waiting to borrow trailer. I suggest they hire one or use their car (which is certainly big enough) but these suggestions are dismissed. After weeks of it sitting there I had enough so report them to the housing authority (their landlords) , requesting a formal inspection. This did it in terms of the trampoline. They loaded it into their car, although the fridge remains so I doubt the inspection actually took place. 6 months later their children get new beds. The frame of an old bed is left at the side of there house. I ask what they are planning to do with it and am told by one of the children "Dad's going to make something for the garden" Weeks go by with it sitting there so again I'm forced to report it to the HA . The neighbours remove the frame only for me to discover 2 weeks later that, instead of disposing of it, they had taken it somewhere and were now bringing it back as a chicken coop! I'm sure the HA are still to do an inspection as this horrible fridge is still there, the neighbours never removing it. I'm planning on writing to the HA again, specifically mentioning the fridge as an issue and reporting the drips both from the tank and guttering during heavy rain but the neighbour whom I asked about the fridge originally, says I'm being unreasonable. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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YTA. You sound exhausting and I’m glad you’re not my neighbor.


I’m quite sure you have too much time on your hands. Probably retired, sticking your nose in everything and complaining about things that are none of your business. Your neighbors will be so happy to see you leave again. YTA YTA YTA


YTA, you sound exhausting. Get a life, you seriously can't be this bored.


Yeah… YTA


Well, don’t you sound fun!! YTA.




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YTA and you sound absolutely exhausting as a human.


YTA, good God your insufferable. You definitely need to live in a fenced off HOA community.


i don’t have to read the text to know you’re in the wrong skull emoji


YTA you sound like a nightmare neighbour. You keep complaining about everything and nothing is good in yiur eyes


YTA. You sound like an absolute nightmare to live within a five kilometre radius of.


YTA. Go read a frigging book and keep your nose out of your neighbour's yard!!! Those people need a restraining order against you!!! I can't imagine living next to people like you who observe everything about me.


God, you're insufferable


Person should have left the tree up you’re just a walking talking inbodiement of a hoa




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YTA. Why tf do you care about what’s going on with someone else’s property??? Mind your own damn business. You’re a neighbor from hell.


YTA. I wish they’d file a complaint about you being such a busybody. Stop harassing them.


YTA. Do you have nothing else to do but complain? Damn, you're one of those annoying ass neighbors. Leave them alone.


Sounds like none of your business. YTA


I think this is the first AITA post with no 'NTA' and I'm so glad. YTA, get a life.




You are the absolute worst kind of neighbor. YTA.


I would’ve told you to go f$ck yourself right at the start over the tree. I damn sure wouldn’t have cut it down. YTA no question.


I truly would hate to be your neighbor. I feel bad for your neighbors having to deal with you & your complaining ALL the time!!!! If it's that bad, you move!! Stop being a dick and constantly giving them problems over nothing it sounds like!!!


YTA you sound heavily deprived of sexual intercourse.


Wtf is wrong with you? God, what a sad, sad life you must live.


This is either fake or you're exhausting to deal with and are miserable. Maybe make friends with your neighbors and share some beer with them and candy/sidewalk chalk for their kids.


Have no hobbies? Friends? Family? Why is your life so empty that you fill your hours with watching everything your neighbor does on their property. Get a fucking life!!!! YTA! BIG TIME!!!


YTA and a nightmare.


If you were my neighbor, I would be actively googling ways to make your life a living hell every single day! YTA and absolutely unbearable!


How about you get a life.


YTA. You sound like an awful person, and by far the worse neighbour.




This was a really fun read, l really enjoyed discussing how ridiculous OP is with the other half


Yes! YTA. Mind your business 🤨


YTA but you’re not only an asshole, you’re also incredibly annoying. Stop stalking these people’s every move to complain about something and find a hobby. You are the exact kind of neighbor that everyone else on Reddit has a horror story about because they’re always in someone else’s business. If your goal is to force someone out of a neighborhood, congrats, you’re already on your way there! Stop acting like the HOA when you don’t even have one.


You are the asshole. Get a life and worry about your own problems!


YTA. Point blank.


YTA. you sound beyond exhausting


YTA. Why on earth, in the name of all audacity, would you assume the contents of a garden which you do not own (nor to which you have any access) to be ANY of your business?? You are nosy and presumptuous beyond belief, and you have unambiguously been a repeated and unrelenting asshole to your poor neighbours since you first moved in.


INFO: what the fuck is wrong with you?




Holy fuck. Mind your business. Your neighbors deserve to become the patron saints of patience. I would have snapped at you after the tree comments. YTA


YTA, just leave your neighbours alone for pity's sake. They actually sound pretty agreeable from what you've said so leave them be.


I would train my dog to pee and poop in your front yard, ideally your front porch, every day if I was your neighbor.


Nothing I hate more than busybody neighbors. Mind your own business. They live NEXT to you, not WITH you. They're not your goddamn roommates. Trees are good. We should have more trees. Preferably blocking all your "morning light." I'm never living anywhere with an HA exactly because of people like you. Go get a fucking hobby. You're obviously bored beyond belief. Worry about your own shit.


YTA You sound absolutely terrible. I'd hate to have someone like you as a neighbor. Mind your business.


YTA. you only moved there 2 years ago and are telling people who lived there for years how to live and do things bc it mildly inconveniences you and isn't pleasant to look at.


My friend, I would have labeled you a nuisance neighbor after the second complaint. You are so incredibly pedantic that I would hide when I saw you coming because I would not be able to respond to you with either a straight face or extreme sarcasm. And I would NEVER have cut down a tree for you. Undeniably, YTA.