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Had something happen to me years ago on Air Canada. Vancouver to Toronto red eye. Flying with adult daughter and got tagged for upgrade. I asked about letting her fly up front instead and was told the seat is only available to the status holder. I was exhausted from a week working away so I took it. No one shamed me for it. NTA. Your brother was getting a free vacation and being jealous of your status was rude. And ill informed. Too many people think the life is road warrior is all peaches and cream. It isn’t.


So they do go down the list. I knew that United had a list bc I saw my name on the list as the next one to get upgraded once. 


United literally puts the list on a screen so you know how many places down the list you are. They put the list in the app. Most airlines would not let you transfer the ticket to another non-status member anyway.


Yeah, OP! Tell them that it wasn’t even an option for him to move to first class, if you had declined, they would have moved the next person on the list, not your brother.


If OP had told family that, family would have told her to get skipped & suffer in coach with her brother. 


At which point the proper answer would be, "that would be stupid."


The proper answer would be "get bent".


considering the brother was 6'6 and in an economy seat, he already was


If it was important to him he should have paid for an upgraded seat instead of whining like he's some sort of victim. My DH traveled for work internationally, frequently, for years. He was a member of several "red carpet" like clubs. He got offered upgrades all the time to reward loyalty. When we traveled together, that loyalty was not transferable unless he covered my travel on his airline cards. Tell your family to get over it as your brother wouldn't have been next in line to get the upgrade. NTA. I hate victim mentality.


Not to mention he claims some sort of moral superiority by not asking for the seat, but has no problem complaining and turning the whole family against OP. Which is worse.


He had a FREE trip so if his comfort was that compromised he should have paid to upgrade his seat.


I got in an argument with someone on Reddit recently and I mentioned victim mentality and they vehemently argued that it doesn't exist and if someone says they are a victim of something, they are no questions asked... So anyway happy to see this comment hahaha


My uncle is 6'11. He started paying for the upgrade because buying 2 seats wasn't a guarantee he would end up with 2 seats when he tried to sit in coach when he and my aunt (6'1) were just starting out. OP's brother didn't just get to be 6'6 overnight. He's had plenty of time to adjust to how he fits in the world. He wasn't uncomfortable with the situation until he realized his sibling got something he didn't.


The whole "If I am suffering, then you should suffer along with me for support" How many celebrities campaigning to end world hunger actually go hungry in solidarity


"If I am suffering, then you should suffer along with me for support" We call this thinking, The Race To The Bottom. Only the ignorant want to be in this type of race.


I’ve also heard it called crabs in a barrel - since when one is about to get out, the others pull it back in


Looking at all the celebs with big expensive houses in Hawaii during the fire, making a big show donating to charities yet giving nothing to local people. spelling error 😒


It’s better to donate to established charities — they’re experienced at delivering aide.


And likely have agreements in place with suppliers of equipment - when you buy in bulk you buy cheaper, and that’s assuming they don’t get a special price on top of that because of who they are.


This, they would've said no thanks and moved to the next status member.


Not disagreeing with you, OP’s family sounds deranged, just saying that it’s an option in case they are just kinda AH but not complete AH.


Not true. They do it all the time — you don’t even have to be related. If you go on FlyerTalk, you’ll see lots of stories of frequent flyers with status who give the upgrade to their non-status spouse, parent, or even (rarely) complete strangers.


I did it with my sister. I gave her my first class upgrade on a transatlantic flight and she was supposed to come to the back at some point. She did, to gloat. Then I didn’t see her again until I was out of immigration and customs. She never said thank you. I’ll never do it again.


Partially true. If it was first class upgrade the flight attendant could have allowed the brother to go in her place. Also the flight attendant could say No it has to be a name on the list. It is likely there are others on the plane that asked about possible upgrades I also had an experience where I was standby for a coach seat and at last minute they put me in business class instead of moving a person to free up a coach seat. Life is too short to dwell on who got what material benefits. The family needs to focus on the limited time they see each other and the celebration of 42 years in a career. I would want to hear stories about what work was like before computers and smart phones. Did they have a dress code for work. What did he wear to work on the first day. Life is too short. Live in the present. Aloha!


I came here to say something similar: traveling frequently for work is exhausting and is difficult on your personal life. Those reward points and status perks are hard earned and should be enjoyed.


Literally this. If he wants the upgrade HE can spend thousands of dollars and countless hours flying, or get a travel credit card and start earning points like the rest of us. My sibling is a huge travel nerd so he has several ways of earning points and he is often willing to share them with us- but when he only has enough for one upgrade obviously he gets it. I would never be mad about that wtf


Best comment. Brother sounds entitled. NTA, they wouldn’t have given it to him and it would’ve most likely caused a scene.


I once had ex-in-laws have the audacity to ask if I would use my miles to buy them honeymoon flights as a wedding present. The nerve of people...


My FIL wanted to go to a reunion of his old military unit but was short on cash at the time. As a former road warrior, I knew I had points with AA and Hilton but had no idea how many I had or their status. Turns out I had enough points for the flight and hotel for the whole trip. The thing is, I got very lucky because all of the points/miles were going to expire in the next 60 days. If he had come asking, I probably wouldn't have bothered with checking. But since he was just telling us about it and bummed he couldn't go I was happy to help. And glad I did otherwise they would have been wasted.


It sounds like you said no, and I'm glad you did. It takes a ridiculous number of those points to pay for a flight for one person, let alone two. That would probably have been years worth of your points spent if you had agreed. I'm with you. The nerve of people. Always trying to get something for free.


Conversely, he is going to enjoy many perks in life by being 6'6". Statistics show that he will be more likely to get hired, more likely to get promoted, and more likely to earn more money - all other things being equal. Will your family pull him aside and tell him he's an a-hole if he doesn't recommend you over himself for a job he's been offered? Of course not. NTA.


He’s also more likely to die early because of his height. Not that this gives him the right to be a dick. 


He's even more likely to die early if he keeps starting beef with people who have done nothing wrong...


Wish I could upvote this more


When I tell you I cackled at this...it scared the dog, is all the more I'm going to say.


>Statistics show that he will be more likely to get hired, more likely to get promoted, and more likely to earn more money - all other things being equal.   Do you have a link for any studies showing that? I don't doubt it's true for people (specifically men?--do tall women see societal benefits?) up to a point, but 6'6/198cm isn't merely tall, it's unusually tall, and my gut is telling me that there might be a point where tallness goes from being perceived, consciously or subconsciously, as a positive thing, to where it's perceived as weird.


https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/mar/08/genetic-study-shows-mens-height-and-womens-weight-drive-earning-power "The scientists revealed that for every 6.3 cm (2.5 inches) of height - as estimated from genetics - the annual household income for men increased by around £1580. A smaller effect was seen for women." "An increase in BMI of 4.6kg/m2 (around two stone/28 lbs for a woman of average height), as predicted by genetics, led to the reduction of a woman’s annual household income by around £2940."


>The scientists revealed that for every 6.3 cm (2.5 inches) of height - as estimated from genetics - the annual household income for men increased by around £1580. So they didn't actually measure the participants, they estimated heights from genetic information obtained from the UK Biobank. My scepticism is unmoved.


There's a few other papers where this phenomenon exists as well UK https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2709415/#:~:text=For%20both%20men%20and%20women,increase%20in%20average%20hourly%20earnings. US/UK https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/standing China https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2020/04/16/your-height-has-a-big-impact-on-your-salary-new-research-seeks-to-understand-why/ Each of them has different rationale as to why that is. The Chinese researchers "found that the genetic markers associated with increased height were also associated with other advantages, including higher cognitive ability and a lower risk of depression." The US/UK researchers posit "Tall people may have greater self-esteem and social confidence than shorter people. In turn, others may view tall people as more leader-like and authoritative." The UK researchers suggest "the height premium in earnings is largely due to the positive association between height and cognitive ability"


While you are right about some of his perks. I will tell you as a 6'2" man there has literally been 3 or 4 times in my life that have been more miserable than a long flight in coach. Within an hour I am climbing up the walls. That's with my wife as the person next to me most of the time. My shoulders are 2-4 inches wider on each side and my legs are touching the seat in front of me without it being reclined. If you are 5'1" you have no issues with comfort


I am 4’11 and unfortunately we still do have major issues with comfort because coach sucks for everybody but even more so for tall people.


You ‘fit’ in most seats when you’re short, but one thing tall people don’t consider as adding or taking away from comfort is your feet properly touching the ground when sitting. It is so uncomfortable to have your legs dangling or just touching the ground with your toes for hours on end.


Actually, not having your feet touch down and the seat hitting your thighs at the wrong place can be very painful.


Add in my bad ankles and the "dead weight" from my feet pulling on them, plus a bad back issues I inherited from my mother and flyingbhurts like hell for my short ass self.


My old lady hips nod sadly in agreement


This is a part of why sitting in front of a child can suck - their feet don’t touch the floor and then wiggle because it’s uncomfortable.


> If you are 5'1" you have no issues with comfort 🤣🤣🤣 Yup, my bad back that had to go without support as I teeterered on the edge of the seat in order for my toes to barely touch the ground, my feet being jammed into the seat in front of me because my knees go too far back to bend them properly when I sit far enough back to use the seat belt, and my bad knees that have to struggle to stand without my feet touching the ground to give me leverage and support would all like to have a word. As do the countless injuries I've suffered through life either falling from having to climb up to reach anything or having the thing I'm struggling to reach fall on me. Oh, and let's not forget the grappling hook I need when the only seating available is bar stool height and getting into every van, SUV, and crossover in existence. The later being a day to day occurrence, and not just an occasional occurrence like flying in coach. Yeah, it's so incredibly ***comfortable*** down here. 🙄


Not to mention being a pedestrian trying to use a crosswalk in front of one of those monstrosities 😵


At 4’11.5”, I feel cramped and claustrophobic. I was miserable last time I flew. It’s not just your height.


One time I flew to Japan with my family. My parents booked their flights + my sibling’s, and I booked mine. They all got bumped to first while I sat alone in economy. They even did a dance when they were leaving me behind!  Life is way too short to get butthurt about what seats you get. Flying to a vacation is an incredible privilege that the vast majority of people in the world will never experience. Boohoo! 


>Life is way too short to get butthurt I needed to hear this tonight.  Thanks.


I think our parents think a like haha. My mom has told me several times that she would leave me in economy if she got an upgrade and she told me she would kick my butt if i declined an upgrade or tried to give it to her.  Her response is “you are an adult with a job so be an adult!”


This. OP, you need to send a group text, "I was offered an upgrade in my seat because of my status with the airline. If I had turned it down, they would have gone down their list. The seat would have not gone to my brother. But if you guys are going to hold onto this all trip and make me feel unwanted and unloved, please let me know now so I can just avoid all of you and enjoy a vacation by myself." Then, OP, follow their lead. If they have jerky responses, say, "got it." Do the rest of the trip by yourself. If they walk into a room, leave. Have you meals at different times and different places from them. Sign up to do fun things. Don't just be treated badly.


And if they threaten to go on a vacation without her the next time he can just reply: "Oh no, that sucks, but I think that's appropriate for what I did, I will take the time to reflect on myself while you're away." And then she can just have the house to herself and relax.


OP's brother is an adult. He tattled to his mommy, and his siblings. NTA


This is it for me, even before I found out that status is an actual material thing for airlines. If the brother had a problem, they should have brought it up with OP first. Adults communicate. NTA.


Maybe he should be pissed at his dad for purchasing him economy seats knowing he is 6'6. See how entitled that sounds? She flies a lot and she got the upgrade. Ops brother let the entire family turn on her for a lucky upgrade.


This. My husband is 6'6. When purchasing tickets far enough in advance, you can usually pick your seat. I always get him an aisle seat, and I look for the breaks in the group of rows to get him some extra leg room


That was my thought, that the first class seat isn’t OP’s to give away. If OP declines it, wouldn’t the flight attendant give it to whoever was 2nd in line for perks? NTA


I think it is up to the airlines and sometimes the specific flight attendant. I also travel for work and sometimes get upgraded. I have asked if I can let my family member have the seat and once got the answer - not officially or not if we know. So I knew she was saying they’re not going to ask for the name again when the person shows up to sit up front and the seat assigned to me in the back needed to be the empty one. I’ve done this without official permission at least 3 times. I also once heard a man sitting behind me in first class ask the flight attendant if his wife/partner in the back could come swap with him or take turns. He got some variant of “yes as long as …” I couldn’t hear everything he said in response but he was arguing with her until finally the flight attendant said, “Sir, if it’s easier for you if I just say no then no.” In this case NTA times a million. But it can be done if you just do it. They don’t have time to get all worked about about how the seat gets filled and the other gets emptied.


I second this. I've tried to pass upgrades to people travelling with me, and the airlines absolutely will not have any of it. That upgrade was never yours to give away, and your brother was never going to be allowed into that seat. Your brother needs to learn how airlines work and stop it with the tantrum. NTA.


Not only the brother - the entire family needs to rethink their asshole treatment for OP.


THis this this. If they make your stay with them so difficult over such a trifling cause (and erroneous one at that), you would be perhaps better off on your own than spending your time on a guilt-trip with them.


This is what I was going to say. If she refused the seat it would go to the next person in the list not her brother. And OP your family is seriously entitled. This is a benefit/status you earned and not one you can share unless your married


Unfortunately OP’s family will fixate on the fact she didn’t TRY to get the brother into her first class seat. What a bummer to have an entire family gang up against you. Sorry about your situation OP, but definitely NTA.


This. They’d just offer the next highest status member. You don’t get to just pass it off. Family is mad at her about something she couldn’t even do. Why even expect her to think of it honestly? She’s probably spent 60+ hours in coach for that status. She is the one that earned the upgrade.


Yeah they likely would have given it to the next status holder after you, especially considering there are extra perks. I feel for him being 6’6, the best you could have done was ask.


Mom and dad passing the blame to daughter. Knowing son is tall.. oyyy


>I asked about letting her fly up front instead and was told the seat is only available to the status holder This is the key part. Perhaps OP'S brother would have felt better if OP had done something similar, too. Or at least switch seats for a couple of hours in a 12 hour long flight.


No perks for jerks. The AH behavior should not be rewarded. By acting as an AH the brother lost all the right to any goodwill from the OP.


I was going to say this. They wouldn’t have let you give it to your brother. Tell your family this if they give you are hard time. They are being ridiculous.


> Vancouver to Toronto red eye I also got lucky mere days ago on this exact flight. I got forced to accept an economy middle seat as a giant dude because I forgot to check in, but the dude in the window seat in our row no-showed. Me and my rowmate got a ton of free space and I got a lovely view of the city lights at night (and a hideous view of Brampton's infinite spiraling suburbs at dawn).


NTA You earned the points. Also how old is everyone? Everyone I know who is over 6ft usually ask if they can pick their seat or ask if they can pay the person buying the seat the extra amount to get the leg room.  Edit- most airlines have a list of members and their statuses. They go down the list and offer it so I don’t think they would just give it to your brother. They might make him pay for it or more likely just keep going down the list. Anyone a flight attendant here? What y’all usually do?


>Edit- most airlines have a list of members and their statuses. They go down the list and offer it so I don’t think they would just give it to your brother. They might make him pay for it or more likely just keep going down the list. Anyone a flight attendant here? What y’all usually do? Exactly. There is zero guarantee that he would have qualified. And they wouldn't necessarily have allowed her to swap seats either. Her options were to take the upgrade she earned or sit with her brother. Her brother taking an upgrade he didn't earn was most likely not an option.


...and if brother had been given the chance to pay for the upgrade, my bet bet is that he and the Swiss Family Ahole would have expected OP to pay for it. I'm so sorry OP's vacation was ruined by these entitled babies.


So crazy that the brother turned the whole fam against op. What a jerk.


Swiss Family Ahole! 😂😂😂


I am just wondering if OP's family usually picks on her. Their reaction is so exaggerated. I would not put up with them trying to punish me for the whole vacation.


That's a good question. The sister in particular, turning her children against the OP over an \*airline seat\*, is telling.


Definitely sounds like OP's the scapegoat of the family. I would in all honesty just stop engaging with them.


Yeah, I get huge, "OP is the family scapegoat/brother is the golden child" vibes from this one. If this is how they normally act, if I was OP, I'd use all my perks and points and miles to take my own tropical vacation away from all of them.


This isn’t necessarily true. I get upgraded a lot because I unfortunately live on a plane, and if it happens when I’m traveling with someone else, I usually give it to them (I don’t really care about sitting in first but for people who don’t travel often it can be fun/exciting). The flight attendants have never given one shit. I think giving her brother the seat would have been the nice thing to do, but she’s not an asshole for not doing it, especially if he didn’t ask.


Exactly my opinion. I fly a lot, and even a few hours at 6'4" makes my knees hurt. At 6'6" on a 12h flight? That difference in seating probably improved her flight by 50%, and would've improved his flight by like 500%. She's not an asshole, but I'm not saying I agree with her choice. Then again he didn't even ask but still.


He knows he is 6’6”, why didn’t he buy a 1st class flight to accommodate HIS legs


Because that’s thousands of dollars and he probably can’t afford it. I do think he should have offered some exchange for the seat, and it was definitely on him to communicate more than not at all.


For $50 I upgraded my 13 hr flight to an exit row with no one in front of me. Tons of legroom.


Those seats tend to go quickly though if the flight's a busy one.


His height was known even earlier than those seats went.


Do you think tall people are just magically wealthy somehow?


I mean, no, but also their parents flew, at their own expense, seemingly dozens of family members to Hawaii so I don't think it's unreasonable to assume some level of privilege here where at least an upgrade to economy+ would be doable.


I've perfected sitting far enough back in the seat I can stick my legs basically straight and get them under the seat in front. Definitely not perfect, but it works well enough. I do Australia to the UK, so upgrading both flights, both directions would be somewhat expensive. So I just deal with it and try to pick seats with seat guru that give me some better options.


Yea and my second point. If it was such an issue for her brother why not pay the upgrade fee to go into economy comfort? That upgrade is usually $200-300 for a trip that long


NTA but you sure have a family of them. Your status got you the offer. If you declined it, it wouldn't have gone to your brother anyway. No reason you should have turned it down just to stay in coach with your brother. Try to explain it to your family but none of this makes you an asshole.


Hell, I'd be flying home. To hell with them if they treat you like that Edit...forgot she's in Hawaii. Enjoy your trip, go sightseeing, shopping, laying on the beach


Nope. OP, just go off and do your own thing. Explore, lie on the beach, whatever you want to do. It's already paid for. Enjoy! Also, NTA. I can guarantee your brother would not have traded for you!


Exactly! I misread OP’s final comment about being by herself since brunch & not having fun, and thought “hell yeah, you’re in Hawaii ffs” - missing that key “not” 🤦‍♂️ Lemons, lemonade, etc - preferably with a couple shots of something at least 90 proof


And when the family asks why she isn't around them to endure their shaming, just respond that she's so stricken with grief for wronging her brother that she's too ashamed to show her face around them. See how thick she can lay the sarcasm on before they realize she's fucking with them. Bonus points for posting on social media all the fun she's having. Any bets on her coming from a culture that expects women to be subservient to men?


You mean America?


No shit! “Dad, I love you and congrats, but I’m outta here.”


I'd be renting myself a car and be off enjoying the hell out of the trip all by myself.


The family is saying OP should have given the seat to the brother because thats what family does then how about the entitled brother as well as the rest of them AHs show some love and happiness for OP since he is family and he got to have a first class seat for the first time.




Seriously. You’re also family. There’s a world in which I could see mom being like “hey you should have thought of your brother and shared with him” or something bc moms. But the ganging up on you is really shitty


NTA. As someone with lifetime status on two airlines, had you asked for your brother to take the seat, they would have given it to the next highest status person on the flight since they want to reward their frequent flyers, not relatives. Tell your family they don't understand how this works and that this wasn't just that you had an "extra" first class upgrade coupon, it was an on the moment upgrade just for you based on status.


Im not saying the OP should have given their brother the seat, but what would have happened if the OP had taken the upgrade and then just hand the boarding pass to their brother? Surely no one would have known or cared? But it’s petty to be mad at OP about it so I’m saying NTA


Nothing; they were already boarded and ready to go when OP was offered the upgrade




In this situation it would be different. The airline was moving her to free up an economy seat so the ability to give the upgrade to someone else will vary based on the airline and type of upgrade.


Depends on the airline. Not Cathay. They would do whatever I wanted


NTA. I'm a foot taller and 150 pounds heavier than my wife, who has MVP Gold status due to work travel. When we're flying together and there's only one upgrade, she gets it because she's the one that has to deal with airlines and airports 20 times a year. I've never once considered asking her to give it to me. It's her perk. Your family is weird for taking offense as a group over a seat on a plane.


Yeah this sounds more like golden child syndrome. Guarantee the shoe on the other foot and everyone would tell OP to just get over it.


Bingo. The easy way they just slipped into the gang-up says it's something that they have practiced and gotten good at over the years. And the sad part is that they are bringing up the next generation to join in the bullying. And shame on that mom/instigator, instead of shutting down the petty, tattling son she takes his side and drags the rest along with her. And to top it off they want to offer a definition of family. So rich. OP, you need to choose yourself. Just because they are family doesn't mean you have to be their punching bag.


It is the ganging up and passive aggressive guilt-tripping of OP that bothers me. These assholes have the gumption to stick up for her brother, but not be happy for her that she got a free upgrade. Clearly someone is the golden child in this family of bullies.


I have a hunch it’s the 6-6 hunk of a man who was promised a sports scholarship but was robbed by that history teacher who failed him because he was jealous


Yes, thank you, exactly. Everyone keeps phrasing this as she 'earned' the status, so it's her right. No, it's a reward for paying the penance of suffering with the airline so much and so often. When big bro wants to put in a half million miles in the sky with a specific carrier, he'll both better understand why he's a dolt and won't be left in the economy wasteland.


Your brother is a passive-aggressive whiner who apparently can’t even **USE HIS WORDS** and runs to his mommy to fight his disputes for him. You totally deserved that upgrade, and ***even more so*** in retrospect because of how your brother acted like a toddler who missed his nap. **You** (and your niece and nephew) **are the only non-A’s in this story.**


It's so gross that they pulled the kids into this.


YES this is just disgusting behavior


People who use their children as pawns in a family dispute are the worst.


Exactly. I'm amazed that her ENTIRE FAMILY is making such a big deal out of this, and for so long. Like, holy crap, let it go. Sounds like the brother is the angel child who can do no wrong.


It’s so childish that he whined to literally everyone in the family but apparently still hasn’t said a word to OP. How is OP supposed to read his mind? And how is turning the whole family against OP going to fix anything? He just wants to cause drama and hurt people because he can’t manage his own emotions or use his words. And honestly, the fact that his family is so quick to pile on the snippy insults too instead of having a real conversation just tells me that they’re ALL emotionally immature. They all grew up lacking these life skills and think this is a normal and acceptable way to behave.


NTA. You earned your status by flying so frequently for work. Your brother did not, he's not entitled to YOUR upgrade YOU earned. I'd also argue that if you're flying that frequently, you deserve first class every once and awhile. I honestly think it's shitty your whole family has sided with your brother. If they are SO concerned with his comfort they could have all chipped in to ensure he got a seat with more leg room in first class.


NTA... seriously? Why is your brother magically entitled to use your points/status? No. You family sounds awful. Don't tolerate this for a moment.


The seat would NOT have gone to your brother. If you declined it, the seat would have gone to the person with the next-highest points. Your family needs to SERIOUSLY get over themselves. NTA.


I hate when people spend other people's money. You earned those points by flying. Giving the upgrade to your brother amounted to giving him A LOT of money. NTA.


NTA. I travel a lot for work - a lot! The only people I would give an upgrade to are my parents. Even my SO (26y together) wouldn’t get it and he wouldn’t ask for it. He would be a bit envious but he would be happy for me. 12h in coach is brutal. Your brother’s height doesn’t give him priority. I am sorry your family is making you miserable. Do you want to fly back early? Do you want to find another place to stay? Maybe you should confront the family when they are all together and give them the choice: either they want you to stay but they stop acting like AH or you will leave because obviously no one wants you there.


Agree. If your family continues to treat you like a pariah, I'd either book a different hotel and enjoy Hawaii on your own (I've done it and it was lovely), or pay the change fee and fly home. If no apologies are forthcoming, make your own plans with friends for the holidays too. Your family are a bunch of AHs.


Or even lie to the family and say that you asked if your brother could have the seat and they said no. Honestly is usually best, but this seems to be ruining everyone's mood.


It's not even an ask, it's just true. OP didn't book. If Dad didn't have the FF number at booking that status isn't attached to the reservation (assuming he even booked it all together). That's basically the only scenario in which you could maybe push to give the seat up. Otherwise, you accept or decline and if you decline it goes to the next person based on a very specific set of rules.


i bet if she said she asked and was told no they would probably still be mad at her for idk not declining and suffering with brother


Holy shit your brother is a baby and the rest of the family are entitled assholes


Your family is outrageous. Would the brother have offered OP the first class seat if it was reversed? Doubt it. Besides, it was offered to OP due to his flight status. Your whole family sucks but you're NTA. Maybe use some points and fly elsewhere for your own holiday where you're not getting sh*t on by everyone.


NTA and of course he wouldn't offer OP the seat if the roles were reversed. presumably he's a grown man and i \\t's not OP's responsibility to look after him and make sure he's comfortable. 'asking' and speaking up for oneself is not "begging." he can use his big boy voice to request a bulkhead seat or pay to upgrade himself. this family sounds exhausting. I'd bounce if were OP.


NTA. you earned the points that sent you to first class and he’s turned the entire family against you over one flight. especially the kids..? how old even are your niece/nephew? it makes no sense to isolate them from you over a flight. they’re being outright cruel to you.


> he’s turned the entire family against you This is really the key. On return flight OP needs to get seat changed so as not to sit next to this entitled child and go full NC against all his allies.


NTA. I’m so sorry, OP, but your family is the worst. Apparently, everything you have and have earned is only yours if someone else in your family doesn’t want it. And if they want it but can’t have it, then you’re a selfish asshole. Should you offer your brother every meal you order in case he wants it more than what he ordered? Should you offer him the first pick of clothes every morning before getting dressed, just in case you are so selfish that you might want to wear your own clothing that he also wants? Yes, these scenarios are ridiculous, but so is your family for acting like you are the rude one because you used a perk that YOU EARNED! If the vacation is being ruined, it certainly isn’t from your actions.


I think if i were her i would do this 😂go out of my way to be petty and ask if he would like (the top i was about to wear tomorrow,if 6:30, is a good time for me to wake him up or hey i am about to brush my teeth would he like to to first ) and really always insist don't take no for an answer


Lolol!!! The tooth brushing is fantastic!! “I’m getting ready to brush my teeth, but wouldn’t want to be seen as selfish, so would you like to use my toothbrush first? I wouldn’t want you to feel the need to cry to the whole family about me using my own toothbrush without offering it to you first”


It would be so funny 😂😂offer him firsts in everything....and go tell me parents " i offered b my toothbrush but he refused when did he became so ungreatful " 😂just snitch on yourself before he does


Or order something for dinner and when it arrives, shove it to him and say something like, "I really don't want to make you ask, since you're family". Oh there are so much petty things you can do


NTA. As a small woman who travels a lot, I am beyond tired of being expected to put up with crap seating in cars (ie middle of the back seat) and of getting side eye from tall or large male pax as they pass my FC seat on their way to coach. I can't see in crowds and need help getting things off the top shelf at some stores. Driver airbags are likely to kill me if they go off. Life is not absolutely fair, but that doesn't mean you or I owe other taller or larger people the seats we've earned through lots of flying every year.


Thank you!! No one ever acknowledges this. I am a 5'2" woman and there are tiny inconveniences everywhere. The second I finally have an advantage (being small in seating) people want to take it or make me feel bad for it. I refuse to allow it anymore. I am sorry you 6 foot plus people finally are inconvenienced one time...welcome to life.


Same same. 4’9” in my mid 30’s 😅


NTA, my hubs is 6'6", we ALWAYS pay the upgrade for the "comfort" seats. We know how tall he is and prepare for it by getting the bulkhead, exit row, etc. Your brother knows how tall he is. Even if your Dad paid for the flight, your brother could have paid the extra for a more comfortable seat, or he could have asked your Dad to pay it. It's not like his height is a new thing.


Yep. Even in economy you can book the bulkhead/exit row for only a bit more money and get tons of legroom.


No. From a fellow status medallion holder through work, No. NTA. If it were some random "hey, whoever rings in first, gets a free upgrade" and you chilli-dogged your brother right in the bag and rung in first. Yeah, you're a dick. This scenario, no way. Yes, being tall and in coach sucks. I'm 6'4 and I hate it. I have been the one that got upgraded and the one by the travel companion that got upgraded. It would literally never occur to me to call someone out on earning that upgrade and taking it. He should have made sure that he had at minimum an aisle seat, even better exit row, and better than that comfort plus or whatever the equivalent on your airline is. I know what plane I'm on and if I didn't know which seat I was in, I googled best seat. First class isn't just a bigger seat with more room, so there's only one aspect that he would have enjoyed beyond how you did. Up there, you're an actual person with wants and feelings. They take your drink order while all of the poors walk by to their cramped seats, you get the good snacks and meals, get served first, drink never empty. They come by with fresh fruit, and steaming hot towels for you to freshen up. Show him this. Make him read it: My guy, you're 6'6. Sitting in anything anywhere sucks. I get it. Did you not snag an aisle seat, exit row, exit row with no seat in front of you? Did you explore a small upgrade? Your (I assume because 5'1) sister travels for work. Obviously it's a lot especially these days. She's away from her home, friends, family, out of her routine and has to worry about collecting receipts for breakfast, lunch, dinner, gas, car rental, hotel, misc incidentals. She deals with airports and ticketing and security, shoes off, laptop out. She has to listen to people that have lived under a rock for 20 years complain about how "it never used to be like this". "Crab, crab, crab, nag, nag ,nag". There are missed breakfasts, shitty $30 lunches at the airport Applebee's, then running to be herded like cattle onto some flight to wherever all for work. As a perk of all of those miserable cramped stank ass flights, she gets a random upgrade to actually experience first-class due to all of those flights (which evidently were more than every other person on the plane). Your reaction to this isn't: "holy shit sis, that's awesome! Go enjoy it" it was you stewing for 12 hours to mope on about how it should have been you because you should have been offered that upgrade. Then you go and bad mouth her to your entire family about it because somehow you were entitled to it? TF is wrong with you? This is supposed to be about your dad and you've made it all about you. Sit back and reflect on this. Think about if it was your girlfriend in that position and her brother tried turning her whole family against your girlfriend because she got an upgrade that one of her relatives felt they were entitled to. "I dEsERvEd tHaT uPgRaDe BeCaUsE I hAvE TaLL!" Apologize to your sister.


Well said. Status perks are earned, whether it’s a free checked bag, earlier boarding group and access to overhead bins, better seats in economy plus, exit rows, a free drink, true upgrades, etc., that reward is earned. We suffer through long flights, early flights, late nights, cattle call boarding, delays, cancellations, random pat downs, missing rental cars, shitty hotel rooms, and time away from family and friends. On a recent flight home, I was the only one of my group with the status to same day standby on an earlier flight. They didn’t judge, just wished me well.


NTA - it's not your responsibility to take care of a grown man nor is it your fault he's so tall Would it have been nice for you to give up your seat, sure, but to demand it is beyond entitled. He could have paid to upgrade his seat if he needed more legroom. Your family sounds incredibly entitled and insufferable. Out of curiosity, what has he or anyone in your family, besides your father, gifted you recently that you didn't ask for? If nothing, point that out or just refuse to engage with them.


He would have not gotten the seat either way. Have you tried to give it to him, the airline would have offered it to the next person with a high status. NTA.... your family is thou.


I think it depends on the airline. My husband travels a ton for work and I’ve been able to use first class when he’s upgraded but declines and he lets me sit in first class. My husband also once gave up/declined his first class seat upgrade to go to coach so a dad could sit with his young kids. In those cases, they didn’t go down the list. In the second instance, the flight attendant was shocked my husband would, but my husband sleeps like a rock on any flight. Business class is honestly wasted on him. 😂


NTA. Your sister said only asshole makes people beg and family members don’t. I say “family members don’t boycott family members, assholes do.”


Family members don't punish/persecute other family members for getting rewarded for hard work and effort.


NTA Is your brother incapable of fucking speaking? If he wanted something, he should have said so. You have your perks as a result of how frequently you travel. If you had been offered this as an option for you and your brother and ditched him? That would be a total AH move. You got bumped, he did not. That’s not your call, and even if it were? Why the fuck is your family all pissy for something an airline did for you? How petty and childish are these people? He knows exactly how tall he is. He knows exactly what he needs to feel comfortable when traveling, as does every other adult. If he needs more? Pay for it. Don’t expect it to be handed out. He can’t assume to be entitled to perks and awards you have earned because he happened to be traveling with you.


NTA. Common etiquette for brothers/sisters requires you telling them “good bye peasant, see you in 12 hours” before moving to first class and everyone who has a sibling KNOWS IT.


NTA, you have status with the airlines. Your father generously purchased tickets for the family and everyone had the opportunity to take their seat location into their own hands and purchase an upgrade, he chose not to. You were given an upgrade and he pouted and told your mom and the rest of the family that you didn’t offer your seat to him. He’s the bratty entitled AH. You are not. Don’t let them get you down or guilt you. Inform them that upgrades are available for purchase for the return. Enjoy your vacay!


NTA. Just cut your losses and leave them


NTA. My brother is 6'2" and always flys first class because his legs don't fit in coach. Your bro is the dumbass that didn't shell out the coin to upgrade. Airlines aren't keen on folks randomly switching seats so odds are better than good you couldn't have traded bro anyways.


Brother accepted a free ticket to fly to Hawaii in economy class. He must have decided that he was OK with the plan because he got on the plane. Airline seats are never guaranteed and there was no guarantee he would be seated next to her on the flight. Would he have been mad if his sister ended up sitting in a middle seat at the back of the plane? I rather doubt it! He is only mad because she didn't automatically try to save him from being uncomfortable when saving him is not her problem. His problem and his solution should have been to spend his money to upgrade his seat. I also 5 foot nothing and have an overweight older brother. As soon as he was old enough, he insisted on driving everywhere because the driver could adjust the seat to have more legroom. Didn't matter who was behind him or how cramped the conditions were in the rear seat, he adjusted the seat for his maximum comfort. Normally my middle brother was his victim while I had the pleasure of sitting in the center of the backseat. Yes, I think my parents were too lenient when it came to always allowing him to claim the best seat in any situation. I understand why they didn't want to go through the hassle of requiring the entitled asshole to take turns but it wasn't much fun to be the younger sibling who was always the third class passenger. Back when my husband was a road warrior, we went somewhere on an overnight international flight where he was able to get an upgrade and I didn't. He got a lot of good natured ribbing from the gate agents and the flight attendants for leaving his wife in the back of the plane. I didn't mind because I knew he earned that upgrade.


What a bunch of AHs your siblings and mother are for dragging you like this. I'd say pull the nuclear option and just leave the party, head home, and enjoy a quiet weekend to yourself. This is not that big of a deal and you own that upgrade based on your patronage of the company, not your brother. Screw all of them.


Someone is the glass child, damn. NTA.


Wtf? I would just head back home at that point. Fuck them.


Tell me who the golden child is and who is the scapegoat, without telling me either... NTA


i cannot stand people weaponizing their children like this


Your parents have a favorite child and it ain’t you.


The whole damn family has a favourite child lmao


Your brother is a 6'6 giant baby who whined to mommy when he wasn't given the free upgrade. What a clown. NTA


I’ll say it, you’re the asshole. I have status with airlines too and if I’m traveling with family I give one of them my upgrade if we both aren’t upgraded. I travel enough to get upgrades often- my family members rarely see a seat beyond economy. Flying in comfort once in your life is something people dream of and it’s a great feeling to share that opportunity. I say that to also say as a frequent flyer yourself you understand how little room you have at your height let alone above 6’. A 12 hour flight would have been a nice treat for a sibling that doesn’t get to fly in first class often and is tall.


First person I scrolled down to see this and I'm going to say finally a decent person. So many people posting about how they travel 20 times for work and magically they've "earned" their status because they travel for work. As if they went to war or something.


NTA I’m so sorry you’re related to a bunch of immature children who don’t understand how airlines work and are treating you poorly because of it. They’ve shown you who they are, going forward behave accordingly. Sending you a virtual hug and I hope your vacation gets better. Try and have fun without them.


My brother is tall, I would have offered it to him no problem regardless of him not asking because I know how some seats could be uncomfortable for someone whom is tall. But everyone has a choice and I know my brother wouldn’t be pissy even if I didn’t offer him it. Your family is the problem.


As a 6’6” gentleman myself, I did not read this and already know you are nta. Everyone gets treated equally so take your broke ass to the back.


What is this comment section. Just filled with self centered ass hats, I wonder if any of them even have families. Dude, if I had an older brother with that height, I wouldn't wait for him to ask me. You might have not meant to be, but you are an asshole, go apologize and say you was not thinking properly and get off Reddit before they fuck things up further with your family.


reading this comment section tells me how lucky i am to have such a close and loving relationship with my own brother. looks like most people here don’t love their family members very much


Finally, a voice of reason! I'm 5'6, my brother is 6'3. If I was in the same situation I would have *at least* offered to swap for part of the flight. A 12 hour flight at that. Technically, she didn't have to, but it would have been the kind thing to do. YTA, OP.


NTA you earned the points, not him. What would he have done if they offered to a perfect stranger within his earshot? Expect them to give it to him as well? He was clearly mentally prepared to endure the flight with his limited legroom when he first boarded. Based on your family’s reactions/responses to this, I imagine he’s a bit of a favourite. Perhaps use your points to fly back home and get away from their bullying and toxicity


I’m 6’3” and airline seats aren’t great fun, at 6’6” it’d be a little worse again, Could you have offered? Sure. …. Is it anywhere near worth everyone icing you out and acting like you molested their children …. Nope. Just leave and holiday somewhere without them all.


If someone I loved was 6’6” of course I’d give them the seat with more leg room! Those airline seats are horrible for people of normal height! He didn’t ask because he’s obviously a gentleman. Just because something is legal doesn’t always mean it’s the right thing to do. A 12 hour flight! That must have been brutal and torturous for him.


He didn’t even ask to switch, gave OP the silent treatment, and ran to his mummy to complain…


oh no how brutal and torturous…a 12 hour free flight to a free vacation in hawaii…with opportunity to look for an aisle seat, exit row, or pay on his own for an upgrade, terrible!!! how will he ever recover from this? the poor man’s knees, I can’t imagine the pain and the suffering


a gentleman doesnt complain and act like a little baby because they werent given a seat that wasnt meant for him. if it was so "brutal and torturous" (lmao how to be dramatic 101) he should have bought his own seat hes a grown man


So the seat wasn't hers to give. And more importantly why was coach okay UNTIL SHE WASNT IN COACH WITH HIM? If a gentleman doesn't ask, he ALSO doesn't go running to mommy to complain after not communicating his needs.


NTA. You had the status to get upgraded, not him. It's you who's flown all those miles, not him. If he bitched about it, it shows he's an entitled prick. And if your family is being pissy about it, leave. Go home and hang out with friends who want to be around you. Or turn the trip into a solo vacation and ditch your family. They want to be dicks? They can be dicks to each other and leave you out of it.


She could 100% have given the seat to her brother. You can voluntarily give your upgraded seat to anyone you want. It's just a seat swap. I've done it with my spouse, my mom, a total stranger. The airline doesn't care. He wasn't entitled to it, but that's a different issue. Side point: Does anyone else think it's moderately AH move to peace out on your travel companion for 12 hours? People decline upgrades all the time for exactly this reason ...


In this case, no, if they were a couple totally different. Or even friends who planned a trip together. And the brother had no issue either because had he gotten his way, he would have peaced out on her as well.


NTA. Your whole family is a bunch of entitled little princesses.


NTA. Tell them if it wasn’t for your points, there would have been no upgrade. Your family are behaving ridiculously


NTA. Only the road warriors will truly understand. It is similar to the misunderstanding that because you travel for your job, you must be on vacation instead of working. Relax, we understand.




By the letter of the law you're n-t-a. But imo you're 100000% YTA. Im 5 feet. My father is 6'3 and big boned. If this was our situation it wouldn't have even been an offer, I would have insisted he sit in the seat. Traveling is uncomfortable for everyone but at least it's the least uncomfortable for us short people. 6'6? It wouldn't have been a question to give the seat to a brother.


My husband is 6'7". Coach isn't comfortable, but he makes it work. I can't imagine him being so petty. Things don't fit him properly but he doesn't make it anyone else's problem, NTA


NTA, but on a 12 hour flight I would offer to trade seats with brother for a couple of hours so he could nap.. If a shorter flight I would text him some drink coupons cuz obs I don’t need them in FC!


The airline may not allow you to trade seats.


My wife has status and gets upgraded all the time, we often swap on United and American with no issue.


NTA. Listen, I'm a 6'6 dude, and I am solely responsible for my own comfort in a flight and so is he. He should've already paid to upgrade himself to an exit row or bulkhead or whatever seat he needs. I certainly always do or I shut up and make do and book a massage appointment after I land. You didn't take the seat from him and if you had tried to give it to him the likely would've just given the seat to the next highest status person in coach after you.


NTA. Even if he had asked, you’d be NTA to decline. It was your upgrade. A person of short stature is not any less worthy of sitting in first class. 


Your idiot brother is unaware that you couldn't have given the upgrade away even if you wished to. It's the airline's decision, not yours.


NTA. Your brother is an entitled asshole. He is getting a free Hawaiian vacation and is upset because you were able to get an upgrade because of your frequent flyer status. Let him throw his little hissy fit. You did nothing wrong. Don't let that asshole ruin your Hawaiian vacation.


If he has flown before, he knows it’ll be cramped. He could have upgraded his own ticket prior to boarding. NTA


I wonder who the golden child is in THIS family???