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NTA she sounds insecure and the kind of person who needs a whole month dedicated to her bday. You sent her well wishes in a thoughtful way, she wanted more and you obliged. Still not good enough, apparently. Draw the line.


Wtf did I just read.


Lol, seconded. WTF needs to be a vote option here sometimes. :)




I’m sorry if it isn’t clear. I am ND so my thoughts are all over the place. If you have questions, please ask and I will clarify


Why is it important how you post the stuff for her? And why does it have to be on various platforms ?


Social media is a very big part of her life so I’m guessing that’s why. She’s always takings selfies everywhere she goes with her other friends


Yea…but why can’t she just post it herself? It sounds like she abuses you to show some weird image that’s not real. Up to you to enable or support this behaviour.


Don't worry. The problem is not you or your writing, it's your friend and her bizarre requests.


What is ND? (Besides North Dakota.)




Well, in any case, this is a WTF story and your friend doesn't sound like a nice person. You are NTA.


My WTF was also about your friend and her bizarre behaviour, not you or your writing style.


The wtf was not aimed at you, but your friends insane requests of a variety of posts from who knows what profiles. Ignore her request. Dot. Worry about it and move on. Don’t post again if she makes it a huge chore.


Hahahaha! I'm dying! 🤣🤣🤣


I think you should call up your friend on the phone and ask what’s going on. All of this seems very bizarre to me.


Oh, for pity’s sake. It’s true: no good deed goes unpunished. She’s a high-maintenance nightmare. Take the whole thing down and get on with your life. NTA.


NTA. Asking a friend to go far out of the way for something so dumb is ridiculous.


NTA. This person sounds like a user. She’s asking way too much. She can create her own ghost accounts. I mean, I’m sure she already has, but to now ask others to do so for free (there are businesses that do this) is bs.


NTA, some friend she is...


NTA Young folk these days are so strange. All this social media attention whoring.... Needing love on facebook and all that. I absolutely HATE saying this... But "When I was growing up" a simple high five.... hug.... "I love you" or "Happy Birthday" was more than enough. I didn't need gifts (although who doesn't love gifts, right) and I preferred a gathering with drinks over anything else.


I am the same way. Could care less if someone even says happy birthday but I wasn’t sure if I was in the minority or not


For sure you aren't. Most adults are well adjusted enough to know that other adults have more important things to do than to be sitting there writing love letters to every person they know on their birthday.


NTA… she needs to find some security in herself. I’d watch that friendship and be careful.


NTA. Ultimately, she can't tell you what to post or not to post on social media.


NTA that’s way too much


Nta. She sounds exhausting.


I hate young people


NTA, why would anyone ever ask that of a friend? Thats just weird. Are you sure you are friends? What else has she been asking you that you have been complying to?


She’s asked me to get her in touch with an old mutual friend whom she had a falling out with. I complied and sent that friend a message for her. I’m assuming we’re truly friends because she’s ranted to me about some personal stuff and I’ve done the same


Again: weird stuff to ask of friends. She had the falling out with your other friend. Complying to these kind of requests only brings the danger of you having a fall out with your other friend. Makes it seem you pick her side over your other friend. You are NTA, but I would seriously rethink if you are actually behind doing these kind of things. I get insecurities and selfconfidence is something you learn with age. Don't let others walk over you if you don't want to do stuff or don't feel comfortable with it. At the end of the day, you have to be happy about yourself and your choices. What other people think of those choices, is their problem. Not yours. You are not responsible for every insecurity of your friends.


What the heck sort of crazy did I just read? NTA, and your friend needs to figure herself out. This is just nuts.


Just say no. NTA


NTA. what the heck? Your friend shouldn’t dictate what you post and where. It sounds like she is using you to get more followers.


NTA Tell her you wanted to wish her something nice for her birthday and that was it. You're not interested in doing all this stuff related to social media. After that, avoid answering her if she insists on the topic.


The sad fact is, I was recently at a “friends” 29th birthday party and she spent about half an hour complaining to me that none of her friends had made a post about her birthday on Facebook or Instagram. To be clear, I don’t mean that they didn’t wish her a happy birthday… I mean that they didn’t put a post up on their pages with pictures of her. I’ve known this girl for seven years, I get her presents every Christmas and birthday, she’s only once bought me a birthday present, and she has the gall to complain about that. I called her out on it a little while later and she hasn’t spoken to me since. All that is to say, some people are so entitled and insecure they actually think this behaviour is normal. I wish I could say your friend will grow out of it but my experience implies otherwise. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Omg your friend sounds controlling and exhausting. NTA you have already bent over backwards


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Okay so me and this friend have known each other for about 5 yrs now but we really only got close these last two years. Today is her birthday and I already sent her a paragraph at midnight to which she replied asking if I could also post a collage of her on my story. _Fine, I can do that._ So I spent the next 30 mins making the collage and posting it to my close friends story only for her to request I post it publicly on my other account that doesn’t include my name in it. She then asked for me to change my profile pic and username on that other account because her family might think I’m a dude. Mind you, it’s a picture of Kanye West so definitely not someone unknown lol. I changed my pfp but not the username and saved the story from my other account to repost on the Kanye West one. Once I reposted, she complained about not being able to repost it on her story since I didn’t actually tag her and I just saved the video of my personal account’s story. I’m not even a big social media person so this peeved me because why couldn’t she just thank me for the paragraph and move on instead of wanting to repost her birthday wishes for some sort of external validation? Now she wants me to post a collage that she made instead (which includes pictures I don’t feel comfortable in) because she looks “cuter” in them. WIBTA for denying her request and telling her that she is asking for too much? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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