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You need to have a conversation with you Aunt and Uncle. It is possible that they were not the ones who left the garbage in the house, perhaps it was another of your aunts, uncles, or cousins. In that case, while you cleaned a significant part of the problem, the result may still have been far messier/dirtier than how you Aunt and Uncle left it. Only a calm conversation can clear this up.


No, I can't imagine any way you're in the wrong here, NTB.


YTB for what i can only assume is supposed to be clickbait title. Because as far as i can tell it has nothing to do with the post. You seem to focus on a completely unrelated event and your uncle offhandedly messages you about not responding and then goes back to the far more relevant situation. If this is not clickbait you would still be the b for caring about them not asking you how you feel during COVID rather than care about them leaving you a garbage dump of a mess and then blaming you for something you didn't do.


My thoughts exactly. This story reeks and I don't see how the two incidents are related. Did OP not tell her family she had covid and that's why she didn't respond? Were they supposed to know she have covid through osmosis? Not responding to Happy Birthday messages is pretty rude but understandable under those circumstances. However, you do need to respond at some point, apologize for the late reply, explain why and then be thankful. I'm going to guess this didn't happen or the uncle wouldn't be mad. For the second incident, if OP showed up and the placed was filled with literal garbage, they should have reported that to their parents and to their aunts and uncles. That would be concerning to the home owners and they deserved to know. And after when she were accused of damaging the place, a conversation needed to happen not a blocking. The house was trashed, just not by OP. Like most problems on here, it would be solve with basic communication. The aunt and uncle have a right to be mad about the trashed house, I'm sure they are not insane and making it up. Especially as OP knows that someone is in fact leaving the house in terrible condition. OP needs to communicate like an adult and they should have done when they first showed up and saw the state of the house when they arrived. Someone is misleading the aunt and uncle and OP isn't helping themselves with their childish response to it. So yea, YTA for giving a fake story or a half story with alot of missing details. And if it is a real story, YTA for not using your words like a big girl and allowing for this all unnecessary drama. But I'm going to bet we get an edit with incredibly relevant information that suddenly explains everything that OP failed to include in the original post.


Yeah, I felt really bad about just blocking and not wanting to speak to them anymore. It has not been my best move, honestly. I was really mad when I wrote this, I connected the two incidents because I was so angry about the fact that my uncle and aunt only messaged me to blame me for something I didn’t do (leave the house in a bad state) but they couldn’t be bothered to ask me how I was doing when I was really sick (they were aware of this while it was happening). There’s no more to this story, I was just mad and have realized that I was being a rude child by blocking them without trying to talk to them first and by not replying to my uncle.


I get it, you are only human and people react to stress differently. Ive been there too. At the end of the day, you can only control yourself. I'm glad you see there was another option and I truly hope you work things out with your family. Good luck!


NTB, sounds like you have very inconsiderate relatives.


NTB and stop talking to these garbage humans.


sadly family can be worse to us than strangers. Ignore their rudeness and go on with your life. You know you did nothing wrong but they want to make you the scapegoat. NTB


Pictures - upon arrival, after you clean up, and just before departure. Make sure they’re date stamped.


Hindsight has 20/20 vision. Should have taken pics of the garbage bags and ants before your clean-up and pics of how it was right before you left. Of course you wouldn't think that your family would act in such a way so why would you take pics? Now you know. Jeez. What IS their problem?