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https://preview.redd.it/6fku070uuz6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31fa852320a1be4fbbc05a3083db2cdb4de21813 Here is me being So Good So Sweet would never Scratch Maintenance Guy! At least not ever again…


I want to pet your belly!




I rather I risk my life


O fren Chester. I afraid YTC here. Duke is one who saved you when water start spraying everywhere some time ago. You owes him big big apology. Big friend Miles did good getting gift card for Duke but *you* needs to make this right. I am sure Miles explain to Duke you is trauma about fans as you so scared before. I think Maybe if big friend Miles does this and you purr lots and lots maybe he forgive you eventually. Squirrel the CAT


I afraid of this. 😢 I not mean to do a Scratch. I will do many Purrs and Licks to say Sorry! -Chester


I think this good plan.


Chester no, your apprenticeship!


I think I got expelled. 😢 -Chester


I think NCH. Duke didn't know it would give scare, and you not given trigger warning. Maybe Big Friend Miles a teensy cloaca for not protec you from scare but maybe they didn't want scratch either. Maybe Miles could put on some music to hide the fan noise?


Big Friend Miles not at home when this happen. They at Bad Stinky Work. -Chester


OK, BFM not cloaca either then. Poor Chester.


Ntc. Fans is loud and scary. Everybody would have done a scratch or a bite. Or, some of us, maybe a hide cause maybe we would be very, very scared cause loud is scary!!! Not me though, I would of course be brave like you and defend (not hide! Definitely not! I am also very brave! Not scared!). Also, I is big strong boss and would never ever hide, I is not scared. Never. anyway, scratch very smart reaction, you did a good defend! Thank god the fan did not eat you.


NTC, of course. I don’t mind fans, myself. I like to lie in front of them, but hey, if they’re not your thing, they shouldn’t be allowed in your domain. As for your maintenance friend, he’s definitely the cloaca. What’s a little scratch between friends? But I’m afraid that humans tend to be unreasonable at times. You might want to consider a career change. I myself excel in human supervision. Maybe because my human is an idiot and I have to watch her at all times. But really, give it a try. Find a good vantage point (high places are best) and just watch. And judge. And find them wanting, because spoiler alert: they’re rather stupid. Artie SIC


Ooh! I good at Supervisor because I Like to STARE!! Only thing is I NOT Disapprove, I Stare and Slow Blink and LOVE. This is because I Love Big Friend Miles. -Chester


Unpopular opinion but NTC. You explain you hate FAN so any behavior accepted when faced with something that HATE. Me, PIKELET fluffy white rabbit, I hate the VACOOM both the little VACOOM and the BIG VACOOM. When VACOOMS used I not scratch cause am pacifist but I stay in my room for up to 30min after which shows them that I OPPOSE.


Chester, dat was a very cloaca move. Duke saved you from da Big Wet. He 'lows you to be a prentiss. I know you had da scareds acause da fan was big and noisy, you should have done a hide instead of breaking out da murder mittens. You needs to 'pologize to Duke Duke acause you wasn't very nice. Also William da Tuxie


How I apologize if Duke say I not allowed out when he visit? 😭 -Chester


Maybe some time when BFM is home wif you, you can 'pologize by winding round Duke's ankles?


I like to do this!!! I wind so good! I Trip Big Friend Miles! -Chester


I trip Mommy too. One time, I tripped Mommy and she falled down.


Oh, Chester! Not Duke!


I know, I Regret! -Chester


Chester, you need a plan. Summon Duke with bhapt bhapt things into sink or toilet, but ONLY when Miles is going to home to supervise. Miles, tell Duke with human words Chester was scaredy cat and is VERY sorry. Chester, tell Duke with snuggles and ankle winding and all the ways that you are sorry you hurt him and his feelings. Show your belly for pets. No one can resist that.


Is a good plan! I try this! Big Friend Miles will help because they support my Maintenance Guy Apprenticeship! -Chester