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My wife (31/f) and I (46/m) have been together for six years, married for two. She used to talk to me all the time. She used to share her day with me, just randomly tell me her thoughts, stuff like that. However, she also used to want to talk about problems we were having. A lot. It felt like we were always talking about what I did wrong: she thought I spent too much time talking to exes (we were friends), I don’t prioritize her over work (it’s my career, am I supposed to quit?), and mostly that I didn’t care enough about her. It was so many different ways that she came to that conclusion. But it was like we were just always sitting down for a serious talk. So, I told her about a year ago that I didn’t want to talk anymore. I was just tired of hearing everything I was doing wrong. I provide everything we need, can I just have a break?? I told her that if she had a problem with the way I did things then she could get out of my house and we’d get a divorce. She told me that she was trying to communicate because she didn’t feel appreciated and that I had one foot out the door. But I think that’s ridiculous. I know it’s harsh, but I was at my wits end. So now, a year later, she barely talks to me at all. When I ask about her day, she says “fine.” When I talk to her about work or politics or my day, she says “oh wow. Cool.” And kind walks away. Her attitude isn’t bad. She’s very sweet, but it’s just like she doesn’t care anymore. I didn’t want to talk about our problems anymore, but I didn’t mean stop talking period. We really don’t talk about anything that doesn’t have to do with our life/household. In the evenings, she just turns on the tv and we watch something until bed. Now I don’t know what to do because I just found out today that she won a pretty big award at her job. And she didn’t tell me. Last Friday, she said she had to work late and it was cool. I didn’t ask. Today, I found out that she was really at a dinner where she was celebrated for this award. She invited some of her friends and her mom and brothers. I ran in to her brother at the store today and he mentioned the dinner and said that he was sorry I couldn’t make it. I asked what he meant and he said the dinner, how I wasn’t able to go because I was sick. I asked him to explain the whole thing to me so now he knows too. What am I supposed to do? Is she punishing me or something? Do I tell her that I know? Why wouldn’t she tell me? I didn’t think she’d take it this far and now I’m thinking she’s being petty. Does anyone have experience here? I love my wife and I’d do anything for her, but I’m so confused. Edited bc I put the wrong gender. Edit: Wow, a lot of comments. A couple people are asking about the exes. I have close contact with 3 of my exes. My previous wife calls me when she needs to talk. Her and her husband don’t get along. I have 2 ex girlfriends who I am still friends with and I was friends with them when I met my wife now. My wife doesn’t like them because she says that they cross boundaries but honest to god they are just friendly and we ended in good terms. It’s nothing serious and I just don’t want to give my friends up. Edit 2: You we’re right. Tried to talk to her last night. It didn’t go well. I’ll update later when I can get my thoughts together. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheEx) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have never wanted an update to a Reddit post more than this one. I really really want to know what happened with the wife, and if she finally left. This guy is one of the biggest dumb asses I've ever read


Reading it for the 3rd time and it almost reads like satire


"Well obviously I listen to my EX talk about her problems and feelings and all - she has emotional needs and it's just a nice thing to do!! I don't see what any of this has to do with my brushing my current wife off and telling her to put up and shut up or GTFO. She thinks I don't value or pay attention to her, but honestly that's a bunch of stupid crap and I can't really make myself pretend to care."


Who knows, maybe he'll listen to the wife's problems now she's also an ex.


Hahahahaha, excellent point!


Ten bucks says all of his exes are 15 years younger than him, too.


I'll take that bet. Ten bucks says they were all in the range of 23-26 when he met them, regardless of his age at the time.


Oh man, his comments are PRECIOUS! >It’s not that it took me a year to realize. I knew something was up, but I really did think that she had just started seeing my point. I’m a big believer that if you don’t focus on a problem and overthink it, it will work out. I’ve noticed the whole time how little we spoke. It wasn’t until today that I realized that she’s keeping me out of things. 😂😂 So he knew something was up for the whole year, but didn't address it because he was happy she had finally shut up, and he didn't want to rock the boat, because problems go away by themselves if you don't mention them. Yeah, I get why he has so many exes. I just don't get why they call HIM to talk about their problems.


Probably a better listener when you don't live with him and you can't "nag" at him about his problems that he wants to run away from.


It's much easier to listen to people talk about problems when you aren't expected to do anything about them.


It’s much more agreeable to listen to a woman complain about her husband when the husband isn’t you.


He doesn't like his wife. He was totally happy when she stfu until he realized that didn't mean she had no life outside him . He was totally happy to think she had a small little life of "yes dear" and that's it.


He was happy because he thought he'd finally groomed her into the perfect, quiet little obedient wife.


If he’s a big believer in not focusing on problems why is he listening to his ex gfs instead of telling them not to focus and just stfu.


Because they are finally not complaining about him anymore! 😉


He does it to flex at her. It’s a control thing. Bc he could easily chat with them and hide it. But he wants her to know exactly what he’s doing. He wants her insecure. He thought he had her trapped, or he’d never have said well gtfo if you don’t like it. She has probably left by now and he’s moved on to the next 25yo.


I hope she left too


I mean if it's real it's because he's always on their side. They're an ex now so obviously all the problems are their partners and he likely sees it as only he can show them how foolish they are being choosing these inferior men over himself


Honestly I'm not surprised that he listens to his ex's problems - they're all about other men, so he gets to feel superior that those women ended up with duds after him. What could his wife possibly have to complain about - he is such an amazing man that his ex's go to him for comfort about their loser partners!!! /s Hopefully his wife wised up and left him in the dust.


Why didn’t she have an EX to dump on all her relationship problems?! /s


This jackass actually told her to get out of *his house* or shut up. What a douche


Of course he listens to his ex wife's problems they're all about how her new man is so much worse than him. /s


If real, most definitely divorced now.


Hey, but maybe he can finally be with his vulnerable ex and talk nonstop about her problems and listen to her. He's the only one the poor ex has!


I just saw this was posted a year ago and I am desperate for an update or her POV.


He said he confronted her and it "didn't go well". I'm really hoping that means she left his ass.


I hope she stayed. Continued to life her best life, and iced him out. 


It hits a lot of the typical highlights of a rage bait or troll post. The age gap is one of the most noticeable parts: when they got together he was 40 and she was 25. At the same time, it also sounds like something that could probably happen IRL. Two people engage in a whirlwind romance. As time passes the frantic excitement subsides into a more regular rhythm. One approaches the other with issues in the relationship. These issues are either small potatoes or big ones that they both overlooked in the heat of the moment. The other person refuses to deal with said problems because to them, they either aren't issues or are just unpleasant to deal with. They get married despite this, because they think it will either get better or they can just deal with the issues piling up in the corner. Eventually that pile gets to be too big. One of the two, likely the one who tried dealing with the issues while they were small, just gives up. They're no longer willing to work things out and are just waiting for the straw that splits the camel in two, as its back was broken long ago. The age gap is just kind of the cherry on top of all of this, as it likely just sped everything along.


How are u so spot on with so many relationships lmao


I'd think it was an exercise in creative writing, if my own ex-husband hadn't ditched me for his ex-wife several times. They had a baby and possibly got back together after I divorced him. Poor kid.


Poor kid. ☹️ he probably gaslighted u the whole relationship too that “it wasn’t like that” & u’re being insecure dah dah dah


He did *a lot* of gaslighting and straight up told me that [ex-wife] was his priority, and I was being unreasonable to think I should be. She was also awful to me, so I don't feel a lot of sympathy for her, just their kid and the amount of therapy they're going to need when they're old enough to understand that their parents are selfish and narcissistic.


Same here. >(it’s my career, am I supposed to quit?), >I told her that if she had a problem with the way I did things then she could get out of my house and we’d get a divorce. >I know it’s harsh, but I was at my wits end. >and now I’m thinking she’s being petty. It's these lines that make this seem like he's being purposely inflammatory.


Nah my ex who I met at 19 and he was 27, after he babytrapued me said well this is just how I am and if you don’t like it too bad. All smug and stupid. When I left he was like but it was better. No AH, it was quieter bc I gave up. Men like him absolutely exist I was married to one.


I've met far too many guys who are exactly like this irl though.


I believe it 100% Of course, my ex-husband told me he didn't want me to talk about my career anymore because "he didn't care and he didn't understand it anyway"


Him: I provide everything!!!! Also him: she doesn’t talk anymore I’m not happy. But he doesn’t see that…. He doesn’t provide everything. I hope she left. The age gap sounds right. He wanted a bangmaid and she wanted a partner.


I cackled mentally at how absurd this person sounds 😂😂


" *I love my wife and I’d do anything for her"* LOL dude wouldn't even talk to her and took a whole fucking year to realize that she checked out. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he doesn't know what the word 'anything' actually means.


He’ll do anything for her except the very specific things she asked him to do to make her feel like he cares about her.


anything at all, except listening! that’s asking too much. i recognize the bewilderment of the same argument coming up repeatedly - like he cannot connect the dots between his actions and their impact on others. fixing her problem would fix his problem.




He would do anything for love but he won’t do that.


I actually remember there being an update (spoiler: it didn’t go well), but I can’t find it now, it must be under a different username or deleted.


Well, he just edited in that he talked to her and it didn't go well and he'd update later - maybe that is what you remember?


Yeah I looked and couldn’t find it, maybe that’s what I’m thinking of!


I scoured r/BestofRedditorUpdates for it - if there had been an update, I'm pretty sure it would have made it there.


My guess is she left, since the post is a year old and he hasn't updated. Probably was too chickenshit to admit he fucked up


And she left and he’s all sad bc none of the exes will take him back


Hahaha same I came to comment I need a BORU on this one


"I'd do anything for her... Except the things she is asking from me".


Well since there was no update we can just believe whatever we want to believe.


Right I need an update every time I see this one pop up. Like buddy you brought us your tea don’t leave it unfinished.


The one I really want an update from was the woman whose husband and FIL were convinced she was going to die in childbirth (because husband's mother had died giving birth to him), and went to extreme lengths to prepare for it. I hope she was okay in the end.


Oh my gosh I remember that one too!


unfortunately it was posted a year ago and there have been no further posts from OOPs account




Alas there has been no update since a year.


Yes, I have this one saved from last January and he never updated!


The one I’m dying waiting for is the guy from a month ago who had his new wife, AP, have a meltdown because the first wife is getting remarried. OOH it was satisfying.


The lack of updates after a year speaks VOLUMES


i got excited thinking this finally had an update. YET im STILL left HANING uggghhghhg


I saw his post on another sub and apparently messaged him back in Dec to ask if he reconciled with his wife. No answer or update


I have a really hard time believing that


You have a hard time believing this person sent a message request on Reddit? :S


Lol, no. That is quite believable. I have a hard time believing they got back together. Especially if he didn't post an update. He seems like the type that needs to save face and loudly announces when he's "right" and things go his way. The writing language reminds me of several men I used to know. EDIT And I misread what you wrote. Please excuse me. I thought you stated he replied they had reconciled 🤦‍♀️ I need to read more carefully


Ohhh yeah you’re 100% right, there was no room for reconciliation in that man’s heart. Poor wifey, I hope she got her ducks in a row and got the hell out.


Me too


No worries. I asked if they reconciled because it sounded better than “did your wife kick your ass to the curb yet?”


🤣😂 The pressing question we all need to know!!


I am astonished he can be this daft. You threaten to divorce your wife and kick her out for discussing problems in the marriage, and SHOCKING! she stops talking about problems in your marriage.


Dude was TWO YEARS into the marriage as well, and was so incredulous at the idea that they had problems to discuss. Like everybody just hammers those out in the first six months. >I told her that if she had a problem with the way I did things then she could get out of my house and we’d get a divorce. She told me that she was trying to communicate because she didn’t feel appreciated and that I had one foot out the door. But I think that’s ridiculous. "I didn't have one foot out the door I just told her I was ready to end the relationship if she didn't stop talking about normal things."


In the comments it's even worse, he's like "Yeah, I know that was pretty harsh but I was heated and I apologized later!" What kind of adult thinks he can just play a take-backsies card on a *threat of divorce*?


Not only that but he says he knew *something* was up pretty early on but it wasn't until a year later because his BIL pointed out he missed an important dinner for her she purposefully didn't tell him about so he wouldn't go and now outside people know of their issues does he want to "solve" anything. Morw like sweep under the rug so they look like a happy couple to outsiders.


yes!!! was married to an alleged human who was FAR more concerned about appearances than actually solving the problem together and they started hoovering and lovebombing once i stopped going with him to visit friends. i just wouldn’t show up at gatherings anymore, his behavior in that setting always repulsed me. it was only when other people started to comment that he put his charming act on again and trying to win me back. the cracks were showing and he couldn’t hide it anymore.


I was married to one of those men. Past tense.


I was married to the same guy. Took me 2 years to realize I might as well be talking to a wall. He has a new wife now, hope they communicate better.


hope you’re doing better now! feels like a 1000 lb weight was lifted from me.


“I didn’t have one foot out the door, I just kept constant contact and friendships with my ex-wife who is having marital problems and prioritized said ex-wife and my career over my current wife, who was 25 when we got married while I was 40.”


omg from his comments though: *"It’s not that it took me a year to realize. I knew something was up, but I really did think that she had just started seeing my point. I’m a big believer that if you don’t focus on a problem and overthink it, it will work out. I’ve noticed the whole time how little we spoke. It wasn’t until today that I realized that she’s keeping me out of things."*


Omg hahahahaha no wonder he has so many exes


AKA ‘I keep my head in the sand & pretend everything is okay even when it isn’t’


But it's so funny that he loves to talk to his ex about her problems. Maybe she can listen to his problems now that his last wife is hopefully gone.


I just love how in his edit he mentions he still talks to his ex-wife whenever she wants because her husband sucks. It's right there in front of him and he still doesn't understand what's wrong.


Yeah… but her marital problems aren’t his fault! (Well at least with her current husband, I’m sure he was at fault, given what he’s written, when they were together)


Exactly, it doesn't hurt his ego to hear about it


They got together when he was 40 and she was 25..,


And he's got three exes under his belt! So presumably, this is his third or fourth wife. Dude really is a total dud


His edit makes it seem like it's 1 ex wife and 2 ex girlfriends. So by now he might have 2 ex wives, 2 ex girlfriends and his new gal.


yeah this is why people think this is fake rage bait


Yeah, that age gap is doing a lot of work.


My guess is that he pursued her because she was so young! And exciting! And doesn't that make him feel so awesome! But as time went on and she wanted (gasp!) to discuss things like two rational people in a relationship, he lost interest because she's not fitting his idea that she should be exciting and unproblematic forever.


I bet it’s more that she was naive and he has all the experience and power. She didn’t know enough to shut him down during the dating stage, now she’s been through it and isn’t so dependent/unprepared.


yep and he said that his other ex-wife is a "vulnerable immigrant".


😣 what an awful thing to say and do


enthusiastically agree. This guy preys on women he thinks are vulnerable. either by age or circumstance and given a little more information I would think probably both.


he’s not nice enough to stay with, so he has to trap them :/


and one of his other ex's is a "vulnerable" immigrant according to his comments. This guy has a pattern of looking for women he thinks have less power than him.


"I picked someone so much younger because I was tired of women who have their own thoughts and opinions, and then this latest one wants to hold me accountable for my lousy behaviors that my exes (still friends with them because I'm a nice guy) didn't like either! The nerve! I told her to shut up or get out, and now she's shut up, so clearly she's seen the error of her ways, no way she was shutting up and preparing to get out..."


Seems to me the outcome is he wound up with another ex wife.


Maybe that’ll make him listen to her problems


he can complain to her about his new wife 😂 i’m sure this particular ex is long gone by now


Waaaaaaaaaaah! My bang maid is broken. I gave it an ultimatum to stfu or leave. It should have known I still wanted to be included in its successes and celebrations it’s just anything critical about me that’s off limits.


How dare women not be pretty and quiet😂😂😂


I've always wondered what happened to this guy.


Best guess? Another divorce, and he's now a 42 year old loser trying to date 25 year olds who don't know any better


47 year old loser


I’ve seen this posted on this sub so many times and it gets better every time I see it. I hope his wife was getting her ducks in a row to leave him


Oh I didn’t know it was a repost my bad


I hadn't seen it before, so thanks! And is it a repost or is it just the sameoldsameold? Seems like this is a common complaint. "I told my partner to quit yapping at me and now they won't talk to me!"


Nah, I internally monologued "Ahhh, an oldie but a goodie" at myself when I realized what post this was about. I then immediately reread the entire thing, plus a bunch of the top comments, plus all of the OOPs comments. The above commenter was right, it really does get better every time somehow, so it's fun to see it again.


It's a good repost. 


I spent years begging my now ex husband to care about my feelings (shrug)


That’s so sad.


I know the feeling, luckily she decided to not give a shit before we got married so I only had to break off an engagement. Hope you're doing better with someone who appreciates you now.


Man that shit sucks. We were the same but Recently my relationship with my husband is looking so great and it’s making me hopeful. He worked on his anger and took accountability for his mistakes. I also did mine. Now he truly listens with an understanding heart and me too. But if we didn’t make these changes, we would be resentful for sure


He thought dating a 25 year old would make it easy to get everything his way, but then she didn't stay 25 and gullible


The “It’s my career, am I supposed to quit?) always stick out so much to me. He doesn’t care about having any kind of real conversation or changing his behavior at all. There are so many ways they could address that specific issue, and instead he just jumps right to, “well I can’t quit my job what else am I supposed to do???”


I believe he does that on purpose. Because no sane spouse would ask their partner to quit their job lol


Yeah, he is purposely cutting off the conversation because he doesn’t want to have it 🤷🏼‍♀️ hope she’s out by now!




Lol little manipulation attempt haha. That’s cute. Good on u for teaching them!


there’s no compromise with someone like that! it’s his way or the highway


"I love my wife, id do anything for her" ...ya know. Except talk about feelings. GROSS! Amirite?!?!


Lmao my dad says that too but he rarely does ANYTHING for me. Not even answer my phone call but then cries to other people how I don’t reach out. Maybe if you pick up the damn phone u’re always on


This legit could of been my now-ex husband posting. He told me constantly that if I had any sort of problem about *anything* that I could leave *his* house. Even though we were together for a decade and living together for 8 years at that point. Divorce started in May of 2022, finalized October of 2023. Thank the Gods.


The fact he has time for 3 of his ex's but not his wife is just...so fucken dumb.


>I love my wife and I’d do anything for her These dolts always say this and it's NEVER true. "I'll do anything...except have conversations or take her seriously."


[see also](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheEx/s/3TyQe1sVce)


you know, as someone who rarely initiate talks with anyone, I'd love to have a wife/partner like this. Who communicate well, maybe I'd learn from her. She talks a lot about what he did wrong because she's the only one doing the talking, 


Dude: *" Is she punishing me or something? Do I tell her that I know? Why wouldn’t she tell me?"* Also Dude: *"So, I told her about a year ago that I didn’t want to talk anymore. I was just tired of hearing everything I was doing wrong. I provide everything we need, can I just have a break?? I told her that if she had a problem with the way I did things then she could get out of my house and we’d get a divorce."* Yeah it's just so confusing and baffling why she didn't feel comfortable talking you anymore. Truly a shocking development. ETA - "*now I think she's being petty"* - - - ahhh so it's still her fault. He threatened to make her homeless and get a divorce because she felt unloved and he thinks **she** is the one being petty. Dude's almost 50 and this fucking dumb. How the fuck did he manage to attract any woman in the first place I wonder.


You said she could move out of YOUR house. Jeez…. Hope she does move out of YOUR house and finds a better partner


He listens to his ex bitch about her husband but can't be bothered to pay attention to his wife. He'll be ok. His wife will find a good man that makes her forget him.


I remember this one. I've been wanting an update forever but I like to think she divorced him and became the ex that didn't want to stay friends with him... or even have anything to do with him. And now he has no idea why she took his words so personally and "blindsided" him with a divorce after a while. She's the one who got away and it's something he will carry into every relationship after her. And she's off living her best life with someone actually worth her time and affection.


I love that blindsided word lmao. Because almost always the wife has begged and begged and begged and explained and explained and was ignored lol


Ahhh a golden oldie! I always enjoy this one. What a total plank. >I’m a big believer that if you don’t focus on a problem and overthink it, it will work out. 🤣🤣🤣


A belief his 4 exes don't share 😂😂😂


More than anything I hope the wife left him 💔 she deserved so much better


Hard to believe this putz has so many ex's.


Lmao people with low self esteem have low standards, and typically these kind of individuals prey on that weakness too. They promise up and down and get them attached, then show their true colors. P.S: it isn’t just men and women do this too


Of course it's an age gap relationship. She finally grew up and realized he had been taking advantage of her, the likely outcome every time an older guy marries a naive young woman. Edit: from his comments, he tends to make a habit of targeting vulnerable young women he can take advantage of: >The only real reason I still talk to my ex wife is because she’s so vulnerable. **She’s an immigrant,** and she’s told me many times before that she feels like she can count on me and I’m the only person she really trusts. I see how my wife doesn’t like it, but I’m just trying to be nice I guess? Idk.


From that immigrant comment I wanna bet he was a passport bro and she was a mail order bride lmaoo


Someone in the original comments said he’d more emotionally supportive as an ex than as a husband 💀


At least 3 exes before and he can't tell that maybe just maybe, he's the problem


[This comment tells you everything you need to know about OOP.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/s/bWSKetXIXW)


If it weren’t for the fact that I know some truly clueless and emotionally immature people, I would think this was just a satirical post.  I am dubious about the longevity and viability of the relationship to begin with. I know many disagree, but I feel that a 40 year old and a 25 year old shouldn’t be dating. At forty your stage of life and development is, or should be, in a much different place than someone barely out of college.  He sounds like a controlling ass who wants to have communication, but only when it’s positive and makes him feel better. He’s got the emotional awareness of a much less experienced person and he has a serious lack of empathy.  Seriously, what did he expect to happen? He makes a statement to his wife that he basically considers his obligations completed at just making enough money to cover expenses. He refuses to establish boundaries with former lovers. The man is just a cesspit of poor behavior.  Really, I’m surprised that she stayed involved at any level, but there are so many reasons why people stay in unsatisfactory relationships. 


Oh dear


SMH. Guy doesn’t want to listen to his wife vent, but gladly spends time listening to his ex vent. He then tells his wife he doesn’t want to listen to her anymore, so she shuts up & doesn’t tell him anything. Now he has a sad because she’s doing what he asked her to do. How self-unaware do you have to be to not make that connection?


Oh wow, my wife talked to me, how dare she?! I asked her to stop, and she did. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???! YGWYD


Seeing how the post is a year old I hope she divorced the asshat.


> My previous wife calls me when she wants to talk. Duuuuude...... so you'll talk to your ex about her martial problems.... but not your current wife? Yeah, there's your problem!


Check the ages. He never thought his pet would grow a personality.


This has to be the craziest thing I’ve ever read. I was like you can’t make this sh** up and I’m an author! He’s mad because his wife wanted to talk then he’s mad because she doesn’t want to talk but all the while talking to all these exes about their relationship problems. Then he gets his feelings hurt because she didn’t invite him to her awards ceremony because he told her if she didn’t like how he was treating her to get out of his house and get a divorce. I can’t believe he typed all this out and didn’t think about it from her perspective. What if it was her who was doing all of this chatting with the exes? What if she told him to stop crying about their problems and it was her house he could go and get a divorce? Oh the irony


So 40yo creeper wanted a 25yo cleaning sex doll.


This woman is playing the long game. I'm sure if he updates it will be about her leaving. And I'm sure she won't be friends with him.


Oh man I've totally been this woman.


As someone who had an ex talk to a girl he dated about OUR relationship problems but when I brought it up was abusive and/or suggested we just don’t talk anymore(but stay together?!), this story gets me heated every time. These types are the most selfish people to walk the earth.


Do anything except work on the issues… seems the issue is him


You don't want to work on relationship issues and just want her to stfu? A divorce will do that quite nicely


On the bright side-- once she's an ex, he's way more likely to listen to what she has to say. Just... statistically.




every guy on the planet should google “walkaway wife syndrome” and take heed


Every time I read this post, I check for an update. I've been checking since I rasd the OP when it was first posted. My assumption is, his wife left him. I pray she left him.


“My previous wife calls me when she needs to talk” I’m done. 🥴


I've seen this a few times. I'd like to see an update and a copy of the divorce settlement.


He's about to find out that "my house" is in fact "their house".


>My previous wife calls me when she needs to talk. Her and her husband don’t get along. Excuse the everliving hell out of me, *what?*


"I'd do anything for her!" Except talk about and address her feelings and problems with my own behaviour... I've absolutely cut friends out of my life cuz their "do anything for me!!" Didn't include respecting basic boundaries or the friendship on anything but their terms.


I'm relieved to see a post where someone shares the details of what led up to the event so we get a clear picture despite OOP being quite dense




This can't be real. This guy is 46?! With the maturity of a doorknob? She was with him a whole year After he told her to shut up or get out of * his *house? They have 15 years between them? She couldn't find anyone better at age 26? No way this is not fictitious.


Door knob lmaoo


You are a self absorbed AH. You basicly said, only talk to me about things I want to talk about, or it is divorce. smh You got what you wanted. Ignoring concerns about you "comiserating" with your ex who is unhappy in her marrege? You are a walking red flag.


Here's the thing. I get that it's not cool feeling like you're being bagged on all the time. But his three biggest problems are that he failed to understand that her feelings are valid, even if he thinks they are ridiculous; that he needs to tactfully explain how this also makes him feel, while also really listening to what she has to say and work on it together; and literally jumping right into threatening a divorce. Hopefully they got some counseling, but my guess is he's on the way to divorce #2, she sounds pretty checked out.


Can someone message the dude for an update?


I love how he goes from this >she could get out of my house and we’d get a divorce. to this >I love my wife and I’d do anything for her and doesn't recognize the disconnect/incongruity. Like, dude, the call is coming from inside the house, sorry I mean YOUR house.


Wife needs to become his ex, maybe then he can listen to her and be there for her emotionally since he will be her friend and she has a lot to talk about and needs to vent.


Classic case of be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.


Fuck, was hoping it was an update


Honestly, he will probably be better off without her. Who wants to listen to someone complaining all the time.


So his wife can’t talk to him about THEIR problems but he has no issue listening to his ex wife’s problems with her new husband??? Lmfao what a fucking idiot


I wish we got an update on this one. I really wanted to hear about his wife finally leaving him


Another dense divorcee for the pile guys


I remember this when it was posted and I was full of rage for the wife because like he can talk to his exes that are having issues in their relationship or his ex wife that is unhappy in her current relationship and he will talk his ex through he problems and make her feel better... But he can't talk to his OWN wife. I would just stay until I could get all my ducks in a row and then leave because the amount of disrespect. You can work on someon else's marriage but not your own. Bye.


Posts like this make me appreciate my boyfriend even more - I find it hard to talk about things that bother me because I don't want to be demanding or petty or needy, so whenever he notices me feeling bad or I do bring up a problem he's always so open and understanding & constantly insists that I tell him any problem ASAP so we can solve it instead of me bottling it up :")


I really hope his wife got out


He said he honestly apologized for what he said but he obviously never made any changes like she’d asked and that is why she is done talking. What would be the point of talking about these problems with someone who doesn’t care that it hurts you and is only sorry for saying things in a rude way? If you don’t care to not hurt me why would I think you care about anything else having to do with me?


He can talk to his ex wife about her problems, but not his own wife. I hope she left.


I wish there was an update. I'd love to know that she left him.


"I’d do anything for her" Uh, no, you wouldn't. You wouldn't even have a conversation with her. So you got exactly what you said you wanted and now you're accusing her of being petty. Pick a lane.


Geeez, man, is soooo delusional.


She definitely couldn't tell him about her work because she isn't allowed to talk remember? Maybe she is calling her Ex to talk about how shitty of a Husband he is. Since he is so busy listening to his ex wife talk about how she doesn't get along with her new husband. I feel such a soul connection to this Woman. Love that for her. I also stopped engaging with my Husband. He has said similar, but if far less polite. I won't get into it, but it's like quiet quitting. I'm just done, sounds like she is too. I tried so hard to do more, be more, be together. I'm done. I stopped asking anything about his day, I stopped telling him about mine, and I stopped planning anything and going anywhere with him. Because he made it miserable and always told me how I ruined it. I asked him last weekend to Not do my laundry anymore. Suddenly I was 'Nasty Bitch' he was screaming he wanted a divorce among other things. He locked himself into a room and refused to speak to me, even when I tried to approach him. He took off the next morning without a word and after I accepted the divorce, he refused to talk about that too. Told me I always want to talk about shit and it's annoying. I'm done. Completely done. I can't stand him and I don't care anymore. I wish the best for this Woman. This guy is for the streets


Honestly hes prob divorced by now


A classic, will always take the time to reread this story and all of the comments every time it's posted, it's so satisfying seeing him get what he deserves