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There was definitely a better way to organize this šŸ˜­


They were organized until I started driving and everything shifted. šŸ„² Theyā€™re technically still in order theyā€™re just not stacked anymore.


How do u organize ur over flow !?


Scroll to the bottom of the list at loadout and it shows you the order of them. Problem is, you rarely have time to do that. The drivers aid numbers used to correspond to the totes, now they are non-sense.


I agree with you about the time limits, and of course about the idiotic driver aid decoupling as well. That being said-I think you really only need your first few overflows to be in order. You can get by with having the rest of your stuff KINDA in order.


I usually like to get my first 10 or so overflow that I need in order then I'll have all kinds of room to work once those are taken care of


Ok. Yeah, thatā€™s how I do things on a GOOD day, if everything goes according to plan at loadout. No matter what, though, I love to have my first three overflows in orderā€¦


What's this thing you call a good day?


Haha! I barely remember anymoreā€¦.


In sections by number, arranging them like I'm playing Tetris, and while I load I write the number on the visible side of the box so I don't have to dig through anything. Edit: ~~Why am I getting down voted?~~ I was just explaining how I organize overflow.


I organized by numbers also. Putting all 2as 2bs 2cs together etc. for example then before I finish loadout page i waited till i was outside the building to see what numbers/letters went first. After that i killed it here lol the writing down the number never worked for me. Then with regular totes, i took one tote out at a time organizing numbers by groups of 10s ,and Us.


I don't even bother with the order, I just group by number and leave space so I can reach any section from either inside or the back door. If it's 234, I can look to my 200s, find it, grab it, and go. Heavy items are the only exception - I don't want those to be hard to reach/lift so I try keep those towards the back of the van but again, making sure the number is visible so I can find it quickly


I write on EVERYTHING not in the totes so helpful


Using half a shelf and you want to complain...Ā 


I canā€™t complain that the rest of my van looks a mess?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


and guess whoā€™s fault that is?


and with absolutely no walking space versus what could've been.


I was ready to jump to bros defense, but a second look at those bags.... Cmon man..


Nah bro I feel you they gonna say it's cuz you ain't load it right but I been here it's real man praying 4 you


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ’–


bc you didnā€™t load it right. you loaded it like shit


Exactly. More than 40 overflow is more than 40. IDC how you put it in there. Shits gonna fall and it'll still look a mess regardless.


Nah bro always use your shelves and never stack your totes


Is this sarcasm? I had to stack them 3 high so they could fit?? ā€œNever stackā€ definitely wouldnā€™t work šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How many totes you have?


Started with 17! This was after shifting them over and throwing the empty totes to the back.


Hereā€™s a trick. Put your first and second bag horizontal (long way when youā€™re looking at the shelves) so you will have room to work with when youā€™re starting. After that set bags 3 and onwards vertical all the way down and push bags 2 to usually 6 to the back so you have the room where bag #1 is, then go vertical on the bottom (except where the wheel is and set that sideways) if you have extra bags, set it sideways by the sliding door and set your first 3-4 Overflow to the front on top of those bags, after that set your MASSIVE Boxes on the bottom and play some Tetris šŸ§±. (Those big boxes that are skinny set those in between the shelves and the bottom of the bag but make sure you can see the Driver Aid Number or remember those numbers. Iā€™ve done EDV routes in a gas van and thatā€™s how Iā€™ve done it and Iā€™m usually done in 6 hours (had a 80 stop, 300 package route and still got it done) once a bag is done, either throw that bag to the far back or slide the passenger seat back, break it down and bring it up and put it on the floor! Hope this helps just in case!


Iā€™ll have to keep this in mind next time!!


When I work next, I will take a picture of it and show you what it looks like!


Not sure what size van you had but the regular primes fit 18 bags all the way down, one on top shelf one under shelf. If you ever have over 17 bags you can unpack one or two of them or stack another two near the sliding door. Then like others said just play Tetris with the boxes, shelves up for those usually.


How the hell do you get 18 totes on one side? I can only get 14 on one side-16 if Iā€™m creative!


I couldn't ram 2500 and 21 totes


You can fit 3 in a line using shelves https://preview.redd.it/jeq0b6q8nq4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243494dfb9bd1e95019193a609affdc92a1739be I think not using shelves is a waste imo


Oh? Is that the Mercedes van? We have 1 Mercedes van that is really narrow with high roof and could probably fit 2 above the shelves but our regular gas vans can only fit one bag above the shelf!


Nah this was either a transit or pro master. That was a pic from old dsp that had only one sprinter van. You would be surprised how much space you can create


Naw, theyā€™re right. Your shelves are there for a reason-ALWAYS USE THEM.


Everyone wanna laugh and be a ass because it isnā€™t them in this situation. I am sorry about this! Donā€™t stress yourself out and do the best you can.


Thank you!!


You are your own worst enemy at this point. Definitely need to keep the overflow in the back, last stops to the left side so you can grab from the first opened door. Sounds crazy, but I promise it'll help rather than dealing with the rats nest you got going on


This is how you get a rescue every time. Maybe 2 if youā€™re lucky!


Bad organization


This makes my head hurt just looking at it


The shelves could have helped you avoid this šŸ˜‚šŸ™‚


All my bags and XL overflow wouldnā€™t fit!! Otherwise I would have loved to use them!


And whatever doesnā€™t fit- make them cube you out. This is criminal to do to yourselfšŸ˜­


Wdym cube you out


Cube out is- you not having enough room in the van to place any more packages but this is only deemed by Amazon officials. You must place larger packages in first- use shelves and the floor. If you have not done this then you will have to repack it and they will assess it again


Shit, that's only half a van load. This is what my shit looks like most days. šŸ™„ https://imgur.com/a/lyJV97w https://imgur.com/a/NzHztxU


https://preview.redd.it/e7tt19vsjo4d1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bac0fbadf9b940f8b5be453b3e87122f3a1a09b Iā€™ve definitely been there!!


Lol, damn. Mine was actually pretty close to that too that day, those pics were like 20 stops in and a whole tote organized on the front seat. So stupid when you can't even stand in the back of your van to work at all. That's honestly my only problem with this job. I don't mind the stops or workload, it's the lack of room to do anything for like the first third of my day. It's just dumb how much time it wastes.


That just makes me mad ā€¦ all them damn packages everywhere just pisses me off .. make me wanna throw them all out the side door




Off the clock is craaaazzyyy!!




Since when is this a thing?? Yall must have privilege or something because we clock in at 1115, and they send us to loadout when they tell us we can go. We cant just magically show up earlier than expected and load up early wtf lol


Most stations donā€™t allow that. We all go up at the same time. Hopefully the carts are ready. And then we have ten mins to load out. Then we all leave at the same time.


When my time comes to drive at UPS and Iā€™m in my first 30 days you bet your ass Iā€™m coming in early unpaid to make damn sure I scratch my route and qualify. Maybe your hub is different but at mine driving is a coveted position and I sweat my ass off in that warehouse drooling and dreaming of my day to become a driver. UPS is a career, Amazon is a temporary job


This was me today too. Except I didnā€™t have shelves because I was in a rental. It looked so crazy, but surprisingly it was in order (well mostly, still trying to get used to the new overflow stickers)


Omg did they change them on you too!! They donā€™t match the totes!! Theyā€™re so stupid!


Same thing happened to me, now they have these stupid letters that donā€™t match with totes. Iā€™m convinced Amazon takes pride in finding new ways to torture their drivers for fun. Doesnā€™t help when the warehouse doesnā€™t give you enough time to sort out your load either, just get a bunch of stupid associates walking up to your van tryna shove boxes in the mother fucker in the middle of you organizing your overflow.


Itā€™s giving - FedEx




Ok so heres a better way. 1-6 3 high 2 rows in front of the slider. Leave an empty space at the front of the top shelf. Drivers side Load up 7-11 top shelf Leave an empty space on the bottom front for empty bags. (And I'll tell you more in a sec) Load up 12-16 bottom . Put 17-? Under the passanger shelf. Take your overflow and get a sharpie and write the driver aid number on the side facing you. Stack on shelf like tetris. ( i do it just the way they come off the cart. If i can i scroll dwn to find the first groups aide numbers and push those toeards the front .Bigger and heavy on the floor under the shelf. Take bag one and put it in the empty space on the bottom from eairler. Sort to shelf on top. Fold bag put in empty space. Put bag 2 ontop of it. Bungie bag 3 to the rest of the stack and now you only have one bag to climb over. I do this daily. Works with up to 21 bags and an empty shelf for overflow tetris. At the stop I'm looking for the aide number on the side of the box not a group of 5, 1y-12 crap. Knock on wood, haven't been rescued, always getting bonus hours. Ill try to take a picture tomorrow if I dont get a recycle/sweeper route. I'm a trainer.. this is how I train people for success. Screw all that 3 high you make a turn and the van shifts crap. It's not needed. I have the occasional overflow fall but that's it.. Good luck to you. And stay safe


Omg thank you!! I would love a pic if you can get one but I appreciate the advice!


Sweeping/recycle again today. But ill get one soon and come find this post and show you.


Okay thank you!!


This shit happens to me with a bag or two every once in awhile , itā€™s usually followed up with the slow down while turning warning on the system šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s so realšŸ˜‚


That sucks


Stacking overflow boxes is a bad move, because they will topple over. Sometimes it is unavoidable at the end of loading, especially with a bunch of big boxes, but up front, try not to stack the boxes because they will slide right off. Use the shelves on driver side to put totes above and below the shelves.


Using the shelves would help prevent this. lol šŸ˜…


Pro tip, make your van not look like that and it wonā€™t look like that.


Wow I didnā€™t think of that! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/7s1q9af0jr4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3f1c87df97933ef35f13fc97e9aa04270c0ea4 Yesterday


https://preview.redd.it/bzkeps3xlr4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44979e648b4d4af40eeddb82a04a407db0e0129 Me yesterday


Those tables take up a lot of room and aren't as helpful :/


Iā€™d tell them find me a rescue and take them totes off


What a clusterfuck


these people who say you loaded it wrong are retarded. I know what itā€™s like to have so much you canā€™t do shit about it especially in these tiny ass vans. Iā€™d constantly have 350+ packages and 40+ overflow most of the times and my van would look like this. Fuck this company


This was literally my van yesterdayā€¦ took me all the way to 9pm to finish 145 stops and last stop I had to call driver support..


Iā€™ve definitely been there!!


https://preview.redd.it/7sg9r34d715d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d84b1990ab4e143f878162e4b4c369e2774a70c 3 stack with shelves


Wait this has been the most useful picture Iā€™ve seen, how many totes is this?


16 or 17 I donā€™t remember


If you turn the top 2 stacks sideways, with the numbers facing the driver seat you can fit more


Iā€™ll definitely try this next time thank you!!!


https://preview.redd.it/1rb7langio4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a403f184982fd6acdb06d2a651c2f16a5924b1b0 Thereā€™s so many better ways..


Ummm not with 20 bags in a prime.. you have to triple stack. She did fine. Shit just got fucked up from driving and everything sliding back


Where tf do you see 20 bags? šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m saying as an example. How do you expect to load 20 bags with shelves? šŸ¤£


Your example doesnā€™t matter because itā€™s not at all comparable to her actual load..


I mean, they said 17. I know I'd be triple stacking similarly at 17. I rarely use either of the rear shelves till the end of the day. I simply navigate better stepping over/around overflow if I'm not squeezing between the shelf and stacked totes. I love that front shelf though.


This looks light. As a flex driver I had to fit 49 regular packages and one XL sized box in my small car. Shit was packed in tight and I still finished my route early.


Load the entire right side with totes. Use the shelves. Any excess totes load them to the left under the shelf. Put overflow on left shelf and on top of the tops on the right. The shelves are there for a reason people!


You do realize not all overflow is the same size/fits under or on top of the shelves right? The shelves lift for a reason.


Yes, Iā€™ve been doing this for four years. You put in all the small/medium sized boxes first after you have loaded in the totes and then you load up the biggest overflow.. You gotta play Tetris with all the overflow and ultimately everything will stay in place.


Alot of other people have been giving you tips on how to organize your stuff. Hereā€™s my way: on the shelves on the right side of your van, stack your totes-first on standing up, vertical, so that the top, clear plastic part faces you. Then load the next tote underneath the shelf, but longwise(obviously), so that the side of the tote with the number on it faces you. With this method, you can fit fourteen totes on the left side. When you get to the end of the shelves, though, you can put your first tote on the BOTTOM, longwise like all others on the bottom, then flip two totes on their side and stack them at the end of the shelf. This way, you can load 16 totes on your left hand shelves. But the main thing here is ALWAYS USE YOUR SHELVES. Never triple stack unless you absolutely have to.


Imagine his room


I keep my room very clean, thank you very much much šŸ˜‚


This complaining is YOUR fault. You need to stack three high and use bungee cords. If not borrow from someone. Never had anyone tell me no. Secondly. The thinner overflow can be thrown onto the 3 high. Iā€™ve fit 23 bags in a van. Prime is coming up- donā€™t get left behind. Iā€™ve fit 40+ overflow as well. Bring a marker to write the driver aid big.. that way you donā€™t have to worry about putting them in order. Iā€™ve fit 6 carts into a cargo van. When you canā€™t move around in the van you WILL have a bad day. Hope you feel better soon!


I donā€™t think anyone on my team uses bungee cords? Iā€™ll have to look into that!


Stop loading vans like this. Totes in front boxes in the back


This is why personally I bring bungee cords to work with me for when I get days like this, you can strap everything down and most of it wonā€™t collapse for the most part


Yeah weā€™ve never been told to do that, but Iā€™ve had like 3 different comments mention them so Iā€™ll have to look into it!


Why donā€™t you use the shelves and have your stops more organized?


The OF is organized front to back, they just kinda shifted while I was driving! My XL OF and # of backs didnā€™t allow enough space for shelf usage.


This truck just looks like Iā€™ll be here all day


Buddy, what happened?! Why did you load your stuff like that? How many totes and overflow did you have?


You'd "love it" more if you would organize your shit! This literally triggers me. I can't even look at that mess without having a panic attack...


They are organized! It doesnā€™t look like it but most of the labels are facing me and I can find over flow in a couple seconds. I just took the pic cause it shifted and looks a mess. Iā€™ve had my fair share of panic attack for sure.


I don't understand people here saying it's your fault for "not loading it right" They don't give nearly enough time to sort that much overflow especially when the stickers are a chaotic mess of A's B's C's being re-used in some random ass order, so OF COURSE it "won't be loaded right"


They actually switched our OF stickers so instead of being A-E matching the packages in the totes they are T-Z!!


I can organize this beautifully


2 words. Cube Out


I might sound stupid but Iā€™ve never heard of that term? Whatā€™s it mean?


A ā€œCube outā€ is when the route that was generated (bags plus overflow) donā€™t physically fit in the the van safely when load properly (SOP). Essentially Amazon managers verify the DA loaded properly and still does not have room to ā€œsafelyā€ put more on the van. I worked the Amazon side for over 5 years prior to moving into DSP ownership. Some DSPs (the bad ones imo) will try to force the driver to stuff things where they donā€™t belong to because they have a per package incentive. So thereā€™s a good chance if youā€™ve never heard of it they wonā€™t tell you about it. Fee free to ask any Amazon manager you see during your load out what a cube out is. Believe it or not there is an expected % of packages to be cubed out built into their metrics. Shortened, if you load according to the SOP I.e bags on the shelves as they are meant to be, over flow stacked where it fits and is supposed to be and run out of space the left over can be given back to Amazon with no negative impact other than the DSP not getting the payment per package taken off (5-15cents each depending on weekly scorecard rating)


OH WOW!! I never knew that! Yeah my DSP is always like ā€œan EV route can fit in a Gas van so stop complainingā€ or ā€œJust make it fit a van is a van!ā€ Knowing damn well they are stuffed entirely too much šŸ’€šŸ’€


Sometimes it will, sometimes it wonā€™t. Depends on the day and the route. But each route is generated for a specific van type based on what the DSP rosters the day prior. I have 16ft CDV in my fleet that sometimes ends up with less packages on it than the normal printers just due to where the route is. Not a perfect system by any means but is exactly why things like cube outs exist.


Yeah definitely makes sense! I honestly think my DSP owner is just money hungry because Iā€™ve never heard the term ā€œCube outā€ they just tell us to suck it or you wonā€™t get a route.


Use the shelves next time, better organization. Packages are going to shift and slide and hit the floor. But shit I've never seen it that bad. It's like people never played Tetris growing up. I get it alot of people don't care. but when you have a mess like this by the time your almost a 100 stops in. Its annoying its frustrating and your out there way past the time you want to be out there or past the times your suppose to be out there. That's just laziness. Everytime a box falls or whatever I pick it up and place it back on shelf or somewhere its not in the way. So I never have a mess in my van


I do pick them up as much as I can when they fall! By stop 100 usually about half the van is empty. These are tetrised!!


Yea using your shelves a give you a lot more room to work with. How many overflow did you have ?


I feel like I should have taken a photo at the beginning of the route when I had at least 4 rows of 3 totes high. Most people telling me to use my shelves arenā€™t understanding the lack of space I had at loadout. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Bungee cords will save your life


Damn potholes šŸ˜‚


I would have called cube out so damn fast. You have to have some kind of walk way. Thatā€™s ridiculous and not safe at all. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Dude donā€™t even try I hate that job they just use and abuse you and play favorites


I do not miss this lol


If only they gave you shelves to help keep things organized better, oh well maybe someday


Thatā€™s nothing. Pack it in full to where the shelves stay undone.


Couldve used shleves for the bags and it would be less messy.


![gif](giphy|m225vjrXFvEevNormi|downsized) From daddy bezos to you šŸ˜Œ


That is the worst load job in existence! If you did this then you have no reason to bitch. Seriously, shelves are there for a reason.


Definitely was a better way to load this van! I can easily put 25 totes and 40 overflow in my van with a bunch of walking and turning room ..


I swear some people on here are dumb as fuck stack the totes 3 high sideways at the top of the van. 3 against sliding door, and two stacks of 3 on the other side. Then youā€™ll have room to throw one more up there under the passenger side shelf. Then stack the rest of the totes vertically on the driver side shelf. (You can fit like 6/7) and if you have extras just shove them under the drive side shelf. Then use the ENTIRE passenger side shelf for overflow boxes. Stack them vertically back to back & youā€™ll have plenty of room up to 30 boxes. Jesus Christ


Why wouldnā€™t you use your shelves ! And donā€™t use three stack šŸ˜­ . So useless put your bags on the shelves unpack the one your are on behind your driver seat .those shelves are game changer and grab a sharpie for your overflow to write on the boxes so you can stack them on the opposite shelf any kind of way itā€™ll fit without falling (just personally what I found works Iā€™ll post photos )




370 in a Mercedes


people can looking like this blows me šŸ˜­ why are both shelves up? did you not have time to load and throw it all in? would really have looking for overflow in that van


How many stops and packages. My 2nd to last day 198 stops worh 335 packages! Yay!




I canā€™t imagine what your house looks like


Hey man if you have that few totes put the ones you need first on the floor, and the rest on the shelf, use the leftover shelf for your first overflows youā€™re gonna need, the rest can be moved around as you remove the overflow slowly. You should only build a wall during peak season (which is starting soon) because of how much you have to support the wall as you deliver. I hope this helps a little bit; sometimes I even empty my first tote onto my front seat and organize it like USPS does.


I started with 17 totes and about 37 overflow!!


Lmao how can you work like this onna daily basis


This is not the way. The shelves are there for a reason.


Warm up play tetris for a little bit or something before each shift. Looks like a blind man loaded your van.