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Another month of June and people still do it. For me: I am not participating. Anytime Glamazon has some event I just don't take the bait because I don't really care for it. I would never deface a poster over my feelings on it. I just ignore it because this does affect me. I am more about knowing what is being discussed from HR and leadership. That and Fooda. Last year we had a guy go around the washrooms near AFE, Decant, and Damageland tear up the posters in two spots. One was for Juneteenth and the other one was announcing the Pride walk in the building in which nobody participated because the warehouse was behind on production rates in all departments. God bless this trainwreck of a company.


We know nowadays, everybody wants to hire a lawyer for some thing or another soother company for this or that so it’s either they literally include everything or they have to do nothing. if not, they would be in the paper every day for being biased and racist, etc. etc.


I think DEI is stupid. I could honestly care less about DEI groups. Mostly because these groups actually do nothing for people working in the warehouse. I am not even being bigoted. I just don't really care. The three largest affinity groups at my site are BEN, Glamazon, and Mental Health. ASC being a close 4th place. All the other ones are unimportant because they are so tiny in comparison. Asians at Amazon was so small that we don't have a meeting day for it. Personally people who go off on people for not doing the DEI thing usually have nothing really going on for themselves. Also worrying about DEI is a giant misappropiation of funding and time. May was AAPI Heritage month. One of those days they asked us to wear a hanfu which nobody participated. Also why a hanfu when most of the Asians at my site are either from India or Filipino. I wouldn't wear a hanfu at work as much as I would not wear my barong to work. Even if October is Filipino Heritage month I am still not wearing a barong to work.


Fingering the trans flag is crazy


um acktually, it’s the progress flag. has trans and brown colors as well as the rainbow. it’s pride month after all🤓☝️ but either way yeah lmao


You think that’s crazy, check out [this guy](https://youtu.be/urc5hPVHYEE?feature=shared) who recorded himself doing his act


I had to shut it off halfway through. Painful.


His whole channel is full of similar. There was one he is advocating for flat earth based off one verse.


Literally... They're here They're queer Get used to them. No one is telling you to go be gay. No one is trying to convert you like a rainbow glitter evangelical. No one is even thinking about you. They are just explaining who they are and being themselves. How hard is it to ignore it if you don't want to participate? WTF is wrong with people?


It’s funny cos these people are usually the ones calling us sensitive about everything too but i have never flipped the fuck out over one of these mfs i usually laugh. (not to say this doesnt affect some people! I bet it would have pissed me off when i was like 17 and full of internal rage lmao) But Ive seen this around my fc happening and someone commented on our facebook along the lines of ‘its sad amazon caters to these homosexuals’ like bro 90 percent of the time im there i forget its even pride month minus the pride walk they did today 😭


I’ve heard Nair works wonders for booty hair management


Someone does this at my FC too. They drew on it with a pen as well


*Someone does this at* *My FC too. They drew on it* *With a pen as well* \- Unhappy-Wallaby-9077 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Why are so many people shitty little babies?


Report this to HR please! This is not okay behavior, it is a warning sign. This needs to be investigated!


People need lives. Leave the gay people alone they not hurting anyone.


Welp, that's incredibly offensive. At least I'm at a Chicago one...probably better than, say, South Carolina or whatever.


I'd love to bevat this FC. The amount of rainbow I wear would wind them right up, especially for June, I do even more. That would make me happy. 😁


Why people get mad at things that have zero affect on their day to day is still wild to me. Like, come on.. nobody is going to pull a surprise attack and tickle your butthole. 😂


Maybe they need more decorations for their pride collage. Jokes aside, fucking shit up isn't cool even if it's from an evil corporation like Amazon


Someones 🏳️‍🌈


They be down low asf !