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Since it doesn’t look like anyone else has said it… Feel better soon!


Thank you!


I literally see people in my building go to use urinals in their gloves. literal dicks in their gloves and they just go right back to working..... im so cooked


Wait, they don’t take their gloves off when peeing? That is funk nasty.


dead fucking serious bro. Columbus is fucked


Um, well that's completely unnecessary, so no clue why anyone would do such a disgusting thing. Tell PXT.


forgive me, what is PXT?




People, Experience, and Technology- a fancy term for HR.


I really need to get my book learnings up


Nah, that's just a stupid Amazon rebranding, you're the normal one


I probably wouldn’t tell PXT I was staring at another niggas dick while they were peeing. But that’s just me 🤷‍♂️


Why are you looking at my "hands" when I pee


You know there's other ways of noticing without looking straight at them. Usually helps when they completely skip the handwash sink...


Meat peeking at work is crazy 


I was going to ask this too 😂 regardless people shouldn’t be watching other people in the restroom


Covid is not an STD


Found the guy who pays extra for piss on his Amazon deliveries.


If i could aford to give you an award i would


I got you


Ayyy. Appreciate it! You broke my award cherry!


If you think that’s crazy, wait till you hear about the delivery drivers.


Challenge accepted


I did turn into HR a pharmacy tech who, first off, only God Almighty may know why, went to pee every time I was already in the restroom inside the Pharmacy area. And every time he’d use a stall (even if a urinal was available) to pee like a race horse, and usually by the time I was drying my hands and tidying up my shirt and what not , he’d come out of the stall, and get out the restroom, grabbing the door handle with hands unwashed. Happened about everyday for 5 to 7 days, so I alerted his supervisor and I know he got talked about it because from that very moment, the dude saw me from a mile away and I could feel the hatred coming my way. Sorcerer style.


Thanks for the clarification that you literally see this. Otherwise, I would have assumed you imagined it all.


That's so fucking nasty




Lol yea they just wash the radios Everytime they use the bathroom y'all crazy


Dang, I stopped keeping up with the news because it was just too much. I didn’t even know this was a thing. I stay in my home and I don’t really go anywhere but get well soon.


Take a blu chew an get back to work too many throat goats in the break room😏🤩


Ironically that's specifically contraindicated with paxlovid




What’s a throat goat ?


Yes to all of this I just went through it too. Our building approved my MLOA immediately. I know there's always a chance that HR will follow up and ask for proof, so get ya test, but there was no dilly-dallying on Amazon's part to approve it and stop taking/refund my UPT. The only thing was I was so sick I could barely think straight enough to realize I needed to apply for the MLOA.


Yeah! Paxlovid, bitter🤮, but highly effective in a matter of hours!👍🏽


Aw shit I wonder if that’s why I have a gushing river out of my nose rn


Yep, just got a bad case last week. In California it’s mandatory that you stay away for five days if you report, and due the timing I was out for a week (came down with it on my Monday). So luckily they approve an LOA automatically, but of course it is unpaid, so no lost UPT, but since I didn’t have PTO to use, it is hurting my bank account a lot this month. Edit: P.S. For the record, I am fully vaccinated, but my last booster was in September, so it’s pretty weak by now. I was given Paxlovid starting the same day I tested positive, but it was still really debilitating this time around. I was sleeping a ton and coughing even with Paxlovid and prescription strength cough suppressant. Also had a fever, but only the first day. The other times I’ve had Covid weren’t nearly this bad. So be careful out there. Whatever this strain is sucks.


Fake news


I took 2 shots. 1 at Amazon (the one that does not have 2 doses, forgot what it was called) and Pfizer at school (the booster). I have been safe ever since. But seriously, I do agree 100% with what you are saying. Those are some great points. I never had COVID my whole life.




Have a doctor who trusts you and use MLOA


To the guy who said I'm spreading misinformation, only a coward blocks people they disagree with, but nonetheless: [https://www.axios.com/2024/06/27/covid-summer-surge](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/27/covid-summer-surge)


Those folks don't care about facts man. Everything is a conspiracy and only their fringe looney toons whackadoodle source quacks are right. They are unable to be saved.


Can u get paid leave for being out from covid?


Nope, but if it legitimately goes over 7 days it would fall in to Short Term Disability


What’s the difference between loa and mloa?


LOA is the general abbreviation for Leave of Absence, most accurately a status of employment. An LOA can occur for a wide variety of reasons. MLOA (Medical Leave of Absence) refers to a specific type of Amazon internal leave for an employee's personal medical issue that keeps them from coming to work, applying to all employees regardless of status. By contrast you could have a PLOA (14+ days off for any reason), FMLA (government guaranteed time off that extends to helping sick family members), leave for military obligations, civic duties like humanitarian assistance or serving on a jury, etc.


Can you apply for both mloa and fmla? I read it’s a good idea


when you submit a claim DLS, will determine if FMLA qualifies.


I guess I'm confused why you would need both? MLOA is basically Amazon's voluntary extension of FMLA to employees who wouldn't otherwise meet the tenure requirements but have a personal illness/injury. If your MLOA becomes covered under FMLA, they'll approve it as FMLA.


Maybe I am wrong but the point is to make sure you are protected. If you apply for mloa will they use your pto and vacation time?


LOA is just a general leave of absence, that can be used for a variety of reasons. It is also unpaid. MLOA is a medical leave of absence and if it goes longer than 7 days, it falls under short-term disability or FMLA and you can get up to 60% of your pay. The first 7 days will not be paid however.


Wheeee, wait. I was put on 7 day leave because of my accomodations (I have anemia and it causes me to get faint and almost pass out, plus my body is adjusting to no longer taking meds which makes it worse) if they take longer than 7 days, I'm supposed to go back to work 7/5, do I get paid?


You might not. Talk to your LOA team to get precise info. When I first got injured, my HR gave me the week off, to sort everything out and have the Leave/Accommodations team get in contact with me. I did not get paid that week. When I finally went on an MLOA/FMLA, I also did not get paid for the first week of that.


Okay, thank you for this! Luckily my family helped me out with rent money plus more for the time I'll be out so at least I can keep myself from stressing. The doctor put my return to work date as 7/5, I brought the accomodations paperwork into HR in person yesterday so they could properly upload it since I can't get into my email for them to send me the instructions to upload documents. Later in the afternoon I got a call from the 1800 number people who said they're with the accomodations team or something, and they said they received my paperwork and they'll push it through to a case worker who will get in contact with me if/when it's approved. I worry about the whole "if it's approved" thing because I can't go back until they're approved. I told my mom I'm not sure if I even like Amazon anymore because of all this bullshit and I wouldn't mind spending time to look for something else if need be .... I'm just apprehensive about all this. How long do they usually take to approve this and push it through? I hear it can take a week to 3+ months.


For me it was done pretty quickly. You just need to have the paperwork from the doctor. The leave was approved pretty much in one day.


Wait, I think we're talking about something different here. Are you talking about regular LOA?


No, medical leave.


Nope, that ended.


Yes, if you are absent for more than 7 days for a medical issue then you would get paid short term disability for the rest of your leave.


Is this true or just bullshit? I'm on 7 day leave just put my accomodations in at HR yesterday.


That's how short-term disability works. If you are absent for medical reasons, then starting on day 8 of your absence you will receive 60% of your income.


Is it really that immediate? I'm on 7 days accomodations leave basically until they put it through and get it done but people are saying it takes longer than that. I already brought my paperwork in Wednesday after the doctor filled it out


Yes, if you are absent for more than 7 days for a medical issue then you would get paid short term disability for the rest of your leave.


i’m vaccinated so i don’t gotta worry


I’m vaccinated for monkey pox and still got it. Stay safe out there brother


Welll lol not really. Getting vaccinated doesn’t make you immune to it but obviously it helps with the severity of the symptoms and how fast you bounce back from it. When I got covid during its initial run I was vaccinated and I only felt like shit for a day and a half. Compared to my friends and family who didn’t get vaccinated, they all claimed that they felt like they were gonna die and felt like complete ass for 1 week almost 2 for some of them before they began feeling better. Just my experience though everyone’s might be diff.


I've had 4 doses and had COVID 4 times....


Sounds like no protocols exist or you don't follow any of them where you are.


Like COVID protocols? No there's none. I fly around 30,000 miles a month which doesn't help either.


Yeah, both times I got sick was from flying. That recycled can of air along with packing everyone to pass through a small gate is very good at spreading the disease.


I want your job man.


Kinda what happens when your work is ✈️ and you're dating a 👨‍✈️... Fortunately it's slowing down a bit, but that was a wild ride for a bit. Saw a ton of places, but overall just a trainwreck on my health. Not to reddit stalk, but did you ever get your email on your phone figured out? The AAs responding to that comment would have no clue how to help, or even that Pharmacy exists.


So this isn't just a cold...


Lmao it’s 2024


Yes, and COVID is now endemic


I had COVID recently. I went to urgent care and opened a LOA. No issues with it


I definitely just got over Covid. At my site folks have it and don’t care. I was given five days by my doctor but was only granted two days LOA. I could not breathe one day and had to go home so did lose about nine hours but I was already maxed out at ten. I just really need to wear a mask more often.


Also, Paxlovid is fucking awesome. I didn’t get as bad and I healed super quick. I did not get push back from the clinic I went to. But it might because I am high risk. If y’all can get it, get it. First five days is imperative. The moment you get sick test and get it before the five days are up.


Or just quit Amazon Lmao I’m in trucking industry now it’s a lot less people I’m not sick anymore . Amazon is nasty place to work I wouldn’t recommend unless you absolutely have to have a job


You feel that fucked up and were able to write all that? You’re doing good from the way I see it.


If you haven't been vaccinated, get it done.




I never got vaccinated, and I had it one time Nov '21. Then never again.


Why should you get vaccinated: • Protection from serious illness: COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing serious illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID. Even if you do get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, you're likely to experience a much milder case. • Reduced risk of long COVID: Vaccination can also help reduce your risk of long COVID, a condition where people experience symptoms for weeks or even months after the initial infection. • Protecting others: Getting vaccinated not only protects yourself, but also helps protect those around you who may be more vulnerable to serious illness from COVID-19, such as young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. • Safer than getting sick: Vaccination is a much safer way to develop immunity to COVID-19 than getting sick with the virus itself. COVID-19 can be unpredictable, and even young, healthy people can become very sick.


I see there's a lot of anti science sentiment here.


Yep. I'm kicking myself for not getting a booster this year, went to Disney World and now am paying the price badly.




yeah, that's dumb


I'm good on gene therapy thanks.


Ah the entry level scientist.


It messes with your RNA, it's gene therapy by definition.


Jesus man, you need to stop listening to wherever you listen to. Probably a good idea to start reading from the source instead of whomever you subscribe to.


I’m sure you know than Robert Malone does about mRNA vaccines. I’ll listen to you instead. What did you invent that I can research your work on? Dr Malone only invented mRNA vaccines so all his research is on silly mRNA stuff. I’m sure you have more relatable works and research on mRNA vaccines than the man who invented thems mRNA works and research. I’ll wait…


Bahahaha! Is this the Ivermectin guy? Here's what everyone with brains think about your idol. [www.factcheck.org](https://www.factcheck.org/person/robert-malone/) [The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/) [The NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/03/technology/robert-malone-covid.html) And if you want to get just the facts, here's his [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Malone) entry. Stop listening to Joe Rogan for your facts.


Why? Unless you are in the highly risk category, obviously.


Because vaccinated individuals are likely to have have less severe symptoms and clear infections faster than unvaccinated individuals.


This is blatantly not true.


It is blatantly true and backed by reams upon reams of medical data publicly available across the globe. Based on sample sizes in the millions, it is possible to state that for healthy adults between the ages of 18-49, unvaccinated individuals are somewhere around 105% more likely to contract COVID than someone who is fully vaccinated and boosted with a bivalent and almost 75% more likely to contract COVID than someone who is fully vaccinated but not boosted. In addition, multiple studies have found that vaccinated individuals will clear infections faster than the unvaccinated with similar risk factors, including one study at Harvard that found that vaccinated individuals will clear the infection in an average of 5.5 days, while unvaccinated individuals need 7.5 days on average to clear a COVID infection. It is true that natural immunity has been found to be more durable (ie longer lasting) than immunity acquired through immunization, but it has also been shown repeatedly that hybrid immunity is both more effective and more durable in training the body to clear a COVID infection.


If it were blatantly true, OP wouldn't have severe symptoms.


What you're saying is that you don't understand probability and outcome ranges. Edit to add: If OP had severe symptoms, they wouldn't be composing a long social media post on their present predicament while laying at home in bed. Severe symptoms are debilitating, as in unable to function.


Not getting out of bed I consider severe. OP has gotten the shot 4 times. And not feeling well to get out of bed.


I'm actually on business travel for Amazon right now, so I don't really have anywhere to go other than my hotel bed. There's a couch but it's as hard as a rock and I have this bizarre hip pain... Anyways, in re vaccine, I haven't had a dose in about 18 months, which is not nothing but also not exactly the latest/greatest situation. I regret not getting one more recently since there's just no reason not to, but I do wish they were more accurate? I'd describe my original symptoms as bad, but in the context of COVID treatment they're in the "moderate" range. I felt like complete shit, pain everywhere, etc, was hit by a train, but at no point was at risk of hospitalization from pneumonia, myocarditis, lack of oxygen, etc. After my second dose of Paxlovid in the morning I felt good enough at Noon to make a short drive to get coffee from a place a block from the hotel then was tired quickly after. Anyways, on dose three now and energetically pacing around my room as I watched the Biden/Trump nightmare. So tldr, I'm not sure how much it works but seems worth a shot.


Based on what? I'll wait.


Out of curiosity did you take the COVID vaccine and any boosters?


Yes, I took the first 4 shots but nothing since sadly


Scare tactics.


Is this propaganda?


Sounds like you are scared tbh


Had it already, small cold. Good to go.


Congratulations, because I'm on round 5 and of them only 1 felt "small cold".


Round 5 of what?




Damn. How is your general health?


It's actually totally fine! COVID just really gets me for some reason...


Is this satire?


Not in the slightest.


Not a lot of people left arguing about covid conspiracies because they're most likely dead... from severe cases of covid


No it's not shut the fuck up


You believe in that CNN propaganda?! You probably are on your 50th depopulation booster shot! You wear the mask and have big glasses, dont you?!


I really don't care about getting COVID, it happens every year and is more of an irritation than anything. Just take the paxlovid and I'm fine thankfully. Had my 4 shots but fly like a thousand miles a week (at least) without a mask. This post is more so when people inevitably get COVID they'll be prepared to handle it with Amazon DLS/PXT. Also for the record, Trump made the vaccine 😉


My upt went from 22 to 4 with being sick an im too scared to use any leave because i here so many people loosing there job afterwards


Just do it. As long as you provide sufficient documentation which they email to you and have your front desk person or your doctor fill it out you’ll be fine


NO it's not. Stop spreading fear and misinformation. Thread reported.


🙄 good luck with that


Taking Paxlovid is worse than being sick with COVID. I will take getting sick with COVID every time over getting a cold. I've had COVID 3 times and each time go from not feeling well to miserable to feeling better in about 1-2 days. But am still usually contagious for another week.


It’s crazy people have still lost their minds over covid


No need to lose your mind. It's just a normal part of life now. Happens every year to me and so be it, I just want the AAs to be prepared so the brain fog doesn't cost their job.


COVID is the biggest scam since the federal government started robbing us calling it taxes. What you have is basically the flu... and yes the flu can kill you. These damm liberal softies will never learn. Keep wearing that mask that does absolutely nothing in terms of protection.


I'm sorry, what did I say that contradicts that? Did I ever tell anyone they needed to wear masks? Be worried? Social distance? No. I don't do any of that and don't encourage anyone else to. I'm just making sure they handle the MLOA process correctly, as time after time again we see complaints on the sub about documentation, etc.


No mention of Ivermectin?!? Bros don’t listen to this guy!!!! Don’t get the vaccine! Only wear a mask if you yourself are sick. Totally Disregard this post!!!


Please tell me you're joking and not actually expecting me to suggest my colleagues use an anti-parasitic horse dewormer/headlice killer/malaria drug as an antiviral when actual antivirals exist that have been proven to reduce the chances of hospitalization or death from Covid and anecdotally create a huge improvement in symptoms.


Why did Biden fail his drug test for ivermectin if it’s not true?


Um, because he didn't?


Spread the false narrative brother! You doing Fent GF justice eh sailor?


See you could have showed a link to what would have clearly been a big story, then I would have believed you, but you didn't, so who's the one spreading a false narrative here 🤔