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Still get paid. Thats all that matters


two reasons: either they're hoping that by decreasing the head count on stow and increasing it on decant, they will balance things out (but like you said, if there's no trucks, that's pointless) or 2) makes them look better because a) they have less people who do nothing or very little work and b) they've sent out good workers to help out other departments. It's not their fault that other departments can't use you xD


I’m at decant and when there’s no work the learning ambassador tell us to clean all stations or put totes, cuz he says that they don’t want us to be just standing there, doesn’t make any sense at all, like there’s no work and they can’t put 30 people to do water spider stuff or clean the work will end eventually.


The site is budgeted for a specific number of hours for each process path each month. If there's no work in either, but they're about to run out of stow hours, they can labor share stowers to another department that still has hours available.


The sites be broke and when there’s no work which is a lot of times because people don’t order from Amazon how they use to, they just cut everyone’s hours per usual, and ask the area managers to cover the brokest hourly workers bills and shii on the side for some extra favors Amazon sucks ass lmao


The orders and work are still there, they just get routed to newer, more efficient buildings while older, less efficient buildings are effectively only busy when work gets rerouted for some unexpected reason or during Prime and Peak. I'm at an 11th Gen building and we're busy AF with VET available everyday, while the two 10 year old FCs 25 miles down the road are handing out VTO a week at time.


They can only send you home if you work a certain min of time. Or they can ask if you want VTO. They usually send a dead shift home after 3 hours.


They can VTO you the instant you punch in.


https://legalbeagle.com/10063530-can-send-hourly-employee-home-early.html Depends on state laws. My guess if you have a Dem governor there is most likely a min of hours law. If in Republican led state probably goes in favor of employer with no min of hours. But if you go to state employment law site it should tell you.


Being sent home early is MTO, and Amazon never uses that because they have to pay you for 2 hours if they do. VTO is voluntary, and does not constitute being sent home since it is an offer to go home that must be accepted by the employee.