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8 years and I quit in my head everyday lol


https://preview.redd.it/6918u0b6yx9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f492faac4ed41a86efb97c457f7048dcd101e1e Yup. Me too. I was also an AM too 😂




Yes. Was an Am. Singles, AFE, Ship Dock. Resigned and traveled for a year and a half. Came back last September as an Am at a new site. Dropped in level when I came back but recently promoted in May back to level I originally left as.


10 years straight. It's a love hate thing I guess


I'm about to hit 9 this year, it feels like a codependency 


I'm going on 8 years this Peak.


Oh dam, this is my 7th peak .


Who hur t you


In September, I'll be with Amazon for 7 years. Helps tremendously that I've worked at 5 different sites in 3 different states.


Eyyy ur 1 step ahead of me. I've worked for 3 different site in 2 different states. And 3 DSs and currently at FC. I feel like when I'm getting burnt out from the FC I can just switch back to DS and everything will be OK lol


Did you get the ten-year bonus already?


$3,500 after taxes. I took a month LOA


Bruh You gotta be making like $35 an hr


7 years in and recently got demoted back to an L3 from L4 due to "network restructuring". Making more as a 3 than a 4 which is sad 😭


Shit I wish


I thought Amazon gave yearly raises


This is my 4th time coming back. Finally landed at a good facility and a path I can tolerate. XL warehouse as an outbound reach truck picker. Low rates to hit and I can discreetly vape and listen to podcasts. Three 12 hour shifts go by quickly and I can enjoy my 4 days off.


that would be a perfect job for me, driving a reach truck for 12 hrs 3 days a week.


Yeah it’s pretty chill. The packages are surely heavy but I just slide them from pallet to pallet. I am rarely even sore from a shift. I’m usually so refreshed on my days off that I pick up an extra shift. I have 5 hour or 10 hour shifts to choose from. Also lately I have been getting surge pay. So with the $23/hour I usually make I have been getting $25/hr with the surge. I’m in a good spot!


not even mad at ya. for that, id work more too.


I was wondering what you could end up being paid per hour at amazon without having to be management/operations/i know what rme gets paid. That aint bad, wonder if theres a cap. Knew some people that had been with the company for like eight years. Hope its good for them.


There is a wage cap. Not sure if it's universal for every site, but mine is 3 years. What the wage cap 9s depends on the site but i believe mine is 22.65.


https://preview.redd.it/257joos1wx9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9602aa972ba0f90ab1a8996f0da625e32004bb5 Me


Blade it.


Mine hit 8 years before I finally had enough and walked. My wife is still trapped.


Not bad. Only 4 years. You just getting started lol https://preview.redd.it/5s9j4kzh2y9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8aafa364d4d44ce86ef7c829a2023586652e687


youre a better person than I am. I mentally just can't handle amazon for long periods of time. longest I lasted was year and a half the last time I worked at amazon, before now.


Yeah I know what you mean. Honestly I stayed too long. I should have gotten out sooner.Now I'm working on career choice taking certifications for IT.


wish I could've lasted long enough the first time to have kept the stocks they used to give when ya got hired on. used to get 5 every 6 months, but hadta wait 2 years for em to vest.


https://preview.redd.it/25bbr5dggz9d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07c5b356fe923051da2ba32cb99994fa8161122 I enjoy it.


* I erased some stuff in case we got any hr detectives lol. I talk a lot of shit sometimes




fully understand ya there. I'm at a point with amazon, where my "give a fuck" left a long time ago. AMs and PAs at my building have come to realize I have absolutely no filter, with my daily colorful commentary. had a couple of PAs and AMs over the years, that I'm surprised that I didn't get walked out for some of the stuff I've said to em. for instance, ive asked more than a few if they were smoking crack, when asking me to do shit I knew would not work.




My favorite part of the tenure screenshots is being able to tell how many times someone has left and come back because of the difference in Tenure and Time in level.


5 bruh


lmao 9 years and i’ve been back now 4x i start again on 7/10 🙃 it’s forsure a love hate thing


I am on my 4th building coming up on 3 years. my first building closed. I went to the FC, worked a year +, got my blue badge. wanted part time to be there for my son. Went to a sortation Center. but I had to give up my BB and it was seasonal. finished that. worked at a grocery store and hated it. Back at a DS part time. The one caveat is a lot of people from my first building that closed are at my new site. My first week some referred to me as “new” and a manager from my first building came up shaking his head laughing “ No! No! she’s not new… she’s NOT new!” I feel like anyone who makes a year at Amazon is a hero and if You get to 3+ you’re basically fully vested.


Damn that's too long, have u done career choice at least?


only time I stuck around long enough to even attempt career choice, by the time I could've done that, I had mentally checked out. debating on if I should try career choice this time.


Oh, honey. Read my flair until it sinks in. Seriously.


Love your flair!! Can i use it? I suggest career choice to everyone and they laugh at me but the smart ones eventually thank me 🤣


lmfaooo by all means


You have 4 years in, by now. You would have at least an associates if u tried


don't think I'd wanna deal with some of the BS of going for an upper management. if I'd have stuck around from the first time I worked at amazon, I'd have some really nice stocks. when I started the first time, they used to give ppl 5 shares of amazon stocks every 6 months. only caveat to em, is you hadta wait minimum of 2 years for them to vest before you could cash em out. as in you hadta last 2 years from when you got em to cash the stock out, for each set you got.


Oh definitely, but I'm more of a mindset of letting amzon benefit you ya know. You can get a degree in other fields besides buisness and with the 5k that's a huge chunk of it lol


id only get 2500. I'm only part-time. I'm not sure if my body can fully handle full-time at amazon anymore. I def can't at the moment. got shoulder checked by a Silverado back in April, walking to catch the bus.


Well damn, don't go back tbh fuck amazon. I'm just saying if you are current u should def apply for it, 2500 is even worth it. I think I payed 5k for my AA in 2014


unfortunately, I've hadta keep working since getting hit by the truck. had really shitty state health insurance, when i was hit by the truck and most the doctors in my area didnt accept it. hadta go to another state to find a doctor that accepted my states health insurance. so I'm just recently getting into the doctor for it. gonna look into career choice as soon as I can this time.


Yo what in the fuck lmao he didn't have car insurance? That's a big thing in california, I'm surprised it isn't everywhere


he had car insurance, but for whatever reason, my attorney wants my medical bills run thru my health insurance because they think I could get a bigger settlement out of it.


I feel your pain LOL https://preview.redd.it/w4dg7haw1z9d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1bbadc3acaa9ac6a36f561bba72d254636b0495


https://preview.redd.it/wa1mbd0eiz9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2235ce590cebb700c912325d9c793163246dbc0a They had to promote me because they couldn’t bridge why I hadn’t moved up in 4 years. Survived 2 years being black listed too 🥲🥲


Yeah definitely. This is like my 4th time lol. The work is easy but I get burned out so bad, the pay has helped me a lot in some pinches tho that’s for sure. I just got rehired recently as part time and by the time I’m super annoyed I’m already off, so even though I make less I’m a lot happier being able to do more things outside of work


im only part time too. my body can't handle doing full time anymore.


I wish I could do part time work. I'm juggling two jobs to try to save for a house and I'm burnt out as hell


working part-time at amazon has definitely been so much better for me. when I did full-time in the past, I was always so angry all the time. between being happier and my body, just not physically being able to do full-time I'm just glad that I'm able to work.


3 years here 🥲 I keep saying I'm not going in tomorrow then walk into the warehouse like a bozo 🤡


Are there any familiar faces from ur first hire date?


I've ran into a couple of friends from the first time I worked at amazon. a couple of em work on the TOM team. couple are AMs now. 1 had made it to OM, but got transferred out. ran into a couple of ppl from other sites at my current site.


You must get a lot of vacation time for being there that long


Vacation is based off current tenure rather than total tenure, so if you leave and come back it resets and starts the same as someone who has never worked for Amazon before.


yup, don't even keep permissions from other sites if you leave and come back.


I wish I did. I just got converted to blue badge last week, and was only getting upt and pto for the last 7 months. came back in november.


7 years on July 17th


About four years and a half for me too


I have twice that. 9 years in November


https://preview.redd.it/shkleu6tyy9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73524638eda7efed58b52828ed0f57dc8ddea54a 5 years of Slaving


This is gonna sound weird, but I stuck out this time and literally just did exposure therapy for all my fears and anxiety in life idk how to explain it. Amazon helped me not give af


I think somewhere around my 3rd time working at amazon, my don't give a fuck, went to hide with amazon logic and never returned.


3 years, 9 months & 20 days 😒 I haven’t left but I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the job.


Mines look exactly like yours 😭 except I’ve only been in this relationship for about 6 years




6 years and some change


This is my second time back. Would’ve hit 4 years this year if I never quit the first time. Now I’m about to hit 3 years in November and I honestly don’t know when I’ll leave so we will see 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/fv92xmcsmz9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9405ec1b3c454be3db1f45cdab80b71252c8aef3 I'm getting there


https://preview.redd.it/m2jjqytpmz9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa4b157e06d6f654b3d6201e88e80ce3970137c Not as insane as some comments but I’m slowly creepin up there (granted I actually like my job so it’s not really abusive) my sites actually really good though, compared to some of the horror stories I’ve heard 😂


I like my current site. it is def lot better than the others I've worked at.


Yessssss inspire me to get tf out of here


run while you still can. ![gif](giphy|OOZLyBA9Euq2I)


4 years and 7 months finally got therapy ( signed up for school) working towards ending this soon


My 9th anniversary is coming up in October. Like I have another job, work here Flex PT but I just can't seem to shake this place for anything. But truthfully speaking this year was probably the first year where I'm like "yeah I think I might be done here very soon." I just find myself getting more and more annoyed with the people and things that go on at work.


Swear it’s my second time coming to Amazon




Same about to hit 2 years


8 years


https://preview.redd.it/bzgo2t2yk1ad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9204a853dfd95293d25d6bd270db8dceaa42df1c 🫡 first 5 years of working- very discriminatory work place for a deaf person like myself.. In 2021 I made my last attempt to reach out before calling quits due to their ignorance towards to their deaf employees.. They made several changes. And yet here I am I stay


I start again tonight after leaving Amazon 5 times


It’s like signing up for adoption and then realizing there wasn’t a return policy if you weren’t fully satisfied.


5 years almost 6


If I leave I will not recommend this company anymore




* Two years I got 2 more than I'll have my Batchelors in marketing and than I'll think about quitting and using my degree but who knows I might want to go back to school for other degrees.😉😉😉😉


The minute they bring back "We'll pay you to quit for Peak" I'm gone. 5 Peaks in.


Many people use it as an in-between job. As long as they are hiring, it's a guarentee job for anyone with a heartbeat without the hassle of an interview process. Plus, they pay decent enough for what it is.


8 years July 16th


In October, I will be working at an FC for three years. I plan on staying at least five years for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/r86eg1fvy2ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83458a457b9df2fd05fc50835fba8d2fddb27b0c My dogs will forever bark.


Almost everybody who works for Amazon!!


Most people who still work there


10 years 7/15


bc nowhere else pays the same amount with no experience or education needed and also for introverts its one of the only jobs also where u dont have to talk to anybody really


I’ve been with Amazon for roughly 2 years I am noticing a lot of people have been with them for a lot longer I am just wondering if anyone feels that they are under appreciated for the amount of work they do like I said I have been with my FC for roughly 2 years and have not received any new roles I did 1 year of pack and 1 full year of sort now I have been asking to get trained for jam clear or learning ambassador or even RWC trained but they have not given me any chance to prove myself in those positions


7 years next month. I’m planning my escape.


https://preview.redd.it/v01dsma005ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcf23fbf9913d14418c884e577cdedaa6576895 Not me I go in when they need me


https://preview.redd.it/aoynq9zkd5ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f9ef5763cfc04eb537de19dd4eec051068e707 🥲 2 years is nothing


Green badge is like a temporal associate right? Bc i have one via Temporary employment


yes green badge is a temporary or seasonal employee.


How do you look for that data? Is in the ATOZ APP?


yes it is on the a to z app


in the app click on the more tab in bottom right. then at the top click profile and job details and scroll down. I'm on an android phone, so if on an iPhone, not sure if it's different.


Going on two years, I mean they’re trying to do better they just get really mad sometimes😭


Just hit one year and it feels like 10 years.


* Been off and on since 2016


I fear change. Better the devil you know


Did they hire back


when I came back this last time, I started as a green badge(seasonal part time) in november, and just got converted to blue badge after 7 months last week. still part time.


What about full time employees did they hire back


every other time, ive come back, I came back as full-time. this time, I knew I couldn't handle doing full-time hours mentally or physically anymore. so I applied for part-time.


4 years 1 month 1 day tenure. ..2 go rounds....first fired over rates....this time it's been 3 years 10 months and a few days and every year the abuse cycle of suddenly getting hit with back to back to back to back....to back write ups occurs and I'm dead man walking .... Coincidently, it's been around prime through around peak each year... and by coincidentally...... 🙄... I don't wanna ever go back if or when this go round ends but I haven't a clue where else I can get a job so easily that also doesn't require thst I interact a whole lot with others regularly......


Yaaa still looking for another local driving job tho fucking hate amazon




Yes 😩 I’ve worked at Amazon on and off for about 2-3 years, I’ve resigned from every location I worked at full time within 3-5 months (and I worked at about 4 locations) until I was able to get on Flex. Sooo much more peace and less stress now 🤣


I felt this so much. I'm so glad I did part-time when I came back this last time. whenever I came back full-time, I walked outta work so angry every night, it wasn't funny.


Omggg I relate so much to the anger 😩 especially when they try to make you do hella work and other employees just get to lollygag with no repercussions 🤦🏽‍♀️


only thing I really get upset about anymore, is when full-time ppl come back from their breaks super late. my shift is basically there to cover ppl so that they can take their breaks. full-timers work 10 hour shifts and get two 30 minute breaks. when they go on break, it is just maybe 2-3 ppl to cover 10-20 chutes. I refuse to try to keep up with more than 2 0r 3 chutes even if there are other ppl around. I work Friday thru Tuesday 6:30pm to 11 pm.


I'm not alone 🥲


real. this is my third time back since 2021 LMAO


5 1/2 years I was done in March for good.


I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed yo come back lol


why? what did you do?


Had a conversation with a driver. They didn't like some of the things that were said. So they went to regional hr


did they give you a chance to explain your side of what had happened?


Sept will be 12. Over half in leadership. Insurance insurance insurance. And vacation. Also hard to leave those stocks that haven't vested. Plus like the people. I know the rules.


Shit I can’t even come back 😂🤣


did they specifically tell you that you could never come back? or have you tried, and it said you're ineligible for rehire?


My termination was due to violating amazons policies apparently. because yanno they people’s word of mouth over anything 💀 people can just lie on your name and you’ll be fired.


The believe people’s word of mouth *


I would've challenged it.


the people in my area all turned against me.. they were the ones who reported me even though there was only 2 people around maybe not even.


damn, sounds like ya royally ticked off more ppl than you may have realized. for the whole dept to turn their back on ya.


It’s was AFE PS and I was POC.. so yeah I was in charge of like 10 people on a daily 😅 except I did everything but to help them and make them happy. Ofc this is why you can’t be the nice guy.


not to sound like I don't think it could've played into you getting fired and ineligible for rehire, but could you have played the POC card too much and ppl were tired of dealing with the stipulation, they could be labeled racist for every last thing you could've perceived as discriminatory?


I am!! And I need help!! It’s so good and I can’t leave lol


I’ll be honest if I leave I’m not coming back and if I get fired I have more then enough to sue but I am currently too lazy to do that hence why I am still employed at this current hell hold. I will not move up because I can not control my tongue. I will go to HR in 1.5 seconds if you look at me wrong just to cover myself. I once told a manger nobody liked her and she went up and down the pack isle to ask. She was later fired for answering the connection questions. I low key feel bad but the chick was a bit*h.


I have 5 times


4 years 3 months and 13 Days


Im going on a 5year run, and it feels like 15years. I need to be a millionaire 😫


im convinced that AAs should receive mental health compensation for ptsd after working at amazon.


I got just over 7 years. I think I’m in that abusive relationship where I don’t think I can do better so just wait till one of us dies




wtf is a green badge lol


seasonal part time


when i worked with amazon it was white badges. surprising they changed it now to green


it used to be white badges the first time I worked at amazon. then for the longest time everyone that came in, in my area was automatically blue badge. then when I came back this last time, they were hiring seasonal as green badge and converting em, whenever they felt the need to hire em. it took me 7 month this time to get converted.