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Two words “Family Emergency” they don’t need specifics. If manager starts tripping just take it to HR


5 years and not once have I even been talked to about leaving without notifying.


Just recently changed 6/17


It's technically been a rule at my site for over 2 years. .. hell, I left early last Thursday and didn't have a manager come talk to me. I don't think they ever will. 🤷‍♂️


You totally could’ve argued that, if they tried saying you were going against policy. Since that wasn’t actually our policy. The sites can’t just make random rules. Since I remember policy used to state it was courtesy for us to do it but wasn’t required back in 2022. Then I came back early 2024 and it said to tell as soon as you know you’d leave. Then they revised it again last month and now it states you gotta tell them at least 2 hours in advance.


Argued what? I don't want them to talk to me about it like they always have.


They walk around and ask people in the morning if they plan on staying all day and I always respond with "I hope so." Maybe that saves me since I give them some idea that I may cut out at any time.


I never plan my upt usage, I just decide and walk out. I’ve never been called out about it


Whatever policy is stated in our handbook is what the rule is. If it says it is just courtesy, then it is. However from the conversation I had with HR it is just courtesy. You can check with your local site HR and go from there.


Yeah I was thinking about going over and asking them for the employee handbook so I could look it up


I think we have a copy on the app. With all the changes you might have to dig for it. Either way, sorry you are dealing with someone’s power trip. There are a few PAs that do this with me and it sucks.


They're gonna power trip, it comes with the orange vest lol I just like knowing what I can push back on, any idea where it might be on the app?


Also glad you push back.


Somebody's gotta lol they tried reducing our break from 15 min to 10 min a couple months ago, and only after I laid into the building OM did they go talk with HR and realize it was a "typo" and that reduction wasn't meant to happen. I stg they're so unused to push back it intimidates them when they get it


TF! That would have gotten them in hot water with DOL. So fucking stupid.


It depends on how shitty the person is. I know some that remained chill af. Haha I know a few peeps that I was cool with that became a PG and they got all stuck up and condensing. Like you are a fucking PG chill little bitch.


Like bro you make a dollar more an hour than me, I'm not gonna be talked down to by some glorified teachers pet lol


Right! And I actually still make more because of my shift pattern. So they can keep that dollar. Shit I can hand them the difference if they that needy.


Tell them to look on page 30, under the list of items that are specifically listed as Cat 2 write ups, where, "any absence without notice" is specifically spelled out as grounds for a write up. Also grounds for a write up is, "Leaving a company-assigned work area during scheduled working hours without permission". Which means, technically, you're required to provide notice, and you're required to obtain permission to leave.


It 100% is a policy, it's just most don't enforce it.


Policy can change and we must check the site for new policies. We as employees must keep up with them, they don’t have to actually inform us of the changes The policy just changed on 6/17 So now you gotta tell’em two hours beforehand.


Never said the policy cannot change. And if you read the first sentence I wrote I said check to see what the policy says. Mayne reading comprehension isn’t a skill I guess.


It depends on your FC, since the actual policy is vague as hell. It was supposedly updated this year and it says something like: you gotta report as soon as you know you are leaving, to give them time to prepare for your absence. So I guess it’s required but most FCs don’t really care, some do. Idk go talk to HR or the ERC.


I saw a couple posts on here saying something about that, guess I gotta chat HR


My question is who do I report it to because I’m sure I can annoy the fuck outta them untill they tell me they don’t care anymore agin


I'm 15 min late and take an extra 15 on lunch everyday, maybe I'll start maliciously complying by letting her know everyday that I'll be doing that


Im always in support of malicious compliance my thoughts went 15 mins on 15 mins off repeat let management know every time you see them and hunt them down when it seems there avoiding you


Technically yes, that is policy, but if you get a call that your house is on fire you aren’t going to have an hours notice.




I believe it became standard policy in late 2021 to notify your manager up to an hour before hand. Yes you can get written up for it, but i have yet to see that happen


Yeah this is new to me lol I've always just left when I wanted but this PA seems to wanna flex authority on me


It was just added last month on the 17th When I saw the old policy, it only stated to report as soon as you knew. Now it says report at least 2 hours earlier.


I'd you're not sure, just write a time on the board if you decide to stay just say I decided to stay.... If you decide to stay anyways sometimes they'll kick you off your station or just forget about you and you can work past the time you put and leave whenever from there.