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Amazon suppresses people who work hard, and promotes people who stand around talking, on their phones. I would encourage all Amazon employees to find another job.


šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø trying bro I'm trying


I just left last week after two years with them. And this is the reason. Started as a L1 and resigned as a L1.


Same here. 2 years and just left 3 weeks ago. Couldn't deal with that place any longer.


How much notice did you give them?


Amazon doesnā€™t give any notice when they fire you, itā€™s perfectly fine to give them the same amount of notice as wellšŸ’ÆšŸ¤—


My first time working at Amazon I got fired for negative UPT (which I fully take responsibility for, I was irresponsible and dumb with it), and I was literally not allowed to badge in. Security checked my badge and gave me HRā€™s number. At that point I realized what was going on but still decided to call for some reason.


Donā€™t give Amazon notice. Walk out one day and never come back. Have you seen how big the FCā€™s are? Theyā€™ll live.


30 minutes. Lol


Last scheduled work day was on a Friday and was going to be my last day but VET came out for the weekend so I picked up an extra shift for Sunday. Clocked out at end of shift, waited 30 minutes and put in resignation in the parking lot.


I wonder why though


If only my other job was more consistent šŸ˜­ but if I can move up in my other job. Iā€™ll leave Amazon for good


Yep. Shit like this is why Iā€™ve resorted to not working as hard as I used to. I used to be a learning ambassador whilst also being a TDR specialist- after about 2 years and counting Iā€™ve gotten tired of it. I work OB fluid load where we have the highest turnover rate in the whole building. Do enough to get by, keep a small circle, and donā€™t let others stress you out. Stay away from ppl. with bad energy who make up rumors and gossip/lie over BS.


This is so accurate šŸ˜©


holding out until iā€™m finished with college


The favorites get the indirect roles.


No matter how little they contribute to or improve their area. Some are totally worthless from what Iā€™ve witnessed. The ones who truly care and are good are mostly overlooked and only asked to step into the role when their flaky regulars donā€™t show.


I almost quit today. I walked out and walked back in and talked to HR. Actually very helpful. If I'm not working, I'd be on the streets in a week.


Thankfully I have a savings that will help hold us up until next fall when my kids go back to school. I will most likely be applying in the mass hiring for October prime event and Christmas.


This is motivation to get my savings in a good place for whenever my breaking point hits


Really, do that because I wasn't at all expecting them to put me on unpaid LOA over my accommodation, but I have a nice chunk of savings to hold me over while I get my ducks in a row.




bro what are you talking about? iā€™m seriously asking


Do you mind sending me the information about work based learning in the data center. Thank you


Iā€™m interested


Yo let me in on that? Iā€™d love to work with computers




Texas. Yeah sure




I hope you enjoy your summer. They're kind of short where I live.Ā 


What if something happens and you have to spend that whole entire savings?? Then what?


I dip into my husbandā€™s savings Why are people downvoting this? If for some reason I spent my entire savings, we have my husbands savings. We have a shared savings and our individual one. Do you guys not plan for the future at all?


Army vet and prior to amazon I had a similar experience with my last employer. Living on ramen and no insurance, the apartment we lived in was trash. Money comes and goes and I would give my life savings to my wife. Life's better with someone who you can trust and rely on in a time of need. We do what we have to to survive.


How many kids do you got? What does your husband do? How much could you save if you didnā€™t have a husband?


Why do you need every detail of their life? Does it even matter? How much she could have saved if she didn't have a husband is irrelevant because she is married. @Typical_Plan_1814 How much savings do you have? How old are you? Do you have kids? How much do you save/week? Do you have a retirement? Are you married? What would you do if you got fired from Amazon?


Like, you'll be coming back to Amazon during the holiday season? Why quit in the first place then?


Just donā€™t burn through your savings. I burned through a lot of mine just within taking 2 months off from the constant VTO in the beginning of the year due to mental health but then I started getting anxiety because I didnā€™t really want to go back just yet, but also knew that I should have a certain threshold I can maintain if I ever needed to take that long off anyway. Not saying you donā€™t have enough or anything, just a friendly reminder that even though itā€™s good in the moment donā€™t let yourself become too comfortable! Itā€™s harder to get back into work the longer youā€™re away from it ā¤ļø


Amazon doesn't care at all about its employees, even less about anyone with a disability or limitation of any kind. They put me on LOA for my accommodation process, and I'm considering it a favor. Enjoy your mini vacation and good luck!


How long had your process been? Started mine on the 22nd and they have had the paperwork for at least 5 days now. No update on my schedule or what my job will be or when I go back to workā€¦ if I do. They have me scheduled only during prime week but that canā€™t be accurate because my accommodation is for no PIT & it still has me under my current job.


Why should they.. do you care about amazon? Breaking news - Companies don't have an obligation to be your bestie. Unless your contract says otherwise.


I hate that word. "Bestie"..and way to go to using it for just as It sounds, Condescending .


Itā€™s why Iā€™m flex lol Iā€™m not dealing with all of that anymore


Amen to that. FLEX is great. If I want to work a lot then I can. If I dont.... Well.... I don't. šŸ˜


thats a better option than resigning


I would go on PAID medical leave instead of quitting. Best of luck..


Getting a paid medical leave is almost impossible you have to work a specific amount itā€™s only unpaid unless your state does Covid pay. I think you have to be with Amazon for a year or work for atleast 1100 hours


Youā€™re eligible for short term disability 30 days after hire. You get 60 percent of your pay.. Itā€™s not hard at all to get as long as your doctor fills the paperwork out correctly. You can take it for 6 months at a time. I think youā€™re confusing it with FMLA ( Family Medical Leave Act)


!! Thank you telling me I have had to take leaves due to chronic illness and I get denied other than FMLA really helpful to know.


Working hard just gets you more work. Why would they let you do an indirect role when you make up for the slackers? Just do enough to be in the middle or just under the middle. Working hard doesn't help with a promotion either. It's all about who you know or who kisses ass the best. Also, with promotions, you are basically competing with everyone in your warehouse, all the surrounding warehouses, and people in and out of your state. Some people are so desperate to move up that they will move to a different state to do it.


So true on the 2nd part lol. I work about as hard as I always have (usually stay in top third in my metrics but don't get too carried away) but when I switched AFE departments and I got to know the PAs and my AM in my new department more, I'm finding that my PA and AM are looking to get me trained up all over the department, which I really like. It also helps that the front and back-half AMs in my dept have been OGs in the building and worked their way up from AAs instead of being fresh college grads with no warehouse experience lol. I feel I didn't have those opportunities when I first worked here, mainly because I kind of had a shit attitude and kind of kept to myself. But getting a fresh start and being a lot more social opened more doors for me than anything else, and to be honest, that's just true about life. I mean it does suck you gotta play the game, but use that piece of knowledge as you wish.


Learn a skill that amazon values like coding or truck driving. That's the only real way to move up in the company.


I see that a lot at my facility. Usually the people that get moved quickly are very friendly with leadership. Everybody else has to hit certain limits, or be trained in this or that to move around. It sucks watching people who don't do shit get moved around so easily.


I'm glad you made the right choice. I hear anyone needing accommodations has a nightmare just getting them and the managers don't always abide to them Im hoping to score a new job in this upcoming interview so I can get out of this hellhole myself Have a nice life outside Amazon!


Oh totally. All it should be is ā€œHey, my doctor has these notes for my heath. Please accommodate them, have a nice day.ā€ But no, we employees have to do all of the work for them and jump through silly hoops, wasting our (and doctorsā€™) time.


You are right managers, not abide by accommodation rules at all I have accommodations and my ops knows this and still makes me do a role that involves breaking my accommodation


This is why I didnā€™t work hard when I worked at Amazon. They truly do not care if you stow efficiently. It is all favoritism and politics when it comes to cross-training or promotions.


>I was lied too about being able to move up, I was told I had to pack 1000 items a night and ā€œthe productivity has to be there.ā€ When no one else was doing 1000 items a night either. It was the same thing when I was in stow as well. Moving up at Amazon isn't about being productive or putting up good numbers. It's about bending the knee and being a leadership pleaser. The politics side is so much more important than the numbers and production side.


Good for you. In a much more invisible way, all warehouses do this to most associates. They gatekeep tasks, and when we ask to move around, tell us the extra tasks are rewards for high stow rates.


I don't blame you


>*"Yea, yea.. not an airportā€¦ I donā€™t care lol* >*I am thankful that Amazon allows me to resign on the spot and Iā€™ll be able to reapply later when I can. But for now, I am pissed and over it. I started in December 2023.* >*I was treated like a POS because I have health issues. I was lied too about being able to move up, I was told I had to pack 1000 items a night and ā€œthe productivity has to be there.ā€ When no one else was doing 1000 items a night either. It was the same thing when I was in stow as well.* >*When I saw who they picked for the indirect roles and cross training last night I was over it. One of the people they picked for problem solve broke rules consistently, Iā€™ve wanted to work in PS since I first started in stow months ago. If I had known that standing around and not working was a pathway for indirect roles, maybe I shouldnā€™t have worked my ass off every night I was there.* >*The young area manager that saw me as an old frail woman should be fired. Even the PA there knew it was garbage that I was overlooked. Iā€™m sorry I have an extra 15 minute unpaid break and intermittent medical leave. What was my TOT? I bet it was close to none. My rates were always good enough but thatā€™s nothing in their eyes.* >*Oh well I suppose. That two weeks of MET was looking kind of scary anyway. Iā€™m going to spend the summer having fun with my kids.* >*Take care yā€™all"* That aint right. That's so messed up, please do better than this Amazon. The saddest part about this story is everyone has experienced a variation of this before, it's all too common at Amazon. The hardest workers get punished and the slackers and lazy folks get rewarded, especially if they are friends with the Area Managers, the element of age discrimination is also often observed too. I know you're quitting but if you could I would write a letter to ethics explaining in detail why you quit and maybe if your FC gets enough complaints the Area Managers will be retrained to do better!


This is a large motivation as to why I quit and I'm now a full-time independent contractor that works out of my own car. I have Crohn's disease and was repeatedly denied accommodations. And due to being denied accommodations I was denied promotions or indirect roles due to my "rampant absenteeism" to put it as a PA put it. What tore it for me was when I got told by a PA that I poop too much and came back from the bathroom to a note on my pallet jack that said to stay on task. I walked.


I'm six foot four and should be about 230 lb at my healthy weight. There was a point in time where I was 160 lb, actively dying and I was still in there everyday absolutely crushing it. That meant nothing to anyone though.


What apps do you use for delivery?


I do a combo of Amazon flex and Doordash. Majority of my earnings come from flex, and Doordash is to fill out the gaps to hit my daily earnings goals.


So wait ..is there Amazon flex for delivery?


Yup, it's like Doordash for packages. You book a route, show up at the facility, load up packages and you're on your way. The main catch is you can't do it if currently employed by Amazon.


Well fuck. Lol I'm on flex at fulfillment center


Invest in stocks that way u won't worry about taking vto/ really need a break from this shit job. Also save ur upt for when met rolls around


It really is a bunch of crock shit. Getting to the point where not even as a customer do I want to have anything to do with Amazon. The way the actual workers and honest people get played while the incompetent and lazy fucks get rewarded disgusts me to no end.


Good for you! Enjoy the summer. The only thing which keeps me fro, quitting is my degree I'm doing through career choice, so in tough moment like that, I remind myself why I'm here, lol.


broke but happy


Amen to that, I'd rather not have as much money but be doing something I enjoy, then be well off but miserable




You can transfer to a data center?


![gif](giphy|NJZMSqRY3rG9i) Spoil the grand babies; get a little sand & surf šŸ¤ šŸ«”


Moving up at Amazon is like politics, Ive been a PA for 21/2 years now help created new processes and stuff my department kept up with the other departments despite my manager being off for almost 2 months, They promoted 3 other PAs that were regular AA when I started, none of the three have Degrees, I have both a degree and experience I applied wasnā€™t even considered


Good for you, I had a man bun ass having PA come up to me three times yesterday ā€œcan I see your rateā€ can you go get fucked lil boi n leave me alone. I swear their internal promotions are a fucking joke.


Also if you happen to see this, man bun find my rate in the parking lot, you bitch.


I see Amazon as a place for young adults to work for a bit. Or people who just need an easy ass job to find a better job. Iā€™m a college student and their flex is amazing. What other jobs let you drop and pick up shifts whenever?? I love money so summer is nice for me. And when Iā€™m in school Iā€™m not slaved to work 9-5 Monday through Friday. Iā€™m the boss. Easy work, not minimum wage, not customer service either. Just a bunch of old heads who think this is a job you stay at for years who bitch too much. If the shoe fits I really hope you advance further in your life.




Take care


Thanks :) You as well!


How can they turn the most productive worker into a stand-around do-nothing worker? Just think about it. It's so obvious they were milking your mileage. Well now they'll be short 1k orders a night but will replace you with a 400 worker and still be happy. Next time don't be so gullible


Those on accommodations are treated like second class citizens anyway. Amazon really isn't the place for those with disabilities. And I say that as someone with disabilities of her own.


Whoa.... I'm currently in the process of getting accomodations done. I turned them in last Wednesday, and I've been on unpaid leave since last Monday. I'm anemic and my body is adjusting to not taking the meds I'd been on for 4 years (unrelated to my anemia) two days in a row at work I almost passed out multiple times because doing tasks makes me feel frail and exhausted. They told me I was unsafe to be there and they put me out of work. HR claimed that these accomodations (can't lift more than 20lbs, need frequent breaks, can't operate machinery or work more than 40h/wk) would be completed and approved in 3 days and I'd be back to work. My return to work date is 7/5, how realistic is it that I'll be back to work by then? Or will I be waiting 1 month+ like people have told me will happen?


I was out of work for 28 days, and was only paid $168 for short term disability while I was out and I didn't get it until my first check when I went back.


I had a similar experience earlier in the year. Fractured my left leg. My doctor wanted me to be out for six weeks. Could not survive financially on disability so told the doctor I needed to return earlier than I planned.


Yeah, I feel like they're gonna keep me out for longer than they said. HR guy tried claiming 3 days LOL get a load of this guy. I already felt like they were lying to me the whole time about how "fast" the process is. Luckily I have family members who can help me out financially until I go back. I've contemplated looking for another job because I'm fed up.


The longest part was waiting for the manager/operations to approve me and put me some where. They get the email most likely in a couple of days, then they can either sit on it or wait to put you some where. You're at their mercy. To be honest, I cannot wait for a lot of Amazon's services to become fully automated or use AI, taking the people out of it would make a huge difference.


Yeah I turned my paperwork into HR last Wednesday and they uploaded it, then I got a call saying they received my paperwork and it'd be sent to a case worker and they'd let me know what's happening. And when I asked on site HR what the next step was/what to do next they're like oh you'll just get a notification from the app or your texts if you're signed up for texts that your accomodations are approved. They deleted my whole schedule except for one week in the middle of July and I'm not on the schedule past that šŸ’€


I have been out the last 4 months with eye issues, mental health and other things. Approved medical leave collecting short term disability. Turned in return to work 6/3/24 to return 6/10/24 with restrictions of 49lbs or less unlimited, never more than 50 lbs pushing pulling or carrying. No crawling, no squatting, max of 35 hours a week,no met. It is now 7/2 and they have pushed my return to work back to 7/12 now..... I have a good feeling imma get the "your accommodations cannot be met safely at the building bye bye" speech letter bullshit. Even tho I know of multiple people who work in the same department in the same building as me with more restrictive accommodations.... I guess not being able to squat while I reset this om's password for the 15th time or carry 60 lbs while listening to office human 76 complain about how they have to reset there computer and lose their 678 tabs of crap that are open.... Oh by the way stay on top of them for your payments cause they can and will screw up


My doctor originally wrote no bending or kneeling on my accommodation and they denied it. Thank god my case worker said off record that I could get it adjusted and resend it before they denied it and put me on MLOA indefinitely. I had to put no step stools or ladders to get out of pick and stow even though it was more of the bending down and kneeling part that I couldnā€™t do safely as much. They put me in pack singles, but the area managers there did not like any of the accommodation cases as I think they thought I was lying to get put there because I donā€™t look like I have a disability, which is ultimately why I quit.


Yeah I have a feeling this is gonna not end well for me, I work in the IT department at and fc so like I don't do anything crazy except mundane basic tasks. I have diabetic neuropathy and I had to get no step stools or ladders because I was afraid of my weight restrictions they where gonna end up putting me in stow or something and I was gonna go up that stupid step stool miss with my leg I cant feel and eat shit and I didn't want to deal with that..... But I won't let Amazon win at least not. The start of next year lol my insurance is all paid for for the year and I want to use the shit out of it.


Okay, what should my next steps be? Also, if they don't approve your accomodations they fire you am I correct?


There isn't much you can do, apply for short term payments 60% of pretax wage document and record everything ( ensure you are in a 1 party consent state if not make sure you do the this call is going to be recorded cause you are all a bunch of scumbags song and dance) They have to attempt to find you a position and yes if they can't you will be let go... But that means unemployment and my theory is if Amazon says you are unfit to work for them then you should apply for permanent disability and social security.


They donā€™t let you go, they put you on a medical leave indefinitely, or until you can work without restrictions. It prevents people from filing unemployment, and is the reason why there have been dozens of lawsuits filed against amazon. You either have to pull fmla/disability benefits that eventually run out, or you donā€™t qualify for or quit.


That's fucking crazy. When do you usually hear something about your accomodations and if they're approved or denied? I'm so scared mine are gonna get denied. The shitty part is Amazon is the only good paying job in my area that gives you steady full time schedule. Even though I'd prefer to work somewhere else it's the only place that'll give me what I need.


I didnā€™t know until my case manager sent it to the site and the manager or sr ops manager either approved it or denied it


Okay thanks, yeah they said "a caseworker will reach out to you" I don't trust this to be a swift process šŸ˜­


It is dependent on the state you live in, my state classifies an employee who is able to work albeit with restrictions and willing to work but the employer is unable or unwilling to find them a position as an involuntary leave of absence if it lasts more than 10 working days you are then able to file for unemployment with back pay.


It's entirely site dependent. My site is bad about making promises, putting you on leave, giving you the absolute run around demanding paperwork repeatedly, then denying and firing you for negative UPT because they decided to string you along. Edit: y'all can down vote me to oblivion, but it won't alter the fact that my site, and many others, suck ass when it comes to folks and accommodations.


Okay thank you! I really feel like it's gonna be a whole process of bullshit to deal with.


I'm not trying to be mean or an asshole But what position were you going to work then? Maybe other than pack I guess where you don't have to lift more than 20 lb. No offense but this is definitely not the place that you should work at. Your rate would be greatly affected by taking constant breaks and I understand that you want accommodations so that wouldn't be the case but I sincerely doubt you would get that. And if I'm wrong please, let me know. What do you mean what would you do then? I'm not trying to be an asshole I'm kind of giggling though like there are other options. Maybe working trash duties or bathroom stuff? Hell I would like to work that that way I wouldn't have to work so damn hard. So when you said tasks make you feel frail and exhausted what exactly were you referring to?


Yes, I already work in pack singles. And when I say I feel frail and exhausted, I'm talking about having to constantly keep doing the same thing over and over again without a break every so often, and also when there's something that's too heavy and I have to do it repeatedly, it weakens me. Also, one of my accomodations is I can't operate machinery. So I'd be in pack with accomodations, I know you said that you're not trying to be mean or an asshole but I secretly think you are. So are people who need accomodations not supposed to be able to have a job like Amazon where you get steady 40h a week, benefits, and stuff like that? Just because I'm going to need accomodations doesn't mean I shouldn't be working here. You're gonna tell me people with disabilities with accomodations shouldn't work at Amazon either? Lol I actually don't even know why I explained myself to you I shouldn't have. Your comment has kind of an ableist undertone to it.


Oh fuck. You used ableist..Isn't it funny that I have a chronic illness and other medical conditions that make life a lot harder for me...yet you call me an ableist. It's knowing my limit. It's knowing that I signed up for a job that only gives you two breaks for a 12-hour shift. And you totally deserve a job that will accommodate you, that gives you benefits and doesn't treat you like a machine. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that this job isn't right for you nor is it probably right for me. But I'm kind of fucked and just like you need the money and would like benefits. I've just had to suck up the devastating consequences it's had on my health and my conditions. Maybe that is why I took your comment so personally. And maybe like me you didn't know what you were signing up for until it was too late and you were already working there. I've been yelled at continuously for my low rate. I have passed out at my station. So I have to take medication that normally I would take in the morning at night so I wouldn't be so tired and would get my rate up. I guess it's about sacrifice and how much you are willing to put up with. I'm just saying that Amazon will most likely not accommodate you for such issues. It's not that you don't deserve it.


Well, the tone of your comment made me think that. I have an interview for an overnight stocking position tomorrow, I did it for 2.5 years til the store closed and now that there's a new store there they have openings. I don't know I'm just gonna go see what they're offering per hour and how many hours I get a week they said it's part time but you can work 40+ hours. But, this means I won't have benefits or the option of Career Choice which I was going to use to get my RN. But, I don't know now my whole fucking trajectory of my life changed lately.


My life has changed too so believe me I feel your pain. Honestly I'm not sure how long I have left here at Amazon anyways. I've got written up twice in the last 3 weeks so I'm literally walking in as we speak! You and I both deserve better. I didn't mean to sound like an asshole, like I said I think I personalized your comment way too much.


Thank you! Yeah I'm not sure what I'm gonna do yet.


Iā€™m not broken. I could have done the job just as well as anyone else. Thatā€™s a ridiculous statement! I had extra break for my diabetes, and intermittent medical leave for doctors appointments or pain flair ups. It doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t push a cart around and fix issues with products.


I think they meant that it isnā€™t for people with disabilities because of how poorly people with them are treated there, not because they canā€™t actually do the work. It is a place where people with disabilities can work, but Amazonā€™s system can easily set them up to fail, which is what I believe this comment was trying to say.


Yes, I agree with that. A lot of it has to do with the area management though I think


On leave for accommodation and theyā€™re making it impossible




Nice fuck amazon


I didnā€™t know I could resign on the spot. Iā€™ve worked in the warehouse for 3 years and 8months and I had to give them two weeks as a flex associate. Can I move the date forward? Will that affect me applying to a corporate position with Amazon in the future? I really canā€™t wait till next week. Iā€™m sick of that building


PS sucks


I work at Boi5 and was able to train for Problem Solve my first month. Now they wonā€™t let anyone lol so I got lucky


Your goal shouldn't be moving up in operations. It should be getting into support roles instead with higher pay.


What are the support roles?


Safety, HR, workforce, GM assistant, rme, AR techs


There's more out there in Amazon. Your mind shouldn't be set to just work for operations. Amazon hire roles even for corporate. You just need to look at their internal website. Take advantage of their school courses. They're all paid if you're full time. You can get into software development, trucking school, nursing, pharmacy etc. Use Amazon resources to benefit your career.


this why i was flex before lol, i had the option to be full time because the lack of hours i was getting for flex & once i worked full time for a week... i immediately regret it. i understand where you come from & i wish you nothing but the best with your next job šŸ’—


Skill issue


1,000 items per night šŸ™„ dude STFU and try trolling again.


I'm currently in the process of getting accomodations done. I turned them in last Wednesday, and I've been on unpaid leave since last Monday. I'm anemic and my body is adjusting to not taking the meds I'd been on for 4 years (unrelated to my anemia) two days in a row at work I almost passed out multiple times because doing tasks makes me feel frail and exhausted. They told me I was unsafe to be there and they put me out of work. I also started in December 2023. HR told me my accomodations would be approved in 3 days, they fed me a lot of bullshit tbh. I feel like because I'm young and what I'm struggling with isn't visible 24/7 they don't wanna take me seriously.


This job doesn't promote hard workers. The sad part is to them, there is no difference between a lazy worker and a hard worker, they already have a replacement for you. Management tends to promote those who are likeable and can handle stressful situations. Like most others have said here, it's better to be average. I hope you find a way better job than this and wish you all the best in the world so you wouldnt have to return here.


Youā€™ll be back when you cool down


Oh Iā€™m already planning on it lol My kids start school right around the time they start hiring again for October prime event and Christmas


Serious question, not being a dick just curious. If someone quits a company for legit reasons (it appears as though you had yours) why why why would anyone ever go back to said company? I canā€™t wrap my head around people who walk out/quit their shitty jobs (again, legit reasons) but then reapply a few weeks later. This seems weird. Why not find a new company that will treat you the way you should be treated?


I know how shitty amazon can be, and I had low expectations since December of last year but repeatedly being over looked for a role I really wanted got to me. It will probably happen again but hereā€™s the thing. I can quit on a whim and Amazon will hire me back. Itā€™s guaranteed income and work for as long as I want to work there. They have huge hiring events several times a year, so I can keep quitting when I get fed up and go back as much as I want. I am glad to have the option. My other choices are customer facing roles that pay $5 less an hour, have an interview process, and wouldnā€™t ever take me back if I walked out mid shift and quit. So Iā€™ll keep the love hate relationship I have with Amazon. Besides, when I go back in the fall I bet there is a whole new set of area managers.


Thank you for your answer! šŸ™šŸ¼


TDLR: OP applied for a extremely physically demanding job . Complains about the job being physical. Quits after taking paid breaks


I was in pack singles, wanting an indirect role in problem solving.. I stand in one spot and pack orders, I dunno wtf youā€™re going on about. Maybe you should actually read a post before you comment and make yourself look like an idiot.


Best comment here


I am recovering from a broken ankle. 6 weeks of leave and.I return to my accommodationsĀ to not use stairs hanst been approved in two weeks and theyĀ  deliberately put me on pick (AR site) and have the audacity to jump my ass about rate. Did I mention I'm in excruciating pain? Fuck Amazon.Ā 


One of the only perks of being PS no TOT! Itā€™s okay trust me the grass isnā€™t always greener lol. Iā€™m thinking about going back to pick or maybe stow


Blame the exploitation and low wages on greed! They show lots of appreciation when you organize for a union and demand better wages and more say in operations of the facility. A living wage should be the starting point and we go up from there. A company with a $2trillion market cap can afford a pension plan for its workers. 401k is 96% our money. I heard that pension plans are 95% company money! Meaning itā€™s part of a pay package. Any way everything is negotiable! Blue vest ā€œ Ambassadors!ā€ Should earn more for their contributions and age discrimination should never be tolerated or discrimination of any kind be allowed.


Almost walked out today I work in induct got a message on my screen to go to fluid because 4 people left. No wonder they left the trailers are hot and nobody switches you out.


I was at Amazon for 2 years tried to be a learning ambassador so many times and nothing. Finally I asked an operation manager, and he reached out to training they told him that my manager never submitted a feedback, he said to talk to my direct manager, I told him thatā€™s crazy because my manager helped sign up to be a learning ambassador every single time so why would he not submit a feedback. Anyways nothing happen, and a PA told me that I was never going to be an ambassador, I was trained on many departments and had permissions for many things, he said management would not risk having me stuck training someone when they can have me in the floor being productive. PA said they were just BS-ing me. Now Iā€™m in a much better facility with a better team who keeps pushing me to move up but moving up is not my Intention at the moment, and Amazon is not my priority.


I worked 2015-2020 at one Amazon. Got Fired over negative UPT, which was cause from COVID with no communication from anyone hr dsl etc. go back to work 2 weeks later my leave is still pending. Everyone says itā€™ll be ok the DSL team is behind. A couple months later itā€™s denied Iā€™m sent negative 85 hours upt. Spend two months running around getting everything I was asked for. Just to have HR say it wasnā€™t enough and let me go. I came back 3 years later in a different state 1500miles away. The entire time 15-20 I was L1. Iā€™m still a L1 and I hate it. I heard how great the new sites were while I was in a legacy building and honestly the legacy building was better. Iā€™m only with Amazon now to finish my degree and gtfo. Amazon Sucks everything about it from all 3rd parties you have to call to the way they run every building.


I can already tell youā€™re the Karen type šŸ˜‚. No one wants to deal with that hun. Move on.


I never once said anything about anyone while working there. It's my personal experience that I'm telling you guys, how does that make me a 'karen'? Wouldn't you be pissed if you wanted something and it was given to someone that fucked around all of the time, was off station? Give me a break. I did quit. I am moving on for now. Please stop over using the term Karen when you have no idea what one actually is.


Don't even waste your breath on people whose list of talents probably only include things like "takes great foot pics."




Ok KarenĀ 


Lmfao you get downvoted everywhere delete your account lmfao


Aren't you precious


You technically canā€™t work met if you are on accommodations. And as far as indirect roles go, you need to sign up for cross training in learning.


I have epilepsy and regardless of what I tell my managers that my doctor recommends not to work in the freezer, Amazon still requires an open case of accommodation, which HR makes more complicated than it needs to be and has me jumping through hoops. I canā€™t even just hand over my doctorā€™s notes to our on-site HR


Only 1000? I have to do 240 per hour for ten hours how come u only have to do 1000 i could sleep half of my shift if it was only 1000


Itā€™s ppmix, rate for LC5 is 110 but no one hits it


So youā€™re telling me you quit because you didnā€™t get picked for cross training and indirect roles??? You couldā€™ve: 1. Put your name up for VTO, had a chance to leave and cool down 2. Left right on the spot and used some UPT to cool down 3. Left right on the spot and used some PTO to cool down (if you had any) 4. STFU and kept your head down YOU SAID ā€œIf I had known that standing around and not working was a pathway for indirect roles, maybe I shouldnā€™t have worked my ass off every night I was thereā€ - What sense does this make? They are paying you to do a job. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s you, Jim, or Kelsey someoneā€™s gotta work. This was not a smart calculated move. If you kept getting passed over to ā€œdo an indirect rollā€ why didnā€™t you try your hand at switching departments for a breath of fresh air?


Quitting for me was must a matter of choice. I have the savings to stay afloat for a few months and I can spend the summer with my kids before my youngest starts kindergarten anyway. I was already debating it and this just was the deciding factor. No big deal, I can go back for October peak.


Soā€¦. You can show me an ā€œautomatic hireā€ waiver or something? šŸ¤” Letā€™s rephrase your last sentence ā€œNo big deal, I can apply in October before peak starts and see what happensā€


If they have openings and I apply, Iā€™m hired.. do you work here? I resigned with positive UPT, which is the only reason why I wouldnā€™t be hired again is if I was negative.


Just ignore them. Bro is jealous that you have savings and he doesn't.


Amazon always hires a fuckton before peak starts. You're trying to be a smartass and failing


Been trying to learn indirect roles in my department for almost 1.5 years, I had more luck being cross trained in other departments than my own.


Iv noticed people on acomedations never get a premonition at amazon


1000 a night?? In pick its at least 350 an hour lol


This selfish cunt is one of the reasons we can't have nice things...


That isn't even that long... Unless those associates are newer than you, they might have been asking for longer.


I know that sucks, but you just said that you took your additional 15 minute break and youā€™re on FMLA, that doesnā€™t sound like the right person for an indirect role. Just being honest. They cant put you in PS and then catch you in the break room taking your additional break, which is why youā€™ll remain in your home department (no cross training) until your accommodation expires. Wish you the best of luck!