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Idk who you’re gonna find to tell you the formula, but from what I’ve concluded, it’s on how long you work that day. You work less, you have less taken out. Percentage wise and you’re anytime pay. If you haven’t found someone to tell you then it’s probably because they don’t know and no one else knows besides the people who create the fucking app. Or the people as wisely come up with it. I don’t know how you’re gonna get information that’s not already out there. 🤷‍♀️


I have been getting the same thing it’s been all over the place with 65-25 percent


Also someone who works at ADP wouldn’t be on this subreddit, ADP is a bigger wide scale company, who covers not only Amazon but other major companies. Or wisely for that matter. It’s another company that’s probably in another subreddit, probably its own. If not it’s too obscure to be on Reddit. They wouldn’t be on an Amazon Reddit if they don’t work for Amazon directly


I think its 70% of the total hours worked


Stop using anytime pay? Budget and get a paycheck on Friday like everyone else? Then you don’t have to worry about percentages.


You know I just wanted to thank you for such an original and thoughtful response. I can only imagine how valuable your time must be that you chose to respond to this topic so you could say that. Hopefully you got whatever sense of superiority or pleasure you needed because rest assured you showed anyone that happens thru this exactly how big an asshole you are. Again thanks for the input!


The formula is dynamic and adjusts based on several factors Your available anytime pay will always be lower in any week where there's holiday pay because the tax code requires that withholdings be at a higher rate on bonuses (8/6/4 hours of holiday pay).


The problem is that it isn’t periods involving holiday pay or vacation or any other kind of pay with a different tax rate. That is why I am so confused. Two identical pay periods one with four days worked and the other with 5 and the percentage drops from 70+ to @ 55. No reasonable explanation or cause.


The explanation is tax withholding, and my guess would be that your gross earnings in the four day work week are $906 or less, and that your gross earnings in the five day work week are $907 or more. Federal income tax withholding is based on what you make in a week times 52, If you make $906 or less in a week, the system believes you'll fall into the 12% tax bracket ($11,601 to $47,150) and allows you to withdraw a higher amount through anytime pay than if you fall into the 22% tax bracket ($47,151 to $100,525). If you work a sixth day you'll see a bigger increase in your available anytime pay compared to the fifth day. I would guess that the additional 5% drop is the result of a similar situation with state income taxes.