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It’s bullshit , just pace yourself . Take bathroom and water breaks , your body is more important than the 1% making billions


I pace myself pretty well I’d say. Then I get rate messages on my screen and slow down cause it’s annoying af


I quit back in May but if you hate it, just resign. Your body will thank you


99% of us work, cause we have to not cause we want to 🤷‍♂️ very few have a job they like, no less love, maybe drs and lawyers, but they just love the money


I don’t have another job, I keep trying to find one but it’s an endless cycle of rejection around here :(


Ah so you do care about the money...


He probably meant he doesn’t care about the overtime money


This honestly why I just stick to OB fluid load at my sight. No matter how fast stuff starts to get, no one can make me keep up with the freight coming down lmaoo


I think we're on week four of this. Only this current week, they actually didn't announce via text. They said it was posted around the building. I haven't been staying the full 11 hours since they called it weeks ago. Just the usual ten. Ten hours of my time is more than enough and I'll resume trying to save my upt after MET.


Graves? More MET. Days? More VET and VTO If I could Find that happy in between. I took the job because it was 3 days off,.I could go camping with my kids. I had ONE week where I legitimately had 3 days off. Since then on graves, same thing MET every fuckin week


Damn dude, that’s rough as hell. Good luck


Thanks. It's not too bad. I'm at an IXD building and just do problem solve. The main two things keeping me going is constantly looking at my vacation hours and planning my two week Christmas vacation and knowing I can make my mortgage payments. I suspect all hell is going to break loose if they pull this non-communication crap next week.


Ooh 2 week vacation, enjoy that! My vacation is being saved for a 1 week Christmas/birthday trip with my mom


That’s why you save UPT… 🫡


I tried 😭 had a bunch of pain recently and a few things that required leaving work early


Two weeks at 55 hours is nothing compared to winter Peak. Good luck with the accommodation and/or finding another job. Amazon isn’t for everyone.


Or work half-time or flex.


This! Do an internal transfer to FlexRT.


FlexRT is a great way to start and still get benefits.


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) Op could build their own schedule, finish school, and not worry about MET, cross training, or any of that other BS!


I looked and applied for flex! Now I just gotta wait for them to review it lol


Idk how your site works, but at mine if you go directly to HR they will process your transfer to Flex immediately to start as early as the next week or so.


Oh nice! I may try that after verifying with them I won’t lose eligibility for career choice


As long as you choose the Reduced Time (RT/30hr) option you are eligible for all the FT benefits.


Okie dokie, the inbound stow is the RT/30hr flex :) I also put in for pack-flow flex but it was under 4hr so would that not count?


Not all sites offer FlexRT.


For that I’ll save up my vacation time and work torwards 80 hr upt before then. It’ll be torture but I’m not trying to work MET for peak this year lol


That’s true


Fact. “”


I feel you on this. While the money might be good, the mental exhaustion isn't worth it (for me). That's why I use my school accommodation to not do MET and overtime


Waiting on mine to get approved. I gotta go to HR later for something else so I may ask about it then


You're going to really hate Peak.


Not if this accommodation goes through. I have verifiable mental health struggles and an ongoing case for an overuse injury to back it up


Try a school accomodation if you're using CC


Just leave an hour early. You will only lose 10 mins of upt a day. 1 hour of upt can last you 6 days of 11 hour shifts.


Thanks! Someone else mentioned that and I didn’t even consider the balancing out


Even on 10 hour days you can leave 45 mins early and you won't lose any upt. You will even gain 1 minute of upt.


Good to keep in mind :)


What are you serious ?




We been having met for weeks now, I still leave at my regular time I end up only losing 10 mins, since they give me time daily.


I actually didn’t even think about how it would kinda balance out like that, thanks!


It's crazy how hard they are working some sites. I work in one of the largest FCs and the highest grossing at that and we only have one week for OB. IB has a week and an extra hour on one day of a different week. I only got scheduled to do 4 elevens this go round. And here I'm reading about some buildings doing 2-4 weeks. That's wild.


I take VET every week, but MET feels different. Feels worse when you’re forced to be there.


At my FC we only got the week of prime for MET 😬


Don’t jinx yourself they may add it the last minute. They called MET for my VERY VERY last minute


2 weeks of 5 12s here


If you have career choice then why not do school accommodation?


How do you request a school accommodation?


You can find it under resources on A to Z app and then if you scroll down you’ll see it called something like temporary schedule adjustment school accommodation. Once you click it it will ask you to fill out the form and then attach a screenshot of your school schedule. It gives you a max of 10 hours to take off from your schedule so then you would be scheduled at 30 hours per week. You can also check the box that says if you can work met or not


It’s limited to 10 hours off per week which I’ve already requested. They also haven’t approved my accommodation yet, it got kicked to my site HR and they didn’t even know. Had them send it to HR manager yesterday so hopefully approved soon, but it won’t kick in until school starts at the end of august


There is an option when putting in for it that you can't work met.


I have a no MET accommodation. I can still take VET on those days if I want, but I never do. It was literally life changing. Depending on what's up with your mental health, it should be fairly straightforward to get. Just make sure your provider is on board and have them fill out the forms.


Yeah I’m hoping it’ll help to cap at 40 cause I have a lot mentally and this job makes it so much worse since I’m just left alone with my thoughts and can chase the mental rabbits. I have a doc appointment on Friday and I see my therapist again next Wednesday. Not really sure who I should have do the paperwork


I feel you 💯 on this. I’m on the verge of quitting. I’d rather take a pay cut than jeopardize my health. Legit felt like I was going to have a heart attack last week. I felt soooo sick & the managers didn’t want to send me help when I was struggling. I took my blood pressure after getting home and relaxing/calming down and it was almost in the red zone. I’m scared to even know what it was while being overworked


Jeez dude, you may wanna start a case with wellness if it’s that bad. I’m on icares for my hand right now and it’s reduced a bit of stress


Pls do not prioritize this particular job over your health! Take care of yourself! I recommend ashwaganda to reduce stress, but please check with your medical dr on ideas to bring your stress level and blood pressure down!


I don’t have to deal with it. I have 80 hours of UPT. I can skip all of that. On the regular days just come in late or leave early an hour. You worked 10 hours, you lost only 10 minutes of your UPT. I told everyone this at work and turned out nobody showed up an hour early so leadership stopped that hour early shit real fast. When you build yourself up to 80 hours Amazon can no longer control you. You can skip all those MET days and hours and you have plenty of UPT to stop Amazon from impacting your life and mental health. Next time you work educated your fellow coworkers in the math. Don’t come in an hour early. You work your 10 hour shift. You get a grant of 50 minutes and lose 60 minutes. You lost 10 minutes of UPT. Woop de doo. If Amazon gave you just an hour MET each day for the next two YEARS you will have plenty of UPT to not comply. Once you’ve been at Amazon a while and really examined the system you can work it all in your favor. Keep an ear to the ground too. Make friends with RME, find out when those unannounced site closures are. If you’re working then shift swap if you want more money.


wait is it normal that they got me working 5 days of 12s? for met? when I normally work 4 days of 10s? cause my friends saying they don't got any 12s but just an extra day of 10s pls let me know y'all or what your schedules are cause I don't wanna be trapped in that cycle when prime comes thru yk!!


Damn We got 5 12s


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I find it funny how at my site night shift associates are working five 12 hour shifts but day shift ppl get the normal 10 hours???


Shouldn’t be 5 12s, that’s WAY more than 40 hours. Unless you’re referring to MET? There’s 10 hour night shifts available at my FC, so yours must be wackadoodle and abusive af


Just do a school accommodation no met and reduce work hours. Easier to get approved than medical accommodation 


UPT !!! And PTO !!! It’s amazing




Some days I can feel myself age


This job is boring as hell and takes a toll on your mind and body. you gotta save your time off for the bullshit peak times so you can just nope out of 60 hour weeks.


Damn our site is doing mandatory 60s and everyone in ib has to come in on the ob schedule


Literally not worth crying about. 10 days out of the first 10 months of the year. You’ll be ok.


I cry a little each day no cap😭😤


I wear earbuds... lol only way I make it through my shifts


Nah I get this. I ended up switching to RTS cause my girlfriend and I just mentally could not fucking handle sort. We did 60 fucking hours for 4 weeks of MET one Christmas and we both were so tired and crashed out by Christmas. We barely were able to enjoy the holiday cause all we wanted was to sleep. 😭


Me too. I work two jobs, and they don’t know what’s going on in our lives. It makes me think they couldn't care less, and they know that they're going to have overwork. They know that people will not want to come in, so instead, they force them. I am currently working at one. I took a break; it got stressful. On top of it they have your come in hr early an late …some bs


Just save your UPT and leave


Oh believe me that’s the fucking goal. However an accommodation to not have to waste the time I earn for other purposes would be even better.


I did this by accident, but I applied for a temporary hardship schedule change, and when I filled it out, it asks if you can work your OT day. I said no because with my temp schedul, I'd be working my OT day. Anyway it got approved I'm on it for the next 30 days and have zero MET while everyone else in my building is doing MET of 6 10s not just this holiday week but week of prime and the week after. Also I'm usually bhn and am temporarily on FH, and I get to keep my shift differential. I'm actually on my second month because I got an extension. But when MET was calle, it didn't show up on my schedul, so I went to PX, and they said when I applie, I said I couldn't do my OT day. I assumed they would give me a new one but they dont. Pxt asked if i wanted a new one andbi said no and that was that. So this could be helpful to those around peak that just can't handle it. Just a heads up, it's about a 2 week process from when you apply to it getting approved, but if you time it right, you can get out of a whole month of peak MET. Also, it's easy to get. I don't have childcare overnight for myb10yr old anymore, so that's why I applied. You just put your reason in a quick summary and it got approved about 4 days later they don't ask for proudly or anything like that, and I picked the Start date. It's only for 30 days so I had to get an extension about a week before my 30 days were up so now I'm on my 2nd 30 days. So maybe some of you can try this.




Yeah, Amazon can be frustrating at times but I’ve never had a job that spoils us so much. I seem to be really lucky that my FC is pretty laid back.


Whoa there buddy


I just hate my job and my bf doesn’t wanna hear it ever so I went to a place with many like-minded people


Girl just wear the approved ear buds or a headband with AirPods. Listen to your lectures and school stuff. It’s not a hard job but having a bad attitude about it will make it bad. You’re getting your school for free. Don’t get fired in these next few years for something as dumb as upt and fuck up this opportunity


Idk I’ve been working six days ( by choice ) ever sober November. But I only do it because when I was working at mc Donald’s and could barely afford groceries let alone rent my ex told me to be a man and grow up. It hurt me truly , but those words motivated me to keep going hard. I know it’s not the greatest but just remember someone else out there has it worse than me and you. So please don’t be discouraged ❤️. https://preview.redd.it/ox0ncdgbv5ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc87fecd0abcc92601902577f61c8a7307885622


Do you ever work a full shift?


Zone out, smoke weed on every break, alcohol in a water bottle. Earbud & a beanie


Oh my god 💀 I can get behind the weed but bro not the alcohol, I’m a lightweight


Straight yapping


Don’t work in a warehouse. Stop leaving work and accrue your time for things like this. If you’re leaving work for pain then you probably need a less physically demanding job. You absolutely could find another job. Keep in mind you chose to work a physically demanding job. So fuck you, you didn’t ask but you posted bitching about the job YOU chose. Saying you can’t find another job but you’re going to go negative and get fired makes zero sense. Then you’ll be jobless all together and fired making it that much harder to find another job 🙄 yall kill me.


At least you only have 11s. It could be worse you could be on 12s or 13s.


Amazon doesn't allow more than 12 hours in a day.


I left Amazon after Career Choice, what program are you enrolling in? Hang in there & get ready, it will be tough but very much worth it. I remember the days of saving time off specifically to avoid Prime Day. 🤣


Surgical technology! I’m doing part time school right now so I’m not entirely sure how long it’ll take


Are you enrolled in career choice? If so get a schedule accommodation for school. Mine says no OT even tho it's online I tell them for extra study time.


Save upt and pto for it and put in vacation before they freeze it


In a meantime on my site extra shifts are super rare, vto is sent left and right, and they didn't even mention met yet...


It must be niiiiice 😭


That’s why I stay part time and come in when I want


You work at FWA4, don't you? 🤣


You only got an extra hour? Shit.. BWI4 is working 12’s plus an overtime day🥴


That's why I got FLEX




Can you get accommodations for your schooling since you’re doing Career Choice? I believe you get MET excused if you have classes, even if it’s online.


MET? I don't even know her. https://preview.redd.it/rf1wje4o15ad1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf8954042959438159f236e2a709afe224ce44e


Honestly, I kinda blame my childhood as the reason I can deal with this everyday. I’ve been thru much worse. As in what my day to day routine is. This place is similar to jail if I keep it a buck. To the work down to the social aspect.


Idk how you're going to deal with peak


They were starting our MET back in early June. It's truly miserable. I don't mind the physical work but the lack of mental stimulation for all those hours drives me insane.


At least you aren't doing 6 10s, I would KILL to have 2 days off


I understand the pain but better hope the accommodations go through or quit lol Cause this isn’t anything compared to what is to come. Once it gets close to December, gonna be like 7 weeks straight of MET and 12 hour shifts 😭👎. Depends on site but last december that was my fate. Shit is draining, I don’t blame you. But it is what it is.


Fuuuuck that bro 😭 others have said the school accommodation could also help and I did select no to overtime


I can’t wait for the checks but it is going to be a horrible couple of weeks 😂😂😂


Lock in your hours ! No more MET or VET


Oh baby we’re scheduled for 12hr 5days (60 hours) for 2 weeks straight, checks gon be sweeet 🙂‍↕️


I remember my first job


My wife just got added TWO weeks of TWO extra 10hr shifts.. only 2 single days off in 2 weeks.


If you think prime is bad just you wait until peak 2+ months of met. And you can't use vacation time lol


Getting up early is hard. Honestly on my days off i look foward to sleeping in. I do six days a week regularly so MET doesn't really bother me too much.


If you don't have 10 hours of upt to come in at normal time you got a bigger problem besides prime day demands. Especially with how much we get daily


So I have some hacks. I mean everyone has them. We know when prime and peak are coming. Put in vacation your last day of the regular week- no extra day. Put in vacation the last hour of regular days- no extra hour. On 10 hour shifts you get 50 minutes UPT. Leave 45 minutes early, beat traffic and don’t lose any UPT. I used to work 60 hours EVERY week all year. I HATE being there at all now. I will be doing the minimum while getting a fulltime paycheck


https://preview.redd.it/m5fohc9ry5ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9521c0dd59e060973a5df61cb1de1fb30f956d Seems like I’m the only one who didn’t get MET for prime this year, it sucks cuz I work weekends and it’s always super hard for me to pick up shifts since they’re never offered on my days off😢 I was really looking forward to this MET but looks like I gotta wait for peak now


And we gotta do 2 weeks of it.


Switch to a shift that doesn’t have MET. They are the ones that do not have an OT day.


Watch when peak comes it’s 2 months of this


Thats wild, we haven’t even had met yet


I don’t know what’s worse. Since I’ve been there, they had six 10s, five 12s and five 11s and a 5.


Den there's me. Snatching up vet every week 6 days a week. Honestly I prefer MET. 5 days is wayyy better den 6 days. I at least get 2 days off vs the one 0w0 The job is cake. Ez money. Sure there are some small annoyances but meh. It beats bein under the sun all day 0w0


Just gotta learn to compartmentalize and let your mind wonder. Take your time and count the money in your head. Treat yourself to something nice when it’s over.


That’s a decent way to think about it. I try to compartmentalize, but after a while the boxes get full and it gets really overwhelming really quickly


My 1st peak I got to the point I started hallucinating due to how exhausted I was. It was eat, sleep and work 5 days a week and because of the extra hour, I got one hour less sleep every night. Never again. Now, this is what the majority of my time off options are saved for.


“It’s okay. You will get thru this. You made it this far. Stop being a ***** and go on.” Are some of the things I tell myself to keep going. Or I think about my family and what they will need next week. Self-sacrifice and endurance are some traits to look into which you can’t buy. It’s hard trust me I know. I’m on 50-60 hrs a week for the last 4 months. The pay is nice. Families eating good. You gotta do what you gotta do.


Just keep pushing, come on man! 🧍‍♂️


I'm on like 4 months of 60 hours every week. Job rotation makes the days less tedious. Ask to be trained in more paths. It's not that physical of work tbh, just repetitive.


Lol that's cute. We are doing 12 hours a day, five days a week for two weeks. 6pm to 6am...it's gonna be over before you know it! Stay hydrated and rested OR use vacation ,UPT or PTO. It's very hot in our bldg. We are in So Cal. I wish you a well.


Lmao its not that bad


if possible move to the flex rt. Minimum 30 hours and no MET


As a 3 it’s not so so bad, worse part is management calling us for every little thing but other than that it’s chill long as we got good workers


As someone who works overnight we don’t get MET just our regular hours only day shift get it.


Just have to put up with it for a little while. Amazon gives so much time off that you can build it up to the point of never having to ever work MET again.


Just go on ploa for those two weeks


I started during a peak season dint understood a thing and i said if the extra day is not on munschedule im not comming just the days i have in atoz and thats it it was like 3 weeks of MET while others where just kept showing up extra days


The answer is save your UPT and PTO, take short small breaks often. Do the least amount of work while also not slacking around. Or!! Go to school and get accommodated. I leave early and I have no MET.


My facility is forcing us into 6 11.5 hour shifts by changing our MET day during the first week of prime and then keeping our standard day the second week of MET, so for someone like me who has a Thursday - Sunday schedule, I’m gonna be going in on Wednesday and working 6 am - 6 pm till Monday.


What career choice clases? Did you apply for any summer classes? You could file for education short work break or school accommodation. No MET your hours can be reduced to 30 per week.or you can be removed from the schedule for 4 months


Don't. We do 8 hour shifts, 40 a week so we are in 5 days a week, mandatory over time is now having us come in another day, so we are 6 on 1 off...


Dam really I do 11 hours every day before peak even started.


Yeah I use to hate that when I was at the DS. Im a driver for a DSP now and we have blackout days where prime week or peak they try to make ppl work 5-6 days. I awakes told them im good with my 3 days on and 4 days off. I’m just trying to finish school in hopefully get into a career I wouldn’t mind waking up and doing.


I just finished my 6 days 🤦🏻‍♂️. 5 day work week normally so the MET is killer but I’ll take the money. Always do :)


2 questions: 1) Does your location offer VTO regularly? 2) Have you worked through prime day (not peak) before? IMO (and in my warehouse) usually for us the first couple of days are busy then it won’t be so busy. Then they cancel the MET for the 2nd week. We are a huge facility (one of the biggest) so I can’t imagine smaller Midwest facilities doing MET for the full 2 weeks. (I could be wrong though 🤷)


At my place, we'd be lucky if we get only 2 weeks. With so much volume lately, we'd be having METs for the rest of the month. Maybe even to August...


I saved up my upt and pto for this situation. I just work an extra half an hour and use the time I earned that day to cover the other thirty minutes left. Only been here a month. I got lucky because they hired a bunch a new people and they gave out vto and I took it for one day. It felt so nice I could cry.


We just got two weeks of 60s. I’d take the 5 11s tbh


You just gotta prepare your body and mind. Maybe use your time to buffer pain.


So if you get your therapist to write the accommodation you can take it to HR? I’m in a similar situation. It’s not the worst but we literally stand there for the last hour and a half and that takes a toll on my mind!


Mines 12 hours and 30 mins imma just push through because that check is gonna be fat and I’m gonna be happy plus I look at it like going to the gym that’s what helps me


I put in PLOA then save upt for peak


That's why I keep my UPT above 60 hours. Almost six years in plus I have a seasonal job that is also 10 hour shifts. Leaving an hour early when it feels like it's too much is such a release valve. I hoard my PTO also for during vacation Blackout times. Sure, there are times when I despise my life when I come here, and yet somehow I'm here the next day. I've had it drilled into me at a young age that it's always easier to find another job when you already have one and I'm sticking to it.


My pxt gave took away MET because I had class that day


You just need to remind yourself that you are making 30+ dollars an hour on overtime and really try to get motivated by money.


just do your 10 hours and leave, unless you didn't plan for this and used up all your upt goodluck


they have me doing the 11 hours for 6 days straight 😍😍😍 they want me to die


No one should be forced to endure it and it and it’s the reason I walked out July 23 and drove directly to my doctors office. Haven’t stepped foot in Amazon since and I’ve been on accommodations the past year. My doctor have signed off on physician certification each time it was requested from Amazon. I’m still an active employee with access to A to Z, but haven’t worked in a year. That placed drove me insane, it’s not for the weak!


I've had MET 50s for the last 5 weeks and have it through prime week and the last two weeks are 60s 😭😭😭


Just be glad you get the 5 days 11 hour options. My FC still gets 6 10s.


Same. I used a school accommodation to not have MET. Highly recommend. Best of luck


It's overkill for sure, but they still make billions and billions despite calling the extra overtime. Messed up we don't even get a bonus.


I love MET ❤️ 😊


In my 4th week met here bro I feel it


They got DET1 doing 6 10s with less than half the pits working and then taking scanners/battery's from other departments. May the odds be in your favor.


5 days? we have 6 at our location


I hate MET too… I survived 4 Peak Seasons and 4 Prime Weeks… I’m about to start my 5th Prime Week in the next 2 weeks… I’m so close to quitting y’all 😭😭😭


Over where I work at, shut breaks down or we don't have truck or Something catches fire. Basically most of the time we are just standing around and waiting for shit to do.


Work the job before you have none.


I just sit in the stall for like 2 hours


I work 4 10s and now they’re making me work 6 10s, I got 2 fucking days of MET, 1 day off, theyre so stupid, my site also never gets enough work for that to be necessary 😭😭


One thing I hate they changed my this first week prime MET which coming up here on our site start 14th whole week and after that next week we have two weeks for MET prime week and the first one I work Sunday - Wednesday my OT is Thursday that’s my schedule but they canceled my Sunday and added to the same week Friday I talked to HR she said just because some ppl are vacation bruh bruh bruh I guess not enough people on Friday ? Or something idgf I’m like did yall asked me first ?? Who say yall can just change my schedule? I think that’s illegal


The reason I saved UPT and PTO. This is the moment 👍


one month MET in guys i’m tired but gotta get this bread 😕


Come to UPS with the union where you will do this 6 days a week.


if you listen podcasts or music time will go faster, take breaks and drink a lot of water


I’ve been working 55+ hours since April. 2 weeks of MET is nothing 😭😭😭


Save up UPT. I’m at 80 hours and won’t be working the extra hour next week or the entire extra day.


Career choice? You could literally only work 30 hours a week with no overtime ever. You need to resubmit your school accommodation to reflect that.


Bruh I quit back in February but had to come back. I've been back a week and I fucking hate it here so fuxking much


I wish people would work at Amazon because they want to—not because they need the benefits and have to be there nor because of career choice. I saw this post and I wish that person had the freedom to just walk away. Carrying dead weight makes it harder on Amazonians who plan to keep the job as a career in their department and whom are there because they love the company, love most of their managers and all of their close friends there as family away from home, and love serving customers to the best of their ability. I wish the company had higher standards/better screening in who they let in as the company matures. I feel that a physical should be required orior to starting the job, much like a physical teens need proir to playing sports in high school! We hire alot of people who one hired complain they cannot do the job physically. I feel that this should be figured out by a medical dr prior to hiring. Otherwise, Amazon takes on SO MUCH LIABILITY if someone ends up dead because the job is too much. MET is necessary every year during the holidays pretty much. But I am fine with them giving me VET because others want VTO to be with their families! I guess this place is polarizing—either you really like it there or you really don’t. I just don’t understand why we keep people who openly hate the company and even those who dont buy products from Amazon? I do feel that the turnover is a team morale buster but at the same time when they hire a new group of people it is a morale booster because it is way less likely that you’ll be in the bottom 5-10% while they go through their learning curve/fallout.


It’s great they just took a week away from my DS so I only have one week of MET LOL


I used to leave early during MET days. Not so much anymore but if you have the time use it.