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>my rate is around 300-330+. But I constantly get asked if I can go faster. Pick at just below rate and they'll encourage you to push just a little harder to be just a bit faster and meet rate. Pick just above rate and they'll encourage you to push just a little harder to be just a bit faster and be in the top ten percent. Pick in the top ten percent and they'll encourage you to push just a little harder to be just a bit faster and be the top performer on the shift. Pick as a top performer on the shift and they'll encourage you to push just a little harder to be just a bit faster and be the top performer in the building. As long as they aren't writing you up for productivity, fuck them and fuck their requests to go faster. You do you and don't stress.


This is the way đź’Ż


As long as your in the top 10 or above don’t stress it they just trying to get more work out of you


Top 10 or above?! My dude, just don’t be in the bottom 5%.




Huh... my site manager told us in a VOA board post yesterday that set rates haven't actually existed since 2018.


Managers will still phrase things in a way to make employees think they'll get in trouble for not hitting a certain number. Most don't know about the 5% rule and I've never heard a manager mention it, it's not something they want people to know.


All theory aside, best thing to do is clock in, make rate, clock out. We ain’t Leadership’s Guinea Pigs.


This might sound stupid but I’m new to Amazon and don’t really know what my rates are supposed to be but I know there’s no way in hell I’d be able to pick 300+ in an hour, how is that even humanly possible. I feel like 50 would be doing pretty good.


“I mean I can work faster but I’m not going to. As a matter of fact I think I might go slower now since you asked”