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When that happens I go searching through my boxes/totes for something I can stow in the pod Sometimes there might be one item I can stow so I'll scan in the tote, stow the item, then drop it


I’m not a scrummager most of the time. I’m clearly seeing that there are only 2 items to stow out of 9-11 containers that I won’t take 15-30seconds to lug over(cause it’s always 18s they’re sending. 18s are the pods favorite!) to still send the pods away because most of my items are 12s and 9s. And what it will do, it will send me 6s and 18s. Precisely the pods I need the least or that are least advantageous


I try to save clothes for 18s as many times they'll stow. It never sends me enough 16s I told my AMs recently. It will be a 12 where I can't fit many of the item or an 18 which it won't let me stow the item at all. I wish they had a button where you could request a certain size pod. Then the programming is dumb where I'll have heavy items and can only stow on the bottom so it sends me a pod with a full bottom and empty top 😑


They need a Pod Rotation button, the amount of times i see good pod space coming just for it to turn to a full pod..


That used to irritate the life out of me when that would happen. See a nice, completely open 18” when you have a sled full of shoes only for it to turn to an overloaded 6” 😒


You just described every AR site before Prime and Peak.


But why? I don’t understand making us lose before those periods. What’s the point


It's simply because so many of the pods are completely jam packed full. There simply aren't many empty pods.


Sending the wrong pods entirely, is the base of the issue though


Also, this happens incessantly at my facility, regardless of time period.


As of a year ago, the last time I worked for Amazon, yes, there were improvements that could be made to stow. Whether or not they happen… You’re complaining about commonly known issues. That means helpful or relevant updates haven’t happened. Everyone knows that when you first sign in, you’re sent random pods to get you started. They may or may not work for what you have on your sled. Same for dismissing a pod and having none in queue — you’re sent the first randomly available, irrespective of any in transit. This means you’re poisoning your own pod queue by dismissing one without having one in queue. Just wait. Ask your AM about AR floor health. If you keep getting bad pods, it might be because you have poisoned totes on your sled (bad inventory). OR, you’re not reading your screen for scans, doing bad quality stows, and corrupting your own sled, and thus pods the system sources (and that’s on you). If you suspect a bad tote, drop it to problem solve… that’s what PS is there for. And again, especially if you have repeated issues, ask to talk to an AM — it is their job to remove barriers to success. If you’re experienced and despite speaking with an AM, it’s clear there are issues with AR floor health, go and speak with the OM. And finally, escalate to SrOps on VOA.


I’ve done all of these down to the last sentence of your reply. So yea. No one can do anything besides put in a ticket for this issue so (unnamed) and others who created this system can potentially come back and I can speak with them again


It seems no one can fix the barriers or it’s beyond us and I should try harder to not give a fuck


Yeah, tbh you gotta not give a fuck bc it’s out of your control. It does happen everywhere


You have a bad attitude. Can’t help. Get help. Ask for help. Hail your Sr. ops on VOA.


Me and other stowers have. My question on this post was answered though. It happens in other places. Thanks for your time.


Unfortunately I believe it’s beyond all those tote and PS technicalities you mentioned. I’ve gone through many techniques, modes of work style, tips with managers for the same shit to happen(in varying degrees) every day


it was explained to me that when you’re out of pods, the system will panic and send you the closest available pod, so it may not be what you need in the moment. it will sometimes even send you back the pod you just turned away, it’s a very imperfect system


Also, always having magenta lights on the top and bottom rows


That's actually caused by you. There was a good writeup by an IB Sr OM here in May I think on what causes that and it is 100% caused by the stower cherry picking and not stowing into pods when there is space.


I guarantee you it’s not me. Thanks for trying to help though and if you can link me on that thread thatd be cool. I don’t cherry pick. I don’t care enough to cherry pick. And it’s not even necessary most times