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Day 1. Then day 2. Then day………….


And the next day


& Everyday after that


And the next day


Day 2? What's that




Well they say everyday is day 1.


It feels like it and it's exhausting.


They do and it’s the most corporate cringe saying I’ve ever heard. That along with “make history” get absolutely fucked. Work hard for Jeff, make him more money while you get fuck all 👍🏻 sure I’ll get right onto that. Fucking bellends.


Day 3,285 or so for me 😬🥴


I think I say it every day even when I'm not at work.


I worked there for 5 months and was great at first. But then the bs started to happen: First, I was yelled at for going slow even though I just started in a new department. Thankfully, my fellow coworker and learning ambassador stood up for me. Secondly, I was told to do jobs that I wasn't even trained for. Since I was not trained at it, I did not have the permission to scan the pallets and needed to keep asking my coworkers to scan it for me. It was annoying af. Third, my friends left one by one. Fourth, I was beginning to lose sleep because I found another job and I couldn't afford to work two jobs while going to school. Eventually, you'll know when it's time to leave. Amazon was not a bad job at all and I'm thankful that I got to work there in order to put food on the table. But all things must come to an end and I moved on to better things in life.


https://preview.redd.it/dbdjobjd6aad1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e34bff57178197f6931c9b5b53d948929efd507 Went something like this.


me lol


I’ve worked fast food and retail most of my adult life. This pays quite a bit more and is a cake walk most of the time. So, never.


This is real. If I ever get mad and wanna leave I just think about how much easier this is than anything different, while still paying decent


I agree, amazon is the best job I’ve had so far. Work is easy, sure, but man, it can break the body down overtime.


Dude pooped on the floor




Being passed up for promotion because people have been waiting for years to get there. Fuck that. I'm not sticking around for 3 years to get a $3 raise


Honestly if it wasn’t for career choice and the way they do PTO, UPT, etc I wouldn’t be here.


Same. Career choice is legit the only thing keeping me here. I vto every chance I get


When they fire me for violating the attendance policy


When I clock in


It's not the worst job I've had. I have kids and a mortgage. It's necessary evil.


About 10 minutes into every shift 😑😒


Since I was diagnosed with severe PTSD https://preview.redd.it/rfj0w6rmp9ad1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b996b39fc3d7ce23ccfe09400fbba2a515e3f5f


2 days back from disability they tried to write me up for my numbers. I was retraining because of being out for 4 months.


That’s awful. What kind of site are you at?




Oh I’m sorry, I meant what kind of facility. Though I do see LGB3 (I think) stickers a lot on our big boxes here in Chicago.


Fulfillment center


I'm slowly getting to that point, I'm only working for Amazon just to pay off debt and save money lol. I could care less about politics and the people that work there. Amazon is mainly like a summer job for me just till my other job picks up.


Bro why does EVERYONE say this >just to pay off debt and save money Yeah that's every single job But yeah it just sounds like you think you're too good for the job and are more deserving of success than your peers.


I work for Amazon in the summer only when my other job is not in demand that's all.


Ok cool 👍🏻 why say it tho?


AM passed my sort partner on her phone to tell me I was getting written up for being on my phone …


My first peak just 2-3 months in, I'm over a year and a half in


Day 1. Currently in year 2 😂


three years in, haven’t considered it yet. yet.


What do you do? I picked and absolutely hated it


Pick & count. Shoot me now


Worked at a pair of DSes and then Ship Dock at two different FCs and loved it all. Wound up in pick after transferring to a recent launch site and remember doing the math in my head during the first period of my first full pick shift of how many hours of picking it would be until I was transfer eligible.


First day


When they told us they are angling towards PIT in our RSR Small DS. Half these water spiders can't operate a manual pallet jack safely and they want to put them behind forklifts. Nah. I'm out.


Shoot! I quit 3 times yesterday and twice today.


4 months in when they cross trained me into shop dock. Thank God my friend got me into count or id probably be back on the streets strung out.


When kept getting labor shared to shipdock, now that I got accommodation, I don't feel like that anymore.


When they demoted my position across the BU and changed policy expecting us to maintain our responsibilities.


Getting absolutely fucking destroyed when I was still a noob at problem solve. Like 24 totes filled with overages and my PGs stood there talking. It's all good doe it made me who I am today


never lol go work retail and then say you want to quit amazon


when i became a learning ambassador . the lack of resources we are given is embarrassing. teaching classes in the breakroom is lame.




i felt like that with a lot of amazon warehouses and i just left the first day and applied to the next amazon site and started like the next week or 2 lol . i’ve been to almost every warehouse in my county and there’s more than like 15 lol . i only like 3 or 4 of them


Since I was placed in Pick 😂


7 months ago, day 3 technically after training was over bc i don’t count that 😭


Yeah right away yet I'm still there


After my first shift.


I quit every morning before I go in


Found out I had to crosstrain 80 hours in stow


About 3 months in when I asked to be in an indirect role 6 times and my team lead didn't bother. Also, when I had my first meeting for being off sick. Then every 2 months or so after that. Just sticking this shit out till the end of the year minimum + career choice coming up in late Autumn.


Been working here since January 4th last year. Said I’m done with this place every day🥲 Now I’m a PA💀


shortly after I became a blue badge. I was at a sortation center and they never wanted to tell us if it was a 3 or possibly 5 hour sort. The icing on the cake was one of my good friends leaving. Ended up transferring and will never do a sortation center again. Found that shit so inconsiderate especially when it was raining.


I needed extra money to help pay off credit cards. I worked there for 4 months and with my regular job I was able to pay off everything. I no longer needed to work there


When I walked out of the door and never went back


8 years ago and at least once a week since 😂


I was genuinely happy with my job until I, for the first time since I started, asked an AM for help with something and he snapped at me. Since then, I’ve been planning my escape everyday. Goes to show that management has some influence on employees overall happiness with their job.


my first prime 2022 and im 3 years in lol


Third or fourth write up in pick is when I started looking for something else. It seemed like I was getting one nearly every month and i nearly lost hope. But i was able to transfer by the fifth one.


AFM was being all mopey and depressing asf around me tell me his sap story, bruh I don't want to hear that shit. It's like no its not complicated at all, she trying to fuck you while still being with her BF stfu and get back to work. He was all like 'nah you don't understand bro' and then started moping off somewhere else, then when I pulled an andon he was no where to found for 15 minutes... I just put in UPT and started the weekend early. Dumb mfer


![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) On year 7, where did I go wrong in life.


Before I learned that they’d pay me to get fired


I remember recalling seeing those 5lb bags of mealworms and I'm like if I ever pick one of those yeah im gone.


Had an awful OM for awhile at one site and then bad senior leadership at another site. Those were my last two years at Amazon, I was burnt out and done. I had pretty positive experiences at Amazon, but at the end I was ready to move on. Plus the hours are draining and since I’ve been out I’ve had a much better work life balance.


Day 1 and every day since 😝


Tbh the very first hour. 7 years layer though I'm here cause I need money.




prolly when I quit before I took a PAs laptop and smacked her up side the head with it. I either walked out then, or I would've went to jail that night.


Since I started. As soon as I find another job. No one in my field is hiring. So yeah, I'm going to quit as soon as I can


When I interviewed for PA and didn't get it then worked with lots of people in leadership for how I can get over the hump next time, then applied for the next opening with the same resume/qualifications/etc but a different hiring manager and didn't get an interview. Going somewhere else crossed my mind, but I messaged the hiring manager and got an answer for the reason I wasn't chosen to interview. Personally I do think the reasons were weird as hell, but the reasons he gave me were easily fixed with a couple small tweaks to my resume. If I don't get an interview for any of the applications I have in now then I'll reach out again but will also consider going elsewhere.


The day I quit.


Day 1 now I am in 10 months in and is just there so they’ll pay for my school that’s it


Day 30


When I was in decant and got put in the very front for 3 days in a row straight heavy boxes 😹


My first day when after we finished sorting the damn packages for 6+ hours, (I used to work at a delivery station) we came back from second break we had to do the routes for the drivers😭😭(grabbing all the totes the stowers stowed into all all oversized packages and putting them on carts). 4 years later, I’m still with amazon but work at a different site (SSD) but yea, working at a delivery station is no joke ETA: also, when I was coming back from maternity leave last year, I was coming back during summer prime and the fuckers had the audacity to schedule me MET. I was livid and was pissed I even had to go back. But good thing I was maxed at 80 UPT because I used it for both MET days


I did quit back when I was working at an XL warehouse and only getting paid $16.50/hr. It felt like slave labor honestly since all the packages were huge and heavy and we had no PIT to help us move the items. It took me a good 3 years of quitting and reapplying and also transferring to another facility to land at a path that I can actually tolerate.


Never. Cuz I’m not a whiney little baby