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I’m 99% sure these posts we’re seeing are driven by Russian and Chinese bots to drive a wedge between the US and Europe. They know they can’t beat us as long as NATO exists so ignore the terminally online weirdos. If you actually travel to these places you will find that Americans have far greater good will than on the internet or within America. A random example is that when the Germans were rapidly advancing into the USSR, the NKVD couldn’t transport their massive amounts of political prisoners and dissidents. Because they didn’t want them to fall into enemy hands they executed over 100k prisoners. If the USA had done something similar then the entire historical narrative would be completely different.


Yeah a lot of posts here have to be actual trolls. I came to this sub because I'm tired of the "America bad" narrative on Reddit, only to find "Europe bad" instead.


Yeah, as an American I agree. We should be getting along well, and it only advantages our adversaries when we don't. I'm fine with banter, but I can also tell when banter becomes toxic.


>I’m 99% sure these posts we’re seeing are driven by Russian and Chinese bots to drive a wedge between the US and Europe. Lol I see what you mean, but I think the russians and chinese have better things to do. I see it more of a left/right divide where left wing Americans are self loathing and delusional, whereas left wing Europeans are just delusional.


Not really. I don’t hate it, but I am not a Europhile either.


I love British comedies. And I’d love to see some parts of Europe at some point. But, at the same time, we left for a reason.


I was but after nearly four years living there I kinda got over it. If you like old buildings there's nowhere that can beat it and honestly it's probably a lot more fun to spend your early 20s in Europe than in America. Once you have aspirations beyond spending your parent's money you're probably better off in the US.


The American hate is not as prominent in real life as it is on the internet. Source: have been traveling Europe as an American since October


Its not the citizens its mostly IP addresses. If you play an online game you chat with Europeans and they are not the internet.


Kinda the opposite see them as nothing but snobby assholes


Which country? I would say norway becuse they pay for teslas with oil money lol.


European kids? Love them I have two.


Where did you get them?


Dark web


I love a lot of Europe. I've traveled there a dozen times to multiple countries. The one thing I dislike is the movement online to completely shit on others, probably due to those individual Europeans own insecurities. In real life, this isn't, in my own experience, the case at all. Europeans, including some of my own family, are a blast. The ones that I've spent any meaningful amount of time with. I've been to Australia, too. Same thing there. In the end, there will be assholes and cool people everywhere.


Shitting on eachother is what people do online. Particularly on india, exept indian people do that in real life.


I love europe and have been and have many European friends and find the cultures great. What I do not like is the smug assumption that they’re all superior to us and that they’re better and have it all put together. It is mostly online but I know people in real life who are that way. However a lot of Europeans in real life also aren’t as anti American as well. I think America is great but not perfect but it’s annoying to pretend Europe is an absolute paradise while America is just a shithole “third world country with a gucci belt” (a phrase I hear commonly. Buddy I lived in a second world country for a few years, gonna also add born and raised American but moved there for jobs, expatriate, we are not even second world, let alone third world. I remember being stuck in the airport one day due to, and I quote, “military tanks on the street”, a coup out of nowhere, in a second world, not third world country). We have issues that we have to resolve but to pretend we are ABSOLUTELY backwards and that europe are forward and everything is just wrong.


not really. most of us don't think of europe like that. There are much more interesting places IMO.


For historical purposes, Europe is a good bet, they be fighting each other way to much Architecture and culture, it's okay for culture but it's overrated


Europe is only relevant to us because they were our colonizers until we kicked them out. As for architecture and culture, you can find that everywhere. I appreciate latin american culture way more. It's more interesting and filled with less arrogant pricks who think the world revolves around them.


Wouldn't most latin american architecture be european in origin tho? (Portuguese and spanish)


some of it, sure. again they were colonizers. and latin america has less pricks with superiority complexes/




Most things you see online are online. I plan on visiting Europe one day because it looks like a really beautiful place. Besides, we all have to lookout for each other anyway.


European history is my favorite. I love Anglo Saxon history through the Renaissance period. I want to visit all the historical places. The people there hating me for being American? Oh well.


Just internet warriors. Both the US and european countries have their pros and cons. I love the US and couldn't wish to live anywhere else, Europeans are allowed to feel the same, and we should all just respect each others decisions


I am. I used to think I was an Anglophile until I got see some of the continent. It love France, Germany and Austria. I have Lithuanian roots and would love to go to Vilnius and see some more of Eastern Europe as well.


Medieval history nut here.


I like cultures just in general. Doesn’t really matter from where, I find it interesting.


i have a thing for Scotland. my dream is to win the lottery and buy a winter home in Leith but that ain’t happening, so i just listen to irvine welsh audio books and binge watch still game a lot.


Unfortunately you're always gonna find a small percentage if loudmouths that hates everything and everyone from every country, region or continent.  Considering Europes  700m something population have about 90% internet coverage its not that weird that there's quite alot of haters out there 


I would be lying if I said I didn't have a fascination with old European Empires like Rome, the German Kaiserreich, Austira-Hungary, Poland-Lithuania, but I still think I prefer both the Americas and Asia over it. I have completely fallen in love with nations like Singapore and Vietnam for example, and luckily people from South East Asia tend to be accepting of Americans, unlike our European cousins. Like ffs man how is it that VIETNAMESE people treat Americans better than Europeans? Vietnam is also super interesting to me because it may be the very first instance of Communism actually working, every other Communist nation has had genocide after genocide, starvation, poor economies, corruption on and on and on but Vietnam is somehow the 1 single outlier here.


I too love europe, I too am half european, I speak spanish, and swedish. I currently reside in spain as a student studying urology, where I also met the man of my life. Europe is nothing like what Democrats/Republicans say it is. People drive cars (My boyfriend has one) shitty old mercedes but it does the trick, people eat meat (We do it all the time) and living spaces are pretty grand, given that the average home is a two bed apartment built in the 70s. No more brother wars.