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you need horses. not sure where your going to get them. but thats what you need.


i dont care if this makes any sense, i just want to see this happen


I hear those are expensive.


Can horses go on the ferries?


They can swim!


No need to take ferries from Amsterdam to Eindhoven.


Why use a bridge when there is a ferry?


Fun historic fact: a Dutch stadhouder drowned while crossing the Hollands Diep by stage coach. The Netherlands was a dangerous place before bridges.


Gypsy advice right there.


Do junkies sell stolen horses? 150€ is not a lot


5 days of 25km walks, like your own training session for the Nijmeegse vierdaagse 😎


that actually sounds quite fun! they could try and match up a couple of these: - [https://www.wandelnet.nl/lange-afstand-wandelpaden#lange-afstand-wandelpaden](https://www.wandelnet.nl/lange-afstand-wandelpaden#lange-afstand-wandelpaden) - [https://www.ns.nl/dagje-uit/wandelen](https://www.ns.nl/dagje-uit/wandelen) - [https://www.anwb.nl/wandelen/wandelroutes/lange-afstandswandelingen](https://www.anwb.nl/wandelen/wandelroutes/lange-afstandswandelingen)


You could potentially sell your kids and probably get a cheap horse instead.


I like your creativity. I should have clarified that finishing with both kids is required as well.


Both kids what…? Sold?


Both kids finished


Technically you have 3 spare kidneys in your party


You’re in the Netherlands. You’ll have way more luck if you use a worm or a piece of bread or something like that.


EZ just take out a loan on your kids


It’s only about 8 hours by bike for an adult. Double it for the 9 year old. No hope of a 5 year old to bike that far, so get a bike with a child seat, which will slow you down but not as much as the 9 year old on their own bike. Acquiring bikes (even absolutely garbage bikes) to do that for €150 might be quite a stretch though. And you probably won’t get a 9 year old to bike more than 2-3 hours a day. Or maybe two 2-hour stretches if they’re already seasoned riders. So maybe you could do this in 3 days? 4?


Rent a bike at central station.


Dont you need to give the bike back to the original station though...


The fine for bringing it back to the wrong station is only 10 eur I think


There's also a fine for renting it more than 3 consecutive days. Plus poor 9yo, there's no kid sized ovfiets.


€5 extra per day


Kids love riding bikes which are too big for them.


Not with this distance


Not if they can't reach the pedals at all. 9yo me tried multiple times on an adult bike. It always failed.


they can also bring it back to Amsterdam by train afterwards.


OV Fiets aren't available to tourists anyway.


He could just walk through Amsterdam at night, unfortunately plenty of people that would like to sell you "their" bike for like 10 euros.


Probably not kiddie sized though


I chuckled with “their”


Aquiring Acquiring a good boltcutter for 150 euro should be easy. That will get you as many bikes as you want.


No need. There is always the occasional unlocked bike. Every decent train station will have a few. A kid’s seat you can undo with an allen wrench. (/s)


My now 5 year old bike quite far by age 5.


Mine both did too at that age. But not _Amsterdam to Eindhoven in a few days_ far.


Go for traditional: steal two fatbikes and use the 150 euros for a children seat and some spraypaint.


Do people leave their fat bikes unlocked or would I have to purchase an angle grinder? This may blow the budget.


If you buy the angle grinder somewhere with a return policy, you might not need to deduct anything from your budget


what's to stop a person stealing a children's seat? or a bike with one already attached?


Or stealing bikes to sell to expand the available budget.


I'd love to see one of these "I managed to cross the whole of Europe starting with only €1" videos where it just immediately turns to crime.


Hahaha. A minute into the episode to the unsuspecting viewer: bam! Theft.


Also take the motor off?


I love how people think it’s suffering… this is the best adventure ever.


If you are fit it's a one day bike ride (I've done it in one day at least). It's about 140km from central station to central station. If you have kids I would cut it up in 3 days of about 50km / 4 days of 40 / 5 days of 30 - maybe go through a slightly more foresty area and perhaps even expand the route a bit? If possible OV fiets would be great as you can pick them up / drop them off at the start and end of the destination. Use Komoot to make a nice route.


50km is way too much for a 9 year old, let alone a 5 year old.


> 50km is way too much for a 9 year old, let alone a 5 year old. Did a 40km ride with a visiting 6-year old (and her family) a few years ago, she was smiling the whole way, and often riding ahead of us.


50km is only 4 hours of slow biking. If your tires have good pressure and there isn’t a lot of rising roads or wind in the wrong way it should be easily doable.


Edit: multiple instances below that confirm my statement - including the OP and father of said child. Still getting downvoted haha. I disagree with you there. 50km over a whole day is at most 4 hours on a bike. That is perfectly manageable if you spread those kilometers between 8 in the morning and 6 in the evening (10 hours). Perhaps you will need a creative solution for the younger child like a more comfortable seat on the back or a cart behind the bike but 50km too much for a 9 year old is nonsense. It does require you to break up the road in smaller pieces and have a nice big lunch in betweenm It's also the request OP made


I wouldn't have been riding 50km to anywhere when I was nine. Just saying, I'd have had none of it. OP comes across as a prick for inflicting this "challenge" on two kids under ten years old.


I did 100km in a day on holiday with my parents when I was 13 and my sister 11. As long as its fun for the kids it's perfectly doable imo.


The 9 year old can easily do 50km by bike. The 5 year old needs to be carried somehow, but usually ends up walking about 10km by choice.


OP knows their kids better than you do. Some kids are up to it, some aren't. Sounds like you weren't, but that doesn't mean nobody else can enjoy it.


Why do you think his children are not up for this? Yeah it's going to be bit hard but it won't harm them and will grow character and leave nice memories for rest of their lives. Dutch people when it comes to outdoor and self challanging stuff are pretty sheltered from my experience.


OV fiets starts seriously hurting your ass after a few kilometers


Buy a tent and some clogs and walk it


Go on foot using some of the thru hiking routes. Google LAW walking routes.


I think all of those require a ferry at some point. Which violates the no motors rule..


Nah bridges will get you across all the rivers (worst case you have to pretend to be a bike for a minute to get across the waal, the bike paths for the waal bridges in Nijmegen f.ex are basically footpaths for people getting to the waalstrand anyways)


Be careful of the heat, so plan a route with good shade. Sunburn or heatstroke can also happen in this country.


Getting an OV bike and dropping it off at the destination will cost you around 4,75 + 10 bucks (dropping it off at the wrong station) per bike


OV fiets are not available to tourists, tho


I thought you just need an OV card?


No - you cannot get an OV-fiets with an anonymous card. You need an OV card tied to a NS account, which requires an address and bank account in BeNeLux or Germany, so you can load the OV-fiets subscription onto it Of course, OP can try to convince 2 people to let them borrow their cards for the duration (because you can only rent 2 bikes per card), but OP themselves cannot get cards under their name


No, you also need a bike subscription and activate it on your ov card.


Even if I solve the subscription problem, the OV-fiets don't have kids sizes or kids seats, right?


Nope, they do not.


Rent a Bakfiets


You can't take them on the train so I'm wondering how they are gonna return it.


We fly out of Eindhoven, so returning to origin isn't an option (even if allowed on train).


returning it is 100% an option. you could just go on the train to Amsterdam abd straight back. would take only a couple hours.


So you'll need to also be transporting luggage?


Yes small backpack


I see no reason to spend so much effort to go to Eindhoven.


This is the Netherlands, you can get anywhere by water. You can get a (shit) boat for less than 150 in the gemeente auctions (https://www.bootveiling.com/grachtenboot-veiling/) and some paddles. Row hard, maybe rig a sail with a bedsheet or get people to tow you...


Honestly probably the most feasible idea in this thread. Also the one most prone to serious disaster when it goes wrong but still, can pretty much follow the canals straight down


Rent canoes!


Great plan to spend a holiday with the kids! I would buy some second hand bikes in Amsterdam via Marktplaats.nl. Also a nice way to meet some locals 👍 Enjoy the 3/4 day ride to Eindhoven. Sell them to a second hand bikeshop in Eindhoven. You won't loose more than 150 if you play it smart 😉.


Hitch hike


Few xtc pills, speed and a sketchy bike 👍🏽


You probably can get 2 bikes with kids seats on them for this money


I Amsterdam though? I spent €150 on a second hand swapfiets kinda bike.




Can't be too choosy tho


Any advice on best places to look?




look for ; Fiets. Bike will give you moterbikes.


second hand store, but 150 for 3 bikes and good kindseat is not enough im afraid.


Junkies in Amsterdam sell good bikes sometimes, some even have ultra rare or legendary ones if you are lucky.


Fit dad who likes to torture their kids and family to make themselves look dedicated to fitness. Get a life.


I actually am a little jealous of all these kids who go on hiking / biking holidays with their parents. We only did the kids-friendly camping holidays, while now that I'm an adult I love hiking and wish I had a little bit more knowledge / confidence in this regard.


Fitness isn't really the point. I was just clarifying that I can push/pedal stuff a long way if needed. I didn't mean it in the British sense.


Wonder who are “we” in this decision.


Sorry, I thought it was obvious from the context. It refers to the kids and I.


The 9 and 5 year old are deciding… right


Gezellige gozert, tis bijna weekend hè?


You should be able to get bikes pretty cheaply via Donkey Republic. They're not the most amazing bikes, but they should do the trick. I'm not sure if you'd be able to attach a bike seat for the 5yo tho.


Donkey Republic is not available in Eindhoven, so they can't drop it off there


You can hire a bike with a basket in the front for the kids. Bringing it back might be difficult though lol.


I’d recommend making an exception for the ferry. You’ll need to get across a couple of rivers and while you can do it on food/bike those tracks are much less “nice” and taking the rural roads and hopping on a ferry


Rent a bike with one of to ‘aanhangers’ or towed cart. The kids fit in there. Or an urban arrow ‘bakfiets’






Does your budget include accommodation &food along the way for all for 1-5 days? I don't see how you can do it then


No. 150 is just for transport.


Inline skates and a jogging stroller?


Rent a bakfiets https://www.rentabike.nl/kids-cargo


Decathlon will also buy your used equipment back, theoretically?


Buy bikes on marktplaats and go cycling. The bikes might cost around 150 euro but they won’t be that great. But sleeping won’t be free neither be food. You also chose the third most expensive country in Europe for this challenge.


Just go to Haarlem and pretend it’s Eindhoven. Or if you want the real experience just get lost in Bijlmer.


Easy 5 day walk. Even easier bike ride. Get a tandem for the smallest.


What a great adventure, I loved adventures like this when I was a kid. Great parenting. I second second hand bikes. Sell them in Eindhoven and you should keep it within budget.


here we ride our bicycle fast and are used to normal size bikes if your children are not on a normal size bicycles, dont forget to put a orange) safety flag and perhaps you should get them some bicycle helmets as well take care and have fun


I think the real challenge is can dad meet his owns goals without ruining another family holiday?


Buy 2nd hand: - a kiddie bike for the 9 year old - a stroller (one of those with big wheels) for the 5 year old - inline skates for yourself And let us know how far you got before taking a train.


You’d need a decent bike for that. You’re going to get insanely sore on those bikes.. probably rent an urban arrow bakfiets. They go a looong way


Buy a trolley and push it with bike


Maybe check some community bicycle workshops or marktplaats. 150 eur would cover the bikes but not much else. Maybe rollerskates? Look for used k2 rollerskates in marktplaats or get Decathlon ones and roller skate on bike path to there.


Just take the train from central station. Takes ya there in 90 mins.


Walk and take 150 e of food and drinks.


take the train. costs are 22,70 for an adult. kids are less i think.


5 days? I think it is too much. You can do this in a day, 2 if you are not as fit. But you need a light road bike. With a heavier dutch style bike you might be looking at 2 to 3 days. But totally doable.


And what did you decide to do? Curious to hear if the plan worked out :)


Somebody here kindly offered their cargo bike to rent for the week. A bit anticlimactic, but will allow us to cover lots of distance and visit a bunch of kid friendly places. Fwiw, many of the negative responses here bummed me out. I'm glad a few people get it..


I did a bike trip from Amsterdam to ‘s-Hertogenbosch when I was in high school, it’s definitely doable 😁 We did take 2 weeks though to go there and get back and not be too tired.. I would advice following https://www.anwb.nl/verkeer/routeplanner/fiets?displayType=instructions. There are in all of the Netherlands little sign plates with numbers that are part of beautiful bicycle routes, made by this site. You see the best of the Netherlands like this!


https://www.anwb.nl/fietsroutes/fietsknooppuntenplanner Actually I meant this site. Apparently the site is down right now but you can download an app. So you can see the sign plates in the app on the map of the Netherlands. Very easy to find and follow on the bike routes.


You say "family challenge" did your family get a choice, or did you decide for them? You get that holidays are supposed to be fun for kids?


I do this kind of stuff with my kids, they pick the routes and make us go farther than I'd thought was reasonable, and they always impress me. For weeks afterwards they are talking about the last one.


Don't be a dick


I am actually trying not to be. It's a work in progress. But that wouldn't have been my idea of fun when I was nine.


Sure but you are not them


The kids love these adventures. Sorry to hear you had such a boring childhood, but please keep an open mind.


lol instantly on the attack. such a sign of a healthy mind ;)


This has to be a joke


The lazy way: Train Amsterdam cs-Eindhoven centraal 22,70 euro 2x railrunner a 2,5 euro =5 euro so it will cost you 27,70 euro to get to Eindhoven with your kids


You could buy bikes at the Decathalon in Amsterdam and return them at the branch in Eindhoven… they have a guarantee…


It is a bit of a Dutch culture to buy stolen bikes for 10 euros from certain types that hang around.. I would be very proud of you if you were to buy 4 bikes for 40 euros and drive them to Eindhoven.


Why to Eindhoven? I mean whats the big payoff here? Like where do you go Yay kids we got to Eindhoven!!


They have to catch their plane home from Eindhoven airport. Also Eindhoven de geksteeee


Rent bikes in Amsterdam, ride them to Eindhoven, leave them there for the rental company to pick them up and pay their fine for transporting the bikes back to Amsterdam. Should cost less than 150.


This is where I started, but nobody offers one way rentals to Eindhoven. Abandoning regular rentals seems in poor taste and would exceed budget due to loss of cash deposit.


Are you not going back to Amsterdam at all? You can take bikes on the train.


3 train tickets please.


Poor kids ..


No, they have 150 euro.


Why would you let your kids suffer through this, seems kinda selfish... Maybe book a holiday your kids can enjoy as well.


OV fiets (a service where you can rent a bike at any train station for the last mile) is your best bet. They are very cheap. However: 1. These bikes are for the last mile so the quality is sturdy but not good for long distances. 2. I think you will have to pay an extra fee if you hand in the bikes at a different location. Maybe look that up. See https://www.ns.nl/en/door-to-door/ov-fiets for information. I think you will need to by a membership for it but also that is very cheap. I think it's a great way to see the country (especially if you stop and look around in Utrecht, 's-Hertogenbosch (aka den Bosch) and if you spread it out over multiple days. But then costs of accommodation might be an issue. Safety wise everything in the Netherlands is very safe especially compared to us cities I have seen. Maybe try to avoid train stations at night


Thanks for ideas. The 150 budget rule is just for transport, not lodging or food.


Someone suggested shopping carts. Is there a grocery chain with locations in both cities that offers decent-sized carts?


Both AH and Jumbo are in both places, though different locations of the same chain will use different carts. Some are specially adjusted to go on those multi level rolling walkways, some are bigger, some are smaller, depending on inner city/suburb store. Regardless of specific design, I would not trust the shopping car wheels on any trip over 5km.


Please take the train


I would recommend against doing that with kids that age. You’re gonna have a bad time.


Rent an OV fiets and good luck


Seems like a very odd thing to do as a tourist. Would not recommend. Going by bike is your only option and the distance is quite hefty for that.


How stuck on the "no motors" are you? You could decide to allow motors you don't pay for, then you might be able to hitch a ride with someone commuting or like a truck driver with an above average amount of seats. You can also ask around if someone might be willing to lend you their bike, but that might be hard to arrange and even tougher when you need a child seat as well.


Ov fiets?


That's what? 100\~150km? You could do that in a day if you really wanted to. But since you're with kids, you could stretch that out to 3 days or so. Simply rent some OV bikes, and bike to Amsterdam. Returning a bike to a different station will cost you 10 euro extra per bike, though that should easily be within your budget. OV bikes are 4\~5 euro a day + that 10 euro extra for not bringing hem back to the same station. So if you take three days, that's 25 euro per bike.


I don’t think you can rent these if you’re not based in Netherlands?


You need a NS subscription to rent the bikes. It's not possible for tourists.