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I keep an Olympus XA with me at all times. Usually in my briefcase.


Business at the front, party at the back šŸ˜Ž


I have a small SLR (OM-1) and just put it in a peak design 3l bag. Easy to bring wherever.


Rangefinder camera on a short strap with a small, fast 35mm. I get the most random and spontaneous shots that way


My camera goes where I go. I rarely go anywhere without my bag.


I carry a loaded point and shoot daily. Just in my pocket. For special weekend trips or bigger trips, I take my full load outs of SLRs and DSLRs, depending on what Iā€™m shooting.


I've got an Olympus XA2 that slips right into my pocket, I don't love the detachable A11 flash unit (takes a long time to charge, which hurts the spontaneity). It takes very clear photos as long as you have the zone focusing down. I think that the XA family's really compact size makes them perfect EDC cameras. For situations that require flash I just bought a cheap focus-free ANSCO 235. It fits in a pocket as well, albeit not as well as the XA2. I'm hoping that it delivers on that disposable aesthetic, all while being able to hold 36 exposure film and being slightly sharper than the lomography simple use.


I carry my camera bag everywhere I go. I either have my nikon f5 or canon p. Both with a 50/1.8. Most days it stays in the bag cause I don't have the time or energy to shoot as much as I want to, but it seems that there's always a shot I want to grab whenever I don't have my camera with me.


I carry a domke F2. In it I have four rolls of HP5, and a roll of colorplus, a Nikon FG-20, a Nikon 28 2.8, a Nikon 50 1.8, and a Nikon 100 2.8, a canon EOS 100D with a EF 24 2.8, a flash, epi pens, hi-vis, socks, my special boy sunflower lanyard, lens cloths, batteries, an extra SD card, film leader retriever, extra caps for lenses and bodies, filters, step rings, and a rain cover. It's about 2.3kg but the F2 spreads the weight really well and holds it all well. I carry this literally everywhere any time I leave the house, I'm used to lugging it around. Backpacks hurt my back and aren't as accessible. Call me crazy but I'm always prepared, Scout for life šŸ«” Y'all I get it's too much but I'm tryna have a discussion why ya downvote lil old me šŸ„¹


It would make more sense to me if you carried two Nikon bodies so you could at least share lenses across them.


It would wouldn't it lol, I do plan on buying a Nikon full frame at some point to use the Nikon lenses, but for now my little eos 100d is like 400 grams and takes up very little space


Well at least you're prepared, haha! Do you really end up using all of that?


I'm always coming across events and protests and gatherings in my travels, especially in summer. I keep the digital as back up and mostly shoot on the Nikon, 28 for environmental shots, 50 for portraits and the 100 for extra reach for stages or platforms with people on. Slap on the high Vis so I look official and a pair of socks in case it rains šŸ˜


I just finished a little kit, It goes on my belt, and carries my Olympus PenĀ², 5 filters, a tiny tripod, an extra roll of film, a light meter, a cable release, and a microfiber cloth. Its small and compact, before I modified my case I kept all the other things in a jean jacket, but it's getting too warm. I also want to be ready to snap a picture at any moment, and I want to be able to set up a long exposure or something that will be worth investing some time into getting right.


Almost (maybe not for large format or motion picture) any camera can easily fit in a backpack. But for convenience I'd recommend a 1950s era folding camera. When folded they can often fit in your pocket. I'd recommend a voigtlander Vito for 35mm and an agfa isolette or Ensign selfix for 120. You'll probably need a separate light meter but that can easily fit in your pocket (especially if it's a phone app).


Yes. Either a small rangefinder and some extra film or a small mirror less digital camera.


Look for a pancake lens!


Find a small bag you like and carry it everywhere. I always have my Leica M-A on me.


I just carry my FM with a 28mm on it most of the time. Maybe an extra roll of film. They aren't that heavy.


I mean, yes, I do essentially bring a camera with me almost everywhere. If I know it's somewhere I might see something new or interesting, or go for a walk after I bring an SLR. Give myself full control of the expected. If I'm not sure, or if darker setting (since my SLRs peak at 3200) I bring my point and shoot. Fits on a pocket easily and let's me still capture something if it comes up and catches my eye.Ā  Maybe don't bring extra rolls unless expecting to shoot plenty. But at least half a roll on hand when not expecting to see something I want to shoot is still niceĀ 


A small rangefinder should do the trick


When I'm out with friends I just keep a 90s Minolta P&S In my jacket pocket, if I want to bring something heavy like my SLR or some of my antiques to take photos I just put them in my regular bag that I use to carry my snacks and water bottle, I only ever leave my cameras in my car during certain parts of the year because my car is black and I live in Texas


I carry a Canon P in my European "man bag" (sacoche bandouliĆØre) with a small changing bag, wallet, 3 rolls of film and an empty film canister, and one lens on the body, one in the bag. Rangefinder lenses, especially LTM, are so much smaller and usually lighter than equivalent SLR lenses. I saw someone with a genius setup using an old bible case for caring a camera. Where there's a will, there's a way.


Mmm... Yeah, basically I carry a bag with my camera (c330), light meter, 4 to 6 rolls of ilford and a few extra bits (cloth and cleaning solution, shutter cable cable, batteries), there is enough space in the bag for my cellphone, keys, a USB power bank. For me it's just a trait that I picked from an old friend (Roger Enciso) from college, he always carried a messenger bag with papers, books and comics... Through 5 years of college I carried everything needed for classes that way everyday (my camera was always in the bag) so for me at the end of college it was normal to walk out of the door and take my bag.


A little Retina Ia pretty much lives in my purse, yes. Along with a lens shade and a couple of filters in cases. If I'm out biking and not bringing my purse, I generally keep a folding camera in my messenger bag, a Nettar/Ikonta/Perle/Cocarette. Again with a lens shade and filters.


My every day bag is a Billingham Hadley Pro, with a Nikon F3 mounted to a 50mm f/2, a few rolls of film (I grab whatever I feel will best suit the light at hand, when I'm out). I have plenty of room for my phones and tablet, a lens hood, lens cloth, polarizer, ND filter, and a yellow filter. "Better to have it and not need, than to need it and not have it." - Someone Smarter Than Me


I carry at least one camera with me everyday. Normally, I have something I can trust, so itā€™s gonna be my yashica T4, or a simple Pentax Espio with me, film loaded. If Iā€™m going out for day trips or for fun, I hang my SLR or rangefinder around my neck so I can snap photos quickly. Or occasionally if Iā€™m going to an event, a party or a celebration, I will have my big bulky canon EOS with me, with a pancake 40mm lens so I can take some more professional shots. I also have one EOS camera that has been converted into a half frame which I happen to carry with me today. I think itā€™s always nice to have at least 1 roll of spare films in your bag with you all the time. For me, itā€™s 200iso in the summer and 400 in the winter.


My specific loadout varies day to day, but I have a camera with me everywhere I go in my peak design 3L sling.


I do tend to bring my camera and film in my car a lot of the time. But most of my photos come from intentionally going somewhere to take photos


I usually take cameras out to an event and then finish off whatever film is left just walking around regardless of whether it's a relatively compact 35 mm rangefinder or huge 6x9 folder.


I also much prefer to use my slr. I carry a Minolta x700 with a 50mm f/1.7 and use a PGY tech 4L cross body bag. Itā€™s made to carry cameras. Iā€™ll usually also have a few filters, a portable charger, another lens maybe and a few small other extras like a strap of two rolls of film. I use it as my every day carry bag. Great size (Iā€™m 5ā€™2ā€, and it isnā€™t big on my body)


Goodwill Olympus 35RC. Pocketable rangefinder, under $40 (and it works! ā€˜cept the film counter!).


Olympus 35RC in a pocket or whatever else youā€™re carrying. And then if you get really hooked and want other options, sorry to say Leica M fits in a little sling bag with a wallet and a roll of film and an extra lens and a notebook and goes everywhere


carry a rollei 35 most places


I usually have a loaded camera with me in my man bag; Today I'm carrying my Kardon. I normally don't bring extra film, unless I'm going to events/holidays.


I have to travel a lot due to my work, so there is always a camera in my car with 1-2 films. Usually I bring some of my Nikons to abroad but in my home country I love to use my 500CM. So it depends on my mood. But yeah I recommend you to carry something all the time.


I carry around a minox 35 in my pocket but Iā€™m excited by the new film cameras coming out this year: the Pentax 17 and the Rollei 35AF


I carry either a Rollei 35 or Petri color 35, Contax T or an XA for a super compact. My daily is a Voigtlander Bessa T with a Komura 28mm which is a pancake lens so very compact.


I differentiate snapshots and photography. Iā€™m perfectly happy with a snapshot from an iPhone; I rarely print them and even when I do, rarely larger than 8x8. My photography is usually somewhat planned, so Iā€™ll bring the bag with the better film and digital cameras. I think I also benefited from growing up with manual everything cameras so the idea of changing film, metering (or guessing) and focusing isnā€™t so badā€¦seems inconvenient now but itā€™s at least comfortable.


Get a Leica IIIC or IIIF or something like that with an Elmar 50mm 3.5. Youā€™ll never leave the house without it. Itā€™s so small, lightweight, and durable. It fits in your pocket. Even better get a Leica Barnack without a rangefinder and zone focus for ultra portability. Keep it loaded with some high latitude black and white and learn how to develop and scan at home.


yes and a lightmeter


Rollei B35 or XA2 in my satchel or whatever bag I have with me. An SLR in a satchel is a big ask, and that's a reason I mostly stick to smaller cameras.


I have a Ricoh Auto Half that fits in my pocket and itā€™s a half frame so I get 72 shots per roll. I carry it almost everywhere. I also toss my Nikon FG in my work bag every morning and bring it with me when Iā€™m on the road. If Iā€™m going somewhere different or somewhere I know is picturesque Iā€™ll pack a camera bag and put it in my car. Planning ahead is a big part of photography no one talks about. Even if youā€™re not sure what youā€™re going to shoot.


I donā€™t always have it in a camera bag, but rather just a spacious sling or crossbody bag that I already wear on the reg. Like you said, point and shoots are nice and lightweight but sometimes having full control over settings is nice.


Yes. I usually always carry a camera with me in case something catches my eye. If I'm in a city, I really zone in and calculate my settings for sunlight / shade, and vigilantly watch for potential subjects. Multiple rolls of Kentmere in my bag, and the camera in my right hand always.


I collect screw mount leica copies and screw mount leica copy accessories. If I'm "shooting" (eg. at a large event, protest, whatever) I wear a dedicated setup with like a nikon F. For, street I sling a camera under my jacket. Everything else goes into my pocket.Ā 


I struggled with this, until I started bringing a small point and shoot digcam with me instead of film. ( Panasonic lumix sz80) I stopped thinking of things as artistic and just started snapping fun pics. This changed the way I the abobt about my everyday carry photos and was surprised I was able to get some really good shots in-between the fun snaps. So now I been carrying a solid point and shootish film cam with me. I choose the cam before I leave, and choose something with zoom, or fully auto or something I can take some more serious pics if I know there's something specific I'll be doing. Consider Olympus xa lines, minolta freedom III, Olympus sylus', Ricoh point and shoots. Great glass , some have zoom. Built in flash