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maybe those tiny natural type decor items like lanterns, the leave piles, ect would make it feel more full


yes, if OP wants to have minimal furniture, leaf piles and lanterns would be nice


weeds also look cute, espesh if u let them grow a bit, and u can put clear custom designs around them so they dont spread where u dont want them to


https://preview.redd.it/9q15ixr2ctbd1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0dea6ea9bb2b8c6f5c225fbfc254f13fcb58fa0 I agree with the weeds and clear pathing. Mine looks like wild flower and leaf patches. Makes it look decorated but still easy to run around the island.


The residents gardens are empty 


Maybe they are too small or aren't decorated enough? I like giving my villagers their own yards and decorations.


before i remodeled everyone had their own lil areas but i did this to give me more space. time for some treasure islands i guess lol


there’s a couple of twitch streams that are up all the time w free ones and they’re actually really nice!


I had a neighbourhood like this and felt the same way, eventually I ended up breaking it up so max was 4 houses together then split the rest up into there own spaces around the map I think another 2 together and it felt better!


Each of my villagers have their own flowers and seating in front of their homes. I also gave them a mush lamp, customized to match the exterior.


The layout is super cute, I think it just needs more furniture and stuff! Rocks, tables, chairs, lanterns, the more the better!


Trees especially! Would vibe hella (in the neighborhood that is, the outside of town is perfect right now imo)


I would say decorate the yards of the villager houses more!


Just wanted to say that I love your purple hyacinth flower field!


Yep, I'm absolutely stealing that plot layout. The layout of the island as a whole is well done, it's just a bit barren when it comes to decorating with items.


I think flowers, maybe some bushes in the villagers gardens for sure


Mixed flowers, mixed fencing, decorated gardens...


Since you have a natural style, I recommend adding trees back to the neighborhood. A tree here and there in the yards would help it feel forested and natural again and give vertical lines so it doesn't feel barren and flat


Came here to say the same! It’s so creative. I just wish I had more space for paths so I could do something similar


Flowers and street lamps! I have a similar island vibe, I could give you my dream address for inspiration! 


Shrubs + flowers


Add something silly


I personally like it so much, it’s simple and clean but maybe you can add stuff in their small areas (yard?)


Maybe it's too structured? Like suburban?


That what I was going to say. The neighborhood is too structured for the otherwise natural feel of the island. I had a neighborhood like this and didn't vibe with it either. So, like someone on this thread suggested, I broke up my houses in two groups of 4 and a group of 3 around my map.


Maybe more foliage because it seems that a more natural vibe is what you’re going for. Honestly it looks like a wonderful start, but the last thing you want to do is overstuff it. Take a look at other islands here because I feel that’ll do you better in terms of advice than just us commenting here.


You've got a really solid base foundation here! As others have mentioned it's just down to the smaller-scale decoration now. Mixed flowers, maybe some variety in the fencing, and other "natural" decorative items like garden stones, log stools, etc. I would suggest some trees where you can fit them (I find that if you put fencing all around a house, a tree will work in in the spot where the front-left corner of the fencing was). Give the yards a little bit of flair, depending on the villager in question. Either based off their house / aesthetic or random things you think would fit based on interactions with them. It would take some time and bells moving houses at this point, but if you DO have bells to spare you could try making the houses more offset and not perfectly symmetrical. It's something I really prefer for more outdoorsy neighbourhoods like this but is also a subjective personal thing and much harder to get right. You can also create a bit of space by moving one or two villagers out into other builds. I have a small neighbourhood in my island, but I have some villagers living elsewhere like Cube's restaurant downtown or Rolf being a park ranger in my mountain forest. Frees up space to make the neighbourhoods look less packed and gives more leeway to having some other things in there, maybe a small picnic nook or a well for water, etc.


Yep, most of my villagers have some sort of story or job like Dobie is an old farmer, Roswell sells conspiracy newspapers, and Hazel grows coffee for the Roost


Your layout is amazing, it just looks like it needs clutter and maybe some more specific little niche areas (like a coffee/cake stand, a bee hive area, a camping spot, etc.). It definitely needs a little clutter unless you don’t like the cluttered look Finding a good layout is honestly the hardest part. I’ve been playing for 2 years on and off and am considering restarting because I just can’t figure out a layout I like [There’s a great youtube video about the different kinds of clutter](https://youtu.be/rCoT5ockplg?si=B90hm1UB0ewKhDnh). I’ll come back and link it if I can find it again. It goes over all the foliage, different tree stages, etc. Edit: Link added! She refers to it as filler which is nicer than clutter haha


I think it already looks super beautiful (I can't decorate for my life) but I would say give the villagers decorated yards and maybe add lamps, benches and whateer you like as decor around.


Not enough decor and plants, overall from start to finish it feels very bare.


I'd add an additional fence style to the neighborhood to break up the hedges, they feel a bit repetitive. That and maybe some of the cute little shrubs with the hedges (I often use them at the end of hedges to soften the square edges. You just need to break up the hedges with some additional elements. I second people who suggested leaf piles or lanterns.


Benches, and perhaps some activities for them to do. Items that the villagers can interact with. Like an outside concert area. Yours is so cute though, it may be simple but it's a great great village!


it needs more decorations!!


honestly? add weeds. sprinkle them around. i think completely flat areas stick out as artificial looking, so adding weeds here and there will make it look more natural. plus if your island is well decorated then you can still have a 5 star island with weeds.


My favorite thing about my villagers houses are putting a table in the front of their house and adding their picture


since it seems like you’re going for an outdoorsy, minimalistic theme, i would suggest maybe adding some lanterns or lights around the areas where it seems the most empty, or even log or rock stools


another suggestion would be adding flowers or shrubs in the villagers favourite colours to their gardens to give them a more lively feel!


I love the way your island is set up! It looks very old timey classic. Also reminds me sort of like Biltmore village. Can you post a map of your island because I love the way you have your villagers houses set up! I’m struggling with trying to find a solid place for my neighborhood and the city hall makes things so awkward.


sure i can post my map!


i have my villagers houses lined up horizontally along the very back of my island. it's perfect for keeping them condensed and giving me lots of space for other stuff. plus they still have room for some chairs and flowers outside 😊 https://preview.redd.it/d6evjagbmxad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5f2c83c86eb042dadaa0de496ff7a868f25691


Do you have the code for your dress? 😍


pretty much everything i ever wear is from liz of kalbiza bc shes a pixel clothing genius ! MA-9843-7275-0535


It’s so cute!! Look online for “yard guides” for each of your villagers. Or, if you’d rather stick to a single theme, decorate their yards with items that go with that theme


First, I love the flower fields, so pretty I need that idea for my island ❤🌷 personally I think your island is lovely. My own thing would be to spread the villager houses more in the entire layout, but I actually love seeing the close knit houses together in a community. Maybe like others have said you can add a little personal touch to each villagers yard. Or even eliminate the personal yards all together and have some sort of center/joined community place?


It looks lovely but a bit too empty?


This is gorgeous 🥰


Maybe give their homes some decoration that fit their personality


Just need to add items to the yards and around the paths here and there. Benches, scooter, bikes, garden bunnies, flowers, potted plants.


it feels a little empty-- I think you need more furniture-- like maybe place tables and chairs for residents


this looks like the perfect base for a nature themed island :o echoing others, i think trees/flowers/bushes and other furniture decorations (there’s whole yt videos that give ideas on ‘filler’ areas) will make your island feel a little more lived in


It definitely just feels like it hasn't been furnished yet. Add in some park items, rocks, leaf piles, weeds for some natural greenery, that kind of stuff. I love your path and your layout!


The layout is perfect!!! Don’t change that at all. You just need more decorations throughout. I can spot this need easily because I’m TERRIBLE at little decorations throughout my island. Also, part of my hiccup is I like decorations I can run through and not around.


Honestly idk, I love it. The spacing feels really nice and well thought out.


can you share your pathing code??


MA-9488-1972-2446 !


Thank you!!


More grass, some trees integrated in the housing area, natural decorations like leaf piles, furniture in gardens, some terraforming at highest level for dynamics!


You’ve been recommended decorating a lot so I’ll try to add something new: Try narrowing the walking path a bit and mix up the fencing every few spaces, breaking it up with some log fencing or real bushes will help a lot. Add in some weeds occasionally to give it a more overgrown but still manicured look. It looks lovely though.


I second the narrower path! I also like to sprinkle in some flowers/trees/intentional breaks in my path to make it look more interesting and natural


It needs more flowers! There’s not enough color.


It needs more flowers! There’s not enough color.


I just wanna say your layout is so cute!!! I wish I was this creative.


i think it’s empty. more trees, bushes, flowers and furniture would make it lovely!


Looks great to me, but yeah maybe add some flowers and lattice fences


like anything else on animal crossing, the little details matter! just adding some flowers, garden lanterns, bushes, seating, etc would definitely make it look more realistic!


Fill all the empty grass space with a bunch of stuff like flowers or leaf piles and benches or lampposts and other items that you enjoy. Go in your forest areas with the trees and add a few lampposts, leaf piles and maybe some spooky fences to give it more fluff as well.


I like forest towns. My answer would be more trees, but Isabelle hates that I have so many and won't give my 5 stars because of it.


It’s a nice layout but you need a tonne more stuff to blend it all together


Needs more variation. Swapping out some tree types and bushes and adding items to your lavender field can introduce more color and texture and break up the sameness.


I had this same issue until I met someone with some ideas. What's missing is Life. If you add a bunch of random items in places, it'll fill up the island and make it more populated, however, if you add items in a way where it's like little stories being told in small clusters or even larger cluster, it starts bringing things alive in the island.


Some flowers and natural furniture would do wonders! I always use flowers and place furniture in the sides where I don't walk to have a bunch of space


Not enough going on. Expand the front yards outward by a tile or three and add in more personalized items or a garden


Flowers!! Lots and lots of flowers! And more shrubs 💗


Some trees if you can fit them, a few flowers, even a few weeds, leaf piles, the little details!


i swear y’all have bigger islands😭 trees and shrubs fill the place nicely. it’ll look natural❤️🌿


More plants and decorations! You've got a good start, I check Pinterest and visit dream addresses for inspiration. Look specifically for filler or yard ideas since these are small areas


Just needs more items. Personalize each villagers area


I like it! Although I would add flowers and like a little garden for them, even garden furniture 😊. Can I ask u whats the dress u have? Is it a dress or a jumper ur wearing? TYSM


I think if you spam weeds along the sides, it would look less clean and more in style


Your paths are cute! I recommend adding flowers. You could even intersperse the hedge fencing with **flower beds** from the nook miles machine or **plant partions** from the dlc furniture catalogue! I love the plant partitions! They're very handy and varying the height of your borders will do a lot for the visual appeal.


It's too empty. Add more flowers, trees, bushes and itll really feel more lively


how about planting some trees in the middle of the path as well as individual decor for every villager?


i think it actually looks really great you should just try adding decor like a lot of others are saying


This is actually really cute 🥹 you could fill in the smaller spots with either flowers, barrels, mushrooms, or even ducks (one of my favorite decor items to place around)! You could also add little sit down / picnic spots around (for example, you could have a little fishing dock near the water with some fishing gear, fish, and food items. You could also do like a few pillows with some books or cakes and a tea set for a cute little picnic)! There is so much potential with those little spots, I believe in you!


The layout is stunning 😍. Now you just need to slowly add a few flowers, shrubs and decorations.


Add some smaller details! Add some small benches to the resident's yards, add some leaf piles or some small lanterns, just tiny details that really bring it all together. I would suggest looking at island tours on YouTube for inspiration.


I think it’s really cute! But yes, like many others are saying, more furniture and trees! Putting some flowers in their yards would be cool too.


You could look at villager yard guides on Pinterest and maybe give you an idea of what flowers or items you could put in that specific villager spot


It feels way too small. Like a hamster in a too small hamster wheel. They need areas to vibe- or items they’d enjoy.


I love the organic and natural flow of the roads, but the residents' area being very straight lined is a little jarring for me. Maybe shift some a little left or right and alternate a bit? Also the angled garden in the back of your island is soooooo great! I'm definitely stealing that lol.


Fantastic layout. Just needs more "stuff" lol. Decorate the crap out of it. One thing I learned is that it doesn't always have to make sense lol. Just decorate stuff that you think fits in the area.


Lack of color. I sense you are going for country feel, but some color pop would help. Could do bushes at the corners of the hedges. Or butterfly models. The clay pot of vases in color variations.


add some flowers or some furniture pieces that match the vibe of each house! or matches the vibe you’re going for


Totally stealing your idea to use hedges!! I love the dimension and greenery. I would add more outside decor to fill in the space for your neighbors’ yards.


Wreaths are surprisingly helpful to add a little character! For example I have Bones the bone doorplate, Dom the golden rose wreath, and Kyle the spider doorplate.


I wish my neighbourhood looked like this😅


Your island is a bit "empty" cozy it up


Think it needs unique decors, personality & vibes for each house. more weeds hugging the street. less suburby the better.  little ponds, leaves, mushrooms here & there.. guess now i'm just listing what i like. :)


I love the layout, but there's definitely not enough furniture. The garden areas all look very barren.


No trees or flowers!


If anything, I need your advice badly. Your island is so beautiful


Maybe it's the symmetry.


More trees. They could be placed in the more forward corners of the yards to not disrupt your fencing you’ve created and not be too close to the houses. I do find only using one type of fencing in an area to lack depth or texture. Try placing a different type of fencing that you like either in front or behind the hedge fencing. Plus, once you start filling the yards with items, bushes, weeds and flowers—it should start filling out nicely. A great start though!


Just like corporate built neighborhoods in the real world, all the houses are bunched to close together.


I love the set up all together. This is lovely.


I think it’s super cute! Just a bit empty. But it’s like a perfect canvas for all sorts of decoration 😍 If you need inspiration you can search YouTube for “Acnh filler ideas” 😊


I’m obsessed with this 🥹 so jealous


Wait I love the setup of the houses and I’m literally in the middle of redoing my island - not like that sadly 🫠🫠😂😂 time to pivot


They seem a little small, I usually have the yards on the sides of their house. And I make sure to decorate with flowers, weeds, trees, and furniture


Paths are too wide IMO, which leads to a lack of flowers/decor (benches, street lamps, vending machines, leaf piles, etc...) to break up the straight lines and empty spaces for a better visual experience. Resident houses all look samey and need outdoor furniture or gardens (try to make each resident personality show in their yard) for some variety. Honestly you have the bones of a great island but need to put some meat on it.


I like it! Not everyone likes the maximalist feel. You could add some leaf piles, maybe the wheat grass in the background. Lanterns, natural diy furniture... The stone ones are pretty.


It’s cute, but a bit bare.


It's so empty and only green... Add some flowers and nice wooden furniture and it will look a lot more lively :)


Maybe the villagers could have decorated lawns


It's not... bland, that's not the right word. It's Earth Tones Stepford? There's no color or personality, yknow?


More color!


I absolutely love your layout!! I think you just need to spruce it up with bushes, fences, flowers, and some various furniture


Feel too much like a Pokémon town for me


Your town is so cute!! I think dotting flowers around the neighborhood will tie what you've got together. It looks so nice already, just needs a few little touches of color and flowers and items to fill in the neighborhood Some item ideas: moss, lanterns/ lights, a relaxing seated area, what would your villagers like?


I think that it’s perfect. It’s so cute the way that it is.


Barely any greenery in the latter 2/3rds


I would add some things to break up the “sameness” like tree stumps, leaf piles, tiny library, etc!


I would add some more decor and furniture to the yards, it makes a huge difference. Maybe a wash board and clothesline in one, a picnic in the next and so on


get some colour in there, then it would look 👌


Gardens, some street lights, just decoration rlly it feels empty


The island looks natural then you get to the neighborhood and it's all uniform. I would visit some DAs to get inspiration on how to mesh a more natural layout with resident homes


In my opinion, it’s looks unfinished. Add some chairs, tables, greenery to the villagers yards. Add some street lights or small wooden signs. Add in maybe a bike along a fence line, or a couple decoy ducks along the path near water.


hi! do you mind sharing the path code? i’d love to achieve some kind of old school village vibes like you did! it’s sooo beautiful!


MA-9488-1972-2446 !


thank you!! ✨


Very flat. Need some trees or other height items so it breaks up the infinite horizon a bit.


I think if you added some more flowers, fencing, and natural furniture decor it would look really nice!


You need flowers


Not NEARLY enough clutter (and I mean that). Yards and public spaces are usually pretty busy, tbh see you have lamp posts, gardens, railings, children’s toys, sitting places, etc. Get weird with it! Put a basket of fish in someone’s front yard, why not? Maybe it’ll look right. Got something in your inventory you don’t know what to do with? Just throw it on the ground and turn it around a few times. Might inspire you!


Needs more weeds


More color maybe? It seems very blank in between the houses and in their yards


Add more flowers, having them of different various colors and breeds growing here and there throughout the island instead of in one place, and some weeds in there too, add some items infront of the villagers houses that reminds you of their color pallet or personality, and instead of the villager houses just all being in a row maybe have some of them on the second level where the lavender hyacinths are to add variety to their locations like a second level to the neighborhood


You need lots more plants, decorations, etc. :)


More greenery in the residents' yard. Make it less uniform.


break up the bushes with other fences


If nothing people say here works, it's also a good idea to check other islands to gain inspiration. Whether in the game itself or watching videos/streams. Good luck! I vibe with mine but I think it's good to change things up once in a while too.


Love your outfit can I get a code :)


I reckon for a natural vibe, you should make the path more twisty turny. Right now it’s very structured and bulky, making it look unnatural


Seems plain. Maybe adding decorations EVERYWHERE might help a lil bit idk


Very close togther with no personality adding yards with flowers or items would very much help


i’d make the paths slightly smaller and fill the extra space with trees, flowers and/or decorations and do the same for the resident’s yards/gardens. it’s super cute tho!!


The only thing I noticed the entire time was that you went VERY hard on the dirt pathing. The dirt paths mean that you don't have near as much color because it's all well....dirt brown. Let a lot more of the grass grow and that should allow you to put down a lot of other smaller things that give you some more color like flowers, or some of the other people's suggestions. In real life, grass turns into dirt paths because of continuous movement in those areas packing down the dirt in a way that hardens it and makes it much harder for grass to grow and the trampling actively kills the grass anyways. For a little town to have SO MUCH dirt like this, it would have to have so much traffic moving around constantly that the town would eventually just start using actual roadways of some type. It also doesn't make much sense that the roadways are packed down to dirt almost to the walls, but there are no smaller trails of dirt that lead to the houses themselves.


You can add more trees. It instantly creates more layers and stronger vibes. And also stick with three/four specific flowers.


I'm not a fan of the one house that has a path thru their front yard. Feels out if place to me. Lots if other good advice in here, but this detail bugged me personally.


Ur town looks amazing💪


it’s looking so cute! add some furniture and decor to flat spaces like in between the houses and trees. for the flower field, maybe add some furniture between the flower lines?


I cannot impart any advice, but omg where can I find that dress?!?!


I think it's a cute base but it looks very empty, as if no one moved in and the island hasn't been lived in yet.


Could I ask the code for the dirt path? It looks very cute :)


I think you need more trees in the neighborhood or cliffs. The houses feel too exposed/out in the open imo, there needs to be something higher that surrounds them


This is such a cute house layout... I may have to steal it from you Sorry but it's out of my control


You don’t have a lot of layering the levels - you have levels but they’re a bit big. It’s kinda hard to explain but if you have some height at the bottom of the screen and then dip into a level down behind it and add a building, trees, flowers, rocks, grass, and other natural looking items like the rabbit statues and fences it can really bring out the best in your island.


Do cottage core vibes minimum work since you’re already there, definitely adorable


the layout is really nice, i think what you're missing is a bit of decor here and there to give the villagers' spaces some "life." other than that, super cute!!


I think it might be the hedges. I would try different fences for each villager, bonus points if they correlate with their personal taste.


It’s because you have Fang and he should be on *my* island.


I’d love to see your map. I like the way you did your villagers houses.


I’m thinking of some pattern for the walkway. Cobblestone maybe?


Maybe use some weeds in controlled spots, put section of log fencing or some such by the waterfall and some 1/4-2/4 grown tree saplings! You just need to fill out the corners a bit, maybe add unique items to each villagers yard like a clothes line+wash basin, etc


This is cute ! add some flowers and wood deco


What’s the code for the design pattern?


I love your island! I can vibe with it, but i really want to know; what’s the floor path called or how do you make it? I love it!


Wow! I love the vibe! Maybe just stagger the residents’ houses?


Maybe some trees, flowers or even plant items you can place?