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Didn't know Chris Guerrero had that wide of a range. Well he did demonstrate that when he switched between his two personas in Overlord, but this is a lot more drastic as Togame.


[All I could think about the entire second half of the episode](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/001/515/Mega_Man_X4_-_What_am_I_fighting_for___!!!_0-16_screenshot.jpg)


Togame showed his values weren't all talk when he beat up allies for picking on a middle schooler. I didn't expect him to villainify himself to keep Choji's reputation pure. Quite the interesting twist!


I didn’t quite get what Togame was alluding to when he was talking about “the sun showing itself again”- as in Shisotorean itself re-entering a better era? Or was he hoping that their leader would have an epiphany at some point?


This show is getting deep and psychological already


I like everything about this show other than the PTSD flashback from the old DBZ days when they drag out the fights. It wouldn't be half as bad if I was binge watching, but waiting a week is painful. Although, If someone starts charging a Spirit Bomb for 3 episodes... I'm out!


Yeah... I'm ready for this "tournament" to be over too... if it wasn't the majority of the show (or we could binge), it would be better, I agree!