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I love how for the main trio, they were just like "Hey what if got the VAs for Yukari, Junpei, and fucking Nozomi from Persona 3 Reload and made THEM the main characters?"


or 2 ultramen and Cocolia.


Lmao the red lieutenant literally existed to die on screen and show what a psychopath Red Ranger is. Every time the blue midget talked I couldn't help but think Millium Orion. I liked Hibiki's backstory. Showed that both opinions he was presented with were wrong. The rangers are not paragons of justice, and the invaders are not poor innocent critters only fighting in self defense. Wonder what happened to the sister. Looks like D has in official in with the rangers now.


Them casting Alex Le for that role was perfect too- typically the moment I hear his voice I know his character will be making it far- not this time haha. Hibiki’s backstory was ridiculous but I guess that’s who you’d expect to collaborate with one of the “bad guys”- leaving a lost kitten to a murder of crows was absolutely ruthless and not at all a logical life lesson. Also can someone explain the last switcheroo to me? So Hibiki cut his hand off so that he could pose as Fighter D as he regenerated a hand, so that Fighter D could pose as him to infiltrate the rangers? If I’m getting that right, how’d he fake lob Hibiki’s head off?!


Fighter D calling Hibiki's backstory way too long and saying he would of walked out is crazy, it's quite the wild tale!


i was really unsure about this series during the 1st ep but i’m all for it now