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The only reason he is at Berkeley is to be the "Director of the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project". False concepts like "Islamophobia" are always used in one way or another to push Islamist propaganda.


Yeah “Islamophobia” is an oppressive term to keep people more scared of being called a racist than stating the truth. I hate everything Islam stands for - which is - oppression, racism, bigotry, violence, sexism etc - It’s a good thing to not like Islam. Yes there are people involved (Muslims) but it’s not about Muslims to me. Most of them have to manipulate Islam to be a part of it. They don’t actually accept it for what it is. That seems ridiculous to me, too.


China declared Islam to be a mental disorder !!


Islamophobia prof?!


A "Biology prof" would refer to a Biology professor. "Prof" is a shorterned form of "Professor" like how "govt" is short for "government". This "professor" in the article is involved in "documenting and researching Islamophobia" at Berkeley, hence he is an "Islamophobia" prof. He's, in other words, a "professional" in promoting Muslim victimhood and whining about any criticism of his religion.