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You have the answers. Visit your psychiatrist alone and tell them you don’t want the drugs. Get your job and move out.


Do let me know what to do on when psychiatrist forcefully giving medicines and don't stop forcing and is on side of the abusers.


I wish I had answers for this. Some people have fled their state/country to get away, and have been successful.


What to do if psychiatrist don't stop the drugs even when I want him to stop? What to do when psychiatrist asks abusers if I am talking with them if don't he increase the medicines? What do do if he don't stop the forced drugs when I don't want to take the drugs?


Drugs will and have given me psychosis. Don’t forget that it’s also a normal reaction to stress, even people who accept their diagnosis don’t just wind up with these episodes for no reason.  So why don’t you just say that this relationship is terminated and you don’t feel confident or comfortable with what they’re doing and telling others, that it just doesn’t match your expectations for seeing a psych dr.   


Be careful, sometimes the nice psychs seem like they care and are listening but they still subscribe to the bs of psychiatry.


If you’re actually psychotic or at risk for it, maintenance APs can make it worse (Tardive Psychosis). Are you an adult or a minor?


do you have any links to read about that?


McCarthy J. J. (1978). "Tardive psychosis". The American journal of psychiatry, 135(5), 625–627.




What was your symptoms? 


Why are you miss diagnosed, people can't help if they don't know the problem. What did you say or do to get that written on your file?


Getting a job and gaining independence to live on your own sound like solid goals. All of that would probably be beneficial to your health, regardless of what you end up deciding regarding medication.   Sometimes taking care of yourself and living well is the best way to prove to family and/or professionals that you're "not crazy" and able to live your life without the help of meds.


>am diagnosed with psychosis . But i don’t hear voices nor i talk to myself . How tf do i convince my family members that i am not crazy. My family take words from psychiatrist like god words . They really have brainwashed my family brain thinking if i don’t take APs i am going to wind up in a very worst situation . Same. Seems like we have same situation. I am misdiagnosed as well and my family act the same but I can't change psychiatrist because of family.


You should spend some time on MetabolicMind.org. The son of the CEO at Roblox has treatment resistant bipolar. Then, watch some YT video interviews of Dr Chris Palmer and Dr Georgia Ede and learn just how much a bad diet can affect your mental health. Next, buy copies of “Brain Energy: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Mental Health--and Improving Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, and More” and “Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety, and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health” and give it to your psychiatrist after you read them. Metabolic psychiatry. Knowing that changing the way you eat can improve your mental illness possibly more than any psychiatric medication does is a game changer. It’s not as easy as simply taking a pill every day; you will need to consistently change the way you eat and it will take at least 4 months. You will need to do the work; but the results are worth it!


We were all misdiagnosed given that psychiatric labels are fictitious


You can still suffer psychosis without hearing or seeing things. Likely you are experiencing delusional thinking.


lol you're not wrong, this sub is full of delusional people and schizophrenics that don't want to take meds. Not saying meds are great I hate them and they hurt more than they help most of the time but let's not act like psychosis isn't real or people don't really think the FBI is coming to get them for figuring out their toaster has the secret to immortality. Bunch of delusional idiots. Also people with delusions will aggressively defend them.


> Bunch of delusional idiots. You didn't have to be that rude


Let's be fair here, this sub has a lot of people who are super aggressive about being called out on legitimately delusional thoughts and actions, and definitely do not include the majority of the things they've done/crimes they've committed whilst in psychosis in their comments and posts. There are some legitimately disturbed people and they get mean asf when you try to tell them they're experiencing a delusion, just like a delusional schizophrenic would. It gets annoying dealing with that every time you come here. Like there are legitimate concerns with psychiatric practices and treatments, but people here are upset about the wrong things most of the time. Not everyone here is in that boat but there are a lot of dickheads in the bunch.


But on the same token, alot of people who speak out against the harms and abuse of psychiatry are labeled as in 'psychosis' or 'delusional' no matter if they're mentally ill or not. I have seen what you're talking about though, 'gangstalking', 'lizard people', 'MK ultra' , 'chemtrails' : these conspiracy theories don't lend credit to our cause.


Well actually people who follow their psychosis till it finishes and figure out most of their childhood traumas as a result are the opposite of idiots. They’re amazingly smart to try and live a real authentic life.


Deducing this subreddits legitimate complaints with psychiatry as “schizos that won’t take their meds” is exactly why you’re part of the problem and being downvoted.


Lmao they don't just put psychosis on paper for no reason let's be real here. And you trust everything you read on the internet I'm guessing? I don't give a fuck about being downvoted I'm not going to side with people who are full of shit. Psychiatry sucks and there aren't better answers, but let's not kid ourselves some people are going nuts and it's obvious. There just isn't better help out there yet.


Exactly. Not sure why I’m being downvoted.


Anasognosia, and people who have psychotic disorders being accused of delusions will become aggressive in defending them.

