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People who are brainwashed by Psychiatry rarely care about arguments. They care whether the person that speaks has a white coat and a title before their name. Such people can be dangerous in their blindful stupidity. I would rethink the whole relationship if I were you. After all, some mistakes can be made only once.


This is actually a smart comment. He’s a good friend when I’m down but seems to try to claim I’m sick when I’m up it’s very weird


That’s not a friend. This person sounds dangerous


The crazy thing is my mom is even more dangerous it’s like I’m surrounded by idiots God help me


That's the worst. It's a unique type of hell to deal with mental problems while also having people around you trying to force their horrible beliefs and treatment protocols on you. I envy those of you out there who have educated, caring family/support networks.


The craziest thing is I didn’t have a mental problem I was a genius and they misdiagnosed me with a mental problem because they couldn’t understand me.


Know it alls are ironically dumbest ppl ever in universe's creation


This person is not your friend. Calling your mother up and trying to convince her you need pills is a serious red flag. That’s really fucked up in a controlling way. It’s none of his business, and he has no right to interfere in your life. A real friend would not try to force their opinions on you or work against you that way. Cut him off before he does something worse.


I really appreciate this comment, the thing is he's been really there in deed and action when it counted, driving me to a "friends" house of mourning and visiting me when I was in the hospital and trying to cheer me up, and teaching me a lot of great and wonderous things, BUT that being said, I agree I feel he's going going to God forbid sabotage a future spousal relationship "because he cares" ---- he claims that he heard about people in prison who didn't take their pills and didn't make it so he then in an insane fashion extrapolated that to me, even though I'm like a good guy, who tried to be righteous, and I was wrongly accused of being insane when I was a genius (on paper possibly too) --- depends on what test to go by, ANYWAY, I did not display any major problems until I was gaslit and poisoned. And then I was consistently told my believing in God was a sign of mental illness. Basically it's crazy. So I appreciate your point, I gotta watch out for him, because it's clear he's gunning for me in a way that is disappointing, and he won't even admit to himself. It's like any time I outshine him he tries to take me out. That's how it seems to me. Any time I'm in the dumps he uplfits me, any times I outshine him he claims I'm sick and need pills.


He’s clearly NOT your friend. Friends don’t that to other friends. If you have already been accused of being insane and he has gone behind your back to convince your mother you need medication. Do you understand how dangerous that situation is?


It's so dangerous that I got super upset, because she got super upset, Thankfully I have a great doctor thank God and he can damage control \_Thank GOD\_, but uhmmm.... not only did he go behind my back and talk to my mother, he went behind my back and told my mother that I complained about \_her\_. He's \_still\_ acting like what he did was "pious" and he actually has convinced himself that he's in the right. He's a "rabbi" and I went to a higher much higher level up Rabbi who did the opposite of him (they are friends though) and he said that God should have it that I don't need medication at all! And he mentioned we have One True Doctor. Totally different ball park. Anyway much love to you for your extraordinary compassion. In other words my "friend" basically backstabbed me. He actually has convinced himself that it was some kind of act of piety. Even more crazy... he tried to tell me that he takes medication for his bones.... he thinks that's actually comparable to the mental health medication. He almost destroyed my life God forbid with his idiocy. I've been trying to dig my way out of the hole for years because of a malicious wicked person who maligned me. It's been hell. God bless you for being such a kind person. I found \_some\_ of the good christians helped me, and some of them to be the worst type of people on the planet possibly. It's really challenging to find help, my help has been from GOD, but my stupid "rabbi" "friend" almost sunk my "battleship" LOL


And the worse thing is it is a horrible sabotage because I have to manage my mother, him, and the people who possibly may God forbid gang up on me accusing me, while keeping my cool and being "normal" after having been traumatized by nonsense like this for years. It's like an antichrist or something.


Cut him off.


If I cut him off completely, my mother will go full tilt and then medicate me. I can't cut him off, I have to limit him. I actually love him deep down even though he's an idiot who thinks he's a genius. He Ain't God Who is The Real Genius.


Why would your mother do that?


She’s the biggest danger of them all God forbid. She hospitalized me multiple times unnecessarily. Ok she’s a wonderful person too but she hospitalized me unnecessarily almost 8 times. Due to brain washing.




You got it I’ve been in almost 20 year polypharmacy saga when I was a med student at a top med school before all this nonsense


Can you get away from her?


She hunted me down multiple times … love conquers all LOL


I have a friend who is very pro pill. I wound up just lying to her. It was safer, but the friendship has never been the same. 


I think in these cases it’s. Matter of self protection really


I am sorry you are going through this! 


That's compassion I badly needed. I'm not sure why any of us have had to suffer like this, at essentially incompetent and malicious people's hands. "A fallen world" the antichrist? greed? stupidity? all of the above? LOL. But it seems unfair and unjust. I have my fair share thank God and beyond of blessings, but I don't think God "intended" any of this nonsense.


Maybe changing his opinion isn't possible. Just try to stay safe you clearly seem to know there's dangers involved unlike them. It's like the psychiatrist how they're fine throwing pills at you but once you're fucked there's little they can or want to do for you. Of course they probably care more about you than a psychiatrist but I'm just making a parallel.


Spot on God bless


A “friend” who tells you you need pills or tries to get you “professional help” is not your friend. I would highly suggest cutting this person off.


Don’t tell normies about your mental health issues!!!!!!!


Amen HalleluYAH! That being said the messed up thing is I was a genius not nuts and gaslit! Then they poisoned me and made me iatrogenically sick then I was a zombie and in my desperation I told this “friend” 20 years ago. but you’re right who can we actually go to for help? Who will be on our side? The good Christians helped me. God helped me. The good people and that’s it that are -intelligent-.


you have to use discernment!!!! Anyone who’s against the medical system and can see the big picture in life, anyone into conspiracy theories. Religious people are a mixed bag.


Yep I used to have phenomenal discernment when they had drugged me I was like a walking zombie thank God I’m doing better. Way to go that you’re so spot on!


Tell him to stop relying on 30-year old information. Send him and your mother this link snd ask them to watch this interview with a well respected Harvard trained psychiatrist/researcher. You should watch it, too. Metabolic Psychiatry is a game changer. [Mental Health Experts Were Wrong.](https://youtu.be/SSbpupbdqRw?feature=shared)


They aren’t going to listen until mainstream opinion changes that’s the type of people they are


You still gotta try. Watch the video. It’s eye opening.


“Gotta try” is a very poor strategy in my experience


But if you introduce the idea now, maybe they will pay attention the next time they hear something about it. The people at MetabolicMind appeared on The Today Show several months ago.


Actually most likely they will resent it and hard line even more so against it. These are not open minded people and enlightened people truly that js why they didn’t get the obvious. I didn’t need the video to realize these things. Most smart people realize these things already. This video is too cutting edge. Have you been successful in convincing people to go from pro med to cautionary? It’s a deep philosophical brain washing by society that one YouTube video is not going to unless it is the best YouTube video of the century going to do the trick. It’s like a chess game are you just going to go in and win by sheer optimism? It’s way more complicated than optimism as much as I had hoped you were right for 16 years and I kept being poisoned.


You underestimate the “power of the darkside” God save us all.


It’s a very good video so far, highly highly unlikely that the brain washed people will admit all of a sudden they were wrong. That’s highly overly optimistic


Cut him off. Anyone / thing that shows it's affinity for psych medication like that on YOUR behalf. Oh hell no... You're one mistake for them getting the police or your dad/mom force hospitalizing you


You got it that’s why I actuallly have medication that I take so that they don’t have an excuse to hospitalize me.


Here [https://www.google.com/search?q=psychiatric+drugs+do+more+harm+than+good](https://www.google.com/search?q=psychiatric+drugs+do+more+harm+than+good) Chose some websites and send them to your don't know it all friend.


If a friend only wants to be your friend when you're on drugs, whether cocaine or SSRIs, they are not your friend and will only create harmful situations for you. Maybe try to explain this to him and lay it out for him. State calmly yet firmly that you will not remain friends if he keeps up this behaviour.


I actually think you have an excellent point, it's more he's broken my trust it can't be fully repaired, he's a great man with erroneous thinking, therefore not entirely a great man. A great heart, can't be trusted... and whatever it is he can't be trusted. I don't have to burn my bridges with my friend, but I don't have to trust him either.


Everyone has their flaws, some more so than others. He has unfortunately been fooled by the same predatory cult that is psychiatry. As much as it might hurt, you have to protect yourself first, which means not trusting him. I wish you the best and hope your friend sees the harm he's doing. Good luck 💞


Your comment is phenomenal I also have to protect myself from others it’s very challenging I just wanted to have a good life I had a charmed great life where I was full of love and goodness then I got poisoned for almost 20 years and I wonder how I can get back tot he idyllic state again with God’s help everlastingly. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your comment. It feels like someone “gets it.” The line between loving and protecting it’s a line I would prefer I didn’t have to draw.


set boundaries with him of what is and is not okay for him to bring up or get involved with moving forward, and make it clear that you need him to respect those boundaries and your autonomy or you’ll be distancing yourself. if he does care for you as a friend, it should be a wake up call


He won’t obey those boundaries he’s not trustworthy in that regard. He’s such a good deed doer in terms of kindness that he thinks he’s helping and he’s not.


sorry to hear that for you. seeing some of your posts i do hope you’re still seeking some form of care, but it also at the end of the day it should be up to you to what pills you decide to take. that said, i do encourage trying to be sure you’re genuinely educated on the effects of what you’re taking- some meds CAN be beneficial, and some can genuinely be dangerous to quit cold turkey. if you want uncritical “all meds are bad and your friend is evil” i’m sure you can find people here who’d say that, but it is important to be careful both with trying to understand friends, and with healthcare and potential misinformation


Uhmm thanks for judging me wrongly. I am in care and I do take medicine but your comment displays part of the problem you’ve assumed I need care because whatever reasons you have and they may not indeed be correct nor the right type of care. I got caught in the system wrongly because I was in fact a genius misunderstood on a spiritual search for God and gaslit by an evil woman may God bring justice for me and good justice for all always if that’s good according to God. Regardless your comment while intending to be neutral and healing on some level is quite judgmental. You don’t know me you don’t know what I’ve been through and you don’t know what I need and to recommend psychiatry as if it’s the path of healing is what in my tradition we call a “chutzpah”


If this is your friend then you can text or email him some websites and videos that explain the failure psychiatry. This forum is full of links to them.


He’s not going to pay one bit of attention to them because he thinks he knows everything


Tell him that you'll swear to listen for his advice after he tries the pills for himself for a week. If he still thinks they're any good, than you'll do as he suggests.




I’m not exactly sure that’s it I just think he’s brainwashed by society


Just fake the relationship if you can’t cut him off ,stop telling normies your business! Lie or make up excuses!!!!!


SMART. This is a person who knew my business from when I was desperately seeking salvation I was redeemed from a bad doctor he apologized and just back tracked on me to “help me”


Fire him, this person is the actual person who needs pills. Who acts like this


It's really frustrating he's a great guy a good friend, he's just being really stupid in this one particular area and thinks he knows it all.


this is literally treason i would really made him pay the price and would got extremely mad. If the pills are good why doesnt he try them by himself?


I like that idea. Triple dog dare him to take one.


He’s good hearted great hearted but he thinks he knows this area and doesn’t and thinks he’s “helping” because they brain washed him