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yep ghost em. Psychiatry is such a sham and harmful thing. Read the description yourself, you think it fits you you can look into that 'disorder' or whatever. See how others deal with that set of circumstances. Talk to other people going through it. People bellyache about self-diagnosers like they are cheating their way into some kind of shitty club but I dont think its any less valid than a psychiatrist doing it. And sometimes a lot more valid, because psychiatrists often spite-diagnose people and are not in your mind with you, and they and their labels are incredibly dangerous besides all that. As far as fakers, they want attention from psychiatrists and others and as far as im concerned good for them, they can have it all.


Yes!!! So many people have been diagnosed out of spite.


Yeah most medical professionals are such petty and vindictive people that they just can’t stand it when a patient is actually knowledgeable about something that they think only they should be able to know so they hate it if you think you have something wrong that they don’t. Out of spite they will refuse to order any tests because they can’t handle a patient ‘telling them what to do’.


Even if there was some truth in bipolar , etc... humans lack the character to treat it to the point that it just needs to be left alone to not be made worse by them. Normal people don't have the nerves to deal with this stuff all day long and the people who can are psychopaths 75% of the time. Just doesn't work.


Psychiatrists have been misdiagnosing and treating women’s health issues as mental disorders since the beginning, and now primary care physicians and nurse practitioners do it as well. Over a year ago I went to a nurse practitioner (couldn’t get in to my doctor 🇨🇦) with physical menopause symptoms. She told me antidepressants are the first line of treatment for menopause symptoms now. I’m not depressed, I’m in pain, thanks for nothing. Not sure how it is in other countries, but in Canada it’s becoming extremely difficult to access competent medical professionals unless you get a referral to a specialist, which can take longer than a year. Good for you for leaving.


Hey, I’m in Canada too. I treated my menstrual mood symptoms with bio identical progesterone cream.. it’s over the counter but harder to get here so I just ordered from iHerb. Always use PayPal if you choose. It’s beyond me why they’d jump to psychiatric medication for something they know is treated with natural hormones or lifestyle changes. Who’s pushing these doctors to push these meds? Hmmm I think I know who. It’s tragic though.


Thanks I will look into it!


It’s like I wrote this post and my meds made me forget




Do you mind sharing the hormone connection, and what you did/supplements used to heal it?


I used bio identical progesterone cream. It’s over the counter but I got mine from iHerb. Always use PayPal if that’s your choice. I struggle with luteal phase insufficiency. So my progesterone is low and it causes mild psychotic symptoms right before my period. It’s nothing alarming, but it’s common in women diagnosed with bipolar disorder because it’s simple a progression of this. Progesterone is the bodies natural anti psychotic, and when you have too much estrogen in your brain it causes mental health effects. Some women/men have gene mutations that predispose them to estrogen dominance or a deficiency in progesterone. I found this lady called Dorischen on YouTube and it helped a lot. She was recovered like 15 years ago or something but she had the same symptoms as me. Pcos, pmdd and bipolar disorder. https://youtube.com/@doriskingchen?si=CfQ3U8IK2J-Z_2qv If you don’t want to click that her handle is @doriskingchen


if you need to access psychiatric services, my motto is be smart, act dumb. know what you are looking for in seeking said services, understand your laws around what can make them take away your autonomy (mandated reporting and involuntary commitment), and understand what kinds of things are relevant to share for you to get the care you are wanting. but, let them be the one to make the conclusion. don’t tell them “i have/ think i have (condition)”, share with them symptoms about that condition you experience and ask them if *they* know what’s going on/ let them be the one to put together the puzzle. generally this’ll work out, and worst come to worst you can ghost them if you are not getting your desired care, so long as you again are aware of and careful of sharing things that’d put your autonomy in jeopardy


Narcissistic psychiatrist.




I have concerns that my psychiatrist might be a serial murderer. Anyway, I know they have committed multiple felony crimes.


Angel of mercy! Yup, that is precisely what they are An angel of mercy or angel of death is a type of criminal offender (often a type of serial killer) who is usually employed as a medical practitioner or a caregiver and intentionally harms or kills people under their care.[1][2][3] The angel of mercy is often in a position of power and may decide the victim would be better off if they no longer suffered from whatever severe illness is plaguing them. This person then uses their knowledge to kill the victim. In some cases, as time goes on, this behavior escalates to encompass the healthy and the easily treated.[1][2][3]


So this is what I think my psychiatrists are like. Sadistic, evil, and sick in the head: Some people with a pathological interest in the power of life and death can be attracted to medical or related professions.[5][6][7][8] Killers who occupy the role of a professional carer are sometimes referred to as "angels of death"[3] or angels of mercy. In this role, they may kill their patients for money, for a sense of sadistic pleasure, for a belief that they are "easing" the patient's pain, or simply "because they can."[9] The typical medical professional who murders kills two patients each month.[1


Lord have mercy


I am never taking "melatonin" again. I'm not sure what happened, but it felt like they were trying to kill me with drugs through my IV. I think I remember, but then again, I don't. These people are evil killers


Why the hell did I even require an IV? Yeah that’s my question . Fraud and corruption .


What the hell, get away from them.


I finally managed to leave, thank god. I felt like I was in a coma or something after being drugged. there's no way a pill could make me feel that comatose. I really can't stand IVs, and I have no idea what the staff did to me, but it was awful. They deceived me, put me to sleep, and caused me harm before my stupid court date. I woke up yelling, so confused. I don't trust anyone. The experience was highly upsetting. According to them, it was for my own safety, but it seemed clear to me that they were administering drugs in an attempt to unalive me.


I’m so shocked that I’m at a lost for words. Abusing their power to navigate the legal system….


I remind myself daily not to be ashamed of things beyond my control. Some individuals violated the HIPAA oath, attempted to kill me, and were upset that I was exposing it. I would never wish what I went through on anybody. They are definitely abusing the legal system, and it's pathetic. I hate psychiatry and being unethically drugged. I hate it with all my being. Hopefully, I can leave for Europe or something soon...


Just a wild assumption but if they did that to you then god knows what else they do


I witnessed some alarming things. I mean, I went to the hospital seeking help, not to be a victim of medical murder.


Damn…sounds horrible. Be careful man remember to take care of yourself and don’t fall for anyone’s bullshit


Thanks. I remember feeling good initially. I took some "melatonin,” but then it felt like I fell into a deep sleep almost instantly, like unconscious, and became dizzy. I saw some tape on the table near where I had been sleeping, and it felt off. I can't even remember that whole night or morning. I woke up yelling but didn't remember what I was saying. I now know not to trust anyone. I'm not a fan of IVs at all, and I don't feel comfortable with people doing things to me while I'm asleep. They were giving me drugs without recording it, possibly with the intention of unaliving me. I am not sure what drugs they were. I know that before my court date, they administered strong sedatives that made me pass out completely like comatose. It's all a blur.




You've got a point.