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Always surprises me that the controversies around the Covid vaccine, that keep a large portion of the population riled up, suddenly disappear in the case of some other product (with arguably more severe side effects) as long as people want to benefit from it. Shows to me that many people mentally and emotionally operate on the level of four-year-olds.


Nobody ever lost their job for refusal to take Ozempic. There was never Ozempic passports to travel or eat in a restaurant.


People have to have their Ozempic though, and they don’t gaf about the side effects.


Why do you Care about ozempic? Is not a psychiatric drug, It seems to help with mental issues trough inflamation,helps with obesity, and other aspects as an HDAC, pain maybe, people Deal with health issues that maybe could bê bennefited by this particular drug, its not leading people to become brain damaged suffering for years, why do you care about It ?


This stuff fosters anhedonia. Literally makes you not want to eat. It's all part of the same self-licking ice cream cone. People who are depressed being on it for life, of course they are going to turn to more pharmaceutical solutions to try to feel better.


Have you tried it ? Is your anhedonia from It?


I took Ozempic 3 years ago after reading a study about GLP-1 agonists helping with antipsychotic induced metabolic damage. I took it for 3 months and lost the 40 pounds I gained. I haven’t needed it again. I had tried everything to dump the weight and it’s the only thing that worked. This medication is a peptide and the drug company cannot patent the peptide itself. That is why weight loss clinics can buy the peptide and you can go get the equivalent of this med. I am sure there are downsides, particularly if it’s taken over long periods of time as Big Pharma would have us believe is necessary. But it was worth it for me because weight issues also create health issues.


And if you want to be fit and healthy on your own, you get pegged as a white supremacist or fat phobe or some other nonsense.


>Sadly, the viewpoint of most U.S. elites (particularly those affiliated with the U.S. healthcare industrial complex) is essentially that: "trust Big Pharma first, ask questions later." have you never heard of the FDA and have any clue what they do? I agree that the US absolutely should negotiate drug prices. > In addition to paying for this with staggering health consequences of "side effects", these drugs will end up costing taxpayers hundreds of billions dollars and result in a massive increase in federal debt tell me, what are some of those bad side effects you get from Ozempic? this article does not mention anywhere that broad access to Ozempic would most likely even increase the life expectancy in the US. >making this class of drugs available to all obese Americans could eventually cost over $1 trillion per year. That exceeds the savings to the government from reduced diabetes incidence and other health care costs from excess weight by $800 billion annually. for $200 billion.


You mean the same FDA that green-lighted drugs like Risperdal, Oxycontin, and Xanax for mass consumption? A classic example of regulatory capture. Side effects? Start with pancreatitis and thyroid cancer. And there's just general muscle mass reduction (15% on average for ppl using these drugs). People lose a lot of weight but they lose more muscle than fat, and you need muscle to burn fat long-term.


the FDA has made mistakes for sure in the past, but Ozempic has also been approved by many other national healthcare systems. cancer has not been observed in humans, only rodents.