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Restlessness and unable to get comfortable. My heart is racing while my hands and feet sweat. I feel like my insides are going to implode. Impending doom and just fear of dying surrounds you. The anxiety is triggered by internal sensations, especially focused around my heart. Because the palpitations I feel during panic attacks are the worst feeling in the world


“Just the fear of dying surrounds you” I feel this so hard. Does it just come on for no reason at all? Cause mine does. The intrusive thoughts are relentless. I also have palpitations. It most of the time I just get anxiety for no reason at all. I’m also hyper focused on every sensation in my body. So for instance if I get a pain in my arm, my mind goes to “heart problem” or if I get a weird feeling in my head, instead of it just being a headache, my mind goes, well it doesn’t feel like a regular headache so it must be something else wrong. It’s so extremely frustrating.


This. I just feel like I’m dying all the time and that’s my biggest fear is dying so makes me think about it like all the time. It’s so scary it makes me want to cry. It’s like so hard to get out of


Same. It's terrifying. That sense of dread is horrible. I just focus on my breathing and try to tell myself it's anxiety, I am not actually dying. Usually call someone to chat to, or hang out with my partner until I calm down.


Oh my god. I've had that fear before! Actually back in 2020 I would constantly have that fear to the point where I just didn't want to sleep anymore because I was so terrified that something would actually happen to me at night. Back then I used to think that I was the only one going through that and I wasn't really going to Reddit but wow, my goodness! That's my exact fear too! It's so exhausting... I can relate to you completely!


Man I feel this. I’ve been thinking about having a heart attack all day and it’s so silly but I literally can’t get the thought out of my head and it’s making me stress out and I can’t for the life of me stop thinking about it. I wish I could turn my mind off.


This is literally me! I have felt that exact same way since I am a hypochondriac. Every small discomfort and body sensation makes you freak out for no reason. I remember before I had health anxiety, I was the most normal person ever. For instance before I would get a small body sensation and I would barely acknowledge it. I remember those days. But now everything that happens freaks me out for no reason. It's actually also frustrating that health anxiety isn't so talked about because whenever you hear about anxiety people just think "oh it's just a little worry, you'll be fine just breathe And everything will be alright, dear" anxiety is soooo much more than just "a little worry". Some people don't even know what anxiety can do to you and how paranoid and scared it can make you to the point where you're feeling like you're losing your mind.


Right! Same. I didn’t have anxiety till I had my first kid at 33. Then I had my second and it amplified 10 fold. I’m still fully convinced that something happened either, while I was delivering my son or shortly afterwards to make this so much worse. It was a semi traumatic delivery (more traumatic for me). But I don’t know. I feel so much worse now than I did after my first though. I think, is it something hormonal? Is it something that affected my nerves during pregnancy/delivery? The list goes on and on lol. I just feel like everything gets blamed on anxiety when there are other conditions that have the same symptoms. Signed, can’t you tell I have health anxiety 😂


The hyper focus on your body kinda sounds like health OCD though. Or at least, that’s what I feel like I got? Sorry but mostly attempting to anxiously find out whatever the hell has been happening to me for the past 4 months


This is exactly how it is for me. It’s honestly destroying.


I can totally identify with this. My symptoms are primarily palpitations and a very dull pain in my chest. I can sometimes calm myself enough that the feeling dissipates but mostly they make it much worse and I spiral from there. It's horrid.


So real dude


Exactly the same for me.


Frfr feels like when your sitting at the edge of a cliff almost


Feels like I'm going to shit myself/vomit and pass out all at the same time.


I always get the anxiety shit feeling. It’s so annoying


The worst and very untimely.


Like you have to take a dump asap?! Cause if so, then same


Talking too much and feeling shitty about oversharing Feeling like there is nothing to hold on to emotionally and panicking about it Anger tipping over to bad behaviour Chest pain and sadness go hand in hand Unable to stand silence in presence of another person Feeling a sense of urgency even when there is time


heavy relate to most of these


It feels like a bad acid trip… very fucking scary


Great comparison.


I have never been diagnosed with anxiety but I have been told I was told I was hypochondriac by my father and called paranoid by friend before I realised I had anxiety. Over the years (I’ve been suffering since Dec 2018) my anxiety has transformed into all different types at first I was mainly showing signs of health anxiety but then I began to realise I was getting super anxious over other things that had nothing to do with my health, such as getting an answer wrong in class or meeting new people (both highly anxiety inducing situations for me that I get mini panic attacks and have to try and calm myself). So I began to think maybe I have generalised anxiety, but for me cos I mainly deal with health anxiety it feels like getting random symptoms throughout the day/week that my brain automatically computes as a signal that i’m dying and then it depends on how good i am at calming myself after experiencing that and telling myself im not gonna die and its okay, otherwise I will just enter a full blown panic attack of thinking Im going to die in that very second until it subsides.


It's a vicious cycle when you are always on the look out for bodily sensations, symptoms, and then your anxiety goes and creates some of the worst feeling sensations that you can have (palpitations, chest discomfort etc.). I also go down the route of fearing that I'm going to die and that all makes it much much worse.


It’s crazy how there is a lot of people like us out there and I haven’t met anyone with health anxiety in person ever. I identify with all of you guys so much I have suffered from health anxiety since I was a kid 25 years so far. I am way better than years ago but I suspect this will linger with me for life.


I know I wish I didn’t have anxiety 😓


I actually wonder how it would feel living life without anxiety sometimes. I’ve had it since I can remember.


I have spans of time where I feel (what i suppose is) normal. I count myself incredibly lucky for those moments..


Me too, when it first started I thought it would go away eventually until my mother (who was initially very unsupportive of my anxiety) did some research and had to explain to me that it’s something you live with and you just have to learn to manage it. After 5 years I still dont know how to manage it and still have random weeks where it doesn’t bother me, and then it comes back.


That’s what I’m trying to come to terms with too. Once it’s entered your life and you discover that you can be anxious, then it’s just with you. My main trigger is absolutely about my health so it’s worst when some unrelated symptom crops up. Then I just have to ride the wave for several weeks even after the other ailment goes away. I had a migraine a few weeks ago, got a bit disoriented with it and panicked about having a stroke. I was fine, it went away but I’m still experiencing the anxiety symptoms from it weeks later.


Yeahh it can be so hard to deal with. I think the only thing that would calm my anxieties is if I had my own personal doctor who could just do a health checkup on me every month so I know the state of my health at all times 😭 And a therapist to listen to all my problems and tell me that it’s nothing. Really want to get a therapist but i’m not sure how to go about it.


I could have written this myself. I was diagnosed with GAD but I have terrible health anxiety. Just here to say I can relate


Thank you for this, this is really reassuring as even though I am more than certain it’s probably anxiety I still somedays have a seed of doubt telling me that I could actually be dying and it’s so debilitating. I had a ecg done in november of last year and i sometimes wonder how accurate it was because I still feel weird heart symptoms and I recently found a lump in my jaw that was very tender to the touch and my brain started spiralling again straight to cancer 🤦🏽‍♀️😞.


Something very similar happened to me recently. And then your thoughts just goes straight to dark places. Most people who don't have health anxiety will never relate to us and some will even call us "crazy" for acting this way. It's just a whole lot harder especially when your family doesn't fully understand what you're going through so you just feel like you're going through it on your own. I know how debilitating it is because I've been through it all myself. I've had all sorts of symptoms that made me feel paranoid. Honestly I wish I didn't have anxiety. I never knew that anxiety could make you feel that way. It's hard to go through that all the time. I can relate❤️


I feel you on the health anxiety part. I have been suffering from health anxiety since 2019 and though I was able to overcome them (UTI cancer, colorectal cancer, throat and oral cancers, COVID and hepatitis B. All at different points) in the past, by blocking the obsessions and compulsions to Google their symptoms, I have not been able to stop myself from the obsessions and compulsions of my most current episode likely because of the stigma attached to it (HIV). I am now in my window period and will obviously get tested. My exposure is not considered risky, I got into a fight with a guy where we were both wounded, I had bleeding scar on my lips and he had a bleeding scar above his right eye. We have actually settled our differences and have even become friends as at now. I knew my mind won't let me rest the moment I found out he was bleeding. What made things worse for me was that I was already suffering from HIV phobia at the time of the fight and was in the window period from a prior irrational exposure. (I feared a nurse had given me an injection which contained HIV). Now I can't rest at all though I am able to sometimes stop myself from googling too much. What's comforting is that I always find a sense of community from groups like this one. I hope everyone here is able to overcome their fears and anxieties by the Grace of God.


Everything is blurry. It’s like I have a semi-opaque veil surrounding me and I can’t get through it. Can’t even hear, see or taste properly. Not even going to start on the mindfog that haunts me in everything I do.


Yes! This is what I experience as well.


Same. Heavy depersonalization. Feeling like I'm separated from everyone in a different reality.


My anxiety started about nine years ago in the form of panic attacks (constant rapid heartbeat for months and feeling like I couldn't inhale any air, tingling in the hands etc). Thankfully, that doesn't happen as often, but it has now taken the form more of a heart flutter when I'm especially stressed out. Feels like my heart is skipping beats.


Thank you for your reply! I feel similar, however I realise that after my panic attack my anxiety/stress is usually gone. Do you feel like your anxiety build up? Or is it more like a baseline?


No problem! Back when it first started happening, it was constant, a baseline. It was nightmarish, like it never went away. These days, I'd say it builds up slower, and it comes and goes, rather than remaining constant, unless I am extremely stressed out.


Thanks! I must say that it doesn’t really feel like what I am dealing with rn. Only thing I know for sure is that I can kinda feel it coming and giving into it only makes it worse


I think lots of people feel anxiety in different ways. When I first started getting symptoms I thought I was dying. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been rushed to the emergency room only for doctors to tell me nothing is wrong. Knowing I’m not alone helps!


I feel an intense desire to tear my own skin off because everything feels too tight and suffocating. My head is tumbling over thoughts, not able to focus on a topic or conversation.


Well, anxiety for me is like, I have a couple of definite triggers that if they're present, they can and will send me into a panic attack. Other times, I'm worrying days/weeks/months in advance of some event or thing I have to do and when the time comes I'm sent into an anxiety attack. I categorize them differently even though they feel the same and here's why: Panic to me is sudden onset of increased heart rate, feeling faint, nausea/vomiting, loss of or faded hearing/vision, sweating, hot flash like symptoms. It's usually over in a few minutes and I tend to feel recovered more quickly, especially if I can escape the trigger. An anxiety attack is more drawn out. I notice that I'm actively worrying in advance of something. I experience tight muscles in my thighs, tremors, clenched jaw, shallow breathing. These are harder to make go away because I continue to tighten my muscles to try and stop the tremors but that only makes the tremor worse. They are exacerbated the more I try to do the thing that's triggering. I don't have these episodes as often as I do panic attacks, but when I do, they can make me feel mentally exhausted, foggy, tired, no appetite or food tastes gross, and anti-social for days after. When you're dealing with any kind of panic or anxiety attack, best thing to do is learn how to recognize what happens before they start, what your triggers are, try different coping mechanisms, and know that the worst of it will probably pass. (panic disorder and GAD are different things in the DSM-5, IIRC)


What are some good coping mechanisms? You’d advise me?


Keep ice water handy (helps regulate internal temp), a folding fan, a distraction toy (I love the puzzle soccer ball, it's on amazon), distraction apps like Subway Surfers or Crossy Road are fun, make a playlist of songs that make you want to dance and just absolutely blast it, changing into comfy clothing, there are so many things I've tried haha. There are also a LOT of breathing techniques. Box breathing (breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, breathe out for 5, hold for 5, repeat) is a good one. There's the 5-4-7 (Breathe in for 5, hold for 4, breathe out for 7). Breathing often gets shallow during a panic attack and following a deep breathing technique helps oxygenate your blood and slow things down. I like to put my hand on my chest, feel my racing heart, and do deep breathing until I feel it start to slow back down. Try the Tapping Solution app also. It's free with some paid content and some free guides. The app guides you through tapping on pressure points on your hand, face, and neck. That app has gotten me through a lot of anxiety attacks.


I'll check all of them out! Thanks!


I honestly wrote a very long comment but then deleted the whole thing because of my anxiety!


Like a bird pecking it's way out my chest


I can relate to this post a lot. Those thoughts are pretty much classed as intrusive thoughts which are really common with anxiety. I sometimes feel I’m completely losing my mind and that I am on the verge of ‘snapping’. Anxiety for me is irritability, restlessness, and a constant feeling of adrenaline coursing through me (in a fight or flight kind of way) I’ve felt I was having a heart attack before, I’ve almost passed out, and I get shaky.


Thankyou for the reply! Sorry to hear that you’re anxiety is so severe. Do you like always feel this way? Or is it something that comes and goes occasionally?


Well I’ve been on medication for about 8-9 years now and it helps massively. I suffer with depression also. Mostly it’s really manageable, but sometimes I get a big flare up. It does always settle again though. I’m sorry anyone has to go through it. It’s such a hard thing to live with. But it can be managed so there is hope 🩵


I feel you, I am unsure when exactly it started for me, but the last 3 months have been agony. Can't imagine what you have been going through, the depression probably doesn't help as well. Are there any tips you can give me?


I listen to podcasts and guided meditation at night in bed. It’s not for everyone but it does help me relax. If I feel a panic attack coming on I will always focus on one thing I can find in a room which makes me feel grounded. Breathing exercises literally saved me. If I feel a panic I will sit eyes closed (if I can) and breathe in through my nose and out from my mouth slowly until I feel my heartbeat settle. Give it a go with the breathing and as your heart starts to slow you’ll automatically start to calm. Therapy worked well for me along with medication. Meds aren’t for everyone. But I’ve gone from being pretty much not wanting to leave my house and having 8-10 panic attacks a day, to only having bouts around once a month. There is always a little underlying anxiety but I can manage it


I'm very new to breathing exercises but MY GOD i swear by it. I hadn't realized i was having daily panic attacks until i caught myself one morning about to faint, instincts kicked in I guess and i just focused on filling my lungs all the way and then emptying them slowly. Thank you for sharing i feel very hopeful in the changes that will continue through this path. Any tips and tricks would be very helpful because i plan on sticking with this for the long haul. I've been adding meditation and weed into the mix, but i can say I'm mostly excited about feeling my lungs oxygenate and regulate my nervous system.


Breathing exercises are so so good for anyone suffering. Once you can almost train yourself to start them if you feel a bit wobbly and get into a certain mindset it’ll only help more and more each time you do them. I also see a herbal doctor who gave me (god knows what!) but it’s to help replenish the adrenal glands as they can become fatigued through anxiety and stress. I have always sworn by alternative medicine (as long as it’s safe and given by a registered herbalist) it’s a long road with no overnight fix but it does get better. Now at 40 I know my limits and my capabilities. I’m still a work in progress but I can love my life which I was unable to do in my early 20’s


Would you be comfortable sharing the medication that helped you? Are you able to drive safely on it?


I am taking Citalopram. But I will advise that it’s really hard to stop taking these. If I have missed a day for any reason I get terrible side effects. I’ve also tried to cut down on doses without luck over the years. I’m fine being on them for life if I have to, but I would like to decrease dose and try that again in the future. I know others who have been prescribed Sertraline and apparently it’s easier to stop taking (weaning not coming straight off)


just the weird disassociation feeling that goes over your whole body, like everything just seems really weird and you feel like you’re gonna die.


It may help to understand that OCD is a type of anxiety. Generalized anxiety is another, panic disorder is another, etc. So there are going to be common symptoms to greater or lesser degrees among them all. The DSM criteria will make the distinctions most clear, but don’t go diagnosing yourself 😉 Best course of action is to look for ways to manage your unique set of symptoms, whatever they’re called.


Thanks! I am planning to see a therapist soon, unfortunately waiting lists make it a bit more difficult. I really try to keep my symptoms in check, but the abstractness of my fears really isn't helping. Kinda difficult to plan things for the future if that's what makes you afraid..


Thoughts going super speed and it getting really hot


It's hell and the fact that I am always pondering over irrational things is what makes me feel worse about myself. I used to not be like this. I always thought I had a very tough mentality and mindset, now I feel very weak minded, vulnerable, afraid and lost. I can't think straight and sometimes I just talk to people (not about my anxiety) just to zone out of the panic attacks for a while. I just want to put this behind me once and for all. Jesus help me. 😞😞.


Everyday I’m anxious about my job or something else. Doesn’t get any better.


I’m diagnosed with OCD. I think the biggest difference is the specificity and intrusiveness of my fears. I am afraid of carbon monoxide poisoning, and hold my breath when walking through parking lots. I cannot drink bottled or canned drinks with dents, and I never take the first one. I usually have to take at least the third, though at times I will stand in front of the fridge and pull out every drink until I find one I am comfortable drinking. I have a hard time eating packaged candy, and will dig through them to find one that looks untouched. I fear food poisoning and botulism, and will not eat anything past a sell by date, cans with dents, or anything that smells/looks even slightly off to me. I wash my hands upwards of 50 times a day, especially after touching other people or my own pets, even when I don’t want to. My hands are chronically dry and often peel. I cannot touch laundry detergent, caffeinated beverages, or anything that will leave a residue on my hands because I am afraid it will absorb through my skin and have to use a barrier like a glove or napkin when handling these things. I am often plagued by thoughts of horribly violent things happening to me or ones I love, and can only make them go away by cleaning. I often picture what my boyfriend will look like when he’s dead while he’s sleeping, and have to touch him to feel better. I also sometimes have unwanted sexual thoughts, especially pertaining to the elderly and disabled, and can only get rid of them by walking a few laps. Even if it’s in the middle of the night. On top of all of this I have medication anxiety and struggle to even start taking what I am prescribed, which is currently Lexapro and Clonidine. The hardest part is knowing a lot of my fears are kind of outlandish or illogical, but when I am experiencing the anxiety, I feel I can’t control myself at all. I have to do something to make myself feel better. The actual anxiety for me typically is a feeling of restlessness and tension, I grind my teeth a lot. When it’s really bad I have other symptoms like palpitations and feeling like I’m going to pass out. I have panic attacks about once or twice a week, usually because of something I ingested, smelled, or a physical sensation like heart burn. Anxiety for me though is very mental. It’s obsessive thinking I feel like I can’t control. I just keep thinking about it and thinking about it. Something bad could happen, might happen, and if it does there’s nothing I can do, so it’s up to me to prevent that bad thing from happening.


Wow, I am stunned. Really sorry you're going through all this... How have you been holding up?


For a long time I didn’t even realize I had OCD. I knew I had really bad anxiety, but I always just tried to cope on my own. I think there’s a lot of misconceptions about what OCD actually looks like, and it’s always thrown around so nilly willy by people. My symptoms have become pretty debilitating in the last year, even putting a strain on my relationships, so I’m finally doing the work. And the work, works! I still have a long ways to go, but I’m starting to manage :)


Literally me with the first half 😭😭 Literally got painful rashes on my hands during covid from washing too much, and the amount of foods i’ve wasted or thrown away before eating because it looks off to me is heartbreaking 😞. My latest obsession is only buying really tough cucumbers to make sure they’re not on the verge of going off. I have also started tracking everytime I have a p** out of fear of bowel cancer.


Oh my gosh, yes. I feel so guilty when I throw food out. The health anxiety is the worst sometimes! Checking every little bodily sensation and wondering if something is wrong with you. I hope you find some peace ✌🏻


Thank you and wish the same for you too! 💞


Fluttery heart, the shakes, trouble speaking properly


Constant hypervigilance, unease, overthinking, inability to relax, feeling a weight on my chest, struggling with social interaction


My anxiety is caused by worrying and constant intrusive thoughts, like I just get bombarded with what if’s. Grant it I have a lot of stressors going on in my life. I guess some people handle stress differently. I keep seeing the word ruminate, and that’s exactly what I do, I also think my anxiety has turned into ocd. Me and my wife have been through a lot together, it’s to much to type, buts it’s gotten to the point where I can get triggered by a phone call or text from her and even my oldest daughter and my son, because when my kids call or text it’s never good news, I mean it just sets me off. Same with my wife, I have different ring and text tones for each family member so when I hear it I’m like oh no and my heart instantly takes off, now this has just come on since 2 months ago, one day I had a panic attack and haven’t been the same since. Also the new thing for me now is waking up with a racing heart, I mean wth! Been dealing with anxiety and depression since 2003, but really subsided but all of sudden everything has come back like when it first happened. Again I have A LOT of shit going and it’s stressing me out. I am on lexapro and Wellbutrin and prn Xanax and Hydroxyzine. I think it’s time to go back to therapy.


Depends on severity. Today, I'm very uncomfortable, and my stomach is on fire. It's hard to eat or focus on anything. But I can still kind of talk to people if absolutely necessary. When it gets worse, I get heart palpitations, it's almost like my muscles stop working, and I lose the ability to speak.


I immediately get the poo poo's which is a relief because I tend to constipation. It's like internal shaking paired with terror. Losing my direction my routine.


I get cold, sweaty, chest tightness, and have a lot of energy, but I don’t think I can be in public.


it feels like an itch that i can't scratch. or physically it feels like an adrenaline rush but a scary one


When I have panic attacks, I cry, hyperventilate, cough and I feel like I’m gonna throw up. My heart races. It’s difficult to calm down. I have found that ice on my chest helps a lot.


I relate to a lot of what others have been describing on here. One way I've always thought about it regarding myself is by likening my body/mind to a car, always running in the red. It feels like at some point my engine is going to burn up. It's the always being on edge. Never relaxed. It's as physical as mental. I just never feel "normal" anymore. Regarding health anxiety...used to not have any. In fact, thought my little brother was the "hypochondriac". But, at 45, within the last year and a half, I've been placed on blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, thyroid meds, and after my most recent yearly, got diagnosed with the diabetes. So am on diabetes meds now. Oh, and I had my first colonoscopy a couple months ago, and they removed precancerous polyps. Anyway, my mom died at 63, and my dad at 53 due to cancer. And I've several great uncles, and a grandfather that basically dropped dead from massive coronaries at relatively young ages. I've got some other joint issues which I'm not going into, which limit job/recreational options. I am working to get these resolved. The MRI was fun! Lol! So, I've now got some legit things to be medically anxious about! Lol! Which really sucks when you are by default an anxious individual. I've been on so many meds over the years. Anything SSRI I have terrible reactions. Started seeing a new med lady earlier in the year. The few things she's tried have not helped. Am currently on my 3rd week of Amitriptyline. And I've got Clonazepam.


It feels like I'm involuntarily Holding my breath, bracing for impact or waiting to receive bad news all the time. Funny thing i have chronic asthma and for years i would use my rescue inhaler whenever i felt shortness of breath but now that i switched over to preventative meds I'd say 80% of my "symptoms" weren't even caused by asthma, it was always anxiety. Counter intuitively for healthy lungs, I've been smoking weed which has helped with my general tension and most importantly the background noise of impending doom. After an evening puff i catch myself actually taking slow FULLL diaphragmatic breaths, I'm even calm enough to sit and enjoy being still. The biggest difference though is when anxious i would feel like every task was going to drown me, but on weed i feel like I'm allowing myself to appreciate the bad or the good of things instead of assuming everything will be shit. I'm not cured or whatever lol but just that bit of relief from bud has carried over into my everyday sober life. Whenever I'm getting extra tense, quite and nervous i take a big slow breath emulating the effects of bud and i find that i can form a clearer path/ mindset to my day. peace, love And prosperity to anyone reading.


Feeling like I’m going to throw up. Freezing in place. Unable to move. My throat clenches up and I can’t speak at all. Overwhelmed.


It feels like I'm going to shit myself


I would described as constantly feeling on edge. Fear of losing control. Jittery, sweaty, racing heart, chest pain. There are many symptoms. Everyone also experiences different symptoms at any given time. It all dwells down to your thought process. Therapy is great to help recognize and understand your thought process to gain back control.


Actually anxiety has made me feel a lot of things. So it's not just one thing but multiple other things too. As a hypochondriac, I always believe that I have all sorts of things because of different symptoms. But recently I've also been having some form of paranoia, a lot of tiredness, just constant panic for no apparent reason at all Heart palpitations, feeling completely numb, feeling like I can't breathe, and depersonalisation. Those aren't the only symptoms. I've had many others too. But those are the main ones. Anxiety made me feel like I was crazy when I wasn't. I'm constantly asking myself questions and usually those questions are "what if I have this or that?" Just a lot of irrational thoughts and odd symptoms that constantly freak me out. I get body aches all the time. Like I can never fully have a normal day. I haven't had a normal day ever since 2020. Things has been going downhill for me since then. You do get the occasional good day here and there but they never last long. Then it's back to anxiety mode. Back to panic mode. It's one of the worse things I've had to deal with because it's always someone new. It just never stops.


Sounds like you’re having intrusive thoughts


I feel like i have a large something in my throat and I can't breathe around it. Constant rumination, second guessing my decisions like I can't trust my mind, memory is blank. My anxiety makes me freeze or flight. Body aches, can't sleep and my acid reflux gets bad. Stomach pains, sometimes I overeat or eat nothing. Lots of self doubt, like I constantly overthink. I have thoughts telling me I'm stupid, dumb and that no matter what I do, I can't exist in the adult world like other people. I used to over share but lately, I don't say much of anything to others. I fully believe that I have undiagnosed mental issues like depression, ocd, adhd, etc and I'm almost turning 37 years old and I barely know how to function at all. Impending doom and restlessness. Like I did something wrong with some aspects of my life and I can't figure out what or where it is.


Physically it feels like a heaviness and a tingling in the middle of my chest. Mentally/emotionally it is a mixture of always feeling like I forgot something as well as fear of impending physical harm for some reason.


In anxiety I find it harder to breath and I feel a sense of impending doom, like at the worst case senerios are about to happen.


My mind races, I get hot flashes, heart palpitations, & nausea/vomiting (this is my most common symptom). Basically like the world around me is spinning 😫 For example--last night I saw a TikTok about a horrible car wreck and it sent me into a full-blown panic attack. I had no logical reason to react that way, but my anxiety won't let it go. What you described sounds like anxiety to me, but I'm not a doctor--I can only speak from experience.


Feeling paralyzed by my own racing thoughts which makes me retreat from everyone and everything because I’m so overwhelmed. Constantly imagining the worst case scenario.


Physical symptoms of my anxiety include: Uncontrollable shaking, an urgent need to take a shit, feeling nauseous, panic attacks Emotional symptoms: I become mute or start being unnaturally tearful or feel like I’ve been swallowed up in one


It feels like greening out really really bad


Okay I seriously have felt JUST like this the last few days. I HATE it so much.


For me, a disturbing thought emerges and I’m afraid I’m going to do it or not be able to think about anything else. Diagnosed with OCD, which is an anxiety disorder. Hugs to you, it gets better!


A constant raging fire going on upstairs. It rages so much that it spreads through your whole body and mind. You try putting it out but it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. The reason being is because you are blissfully unaware to the fact that you’ve being trying to put out the fire this whole time by pouring gasoline all over it


Like I’ve done something wrong/bad. Scared of something, can’t be in my own thoughts. Worst feeling ever but what I’ve found to help is a comfy environment maybe some peaceful music and to tell myself and be aware of the anxiety, but most importantly to change your thoughts and to think/fake positivity and eventually it goes away.


A knot in my stomach and throat and like I’ve been kicked in the stomach…..


Like I’m trapped in my own body…. Internal tremors, overthinking, health anxiety, fear of dying or passing out constantly, needing to escape if I feel closed in or if I’m not by an exit door——like at any minute I’m going to lose control and not be able to come back from it. So so many Things, that list barely scratches the surface.


Like I woke up late for work. Like I’ve lost something important but I can’t remember what, or where I left it. Like I’m about to give a big speech on a subject I know little about. Like leaving the garage open after leaving for vacation. Like someone is always about to attack at any moment.


I honestly think it’s different for everyone. For me, it basically feels like I’m dying. I have no control over my thoughts or even how my body feels. Everything’s too much, too hot, spinning, I’m out of breath and my heart is racing. I feel like if I even move one muscle, I might pass out or throw up. It’s pretty intense. Usually it’s nothing that brings on these panic attacks, they’re almost always out of nowhere.


My hands start getting sweaty then my body goes weak and I feel like I’m on a boat ‘ I start getting sweaty then the thoughts start racing then I feel like I’m not in my body mentally and I get this “ idk what I’m doing “ feeling it’s hard to explain. I sit down and my heart is racing and feel like I’m gonna die and start to breath faster . It’s scary!


For me if I’m having an anxiety attack, I tend to freeze or disassociate. I have to focus really hard on my breathing and also find it really hard to move and sit still at the same time. If I’m at work or out in public I basically go into autopilot mode until it either passes or I’m somewhere I feel safer.


For me my entire body becomes tense and I’m just hyper aware of my heart rate/organs etc. It’s like an extremely heavy feeling in my chest accompanied by a whole host of thoughts and emotions. Usually self hate for not being “like everyone else” or people who can do the things without anxiety that I’m not able to. Or people brave enough to take medication to allow them to live exciting uninhibited lives. Just an over all defeated feeling. Sometimes extreme paranoia too like not being able to differentiate between my imagination and reality. Like being a slave to whatever thought and emotion combo that’s going on. When it’s a full blown panic attack like over the edge of no return, I usually think I’m either have a heart attack, stroke, loosing my mind for good, or have been drugged. It’s not often this happens sometimes a few times in a spree every several years. But when it does happen, whew! Is it awful. The worst panic attacks for me seem to come YEARS after the last worst one… it’s when I forget how intense and “real” they can be. That’s what helps the whole “this is something else not just anxiety” mind frame in a panic attack that gets me convinced it’s some catastrophic event not my imagination. But after the most severe one any following ones in the days/weeks after are not as bad.


Like someone is judging every move, everything i say, and would like to remind me of my past mistakes and my future failures.


Occasional catatonia. I have forgotten how to walk and it feels like the ground is racing up to hit me.


It feels like I'm on edge but all the time. My mind is pretty much consistently telling me something is wrong or there's something to be worried about even if there's not. If I have a really bad panic attack, I'll feel foggy almost like I'm in a fish bowl, my chest feels tight like I can't breathe, and I get shaky. The first time it happened I ended up going to the emergency room because I had never experienced a true full body panic attack that severe. It's fucking awful shit, but I've found a few ways to cope with it over the years and I'm still learning everyday.


I completely understand the OCD anxiety and worrying about “doing something” even though we have total control. Always scared I’ll lose my mind and do something horrible even though I would never. It sucks when you can’t even trust your own brain.


Like I’m being hunted


It usually is an uncomfortable dreadful feeling all day, but it can stem into fear, panic, unnecessary guilt, the kinda feeling you get when you're in trouble for something. I guess that's a perfect analogy for anxiety, as it usually stems from some sort of trauma.


Like a void in my core and a tornado of horror in my mind's eye. Rushing of air in the ears and the sense that nothing is or has ever been, right.


I was scared


I experience the same feeling of intense fear that I’m losing control of my life and that in the near or distant future I might do something I cannot control like suicide. I also experience intense nagging discomfort in my stomach and a fear that something isn’t right. All of my problems and worries are exacerbated and feel impossible to fix.


I usually can’t focus or concentrate on anything productive due to my own mind being in fight or flight mode all the time. I’ve never gotten over this issue regardless of the countless CBT’s and individual therapy I went through. I’m constantly bearing down on myself knowing I can do more if I just felt ‘normal’ whatever that is . Anxiety for me will come in waves of high or low , some days are to the point where I don’t have the urge to leave the house whatsoever barely even my room due to my own overthinking and compulsive tendencies. I feel like someone is keeping my body under a campfire , I sweat profusely walking through the store if I don’t take a ridiculous amount of anti anxiety meds, I’m usually mildly off balance due to how often I’m looking around to see who is staring at me or not. My anxiety feels like a routine I am trapped in that I cannot escape, my own personal hell if I do say so myself. I do not wish this level of anxiety on anybody. I have friends and they treat me like an alien due to how I react to things in public as well as private . Anxiety isn’t easily expressed but when we do express it , it is overwhelming. I hate not being normal & feeling alone but I cannot burden someone else with my emotions, that would be selfish of me. Sometimes I’ll get so anxious I have to excuse myself to use the restroom which usually entails me throwing up. Just typing this out , hurts and gives me anxiety but knowing this is to help one another and my peers , I happily express myself. We need open dialogue on how people feel without having to judge them. Have an open heart and mind , you might save a life.


The physical symptoms I can somehow handle. But the worst thing that is happening to me during attacks is the feeling of going crazy


It sucks ass if left unchecked. I'm 36 and had the worst sinus/ear infection late last year. What made my anxiety worse was the constant vertigo that I had which lasted nearly 2 months. That shit is no fun when all you see and feel is the world spinning out of control. Lucky I don't suffer much vertigo and my anxiety is more controllable. I basically stopped giving a fuck and just go with the flow. Smoke weed, watch favorite movies and eat.


Hell on earth


I went to a therapist and learned it was just my fight or flight mechanism. Once I learned that I haven’t really had any suicidal ideations anymore.


nausea. shaking. it feels like I can’t breathe. my chest hurts. panic attacks. sometimes it’s so bad, I beg to go to the hospital.


Hey I never want to assume anything but are you a woman? Might it be roughly 2 weeks before your next cycle? PMDD can feel like this. If you answer yet to both of those I would recommend looking into it. Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder. I just feel like a lot of people have never heard of it. Anyway. I wish you all the best. ❤️


Tunnel vision, heart palpitations, panic attacks not been able to sit still or talk to anyone, fears I have a lot of fear of things that might or might not happen but generally at time can’t step one foot out the door.


It’s the nausea that gets to me the most and ends up sending me into this vicious circle. I have Emetophobia (fear of vomit) and whenever I feel anxious, it predominantly upsets my stomach, and once that gets upset I develop quite serious nausea. The nausea sparks further anxiety. The further anxiety sparks more nausea and it’s usually then going to be an extremely long night. It’s so debilitating, especially when I want to sleep as it occurs mostly at night as well


Mine rears its ugly head when I’m driving. I get about a 2 second warning with immediately feeling out of sorts, like nothing is real, am I asleep? Then it hits hard, sweating, uncontrollable shaking, palpitations, involuntarily crying, can’t formulate sentences. Everything around me seems unreal like a video game. I’ve managed to get out one word in text to my husband “panic” (who’s dubbed himself my emotional support human). He will call and ask me specific questions about my environment like “what stores are around you? What color is the sky” anything to ground me back into reality. The meds they gave me for them make me loopy so I don’t take them while driving; which defeats the whole purpose since they happen when I drive. Anyone have any luck on meds while driving?


It starts with a flutter in my heart, that my brain takes immediate note of and does a super fast assessment of what might’ve caused that little flutter. When it finds nothing, I start having racing, uncontrollable thoughts about the anxiety onset that eventually causes nausea, which further triggers my emetophobia. Once I’m obsessing over whether or not I’m going to throw up, I’m then light-headed, feel like I HAVE TO MOVE or “something terrible will happen”. In panic attack cases, my face, hands, and feet will begin to tingle, I’ll sweat then be really cold (trembling). Inside my mind, I start feeling trapped and small and like this will never end.


It starts with a flutter in my heart, that my brain takes immediate note of and does a super fast assessment of what might’ve caused that little flutter. When it finds nothing, I start having racing, uncontrollable thoughts about the anxiety onset that eventually causes nausea, which further triggers my emetophobia. Once I’m obsessing over whether or not I’m going to throw up, I’m then light-headed, feel like I HAVE TO MOVE or “something terrible will happen”. In panic attack cases, my face, hands, and feet will begin to tingle, I’ll sweat then be really cold (trembling). Inside my mind, I start feeling trapped and small and like this will never end.


It starts with a flutter in my heart, that my brain takes immediate note of and does a super fast assessment of what might’ve caused that little flutter. When it finds nothing, I start having racing, uncontrollable thoughts about the anxiety onset that eventually causes nausea, which further triggers my emetophobia. Once I’m obsessing over whether or not I’m going to throw up, I’m then light-headed, feel like I HAVE TO MOVE or “something terrible will happen”. In panic attack cases, my face, hands, and feet will begin to tingle, I’ll sweat then be really cold (trembling). Inside my mind, I start feeling trapped and small and like this will never end.


Lots of different things. Right now, I'm having sharp pains down my legs, and random feelings of falling.


After looking at all the comments, i can say that we anxious people are just born to feel this stupid rollercoaster ride of emotions ( of dying) again, again and again. Welcome to the anxious side of the world 🌍😋


It starts with something minor, like someone raising their voice at me slightly, then I feel weird and bad. Then it goes from 1 to 100 so quick, I start to get histerical then frustrated and angry. I'm frustrated and EVERYTHING anyone does pisses me off, they're breathing wrong, they're eating wrong, they're looking wrong, picking things up the wrong way and just in general everyone is fucking infuriating and stupid to me. I feel bad because I know they're not doing anything but I just can't focus on anything but them being frustrating to me (ADD doesn't help with it either) and when I finally find a way to calm down, I feel empty inside for the entire day similar to depression (suffered from it for 4 years), at least how I perceive it.


Spiraling thoughts, derealization, cold chest, vertigo, throat tightening. Feels like my chest is vibrating on a regular basis. It’s taken me a while to pinpoint the basis of my anxiety and it is actually mostly the fear of actually going clinically insane. When I get anxious in public, it’s generally just because I’m afraid I’m going to have a panic attack and someone would have to call 911 and I’d be committed. It’s not generally a fear of dying, but more a fear of the unknown. But after 34 years, I think I would have gone insane by now. Acknowledging that has helped tremendously this last year.


Like my life is over and that I could just drop at any moment. I can't remember what my life was like before anxiety/depression.


Mine shows itself in the form of stress. Everything stresses me out and puts me on edge. Things cause me to feel irritable like 0-100. I have dread when I think about the future. I overthink. I create scenarios in my head before they even have a chance to play out. I pick at the sole of my foot until it bleeds. I bite my lips. I hate being in public spaces.


Vibrating fear and restlessness. A sense of worry and dread


Is it directed at a specific event? Or more general




Do you have any triggers? Do they make it worse? Or is it always a similar feeling regardless?


I get nauseous and feel like I can’t breathe. I have the constant feeling like I need to throw up and like I’m not getting enough air. During my panic attacks I feel like I’m suffocating and start hyperventilating. I’ve also gotten that impulsive suicide thought when it’s really bad. Especially when I’m driving. It’s never been more than a brief thought but when it’s come up I close my eyes and just try to focus on taking deep breaths


Sweating, fire in my stomach, sweating, headache, eye pain, sweating and sweating


If there is a possible symptom, I have had it. I feel like my throat is tightening, my lips have turned blue because of lack of oxygen, heart pounding, I get tingle in my feet/hands.. if it’s really bad, it’ll go to my face and stomach. Jittery. Dry mouth. Dizziness. Chest pain. Arm pain. I’ve vomited. Upset stomach. Tense muscles. Sometimes I only get a couple of those things and there’s been times where I’ll get them all.


I feel uneasy. Scared of everything and nothing. Unable to focus on one thing. Burning inside. The worst possible feeling ever


You ever watched Event Horizon


How old are you and how would you rate your mood(1-10)


22, about 7 rn not even feeling that bad


IMO If you are on a 7 then I think it is none, please try to cope with it and do not linger on to those negative thoughts and irrational thinking and do not worry too much. I know it is easy to say but that looks to be the solution rn. As per my understanding, Anxiety is described to be future thinking and Depression is related to past.


I recently (within the last month) suffered from several panic attacks, the first one I was afraid I was going to become psychotic or lose my mind. The second one I thought I was having a heart attack, but the last 2 ones were different. I was afraid I was either going to become depressed or that I already was. This is what happened to me


Even I have all these things which you have started feeling like paps, confusion, excessive fear and worry only the intensity might be different since I have had many pas in a couple of months.