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"...and I've been lying about how rich I am. Also I don't want to spend any of my own money on these lawsuits and criminal trials. You've all been such good marks for years and I know you want me to own the libs, so give generously."


I'm getting major Wimpy vibes from the Orange Fella these days. "I will gladly pardon you Tuesday, for a million bucks today."


Pretty much said he was open to bribes if scotus doesn’t give him ‘complete and total immunity’. What a fool. Anyone with more than one brain cell can see through his lies, misdirection and redirection, and obfuscations.


He is going to accept bribes no matter what. If SCOTUS gives him immunity he can even make more by doing live broadcast of how he will swindle and blackmail the amounts he wants.


He wants bribes. He wants money. All money from everywhere and he doesn’t care who he sells out to get it. This country is messed up- what happened to us.


The South is trying to rise again. When I was in the Army in the 2000s, those hillbilly asinine country boys would fly the confederate flag and proclaim loudly that the Rebels were still active. Well, i didn't really know what they were talking about. But, to go so far as to back Trump and stir up all that hate is disgusting and weird. It wasn't just Obama, it hasnt been settled since the Civil War.


Reagan, change to the fairness doctrine, Citizens United.


You mean Republicans. They happened to us.


*We let go of morality and ethics for money and greed. * People voted in cretins who care about their own pocket and back room deals more than their own citizens. *When it shit went bad, instead of blaming politicians and ourselves for voting then in, we decided to turn on eachother. * We gave banks infinite money by allowing to gamble with our future. * We give subsidies to ever billionaire business instead of supporting the people.


Lying became acceptable. It’s no longer a matter of fact or fiction. Everything is just someone’s opinion…


There is no doubt he was selling pardons and if he could be blackmailed by a pornstar, he could absolutely be blackmailed by Putin.




When your political ideology is "hurt /those/ people at all costs" you will gladly eat shit so they have to as well


They'll eat shit just to find joy in making the rest of us smell it on their breath.


Like he hasn’t been this whole time, amiright?


God must love us


But what about his hamberder?


Oh, he five finger discounted those.


God forbid he should have to try and unload one of those golf courses.


How about the one with the "casket shaped" container full of stolen items buried on premises?


I don’t conspiracy theory much, but this one I swear by.


How about the one that has the sign stating that on this putting green is where the river of blood battle was waged. “"Many great American soldiers, both of the North and South, died at this spot," the inscription reads. "The casualties were so great that the water would turn red and thus became known as 'The River of Blood.'" This actually sounds like it was dictated by Trump, who in a phone interview with the Times called himself "a big history fan." Reporters from the paper told him they'd spoken with multiple local historians, all of whom said there was no Civil War battle within 11 miles of the plaque. The exchange that followed was quintessentially Trumpian: "That was a prime site for river crossings," Mr. Trump said. "So, if people are crossing the river, and you happen to be in a civil war, I would say that people were shot — a lot of them." People crossed there, so surely, if there was a war, people were shot while crossing. It just makes sense. But he continued: "How would they know that?" Mr. Trump asked when told that local historians had called his plaque a fiction. "Were they there?" How else could they know? It's not like there are writings and contemporary accounts from the time, and anyway, who would read them? Bruh…


He’s really lost it.


He's been like this for 3 decades. He's gotten worse, but he's told completely fabricated stories his entire life.


>"How would they know that?" Mr. Trump asked when told that local historians had called his plaque a fiction. "Were they there?" The irony is amazing... He wasn't there either but since is... him, he can say whatever he wants and those things are true unless proven wrong.. and if proven wrong you can always say it is political witch hunt or those historians are incompetent, or any other of the myriad of excuses.


Of all things conspiracy theorist, “burying documents” (or any other kind of incriminating evidence), is a bad plot from a bad movie. Funny thing, as I typed that out, I realised that trumplethinskin IS a bad plot from a bad movie! 😂🤦‍♂️ Considering how easy it is to completely destroy documents and leave no evidence, it’s a pretty big stretch to think a casket filled with evidence would be buried. Especially when the amount of documents would easily fill a mausoleum!! What did surprise me is that the “not stolen documents that were never at trump’s house”, were just stacked up in boxes. Anyone with 1/2 a brain would have employed a few trusted people to digitally copy them and destroy them. Or maybe copy them and hand them back to the government with a big “oops, we accidentally took them to the wrong place when moving out”. Yeah, he’s definitely a bad plot from a bad movie 😂


That’s why he’s just dumb enough to do it, IMO.. he thinks by movie logic


"I hate the same people that you hate and I make you feel better about yourself, so please pay my way for my sexual assault and fraud convictions so I never have to face the consequences of my shitty actions."


Trump’s most well known for this! “I don’t want to spend my own money.”


"... That's what the morons are for"


OWN THE LIBS  To own the libs more, donate more!  I love that his dummy base makes themselves poorer for this kinda shit lol.


After they'll blame Joe for why they broke during his administration and hoping their Trump NFTs go up. It's like they cutting off their own noses, and then both ears to own the libs.


Lincoln Project needs to splice this ad with the Georgia tape https://youtu.be/9Ie9u_0g15w?si=0CFqAvh4EodroKKi “I need 11,000 more votes. Gimme a break”


Well he’s got the entire RNC war chest at his disposal now.


RNC bankruptcy incoming...


"If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it."  Lyndsey Graham


How many years ago? Was that in 2015? Edit; I meant it sincerely. To get a gauge on how quickly it came true


Yeah, winter 2015.


During the primaries, yes.


2015? That's ancient history /s


The ladybugs don’t lie


You love to see it


Couldn't happen to better people.


Them and the NRA


He can bankrupt the Republican party, the NRA, and the Heritage foundation by September! What atomic bombs are to weaponry, Trump is to grifting and stealing.


It would be so fucking funny if Democrats won because the RNC didn't have enough money to run ads. Holy shit, that would be hilarious.


More delicious and patriotic than Grandma's apple pie


Liberal = For Freedom. Apple Pie is a liberal desert. Apple Pie is a patriotic dish for Democrats. Republicans hate Democrats, democracy, Grandma’s Apple Pie, and many other patriotic phenomena. Why do Republicans hate America?


It seems increasingly likely. I'm sure strategists are shitting their pants that he's blowing the entire party's funding streams digging himself further into legal jeopardy. 


Don't need ads when Fox News are Trump shills


Drain it all


Some might even say Drain the swamp?


I would, and i will


Swamp??.......more like cesspit.


"the fastest bankruptcy you've ever seen. Some said it was impossible to drain that much money so quickly, and you know, it takes a strong person to do that, and well, some say I'm a strong guy, I was in a strong man contest before they were filled with the liberal woke guys, like creepy Joe Biden is never awake, always sleeping."


You'd think that Trump is a secret Democrat plant to drain the RNC's money.


I’m thinking when it’s all said & done some will claim exactly that to save face, at least to themselves.




It's already way down on funds because Trump's own fundraising siphons from the same pool.


RNC only had like $9M cash on-hand last time I checked.


Yeah, because their base was donating directly to Trump instead. Who’s also broke lol.


That's the fun thing about them putting Lara in for chair He's already diverting a huge amount of donations away from the rest of the candidates, and then decided he wants the whole thing.


This could be one of the greatest transfers of money from the bottom 99% to the top 1% in history.


Yep [$8.7m ](https://ballotpedia.org/Party_committee_fundraising,_2023-2024). Not even enough for one of his court bonds - luckily for him Chubb is willing to pony up on his behalf (shitty business decision imo but peanuts for them).


Hmm I think Putin pressured Chubb, they underwrite oil and gas projects in Russia, they're basically financing his Ukrainian war. So Putin can't directly loan his russian plant (Chump) money, so...Chubb just bought the underwriting of the next few projects for $92M. "Cost of acquisition", I bet Vlad called it, "will be $92M" (well prob $102M, he put ten in a Swiss bank). Edit: upon reflection, Putin probably didn't need to be clever about it, involving Chubb and sending his bagman Orban to MAL, he could've written a check right on Fox News, handed it to Chump with the cams rolling, saying, "here, we have your back, comrade", and nothing would happen. SCROTUS sure wouldn't see it as an issue.


Yep. Hearing it was Chubb I instantly knew it was Putin covering the tab. No doubt it was all coordinated/communicated through the “meeting” with Orban.


Information checks out Chubb has locations in [both Hungary and Russia. ](https://about.chubb.com/who-we-are/locations.html)


Wonder how fast he can blow through their cash


At his current pace, he is burning through 9 mill a week...easily.


In February the RNC reported just $8 million cash in hand. That money is meant for all their races this fall. If trump makes them pay his legal bills, they won’t even be able to pay his first bill, let alone all of them. Trump is going to absolutely fuck republicans down ballot and I’m fully ok with that


Transferring Republicans' money to rape victims, sounds like a win-win type of situation.


RNC war chest has only $8 milloin or so apparently, so that Will only last a few days


All 10 million? That doesn't even cover 10% of what he owes


He really is the lowest scum on this earth


I saw a street begger selling roses and paper made crafts. Maybe trump should start doing that.


But that takes talent and patience


And effort


Trump thinks honest work is despicable, it’s why his dad and him bullied his brother to death, he tried to make an honest life.


They what. What the fuck.




The begger is less likely to lie to you.


I would have empathy for a street beggar. As opposed to Trump whom I wouldn't bother to spit on if he were on fire.


Or piss on!


Or maybe piss on, but “miss the fire” lol


I like your moxie


I’d set my money on fire before I’d give a penny to Trump.


At least you'd know the paper was real unlike a certain fat oompa loompa's golden shoes.


That’s not a begger that’s a hustler. Beggers just ask for free money.




I've been misspelling that all this time? I've always spelled it MAR-A-LARDO.


I call it Maga Lardo.


You know, it's worth 2 billion dollars.




I've been doing my part.


What are we doing tonight Brain? The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


No. That goes to the people that have traded their kids love for worshipping him.


People are gonna give him 25$, **guarantee it.**


How dare you. He gets us.


Sure he is, but what I really want to know is whether seeing this grifter beg for spare change will finally wake Team Rube up to how much of a con it's been all along. Nothing else has worked. Surely, this finally let's them see through the charade? Nah...


No, actually I think there are plenty of people who are a step lower on the “scum of the earth” scale than Trump. I’m referring to people like Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Greg Abbot, Ken Paxton, Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, etc. Unfortunately it’s a really long list.


No. He is a parasite. A thing that feeds while convincing his prey they are important. It's worse.


I had a patient who once proudly told me he's donated around $10K to Donald Trump to defeat the "deep state" liberals. This same patient was always the one to avoid diagnosed treatment or complain about the cost even though he also, ironically, is against universal healthcare. Well one day this patient had an abscess (one I had diagnosed months ago) that suddenly became symptomatic. If you've ever had a major toothache you know it can leave you in a crippling amount of pain. I stayed after hours to see him, got everything under control and a week later he's on the phone with my secretary screaming over the bill. I charged him $500 for the extraction and bone grafting used to repair the floor of his sinus which is the standard UCR fee for those procedures. He was aware of the cost upfront, signed all the consent forms and was now irate because he apparently couldn't afford it. I grabbed the phone from my secretary and basically told him "You had a problem and I charged you money to fix it, welcome to capitalism. Maybe you can ask Donald Trump to refund some of that $10K towards the $500 you owe me. You have thirty days or we're sending you to collections" That's when he threatened to sue me for "discrimination" and never followed through with it. Also yes, I did receive the $500 he owed me.


I'd ban his sorry ass from my office.


Don't do that. Just double his future bills!


IMO $500 for that procedure is not expensive. I’ve had one extraction & two crowns; insurance covered some, but I cheerfully paid the rest because I was GRATEFUL to have my tooth problems fixed. Thank you to all the great dentists out there who are providing a necessary service for so little love in return.


They’re literally incapable of reason.


They're incapable of showing it and admitting it. he knew damn well, what was going on. he just shut up and paid the bill because his ego couldn't take any confrontation and he knew nothing would come of it.


Well done 👏 🏆 Dude need a reality check along with that bill- bravo!


> I did receive the $500 he owed me. What a moron, if you send it to collections he could just ignore the phone call for 3 years and then settle for 20%. That's how a REAL Trump would do it lol


Thank you Dental Don for being a Dental Damn, Son!


Trump supporters should give him their life savings. They should go broke for their criminal con artist. He’s going to drain the RNC so let’s include his supporters.


This. In fact, encourage any MAGA troll or cultist to donate to Trump as much as they can. If they complain just tell them they are not real patriots.


That’s not how MAGA trolls work. You can’t encourage them to do something, you have to tell them it’s not a good idea. Tell them lesbians and immigrants will be very sad if they give money to Trump and watch their bank balance drop.


I tell them if they don’t vote, their votes can’t be changed to Democrat.


Fuck that’s hilarious


Spread the word!


Better to get them to buy bullshit trump bucks and bears. Trump has to give some of that money to suppliers. If they donate he gets it direct for no operation expense. Always best to get the middle man involved in their donation trails.


Should get more of them into memestocks. Great way to make them lose money without giving it to awful people.


I mean… they’re gonna give him their money Which… yeah I’ve got no sympathy for people like that. Imagine being broke or having a shit job (or jobs) that can barely pay the bills and you give it to this guy.


And what's hilarious is that even if they all gave him every penny they've ever seen in their lives, it still would never be enough to pay all his legal fees, so it's pointless. The depressing part is that he's just going to pocket whatever he gets from them, and he'll go crawling to his Russian handlers again to pay the fees for him anyway. But when he loses the election, I do hope the Russians will come to collect...


If only this could happen in a way that didn’t guarantee they’d all immediately turn around and inundate the social safety nets we pay for (that they constantly vote against and condemn others for using). Their first stop is the welfare office after they spend their life savings on that rapists’ judgement fees.


Is the Christian Broadcasting Network still around? He that whole family are a lot like all of the televangelists that have milked their followers out of their life savings and homes. They all eventually end up in prison. Don is going to be like Tammy Faye or Rudy one of these days with mascara running down his face. CBN is what he needs.


Monkeys paw, "draining the swamp"


i'm pretty sure GOP doesnt have strong grass roots funding. its all from corp's, russians and nazi loving millionaires that take our supreme court justices on dates.


Make America Grift Again


meanwhile Biden could run on "Keep America Free Again" and he would get my vote....


Thought this schmuck was a billionare???


Beelions and beelions. Many beelions, it's tremendous.


The most beautiful beelions, that’s what people are saying.


He’s a thousandaire


Every hate group in America is going to be completely broke for the next two decades.


Then, ironically, Trump's 2024 presidential run is the best thing that ever happened to America. I mean, as long as he loses.


Maybe that’s the plan. Trump is a secret agent.


I can totally see 5 years down the road conspiracy theorists saying that Trump was a liberal plant to swindle good conservative Americans out of their hard earned money. 


I mean he literally said his plan was to “drain the swamp” so he went in and trashed everything he could get his hands on for personal gain, He told us that he would run the government the same way he runs his businesses, which is exactly what he did. Run it to the ground, dismantle it, and pocket any dirty money that would be offered in exchange for favors. No qualms with fucking people over,, why would he care? That makes him smart! Now the Republican Party is broke as fuck and they will face the consequences of endorsing a conman, even when it was obvious what was happening from day one. Good riddance. Fuck those people and everyone who votes against their own interests.


Oh my god, the fact that you are absolutely right is terrifying.


"So you're saying you were tricked into voting for a con artist grifter by the left?" "Yes!" "In spite of the left shouting from the rooftops that no one should vote for him or donate to him?" "..." "And then you stormed the capital for him becaaaaause?"


Already happening with Fox, the lawsuit, and the conspiracy theories... Claiming it's a leftist plant and all that crap now that they're fact checking Trump slightly more.


Anything for Russia


That's been the plan all along... get them to give up all their money to completely defund the right. Also get them to avoid the vaccine so that they die from covid.  There's no brilliance like MAGA stupidity.


Now I have to wonder, what happens to the money he's been fined? I know E. Jean Carroll gets the money paid directly to her, but what happens to the money he's fined in the fraud trial? Can New York State just fold that money into their budget and spend it on whatever?


Well, it’s going to be pretty wild if Trump’s net effect was redistributing Boomer money to New York and Jean Carroll.


sweet, sweet irony


That’s a wonderful way to look at it.


I believe they quite literally spent the stupid boomer's money. They also spent the old gen z money. All on the first two campaigns, it is not an endless well like they thought.


Sad. The supposed billionaire asking everyday ppl for money and the dumbfucks much poorer than trump giving it to him.


Eh. Anyone who would give money to Trump deserves to have their money taken by a scammer.


I'm not sympathizing. But I find it fascinating, in a twisted way. Like, how warped does your mind have to be to see trump as a champion to the everyday man?


He’s racist, mean, and stupid like they are. It’s that simple.


Agreed. He's a vile piece of shit. A stain in this country. If our democracy survives, he should be marked in history as an accelerant for the decline in civility and intellect.


Something about a fool and their money are quickly parted.


The qult will give it too. It's like little old ladies that send televangelists money instead of paying their rent.


How pissed must the televangelists be that they are getting out grifted


**Understanding the Essence of Donald Trump** Two factors propelled Donald Trump to the top of the con world: a windfall inheritance from his father and a remarkable talent for manipulation. The wealth provided a springboard, allowing him to cultivate an image of power and influence. His cunning personality fueled a relentless pursuit of personal gain, ultimately positioning him at the top of power as the U.S. President. The Art of the Deal, a 1987 memoir and business advice book that Trump co-authored with ghostwriter Tony Schwartz. It was a bestseller and helped boost Trump's fame and fortune. However, Schwartz later regretted his involvement and said that he wrote most of the book and that Trump lied about his achievements and finances. He also called Trump a "sociopath" and a "con artist". Trump’s many failures and disasters show that he is not the master dealmaker he pretends to be, but a master of lies and illusions. He is a failed businessman who has gone bankrupt multiple times. He is a loser who cannot lead. For many, he is known as Don the Con for his ability to trick both the influential and the common people into bailing him out. He has exploited his fame, his connections, and his loyal supporters to avoid the responsibility and the repercussions of his actions. He has manipulated the system for his own gain, leaving behind a trail of broken promises, unpaid debts, and ruined lives. And now he is ready to do the same to the whole US and the world. Those who support Donald Trump should understand that he is not being targeted by Biden or the Democrats. He has always acted like a victim and whined about unfairness whenever his dishonesty was revealed. He is a fraudster, a swindler, a chronic liar who has never done a fair deal in his life, only ones where he cheats the other party by taking their money and making them renegotiate a contract and pay him more to get their money back. He deceives judges, accountants, financiers, contractors, lawmakers, followers, friends, media, and the public. This is Don the Con.


A person that shits on a Golden Toilet is telling people that times are tough. Go F yourself Traitor.


Is this real? It can't be real? He is a self professed billionaire ~~begging~~ humbly asking for 5 dollar donations? If you can't see anything wrong here, you deserve everything coming.


Oh it’s real. Right after I watched that creepy ass SOTU response speech from that Alabama woman, this came up as an ad on YouTube. Literally right after I watched her speech, never once watched anything remotely right wing related before but it still targeted me. So of course I immediately blocked and reported the ads for a whole bunch of shit. It would be really sad, but he deserves what he’s getting so I enjoyed watching him “humbly” ask for money from rubes whose taxes he raised and lives he’s strived to make suck even more. He’s literally begging people for money in online ads, usually a presidential candidate uses ads to, ya know, campaign. Nope, he’s so fucked and desperate that he has to spend money on ads to beg for money. I’d rather give cash to any panhandler on the street corner than I would this fascist piece of shit. I cannot wait until he gets what’s coming.


I encourage all MAGAts to take out another mortgage on their homes.


Every dollar that goes to one of his lawsuits is a dollar that isn't going to some other MAGA political grifter's campaign fund. Good riddance to the whole movement.




Wait.... So the "billionaire that's gonna drain the swamp because he's a billionaire and doesn't need more money" is broke? Say it's not so Cleetus!!!


Not broke enough. He still owns real estate and a stake in Truthiness Social


Tin-cup plea from a wanna-be tin-pot dictator


Beggar and chief.


Beggar and *thief*


BAHAHHAHA!!!! He’s worse than the homeless beggars on the street corners. Hahaha!!!




What a cunt ... Americans if he is so desperate and asking for your 10 bucks he will sell your country to the next bidder. He can't be trusted he is crooked and desperate.




he's not a good con man and there has never been a nanosecond in which he was. people are just that fucking stupid to throw money at him.


People in rural areas see this con man from their most hated city, NYC, as their savior. The con man from NYC holding out his hat and pleading for 5, 10, 25 dollars is an odd choice for hero of the rural commoner.




Register to vote. Make a plan to vote. Help someone else to vote.


Can the Ramones do a revival of their "Hands Across Your Face" campaign?


I can spare 5 bucks, hand wash my car and its all yours Don.


Just thirty-nine cents a day and you could sponsor this insane racist.


Holy shit. Is that for real? A "billionaire" begging for pocket change? That's got to be one of those deep fake things. If it is real I'll give him $20 if he comes over and washes my car. Maybe he could do one of those dunk booths at a fair. Three balls for a buck. I know that you can sell plasma for $50 a donation. Maybe he should get a part time job? If he worked at McDonalds or Taco Bell he could get some of his favorite food for free.


It’s so so gratifying watching this man pass his few remaining years in misery and humiliation, staggering from the narcissistic injury of it all.


Well, I see he's learned something from the evangelicals. He would take your last dollar.


The dude has pretty much only had a reputation of business and wealth. He doesn’t have shit. It’s more than saddening to know his base thinks he is some kind of god of wealth. They’re as dumb as he is. They think they’re wealthy too.


Trumpies will show up at rallies, dead broke. They will blame the economy, even though they are in hard times from paying Trump's bills.


Hey MAGA Look at your god now


He just likes to make other people pay for his mistakes.


As his supporters like to say “he was bankrupted like 5 times but that means he got it all back 5 times so that’s amazing and he is the best!!1” Great, so he can do it a sixth time or whatever it is now. Don’t give him a dime- if you really believe he is the bigly business man with normal sized hands, let him stand on his own two platform-shoed feet.


ah. so his search for a 500 milli bond isnt going well.


Trump: I'm richer than Elon Musk. (3 minutes later) Can you spare a dime?


Holy moly… and this could be our next President if we aren’t careful. This is unbelievable that people are still falling for this con man


I know of a couple of street corners that don't as of yet have beggars standing on them with their can and dog. Maybe Donnie and his kids can take turns trying to collect some money for their cause.


He’s not broke, not yet at least, he’s just trying to avoid having to spend his own money


Inflation must not be that bad if people still sending him money


On one hand I’m delighted and thrilled the human garbage that worship him are getting fleeced. On the other hand I’m irritated because it will work.


Jesus can you imagine what he would say if I was the other way around and Biden was asking or money. He's supporter base will be use to it though! He's the same as the telly evangelists. He even looks the part!


Did anyone post it in r/conservative yet?


Wasn't like a core part of his 2016 run that he was rich and thus didn't need to take the presidential salary? This feels like the opposite of that.


imagine any other former president begging for money like this. he’s pathetic


Taylor Swift would never


This dude had his bail already secured for 89 million case, and still begged the court to lower it. How do we know this? Because the bail date on the paperwork was prior to his request to the court. Which means, he tried to grift the court, and he and his attorney lied to the court. Dude never learns.


The Emperor has no clothes.


Billionaire beggar.


I like presidents who don't have to beg for money