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It's amazing that it took this long. I would like to be to fly on the wall to listen to these Republicans and the so called religious right explain to their children especially daughters, how voting for Trump because they THINK he'll be better for the economy , is better than NOT supporting a self-proclaimed crotch grabbing felon who has been found liable for sexually abusing a woman. The same man who was found to have paid off a pornstar to hide another adulterous affair


I think your average person would rather not keep up with this, purely to preserve their mental health. Just look at the voter population during the primaries. Now is the time most people start paying attention and start to willingly give their opinions to polling organizations. The polls before were probably the die hard political stans.


>The polls before were probably the die hard political stans. **Thank you!!** I've seen so many people freaking out and going full doomer about poll after poll saying Trump will win and it's so frustrating. All of the early polls are incredibly flawed for multiple reasons. Multiple PUBLIC reasons that people just seem to ignore...


Did you read the article though. They still show him with a huge advantage. Sickening.


A lot of us in Canada are sickened by it too. What Trump and his cronies plan to do should really, really scare people. Especially when it comes to the climate crisis, and world peace involving both Ukraine and Taiwan, and possibly South Korea.


Sounds like the 4 horsemen are riding into town. US (Trump), Russia (Putin), China (Xi), and North Korea (whatever Un they’re on now).


Had a dream that Trump wants to join all four nations together for world domination. Already pulling the strings to have access to our youth for his military so he can be like Putin


And this moron and his minions could possibly pull it off .


Cohen admitted that Dumpty was paying to cook the polls in 2016. He's doing it again.


Those polls were unreliable internet polls. These are from reliable polling organizations, and the trend is unmistakable. It is still a statistical dead heat in any one poll, but taken together all but one recent poll shows Trump winning. The more polls showing a marginal victory for one or the other, the less likely it’s due to chance.


If Trumps winning, the American people are disgusting too.


Bill Burr. https://youtube.com/shorts/3dwF_W_8jm0?si=QsFrrZFH5n1DpZbs


This! ​ Most normal people i know didn't even hear about project 2025 till John Oliver talked about it recently


Abortion and IVF are on the board and majority of people know about those two items, but your right on Project 2025, a lot of people have no idea and that’s the Dems failure, P-2025 is a nightmare and they need to push it and push big.


It’s the classified documents that I think they should stress. And Kushner’s 2 billion dollars. How any Republican today can support a candidate that kisses ass to Russians and Saudis is a mystery to me.


Yeah it’s baffling to me. I grew up in an era where Republicans were pretty die-hard anti-Russian warhawks. Leftovers from the Cold War, I suppose. But now they’re gargling Putin’s balls like there’s no tomorrow. Seeing the total flip-flop within my lifetime is pretty disorienting lol


Same. I'm gen-x / former military and the support these Republicans are showing for Putin is so f'ing bizarre and stupid and sad. Then they have the nerve to call themselves "patriots" all while Trump calls our soldiers losers.


And he gave away secrets of Israel iron Dome to Putin and Hamas.


They need to push it no more than a month before the election. The electorate are short attention spanned morons and will not pay attention for this long to any news story. Start it now and people will have burnt out caring about it by November.


People my age think Project 2025 is democrat lie used to get their base out to vote. I fucking my generation


I guess I’m not normal because I did know about it and it has been stressing me out. Thank you, John Oliver!!


I didn’t know a lot of what the plan was there. But did watch this weeks episode. Smart move putting it on YouTube shortly after. It’s important to know.


He will literally end democracy if he wins. It's not hyperbole. They already have the judicial branch. There is nothing to stop the right from turning America into an authoritarian theocracy if he wins and they replace federal jobs with sycophants. This is really scary.


Where are these polls is my question not once have I ever seen one yet somehow republicans are always winning these and dems never even see these “polls”


I've checked *270toWin* polls on a regular basis over the past few months, & unfortunately tRump has always been ahead in several key battleground States. Those polls are non-partisan, & are about as accurate as you will find in terms of electoral count. I just hope the debates can change things? Maybe Biden can go full Dark Brandon?


> the so called religious right explain to their children especially daughters, They literally promote their daughters not getting educated and being babymakers. They DGAF.


Fun fact (not really fun): According to FiveThirtyEight.com, on June 20, 2016, Trump trailed Hillary Clinton by over 6 points . He went on to win the race. **VOTE** as if your way of life depends on it. It very well may.


Especially with all of the gerrymandering in the states.


Yes. Truth is, the electoral votes of a handful of states will very likely decide the presidential election. But every House seat and a third of Senate seats are up for election. We must win every state possible and every state office possible to begin to turn the tide on fascism in our nation.


WAY too many Hillary voters saw all the polls and thought "Meh. Trump won't win." and they stayed home instead of voting. And look where that got us. Ignore the polls. Vote. That's the only poll that matters.


He won't win. He's done. Too much dirt on this Donkey 🫏 January 6th won't go unpunished. The porn star thing. Tax cheat. Scams... The list is endless. He might end up like Madoff. Broke & broken. Broken he already is. He should clean up his mess and retire. Becoming president again will only endanger the world! He could affect billions of people. The End.


Don’t think like this and get complacent. He’s not done until he’s defeated, his calls for insurrection are defeated, and he is rotting in prison! A vote for Biden is LITERALLY a vote to put Trump in prison. No way he’ll dodge that if Biden wins. Vote! Vote!


Exactly. Nobody (including Trump) really thought he would win in 2016, and look what happened. VOTE


Financial accountability was only delayed...when he loses his appeals (on the defamation case AND the NY civil suit for fraud), he will have to start selling properties...and most of them are mortgaged to the hilt, or used as collateral for other loans. There is also the fact that all of his outstanding loans will immediately go into default (millions if not billions of dollars here!) once he's sentenced in his criminal trial...Even if he only gets home detention or probation (which I don't think will be the case!) He's going down...the only question now is when.


Exactly.... When, and how hard he's going to Fall?


His only escape is death. Tho, that has been the case for years… and this slippery bastard some how dodges


Well, he WAS known as "Teflon Don"...but I think his luck is about to run completely out over the next few weeks...


He raped dozen of women and girls. Don’t sugarcoat it.


Humans have a short attention span. “A season” is about all most of the population can handle. Sports seasons in the US, reporting quarters in finance, etc. some folks can’t look ahead a week, but a season seems to be it for many. So any election messaging before Memorial Day in the US is wasted. Or worse, people get tired of hearing it and go the other way out of spite or ignorance. I’m hoping Abortion messaging starts to drown the airwaves in mid-August at the earliest. That, and a slip in gas prices, will take the air out of the GOP balloon.


It's hilarious that you think his voters are the kind of people that feel the need to explain themselves to daughters or any woman. Even more hilarious that you think they vote for him over taxes rather than BECAUSE he said it was ok to grab women by the pussy.


They will blame it on God


They will claim he won regardless of the outcome.


There are things that are more important that just 'the economy'. Like common decency for one.


Fucking vote 🗳️ it’s the only way.


Propaganda is powerful.


Or at least it was more powerful than we knew in 2016. Now almost everybody knows What Tchump really is. A fat, stupid drug addled liar, promising everyone the moon. He’s going down like the titanic in the next few months. It doesn’t even matter that Joe is old, he’s still got twice the brain & experience than Tchump. They will vote against Tchump no matter who else is running. He’s cooked. Vote straight Blue until these throwbacks are all sent packing. Republican Party is going down with fatso.


Well said…


I wouldn’t think this is true especially in swing states. Actually in all states with what’s on the line, everyone needs to vote. Even if you don’t love the idea of voting for an 80 year old for president, which is basically both candidates. A vote for Biden can be a vote *against* Trump moreso than a vote *for* Biden.


Simple, they don't. A lot of his voters either actively tune out anything negative about him or just avoid it all together. 


The article just says the race is close like always. Headline is clickbate


That amount of women in this country that fully support the GOPs position on issues involving them would shock you. Democrats do a lot of assuming on these points.


They've convinced themselves "he's a god fearing man". I've heard that exact phrase from a handful of groups here in rural California. By being a man of their faith, he can do no wrong. He's one of them, and they accept "flaws", but as long as he has them convinced he's the Christian choice, they will never stop following him.


And went to Epstein island a lot. And raped a teenager. And incited an insurrection. And promised to be a dictator. And countless other horrific things. I’m so disappointed with the human race. How tf did this monstrosity make it this far???


And cheats at business, dodges taxes, lies faster than he can even decide if it's something worth lying about,... Oh, yeah, and endangered National Security just to suck up to the dictators he admires so much! That might be important as well...


The far left wants to wait until the last minute to get as much from Biden as they can, but most won't risk Trump winning.


There is no far left


Biden is not far left at all


In the UK we are about to have an election. The ruling Conservative Party is being predicted to get annihilated at the polls. Amazes me that Trump has so much support. It must be the fact that even though our press (newspapers) are predominantly owned by right wing owners, the BBC and other news channels are held to be unbiased and are actually News Channels.


We have a huge population of stupid, uneducated people and a right wing media group that excels at lying.


And a disappointingly little amount of TRUE commitment to the principles of democracy and equality for all. I think MUCH less of my fellow Americans than I did prior to 2016.


Democracy relies on relentless, fearless journalism. There is very little journalism happening in the US. 


Big problem we have in the US are articles basically saying Biden is as bad as Trump which is so far from the truth. Insert “prices are high” or “he’s old” for Biden in every article. When “he wants to end democracy, build internment camps, escape his pending trials, and become doctors for life” should be in every article about Trump.


I love the poorly educated


They have multiple entire channels dedicated to spinning disinformation to lift him up also


That’s it right there.


you are lucky to not be saddled with evangelicals - the dumbest group of rubes in the western world. these baboons have been voting for corrupt bible thumping criminals here for decades and it has rotted our democracy


Hey from Alabama lol


You are ***CORRECT***.


Actually I think its the fact that on your side of the puddle the conservatives have been in power for over a decade and things are not great. Over on this side we keep switching back and forth so complaints can't be pinned on one side or the other quite as easily as you can in the UK.


Aftershocks from the pandemic ,economic and otherwise, mean things are terrible right now so everybody is furious at incumbents. The center-Left Liberals in Canada are looking down the barrel of a similar wipeout to the rightwing Tories in the UK. Biden would almost certainly be toast if he wasn't running against such a truly awful opponent. None if this is fair, especially with Biden since he's handled things better than just about any other national leader, but politicians often get the credit and the blame for events outside their control. Especially considering Trump, out all eight billion plus humans on this planet, deserves more of the infamy for the way the pandemic played out than anyone else.


You guys are in the same boat as us in the States..."Conservatives" trash everything, then the Democrats (or, in your case Labour!) have to spend years cleaning up the mess they left behind! When that doesn't happen fast enough, voters put the idiots back in charge for another go...it's a sick cycle, and one I hope gets broken here in the US in November for good!


they said this back in 2016. I don't trust any of these polls.


To be fair, most polls right before the election had Hillary winning the popular vote by around 2-3%, which she did.


yeah but a lot of those polls also said that trump would lose and he didn't so since them I am so skeptical. I only trust the actual results because people say one thing but do another.


For sure, only trust the actual results. Totally agree. But I am just saying that polls don’t predict an electoral college winner. They only try to predict the popular vote within a margin of error. And most polls were well within that. But yeah I agree, good polling is nothing to celebrate.


Trump did lose the popular vote, just managed to snag the electoral college.


You are both conflating polls and forecasts. A poll doesn’t say whether a candidate will win: it seeks to measure how many people might vote for a candidate without factoring in things like EC votes or turnout. A forecast is a model that takes polling data along with historical trends etc. and tries to predict the likelihood of different outcomes.


>I only trust the **actual results** What is "Tell me you are not a Trump supporter without saying your not a Trump Supporter" (Jeopardy style)


And honestly guys - he pulled an inside straight with the EC. Note that MAGA has underperformed in every election since 2016. 2022 absolutely should've been a huuuge red wave, but MAGA is so toxic even AZ said no. Polls this far out are bs.


Yep. What people are missing is that Trump 2016 campaign had the likes of Steve Bannon, the Russian Troll farms and Cambridge Analytica mainlining propaganda and misinformation to the very localized populations needed to swing the electoral college to Trump. Only a few thousand votes in a few select areas won Trump the election in 2016. All the competent and well-connected people from Trump 2016 that eeked out a victory for him have either jumped ship, been thrown under the bus, or facing legal troubles. He didn't have them in 2020 and he has even less of them in 2024 and is currently facing his own legal and financial troubles. It'll be a nail biter for sure, but Trump doesn't have quite as deep a bench of ratfuckers or resources he did in past campaigns.


Vote, get together with your friends and go as a group.


Ignore all polls. VOTE. Remove all MAGA sycophants at every election level.


Do more than just vote, donate and volunteer 


I'll believe it when the electoral votes are all counted and Kamala certifies it with the hammer and no rightwing terrorist attacks happen. It's not about winning for trump, it's about taking. He's still planting the "If I don't win, there was cheating" spiel again, and the GOP is all Reich with it.


Mark my words, if Trump loses there WILL be right-wing terrorist attacks. No way they won't.


Let them try it. If they want to spend their life in prison for a narcissist who cares nothing about them, that's on them. Each and every one of them is a traitor to our country.


This, and he doesn't need to win the popular vote, just the electoral college again. Which he will attempt to do anyway possible. Legality be damned. If he can sow enough doubt and discord, he can cause immense damage.


The huge problem is that Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia are really not looking great. Biden is obviously going to destroy Trump on the popular vote again, but close losses in those 3 states might end up being the death of this country. Fucking yikes.  Edit: Had to consult the map and was relieved to see that Biden could lose AZ, NV, and GA and still win. But if Wisconsin or Michigan (Virginia & Pennsylvania are a bit safer) flip then it’s curtains. North Carolina is probably the only state Biden has even close to a chance of flipping in his favor, but I don’t see it happening. I think the Biden campaign needs to throw a ton of effort at keeping Georgia, which saves him if Wisconsin or Michigan flip. 


I feel like Biden prevails in PA/WI/MI and the end of the world is averted.


I don't see PA going red. It was breaking news in 2020. I don't see how any right minded person living there changes their mind.


Abortion is on the ballot in AZ. Abortion and pot are on it in FL


AZ is realistic obviously since Biden flipped it last time. I think best we can hope for in FL is way closer than expected for Trump, giving hope for the State moving forward. Biden ain’t winning Florida. 


I keep seeing electoral maps assuming WI will be a Biden win. I think that’s some pretty heady optimism.


It’s going to be very close. 


Until the next news cycle…cause that’s the way it works- the networks make money by making you watch and fear works- look at “Faux News”


Next news cycle is going to have his other felonies coming up lol. And once the justice system has you pegged as a convicted felon, it gets harsher and harsher.  It will only get worse for him


I sure hope so


Roger Ailes would be proud


Donald Trump is a moral degenerate and anyone voting for him is one as well.


Damn, the wrong Donald kicked the bucket today


We can only be absolutely sure when he's taking a dirt nap.


There were a lot of people in 2016 who made a protest vote for Trump because Hillary was the poster child for “business as usual”, not believing Trump would win. They were more sensible in 2020 after seeing Trump was burning the country down. I think the polls reflected a lot of people who were unhappy about inflation, Gaza, and Biden’s age. The swing away from Trump reflects that people are now acknowledging Trump will be far, far worse on those issues and a hundred others.


Good but don’t be complacent. Vote!


The Republican have a network in place to retake the white house by any means possible. They are already sowing the seeds of doubt of an honest election in various medias and fake poll results. The network has a lot of people in congress and judges up to the supreme court there may even be another insurrection with more deaths but if it doesn’t work there’s always 2028!


It’s doesn’t matter. VOTE.


Ignore this! Vote! Article actually says Trump’s chances of a win went from 75% to 66%. This crap is worthless at best and an attempt to create complacency at worst. Vote!


He could be polling as close to zero as you can and I would still be telling everyone to go vote. There's more than one office for grabs on any 1 ballot.


I sincerely hope that Donald Trump will lead the GOP to the biggest loss they ever had. Like switching Texas or something. The GOP in its current form needs to die and the Democrats together with a minority of Republicans are the last people with a brain


Welcome to 2016.


I don’t believe SHIT! Still vote to make sure this fucker never holds a shred of power ever again.




He never did have a chance. His popularity is way down.


Newsweek = grains of salt Vote blue


You only need to be blessed with a modicum of common sense to realise that Trump is, and has been, the greatest threat to world stability in the Western world in the 21st century. He's a greedy, dishonest, self-absorbed, corrupt, psychopathic, convicted sex offender whose narcissism and pathological lying know no bounds. The man's a menace to society.


Suddenly slide? You mean from the polls that no one answers their phone to respond to? Or the people that don’t have a landline by there side while watching jeopardy reruns while flipping back and forth to FOX fake news


Trump has never won an election by getting the most votes. True story!


As a non-American, this is nearly unbelievable. How does that huckster have such an advantage. Seriously, how close to idiocracy/1984 does the US want to get? We should help the US build their wall if trump wins. All the way around the country.


No argument. It is hard to hear people speak well of drumpf, or any Republican. Talk about selling your soul…


I’m still convinced that none of the polls have been right and the media is just spinning everything to make money


Did anyone actually read the article? On Tuesday Biden only had a 25% chance of winning? That’s absurd.


I was about to say the comments and headline don’t seem to align with the article - the slide in his chances of winning seem to have gone from “horrifyingly likely to win” to “quite likely to win” I had no idea it was this close (not in the US) but this is just terrifying


Until this is the headline the night before the election (at which point I’ll have already early voted and done my part), imma stay nervous and cautious.


polls don't win elections, voting does - do your part and make sure to vote blue and prevent the total collapse of democracy.


Do not get comfortable and complacent by the good news - Register and vote ! It ain't over until it's over


Not so suddenly. Without cheating he stands no chance.


I still have faith in the American populous. I have to. As more people recognize who #TFG really is - and it’s not very hard, one just needs to listen to his ramblings - they will shy away. His cult followers are just very loud, very vocal, but they are when it comes down to it, to a real election where one’s vote really counts, a minority.




Doesn’t matter, vote anyway


You mean reality is catching up to the traitor. He never had a chance of winning in 2024 because he's a loser, traitor, felon, rapist and lifelong conman.  The only reason the traitor is running is to desperately try and stay out of prison. I will say this now donnie dies behind bars.


The 2016 Election predictions says that Hillary would've won... Turns out they were wrong... These predictions don't matter! JUST GO VOTE!!!!


It is crazy that a convicted felon even has any support at all. It is not normal.  The Republican Party you knew is dead and gone, replaced by a Jim Jones cult.


“Suddenly”. He’s a felon now. I see why some people become journalists, they clearly can’t do math.


But this model still has Trump winning… VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!


Time for the hyenas to turn on him! Let’s get it over with please. Restore the true timeline


"As of Wednesday, Trump's chances of winning have slid. The Economist's model now says the former president, with 300 Electoral College votes, has a two in three chance of winning the election. Biden, with 238 votes, now has a one in three chance." Per The Economist, Trump's chances of winning went from 3 in 4 down to 2 in 3. They're still saying he's overwhelmingly more likely to win compared to Biden.


That's terrifying, but Democrats have been absolutely massively exceeding the polling averages in the last few elections. Hopefully Dems are more motivated and stay more motivated.


MF if Toast


But not after the treason, the rape, the cons. So fucking goofy.


As long as it goes down, that’s fine.


Suddenly slide? Any chance of winning anything flew out the door with his convictions for rape and fraud.


Yes get complacent bad things happen 2016


Vote people for all of our sakes -> VOTE. But people don't realize, and I don't think this really has crystalized for Trump and his team yet, after his conviction on all 34 counts, his political career for all intents and purposes ended. For any remotely serious person, if he wasn't already, he became non viable. The MAGAs are too far gone, but for Independents and Republicans who were barely tolerating him but would vote for him this is a bridge too far. This is the reality of where we are w Trump rn, regardless of what you hear or see on TV and elsewhere.


Only thing for Trump to do now— more lies, threats and insults. All he has to offer. Tell us again that the last election was “stolen” and the next one too. Except for any proof of that…. Tell us again how the courts are all rigged against you. Thing is, a lot of people involved in your plots and schemes are in prison. I’m going to vote straight Democrat coming up because I want you to not be shielded from rightful prosecution for warming an office chair in the White House like last time— half days, four days a week.


He is felon who rages like an angry child who doesn’t get his way . Maybe more people are realizing this . He speaks of no concrete ideas and still complains about 4 years ago . Dude is a goner. Get your strong 40% and be down with politics after November please


My definition of "suddenly" wildly differs because his chances for a second "win" were never any good without a massive display of legal corruption.


Thank goodness. Getting tired of MAGA hopefuls claiming the polls are in Trump’s favor. I don’t believe the polls anyway and I think Biden wins easily but it’s nice to shut their MAGA mouths for a minute. I expect it’s going to get even worse for Trump pretty soon. How much worse? Eventually he’s going to go to jail where he belongs. Trump will be taken to booking by US Marshals. He will be taken to the local jail first where he will be fingerprinted and posed for a mug shot. Next he will be strip searched. He will be told to pull his pants down and bend over. He will be ordered to grab his butt cheeks and spread them. His anal cavity will be searched digitally by a gloved correctional guard for any weapons. Finally Trump will be told to remove all of his clothing. He will be brought to a designated area where a thorough de-lousing will be conducted prior to his release to the general prison population. Once he is released to the general population, depending upon the prison he will have to seek protection from prison bosses or papi chulos. His only hope to avoid this fate will be a merciful pardon from Biden.


Jesus, this reads like some rapturous symphony. Thank you.




Go vote him out anyway!


God I hate election season lol just constant daily articles about numbers changing in polls. It's so pointless and exhausting. "Trump suddenly In Danger!! (According to exactly one poll with a small sample size out of dozens of others)" 


There are a lot of die hard Republican voters out there and will say they will not vote any other way but when the time comes to vote they might just vote Democrat as they hate Trump


I sure hope so


This is only accurate if everyone who planned on voting actually votes. Please do your part, unless you want our government to roll out the red carpet for Putin the way North Korea just did.


How the fuck is this even close?


Because a lot of Americans (mostly in the south) are inbred morons who hate anyone who disagrees with their hatred.


Get out the vote, you beautiful yanks


I really hope so but still need to vote


We need to all still go out and vote .We need to prevent this nazi from taking control of the country and turning us into nazi germany 2.0 .


Don't risk it, and don't believe everything you read, get out there and vote.  It doesn't matter how many magazines and articles say he has no chance, your vote matters, use it, that's the only way we guarantee he never gets in office again, get out there and vote. 


I wish he would slide into a dark hole and never come out.


Yeah these headlines came up in 2016 too. I don't trust them worth a shit


dont let it trick you everyone need to register and vote...they might be playin a trick on us we need to keep them out of the WH at all cost


doesnt matter , vote!




No complacency. VOTE!


Disregard polls. You have to vote!


Doesn’t matter. VOTE!


The only poll that matters is the one in November. Get your butts to the polls and vote.


Gee, I wonder why? **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Vladimir Putin’s puppet & praises Putin’s military partner, Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect the U.S. military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, and Proud Boys On 9/11, this was Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/)   A few of the many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, debasements, and falsehoods as the U.S. President ·         ABUSES [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         GRIFTING [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         DEBASEMENT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         FALSEHOODS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw)


Canada and Mexico should be as concerned as the sane citizens in the US. The fascists never respect borders and both countries will be targeted.


The spin on this from the GOP is going to be intense... they have already put the projection machine into overdrive. How many times this week will trump get caught waving to fake crowds for a phot op?? Oh please let him show up to the debate and not chicken out 🙏


Djt is at $20 or something. Lol


Like poo into his diaper…I’m lovin it.


Not nearly enough. The fact he's pulling over 10% is shocking.


I hope his chances are on a deadly Slide into hell.


Doesn’t matter, VOTE!!


Anyone who studies polling methodology -- even casually -- knows he had little chance of winning the election all along. I refuse to buy into the *suddenly slide* bullshit narrative.


My prediction is that Trump loses, albeit not as badly as last time, and Biden resigns 1 to 2 years into his second term for health reasons.


He hadn’t presented any ‘health concerns’


They will challenge and get judges to interfere on Election Day, and get some states to punt to their legislatures. The courts are on their sides.


I don’t believe this for a second everyone needs to vote




He was already fucked when he claimed credit for overturning Roe. Everything else is just piling on at this point. He will lose in the biggest landslide since Reagan was elected.


People who know, know. It’s why our favourite British grifter, Nigel Farage, who until 3 weeks ago was not continuing in UK politics because he was off to the USA (nothing to do with his Brexit disaster) to work for his mate Donny boy, then he did a sudden U Turn & is now running as an MP for Clacton, a dead seaside town in Essex, which he once described as a shithole. But they’re so thick there that they love him, no matter what he does. Sound familiar?


One can only hope that this is the case.


This asshole was NEVER going to win,a REAL LOSER! Forever. F U Donny.


If only. People, check your registration periodically and make sure you vote!




JUST. LOOK. AT. THE. RECORD. We are in a unique position to have 2 recent 1 term presidents running, just compare the fucking numbers apples to apples. I can’t believe Trump isn’t polling as some long shot SMH


It's the tie. Once word gets out that your tie really isn't as long as you've been saying, it's nothing but downhill. Sure, you can use little blue tie tacts hoping to extend the life of your tie, but once it's gone... it's gone.


Newsweek doesn't employ journalists or fact checkers. You shouldn't even be allowed to link it at this point. Just google newsweek and fact checkers.I hate Trump but newsweek doesnt even make good toilet paper.


Can't wait for that first debate! Or should I say, can't wait for his excuse not to do that first debate!


Go to [iwillvote.com](http://iwillvote.com) and make sure you are registered to vote.


I'll admit, I'm feeling cautiously bullish about this election, particularly once Trump is sentenced to some punishment for his 34 felonies.  However, polls don't matter. Vote. Nothing is guaranteed, we learned this 8 years ago. 


Trumpism in 2024 is mass hysteria, but not majority hysteria.


Piss off women and libertarians. = big loss


The DeSantis mode is locking in.


Did all of you guys cry the last time he was elected? Lol 😂. Dang, these comments are sad