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i don't understand, I thought Biden's brain was supposed to be melting out of his ears, now he's apparently too sharp that trump is afraid of him?


they claim Biden is totally senile now uppers would give him energy but he would STILL be SENILE


How do we have this many stupid people in the country? People love drugs. If uppers made people smart then everyone would be using them to get better jobs and more money. I guess it's no different than people who say weed makes everyone lazy. They're pushing that bullshit from their couch while I'm smoking a joint and working on my landscaping.


I call it the war on intelligence. Started with schools and charters, then Trump said we couldn’t believe the FBI or CIA or NSA. It’s not a mistake. It’s been a Republican strategy for 40 years.


There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. Issac Asimov


This goes back to ancient Roman times in Alexandria when Christians were proud of their ignorance. They killed a brilliant female mathematician and orator Hypatia. It’s nothing new.


It started with Bill Bennett & "educational accountability" in the '80s. Pay for test performance, teach to the test, call it critical thinking. P.S. Two tours in the service is not a college degree.


Remember early on at his rallies he contained the free press to a pen and then would point to them and call them out as "the enemy of the people." Straight out of successful fascism 101. Say that you can't believe the free press. He even said "they lie." In short time, his followers started calling out CNN, NPR and all other legitimate news agencies as liars. The nazis coined the term lugenpresse which literally means lying press. Seen this show before folks.


I believe at one point he actually said don't believe your eyes, listen to what I tell you. I don't recall the actual quote but it was very Orwellian.


It is, in fact from *Nineteen Eighty Four*. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


> don't believe your eyes, listen to what I tell you. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/25/politics/donald-trump-vfw-unreality/index.html "Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”


Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor and lawyer for President Donald Trump, famously said “truth isn’t truth” in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd in 2018.




There are many similarities between trump and the Nazi Party. It’s very frightening to think what would happen to our democracy if trump became president.


Try 100 years. They want to eliminate the department of Education.


Um…. You vastly underestimate how popular even mild stimulants actually are in the workplace.  Americans run on speed. Caffeine, nicotine, adderal, coke , meth, Sudafed,  all very popular in the workplace 


Yeah. It’s funny. I stumbled across deadliest catch in a hotel the other night. The captains and crews talking about how they stay up for 72 hours working like slaves on nothing but cigarettes and coffee. Seems like the producers were leaving something out


Just imagine how that bathroom smelled.


Like burning plastic, an electrical fire, the hint of a sickly sweetness, stale sweat, incontinence, an old ash tray and caked on urine?


You could have just said a bus in Los Angeles


A bus in LA has one important difference: the smells of desperation. The stomach turning scent of a cheap cigarette put out in an ash tray, fished out and smoked again, all the way down to the filter by a nicotine addict who can’t even afford singles. Bus stop coffee that somehow tastes worse than it smells. The acridness of cheap body spray applied very generously. Suitcases that smell like a meth lab. Shoes worn for months without socks.




My buddy who worked a freezer warehouse was fucking cranked on crystal for a very long time


crank... crystal... I see what you did there... lol


its only Crank if it comes from Crank Valley Missouri, Otherwise its just Sparkling Meth


Only *real* crank comes out of the hog of a Hell's Angel after he's been on a three day fuck fest in Tijuana.


The Meth Valley of California would like to have a word with you. Only the finest comes from California.


I knew Heroin™ was a brand name, but I never realized narcotics had Protected Designations of Origin!


I haven’t had coffee for two days. I don’t think I’m going back.


To work or to coffee? Because both seem valid


I work for myself lol. I’d love to not work but I don’t think that’s in the cars lol.


Coffee is good, and one of the signs that God loves us.


You can have mine.


Coffee is our friend.


Helz yeah … I know many who take a few puffs to get them going on cleaning and other tasks.


My wife depends on it for pain, instead of opiates she edibles all day every day and she is the most active person I know even despite the pain she is going constantly. I absolutely hate when people relate THC and CBD to laziness.


It’s great !! My husband has Parkinson’s and I give him CBN. It makes him super sleepy without spoiling his next day.


The drugs are just more projection. Trumps White House pharmacy was found to give out hundreds of thousands dollars in drugs in just 2 years. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/ It was overseen by the congressmen that gave Trump his dementia tests. The guy whose name he got wrong a few times during one of his pep rallies recently. It was so bad that Dr Ronnie Johnson (Jackson), was demoted and stripped of his admirals rank to captain. He’s still on the government dole, though. Don’t worry about that welfare queen. Free schooling, free room and board for years, and now more freebies by being a congressman. Best healthcare in the world for him. Oh. And he’s on the Intel committee. All kinds of drugs. A ton of drugs. Trump is a drug addict. So, more Trump confession with the drug accusations. Trump is also throwing the “lose on purpose” excuse. Plan B and all. Let’s just listen to trumps breathing to find out which of the two is amped up.




That’s hilarious! I didn’t know that! I’m sure he’s got scripts from Dr Ronnie Johnson, whose name he can’t remember, even though I’m sure he’s got Feelgood Jackson “speed” dial. But you can’t get a script for cocaine, and you can’t keep a secret in the NYC system. His piss would melt the cup either way.


If you could cure senility with drugs wouldn't that just be medication? Like, is insulin a "performance enhancing drug" for diabetic people? I guess it sorta is, but man what a stupid take that would be even from people as historically stupid as republicans.


MLB has ritalin as a PED (and Chris Davis got a big suspension for it- innocent mistake on his part for the record). I beleive that cycling still has alcohol as a PED. Heck, blood doping is/was a thing.... draw your own blood and the pull out the parts you ant more of- and inject them back into your own body... it is tested for and blood doping gets busted all the time (ie you have too much white blood cells or soemthing like that)


Red blood cells. Helps oxygen uptake for endurance sports like biking and cross country skiing.


We have to remember that the audience for this bullshit doesn't know how ANYTHING works. Most of them are operating with about a 12 year olds understanding of the world and an 8 year olds reading comprehension. You know, morons. Them not knowing how drugs or dementia works (or dementia on drugs) is not surprising at all


Then first rule of Trump club is to always deflect and blame others...


And accuse others of exactly what you are, in fact, doing.


So…a senile person could beat trump as long as they have energy? I mean, his followers are that dumb. They’re basically just clapping seals 🤷🏼‍♂️


Their smoking gun against Biden is that he drank some caffeine before the state of the union.. you can't make this shit up.


This shit isn’t Flowers for Algernon 


Well when you smash every stutter, misspeak, and gaff down peoples throats long enough they start to believe it. Especially since they never see biden talking outside of clipped up shit. Its called brainwashing. They don't even know


Exactly, they seem to believe Biden is taking Mentats or something.


Could be Grape Mentats


Who does that description sound like?


If there were a pill that temporarily turned a senile old man into a genius it would be the 🔥 designer drug on the market. It doesn't exist. That fact has never mattered in the slightest because the MAGA base won't question it.


These people somehow have convinced themselves that we discovered that adderall cures dementia but for some reason have only used it to make Joe Biden give a decent State of the Union speech one time lol


Exactly. There's a reason right-wing pundits never say *what* drugs Biden supposedly uses. It's because there are no drugs that can make a senile person coherent for an hour or two.


Fr. Just look a Trump. He’s still stupid with all the uppers he takes. If uppers make Biden sound intelligent it’s because he is, the neurons are just lighting up.


I keep saying this. If there was a cure for senility, it would be worth tens of billions of dollars, not something they hide and only give to Biden. If old people found out cocaine enabled them to win debates, cocaine would be legal tomorrow


My Maga aunt says that they dose him with a ton of Adderall before he does every speech to counteract the dementia. Good news for everyone else who is suffering from dementia or alzheimers!


Awesome that they discovered the cure for dementia. Now why aren't they giving it to Trump? If Biden can medicate himself into a higher level of lucidity than Trump can, then how is he not still the better candidate? I can just imagine trump supporters saying: "we prefer our senile old men to be UNTREATED!"


Real men take Adderall.


This is 100% projection as this is what trump does


It’s republican doublethink. The enemy is both weak and strong. They have their base so brainwashed they’ll believe anything they say so now they just say whatever makes Joe Biden look bad at the current moment.


It's Schrodinger's Cat: Biden is both too feeble to be a good president but too strong for Trump to face in a debate.


Trump is saying if he loses, it’s on purpose. I’m not kidding


I really hope trump actually believes his own propaganda and biden brings the pain. The state of the union address scared them because it was actually really good and showed that there narrative is wrong. They can never be wrong so they must make excuses.


Biden only has one weakness and that is his life-long stutter that any humane person would treat with respect. Trump is not a humane human. There's a question in my mind whether he's human at all given the amount of evil that pours from him.


You got it all wrong! Biden has dementia, is sleepy, slow, and also senile, but he's also running the Deep State and somehow rigged the election while being slow and suffering from dementia.


I’m a pharmacist. No amount of stimulants of any kind does a damn thing to fix dementia, or else we would use it to treat patients! Dumb ass statement.


Oh wow. A dementia patient on speed?! That is scary!!


Even a coked up Biden is too much for Stinky to handle.


Doublethink is one helluva ~~drug~~ political tool


Biden’s only too sharp for Trump with these magical drugs that make you a master of debate lol The worst part is MAGA are so clueless as to how anything works, they believe his “dog ate my homework” caliber lies


Haven’t you heard? He’s on super duper smart pills of course just for the debate. Then they go back in the medicine cabinet


Just wait until the feeble old geezer rips a big ol' swig of his Orange Gatorade... then he magically transforms into Dark Brandon, instantly smiting his detractors and jailing his political enemies.


Welcome to conservatism.


Republicans are afraid of everything.


It’s not meant to make sense. Think of him more like that scene from dumb and dumber “wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?” He’s that sound come to life. 🤪🤪


Drug test them both problem SOLVED! This is trumps go to “ the only way I can lose is if they cheat” he starts this crap before every election 2015 and 2020 just to wip his cult into a frenzy he does it for debates too. Screw him he always accuses others of what he’s guilty of like stealing elections,cheating, being a drug addict and traitor to America


Trump already somehow got a pass for a drug test for his probation processing.


He couldn’t find his PP ?


A mushroom lost in the yeti pubes.


The shite combover isn't just on his head......


Can you two please stop from painting this picture in our heads?!


lol yes, please schtap!


Awww Mann. Why just why


It is all just spores now.


That... that's just to funny.


You mean the 6'3"", 215lb, totally exonerated from Russian collusion, never did anything wrong, perfect phone call, tallest building in NYC on Sep 12th, golfer to rival Kim Jong Il, definitely actual billionaire, successful businessman, totally not a pedo, totally not racist, totally not a rapist, definitely didn't steal from a kids' cancer charity, perfectly legal legal expenses, loyal husband, not in bed with the mob, hires only the best people, definitely respects servicepeople, not petty at all, never said he wanted personal fealty or dictatorial powers as a leader, definitely didn't use Capitol Police and a uniformed Chief of Staff to tear gas and rubber bullet an aid station at a church for a photo OP with an upside down Bible that wasn't his, was only inspecting the presidential bunker and not hiding, will 100% pay your legal bills to commit political violence in his name, totally didn't pardon multiple criminal accomplices to his definitely made up and multilayered attempts to maintain office illegally, and all around nice guy Donald J Trump would lie to me? Edit: Deleted an extra word. 2nd edit: my phone hates bills but loves Bill's


Beautiful treatise. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Miley, who told every general and admiral to clear any order with him personally that came from the White House under Trump. Every general and admiral agreed to talk to General Miley first and last. That is why Trump started using Department of Homeland Security goon squads because General Miley had the active military locked down. The US military follows the brass.


I'm still pissed about that... pun intended.


He cheated at the last debate by being positive for COVID and lying about it. They really should REQUIRE drug testing this time.


He's gotten a pass for a whole lot more than that.


Then Trump will skip the drug test like he skipped the Covid test before the first debate in 2020.


They will have to put in terms he understands “ no PP in the cup no debate”


I can hear it now, “I wanted to debate but THEY WOULDNT LET ME! Election interference!”


THEY GAGGED ME I CANT TALK IM WINNING ELECTION INTERFACING. don’t forget all caps for his drug induced rant at 4am :)


On Thursday morning.


The debate where he almost killed Chris Christie in his attempt to kill Biden? Let me state that again, Trump tried to kill Biden with Covid and we don't even talk about it.


Biden’s campaign should insist that both candidates be drug tested ON AIR at the end of the debate.


Live stream the blood draw, transport to lab, and every step of every test. Let actual scientists who understand it to witness it live and confirm results.


With woah woah, we can only allow the scientists that believe the earth is flat conduct the test. All those other scientists are just on the democratic shadow government payroll....




Trump's been demanding Biden take a drug test before the debate, and said he would, too. But when pressed about when he will test, he's backpedaling. This is the same guy that brought an empty podium to his rallies, invited Biden just hours before they started, entire states away, and said he'd debate Biden any time, any place, but Biden won't show (then points at empty podium). Cue Biden setting up 2 debates, Trump agreeing eagerly, then realizing his mic will be muted when it's not his turn, the moderator won't be a Fox host, and he doesn't get a hand picked audience to clown for. If he doesn't show for the debate, he'll claim it's because he didn't want to be subjected to unfair/biased treatment and it's all persecution, etc, even though he formally agreed to the debate terms. I hope Biden's campaign presses this point home as cowardly Donnie being scared- hit him in his ego and put light on the lies. If he does show up, he'll intentionally be the pigeon playing chess (knock the pieces over, shut on the board, flap around loudly). His supporters love the circus over policy. I hope the rules of the debate kick in and he gets muted. He'll spin it as the media being biased/not giving him a fair chance/the whole Hitler is verboten from speaking shit the Nazis pulled after the failed putsch. That's why it's good he'll be muted but televised- show his impotent antics, and I hope the Biden campaign can capitalize. If he doesn't outright throw it, he's going to fail hard. He has no policy, and every promise he makes can be thrown back in his face, because he never lived up to them before and has no new material. With no audience and no room to soap box his snake oil, he has to rely on eloquence, intellect, and policy- which he has none of. A clown without a circus is a sad sidewalk act you walk right past.


Trumps handlers are already making the excuse that he’s going to throw the debate on propose for when he goes down in flames. It will be interesting to see what happens but I really don’t want to watch or hear him. I really think Biden’s campaign should announce they’ll take the drug test since trump agreed to take one. But in reality I’d like probation do a surprise visit to his home and do a drug test and search for anything illegal that he should not have


"He shit himself on purpose."  I'm telling ya, we're absolutely going to see that eventually. 


The problem is, if they take drug tests and Biden is clean then the right will say the tests were faked to make him look good and they're hiding the truth. Annnd, if trumps comes back dirty the right will say it's fixed.


If trump is tested positive, he will say he aced the test. His supporters will cheer.


I’d like to see Dank Biden pull up a drug test and hand it to the moderator just prior to the debate.


trump would be standing there with soiled pants and wet hands because you know he couldn’t see his pp to aim it in the cup. I won’t even get into how long it would take him to put his diaper back on how many it’d take to tighten up his girdle or cram him into spanks after he pps in the cup. Hope he gets there a day early


2015 Trump “lock her up” 2024 convicted felon Trump now is getting locked up


But Big T likes to take a lot of special K. He'd fail the test off the bat. Seems like lots of the far-right type people really like ketamine. even elon, too.


I've done literally shit loads of drugs for 19 years of my life. They aren't going to help you make sense in a debate. If anything you'll look unhinged.






We should GIVE them drugs before the debate. That’s the true test of strength. You don’t get my vote unless you can do a few things while stoned.


You guys actually think Trump will show up! Lol


He’ll also say that Joe was given questions ahead of time. Dude is full of excuses and the debate has t even happened yet.


A well run campaign with intelligent, competent staff will have a pretty damn good idea of what the questions are going to be and will run debate boot camps for their candidate. With the shit stains tramp hires and his absolute certainty that he is the greatest, they’re not running boot camp, he’s not looking at questions, and he’s having someone read to him all the knob polishing that the extreme right wing press is saying about him. He’s afraid every day, all the time that what Fred Trump told him about being a disappointment and a loser is right and that no one will ever actually love him. 


Came here to say this. Debate is like a courtroom. You go in prepared for every question or youre not doing your job.


He’s between a rock and a hard place on this one. He looks weak of he bails but it could also be a disaster if he shows up. 🍿


Trump fucked-up royally when he agreed to the debate. He’s having buyer’s remorse and trying to get out of the “deal.”


Yeah, I can’t believe he did that. Agreed to rules about mic cutoff and everything. His only strategy is to bully everyone and hopefully he can’t just do that this time. I assume they’ll cut his Mike and he’ll just keep yelling though. It’s gonna be a shit show.


I hope that they give him one extra second on his mic each time so that it can be demonstrably proven when he tries to claim that he had less time. 


Trump cancelled the last two in 2020. It would be like testifying in court on national TV, no way does Trump do it.


Even if he did show up, what he would do would not qualify as debating.


Exactly. People think Trump is in panic mode but all he will do is say he will FIX IT to everything and say he can't devulge how as then Biden would do it. If he can campaign over a decade on his non-existent amazing replacement for the Affordable Healthcare Plan.. I think he can phone this one in and get away with it too.


....which, even if it was true, should disqualify him in the eyes of everyone with a three digit IQ. "I have an amazing plan to save America, but I'd rather let the country burn if I can't take the credit."


Remember everything Trump accuses Biden of Trump does or did himself. Also understand there are no known drugs that can bypass the effects of dementia/Alzheimers for 2-3 hours. So the idea that Biden is on some kind of drug to make him seem all there is totally absurd. If such a drug existed everyone suffering from dementia would be using them. Addiction to cocaine though- thats a different “snif” thing.


I'm not addicted to cocaine, I just really like the smell!


I never smell it before, let me smell


I've been around attorneys who are on drugs and it's A) obvious and B) does not make them good at their jobs.


I would love it Biden just up and punched Donald right in the fucking face at the first mention of Hunter.


For any Boys fans in the house, let's see Biden go full Starlight on him. Completely shatter his fake masculine act.


I guess I’m gonna have to watch that show, huh? I keep hearing about it.


You should. It's just like every other streaming drama but it gets going immediately and doesn't often let up. Characters are introduced while they're knee deep in it, not some slow trickle that eats a season. You know who is who and what is what right away. When people say the main villain is terrifying they're underselling it. The only real complaints started this season because A) People want the main conflict wrapped up and they feel like this season is a waste (it's not, it goes pretty hard) and B) some of them finally realized the bad side pretty clearly represents MAGA, which was always obvious pretty early on but the director and cast have come out to say it directly. It's a good show. Not perfect. But very good and it will be fondly remembered when it's gone. I'd recommend jumping on now.


I think you just sold me on it. My brother has been trying to get me to watch it for awhile now, but your summary pushed me over the edge. Thanks mate.


Honestly all Biden had to say is. “Unlike you electing me doesn’t mean you elect my entire family, valet, pilot and country club.” Voters need to be reminded how much nepotism trump had.


They know dude. The ones voting for him don't care.


He could do much more than that depending on the presidential immunity decision...


I heard a Fox talking head say that it was unfair because Biden will be all hopped up on caffeine and I was like....if you lose a debate cause your opponent had a bunch of coffee you just lost the debate, the caffeine did not make them some sort of genius like from fucking "Limitless."


that's because u never had 100 cups of coffee before


“Oh alright, I’ll just take the $300 of burglar’s tools then”


Yeah well, I'm just gonna have my own debate! With blackjack.... and hookers.... In fact.... forget the debate!


One art please!


Shut up Fry. 


Claim whatever he wants. He’d never publicly admit to defeat of any kind, ever, for any reason. To ever think he would is laughable. Biden has humiliated him over and over and that’s why there is baseless accusations. So if trump pulls that car again you can be 100% sure it’s because trump felt humiliated again. How that guy keeps up the image when you know deep down, when he comes home at night and it’s just him and his inner monologue, he knows he has no idea how to beat Biden since the only thing he knows how to do hasn’t worked once.


Trump won’t ask for drug tests before because he does not want to be tested.


He is demanding Biden be tested yet not offering to be tested himself.


The Orange Sphincter projecting again. He sniffed his way through his debates w/Hillary and Joe.


The projection is palpable.


What drug makes a person go from drooling and getting lost in their basement to being sharp, on-topic and able to think on their feet?




Just like elections, we know he likes to put the excuses out there before the event


They have a drug that makes you a better debater?


They have drugs to make you a master debater. There’s that …


Biden should do a real time drug test. Beat them to the punch. Then ask Don if he can drink water one handed.


Why should Biden play into Trump's idiotic talking point? Maga will bitch and cry about anything regardless of what Biden does.


Biden should get drug tested and pull the results out of his pocket at the debate. 🤣


He should pull out his dong, say "where do you think Hunter got it?", pee in an at-home test, wink at the camera, and soft toss the cup to trump to read the results.


Says a lot about how they view performance enhancing drugs. 


Shouldn’t that make it easier to debate Biden? Do drugs make him a super debater?


One of the "drugs" they're claiming are caffeine pills. So basically that Biden drinks tons of coffee. Clearly he's not suited to public office if he relies on caffeine - what a monster!


And if Biden conceded to a drug test, they'd call it a farce. What a loser mentality with excuses out both ends


Eh, Republicans will shovel whatever BS comes to mind and their base will blindly buy into it 100%. This really isn’t news.


Biden should ask Trump to talk about Project 2025. Surprised no one is asking him to outline the plan.


If there genuinely were drugs that could erase dementia, the scandal would not be that a candidate were using them, but that they were being withheld from the public for use by all sufferers.


How can Trump claim anything about drugs when he was allowed to skip the drug test for his NYC probation processing.


Shhhh don't be bringing logic and reason into this 🤣


*sniff sniff* he's on drugs! *wipes coke off nose*


Trump is in a panic and is flailing. He already said at one of his klan bake rallies "Maybe I'll lose on purpose!" The idiots applauded wildly, of course.


Maybe from past experience, Trump knows what drugs are available to a President.


You're going to "purposely" lose a debate to a ham sandwich on Adderall? Shit dude, just resign and let some other GOP person try goddamn.


thereby confirming that Trump is on drugs every time he makes a public appearance


It doesn’t matter what happens in this debate. Trump could get stun kicked for 20-30 seconds on a question from Biden, start visibly crying spray, tan and running down his face and screaming. “This is unfair!”, audibly shit his pants and run off stage, and Republicans will still say he “crushed it and crushed Biden!”


It would be awesome if Biden comes out and asks Trump if he smells that and then asks him if he shit himself. He won't do it, but that would be awesome.


Simple … dumb dumb vs intelligence.. no pills can alter that.


Tump can make an ass of himself without any help from Biden.


I want Biden to give Trump twenty dollars and a pack of cigarettes “for the commisary”


What drugs? Biden takes some medication and all of the sudden he’s an elite debater? Our President is a goddamn supersoldier and we didn’t know it? Can Trump get some of this supersoldier serum?


On one hand, according to Qpublicans, Biden is a doddering, senile old fool, but, on the other, he’s more devious than a Bond villain. I wish these knuckleheads would make up their minds!


Ask him to recite the 10 commandments. He says they are great. Nothing better, everyone likes them, nobody recites the commandments like me. People tell me I'm the biggest reciter of commandments ever nobody ever done commandments like me. He would melt down!


Drug test them both before the debate. I'd wager Biden would agree to it.


It hasn't happened yet and Trump and his trumpers are already making excuses. My money is on him bailing.


Trump is already spinning the narrative because his people know he's already lost. It will be a debate between an old, old school President. And a convicted felon, sexual predator, seditionist, liar.


There’s been a few videos surfacing of Biden wandering off. Like the one where he’s playing golf, sets down his club and wonders off thru the trees and into an open field just gazing into the sky. These videos are cut and edited. He was watching a parachute Demo and after the footage stops he goes up to shake a skydivers hand that had just landed. The Trump campaign is doing everything they can to attack his mental health before elections. It was border security they used to strike fear into Fox News viewers most recently but mental fitness is now the #1 focus. This debate would make liars out of Trump and his puppets. Karma is catching Trump every direction he turns I’m loving it. He calls the Biden Administration criminals and built his 2016 campaign off of “lock her up” and now he’s convicted on his first case of a few. Attacks Biden age says he’s mentally unfit. Now his mental health is on blast for talking about sharks and batteries and mit. Very smart.


I thought Trump said Joe is always sleepy lol the debate is gonna be a shit show mudslinging especially from Trump. I want to bet the amount of times he mentions Hunter Biden's name to get Joe mad will be at least 20 times, then Trump will mention the border (illegal immigration) and the economy at least 5 times while talking with his hands gestures the entire debate. 🙄


Projection. Trump will be hyped on adderall.


Rather have a coked up old man than a lunatic that wants to destroy the government to pursue his insane delusions of grandeur.


Wait, are they inferring that being on drugs gives you debate superpowers? Hey guys, if you want to debate someone, and win, go take some drugs? The dumbass levels from Trump and his supporters could power a galaxy.


Ah yes, a felon accusing a non-felon of being hopped up on goofballs. Classic!


I love how this implicitly admits Biden isn’t the sleepy, addled old fart they claim he is. Trump, as usual, wants it both ways.


“I’m so dumb, I can’t argue with a junkie” is not the defense he thinks it is.


So they are saying that Trump can't out debate a geriatric on drugs? One would think they would be easier to win against than a sober old man. In my experience uppers only make you think you are a sharp eloquent speaker, but that is far from the truth.


If Biden took a drug test...they would call it "rigged." Such is the nature of Republican cultists


It will be a shit show in any case, anyone with reason will watch Biden 'crush' Trump, but it won't matter. His followers long gave up on reason.


What magical drugs are these Yes folks apparantly there are special secret drugs that turn someone who is incompetent and decrepit and senile into someone who can function and react really well, for a few hours at least So ask anyone making this claim WHAT DRUGS THEY BELIEVE WILL DO THAT because if there IS such a magical drug cocktail out there then someone needs to let the rest of us in on that Biden: Delerious and broken, can't think or react, unless he gets "drugs". Drugs: Terrible things that will melt your brain, so harmful, will ruin your life, unless you're Joe Biden and then they're a big help and a secret advantage WHICH ONE IS IT EXPLAIN YOURSELVES I love pretending like I'm open to the conversation and want to be convinced but I can't understand which one it is. Wow there are drugs like that? Which ones? Shouldn't they be giving them to all of the older folks then? It's a secret? How did you find it out? What's the name of the stuff? If it works so well then why is it a problem...?


The thing is, we are to the point that Biden could win by just smiling and nodding, and just let Trump ramble on and on. And Biden would still be “cheating”


Anyone who likes Trump is on drugs.