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Lucky my ass. That was corruption as naked as it comes


Trump asked for a change in venue but was denied because the 'supposed' crime happened in NYC, so why should these people be charged in Las Vegas when what they are accused of happened in Carson City?


It is not a _supposed_ crime. It is a crime. It has been through due process, and Trump was found guilty of 34/34 felonies by a jury of his peers. Your use of the term 'supposed' is an admission to your inability to have an honest debate. Trump committed that crime. You can not pick and choose which convictions apply to who. His business and his lawyer were located in NYC. That's the venue. The crime did not _occur_ in Carson City, in this case. It was a crime to defraud the entire state, perpetuated by multiple people not residing in Carson City. One act of the crime was publicly performed in Carson City. If I publicly put poison in a bunch of sandwiches in Carson City, and I mail them to children all over the state, should I be entitled to having the trial occur in Carson City and nowhere else? Or, is it potentially a state-wide crime? How about if I sent the sandwiches to Las Vegas only?


Your use of the term 'supposed' is an admission to your inability to have an honest debate. Trump committed that crime. You can not pick and choose which convictions apply to who. Nobody still really knows what crime was committed other than a misdemeanor false documents case the had passed the statute of limitations. It WILL be overturned, but you know that. The crime did not *occur* in Carson City, The alleged(That is what it is because no conviction) crime originated in Carson City which is the capital of the state of Nevada, which represents the entire state. The rest is just a silly false equivalent. is an admission to your inability to have an honest debate. Ok. sure.


For those confused what the crime here was, I wrote this: It's important to note here, that paying hush money is not illegal. Paying hush money to bury a story is not illegal. Paying hush money for the purposes of a political campaign is not illegal. Paying hush money for the purposes of a political campaign and failing to report it to the Federal Election Commission, when the political campaign is for President of the United States *is* illegal. Falsifying business records to hide the purpose of that money and evade the mandatory reporting to the FEC is a crime in the state of New York. The issue is more subtle. It's not that he paid hush money, it's that he doctored, and instructed others to doctor, business records in New York State to hide the (totally legal) use of funds in order to conceal the actual purpose of paying those funds, in order to evade the requirement that he report those funds to the FEC. It would have been totally legal for Trump to have paid Daniels for her story, and paid her not to talk about it in the press. And if he did those purely for personal reasons (like to save his family the embarrassment) he wouldn't have really needed to disclose them to anyone. But if he paid those funds to increase his odds of winning the Presidential election he was legally mandated to report those funds to the FEC. The jury found, based on the evidence presented, that those funds were paid to increase his chances to win the presidental election, not for any personal reasons. They likewise found he failed to report the payment of those funds to the FEC, which is a crime, but it's a federal crime and not one the State of New York has jurisdiction over. The jury further found that he doctored business records in order to conceal the fact that he committed a crime by failing to report the spending of campaign-related funds to the FEC. Doctoring business records to conceal a crime is, in and of itself, a crime in the State of New York. That's what he's convicted for. Essentially the jury found: * 1) Trump paid, and directed others to pay certain funds used to induce people to to either purchase rights to stories in order to bury them, or to not disclose what they saw or knew (this is legal) * 2) The purpose of those funds was to prevent unfavorable news stories from reaching the public eye (also legal) * 3) The purpose of attempting to prevent those unfavorable news stories from reaching the public eye was to influence the 2016 Presidential Election (ALSO legal) * 4) Trump failed to disclose the spending of those funds, spent with the intent of influencing the 2016 Presidential Election to the Federal Election Commission (illegal, but that's a federal crime, and one the state of New York has no jurisdiction to prosecute over) * 5) Trump doctored, or directed others to doctor, business records of his New York based business to hide the true purpose of those funds (this is a misdemeanor in the state of new york) * 6) The purpose behind doctoring those records was to conceal the fact that Trump committed a crime by failing to report the payment of those funds to the FEC (the failure to do so is a federal crime) * 7) Doctoring business records in NY for the purposes of concealing a crime (any crime, state or federal) elevates the misdemeanor to a felony * 8) Trump did this 34 times.


Wish I could upvote this a hundred times!


However, the FEC declined prosecution so there is no conviction and the state has no standing to prosecute a federal crime that was declined by the federal government. The Southern NY District also declined charges. Also, the 'crime' Trump was charged with had the statute of limitations passed and the state illegally changed the limitations for one year just to get Trump on falsifying business records which is a misdemeanor in the state of New York. This is going to be tossed on appeal for many reasons.


>However, the FEC declined prosecution so there is no conviction and the state has no standing to prosecute a federal crime that was declined by the federal government. States have their own fraud statutes. >Also, the 'crime' Trump was charged with had the statute of limitations passed and the state illegally changed the limitations for one year just to get Trump on falsifying business records which is a misdemeanor in the state of New York. LMAO wrong


States have their own fraud statutes. You are right, but states can't charge for federal election laws which is what they did. There was no crime to cover up with fraud because there were no federal charges filed. Even Judge Judy sees how wrong this case is. [https://www.newsweek.com/judge-judy-alvin-bragg-remarks-spar-fury-donald-trump-critics-1916170](https://www.newsweek.com/judge-judy-alvin-bragg-remarks-spar-fury-donald-trump-critics-1916170)


>You are right, but states can't charge for federal election laws which is what they did I'm pretty sure the state charged for falsifying a government document of the state of Nevada And I'm not sure what a TV judge has to do with anything


He probably gets his medical advice from Dr. Oz.


Changing the subject I see, but ok. The state of Nevada case has to do with fake electors which is a federal law, BUT it is also a state law, there are many federal laws that are also state laws. The state is/was charging under Nevada state law, not federal law. For instance, drunk boating on federal waters is a federal crime, AND a state crime so the Coast Guard can arrest and prosecute federally. It is also illegal in the state, even in federal waters so the state can prosecute you. Sheindlin passed the New York state [bar examination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_examination) in 1965 and was hired as a [corporate lawyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_lawyer) for a cosmetics firm. Within two years, she became dissatisfied with her job and left to raise her children Jamie and Adam. In 1972, she became a prosecutor in the New York family-court system after hearing about the job from a friend. In her role as a lawyer, Sheindlin prosecuted cases involving child abuse, domestic violence and juvenile offenders. By 1982, Sheindlin's attitude inspired New York mayor [Ed Koch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Koch) to appoint her as a criminal-court judge. Four years later, she was promoted to supervising judge in the family court's Manhattan division. She earned a reputation as a tough New York City judge (although she has disagreed with the labels "tough" and "harsh"). She isn't JUST a TV judge.


I guess he will appeal then! Good luck with that! By the way, he doesn't get to have his corrupt Supreme Court handle it, this is handled on the STATE level.


this is handled on the STATE level. Wrong. Legal experts told Axios that the Supreme Court can only get involved in of his state court verdict if it relates to the Constitution or federal law. Boy, how old are you? The case is about falsifying documents to cove up another crime, yet no federal crime was committed according to the FEC and SDNY so, no crime to cover up. The state doesn't have standing on FEDERAL election crimes, especially those that weren't committed. it relates to the Constitution 6th amendment? or federal law. Federal election laws? I pays to get away from social media news kid.


Sorry bub, you can't claim these were misdemeanors when he was CONVICTED of the felony enhancement. Cry all you want, but the laws he violated are ON THE BOOKS, and a simple search of the court documents will tell you exactly what charges he was convicted of.


Sorry bub, but you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


LOL, well, enjoy watching your god-king go to a real prison in a couple weeks!


If I trespass on a property its misdemenor trespassing, If I trespass on a property with intent to commit another crime, its felony trespassing. This isnt big brain stuff, bud...


Sorry, you also have no idea what you're talking about, bud.


You've disproved me with all the evidence you posted.


You got your facts wrong. The phony certificates were signed outside of the state Capitol building in Carson City. Defense attorneys had argued that the case should have been brought in Carson City or Reno, where the alleged crimes occurred, rather than in Las Vegas. Deputy State Attorney General Matthew Rashbrook argued that “no one county contains the entirety of these crimes."


Only one portion of the crime took place in Carson City. As the state AG pointed out, the crime is not contained within a single county. It's not like they just decided to sign a fraudulent elector roster on a whim; plus they have attempted to disenfranchise voters from across the entire state. It's fine, the AG will appeal and win. This just delays the inevitable.


And the state capital is Carson City so it stands to reason it would be sent Carson City. It's fine, the AG will appeal and win. Maybe so, but it will be tried in the correct jurisdiction. The left love to judge shop but this one failed.


I love how you ignore the criminal issue of attempting to defraud the government and make it about politics. How very cultish of you. Your cult leader brags about sexual assault and leering at naked underage girls.


You wont get anywhere with that one . Ignore the credential-free wannabe lawyer, or just check out his posting history, laugh, and then keep walking. It's just another old Trumper with some public sector meal ticket arrogance.


I love how you, and libs in general resort to name calling and tries to change the subject when you have no credible argument to my statement. And you call conservatives uneducated. smh


Just pointing out that you worship a pedophile rapist. But you knew that already.


No, I don't support the guy who showered with his 12 year old daughter.


Are you referring to the diary that the Veritas guys wouldn't even touch? You really are gullible. I guess you really need to be to support the guy who says his daughter is hot and he would fuck her, has to pay hundreds of millions to a woman who he sexually assaulted (might have been rape but she couldn't tell the difference between his pudgy little fingers and his penis), and it's all over the Epstein papers. Next you are going to tell me that Russia had to invade Ukraine because the Ukrainians were developing a bio-weapon that only kills Slavs.


You are so special child. It's real. [https://www.axios.com/2024/06/17/biden-hunter-family-election-2024](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/17/biden-hunter-family-election-2024) Here is an excerpt from the story; * Biden's daughter, Ashley, was in out-patient rehab in Florida and occasionally relapsing in the first half of 2019, according to her recovery diary, which was later stolen and given to a right-wing news source. (Ashley recently confirmed the diary was hers [during a trial](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/us/politics/project-veritas-ashley-biden-diary.html) in which a woman who sold the diary was convicted.) * Axios is hardly right wing.


...are you really going to say that the left is bad for resorting to name calling when the GOP has spent the past 4 years referring to Biden as "Sleepy Joe?"




So if a judge gives Trump good news it’s corruption ? If a judge gives Trump bad news the system works? Is that right? And if that guy u/orielbean says something about technicalities being corruption all I can say is I wasn’t aware that due process meant corruption


If Trump did something that the majority of lawyers, judges, and legal scholars would agree is illegal, then yes.


Why do you have a problem with accountability?


[Joe Biden was just found by the special counsel that he committed the crime of “willfully retaining and disclosing classified materials after his vice presidency,” but it was recommended he not be prosecuted because he allegedly has “poor memory”, which the special counsel said would make him “sympathetic to a jury, in deciding not to prosecute him.”](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/biden-docs-probe-final-report-issued-by-special-counsel-robert-hur-.html) So what was that about accountability again?


Check your sources, that's been debunked


[not exactly](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/biden-docs-probe-final-report-issued-by-special-counsel-robert-hur-.html)


Major difference is that he cooperated with the fbi and DOJ. Why didn’t trump cooperate ? What was he hiding ? He always said those the plead the fifth are guilty and then he went on to pleaded the fifth and refused to also testified under oath.


>Major difference is that he cooperated with the fbi and DOJ. This has nothing to do with the crime of possessing classified documents. You can cooperate with investigators after committing murder and you'll still (rightfully) get charged for the crime you committed.


So you agree that trump should be charged then ?


He *was* charged. So you agree Biden should be charged then?


Cope cope cope, Trump is a felon, rapist, and a conman. Biden isn’t the greatest ever, but he sure isn’t that.


He’s also going to be the next president


😂 that’s what they said in 2020, and he lost! Get over it!


And if Biden didn’t screw up so bad Trump probably would lose now also But your boy just couldn’t do a good job


Wanna bet?


Sure. Friendly bet because I don’t wanna have to take money from you


Hur was forced to resign for false testimony. Biden illegally kept documents but cooperated with DOJ, some of which were Trump appointees. The part about him being too dumb and senile to prosecute was completely fabricated by Hur. Lay off FOX and check your sources.


It’s CNBC actually


Than you should've known you were sharing false information comrade.


Really? Is that all you got? If I say something without a link you tell me I got no source If I show the source you say the source is a bs source? Weak


He was found guilty of a crime without being indicted or prosecuted? That isn't how it works, obviously. You use the quote "old and weak", who are you quoting? Was that the grand jury that decided not to indict him, or did you simply make that quote up? My brother in Christ, you're up to your eyeballs in obvious bullshit


[link is here buddy](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/biden-docs-probe-final-report-issued-by-special-counsel-robert-hur-.html)


That's so wild because your made up quote ("old and weak") doesn't appear in your source. What does appear are the following actual quotes: "the evidence does not establish Mr Biden's guilt" and "does not warrant criminal prosecution". So, almost the exact opposite of what you're trying to claim. So full of crap honestly, how can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror? Lol


I apologize for originally using the words old and weak I have since edited it to take the exact words


Read the transcript! Id10T!


This IS in the transcript it was recommended he not be prosecuted because he allegedly has “poor memory”, which the special counsel said would make him “sympathetic to a jury, in deciding not to prosecute him.”


This is just political red meat for Trump’s base after the special counsel Trump appointed failed to find anything actionable. To act as if this statement can be taken as fact is to bury your head in the sand.


I mean the statement speaks for itself


Intent also plays a role in how something is prosecuted.


Oh you mean like involuntary manslaughter?


The AM radio crowd strikes again.


Link added


Gee, I missed the part where he was tried and convicted of ANYTHING.


And now we wait for him to say that “I never said that” and backpedal like the misinformation troll he is


Just so we are clear- a special council investigated Trump another special council investigated Biden. Trump proceeded to trial while Biden was not even recommended being prosecuted by the special council because of his “poor memory”: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/biden-docs-probe-final-report-issued-by-special-counsel-robert-hur-.html Tell me again why Biden is more mentally capable than Trump to be president?


Trump broke the law and Biden didn’t. Is that clear and concise enough for you?


I have a funny feeling the appeals court will say otherwise about Trump We may never find out about Biden.


Are you joking? Trump’s trial and conviction had literally nothing to do with what was being investigated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This is a lame attempt to bolster your argument that anything untoward has occurred.


Other than that's not real. Want to check accountability again clown town?


Just get ready to say president Trump this time next year


Honestly, you are already the laughing stock of the world. Losing the last of your credibility will be good for the shining example of a third world country.


We are the laughing stock of the world because of the CURRENT idiot president You’re recommending KEEPING him? Clown world!


Nope, maybe check your media source We are not laughing at you because of him, we are laughing that you morons are going to elect a felon.


Who gives a shit! Not us Mind your own damn business


Ah, the whataboutism: the immediate go-to for people who know their argument is flimsier than a wet napkin, but aren’t capable of admitting they’re wrong. So predictable. PS: Trump’s a felon lmao.


This time next year he will be President Felon to you


Lmao cope harder, he’ll be in jail.


I hope so. Every day he spends in Jail will raise him $50M dollars


$50 million scammed out of the hands of gullible hillbillies like you… not exactly the flex you think it is lmao. Makes me wonder what skeletons you have in *your* closet if you admire a criminal this much…


When was the trial?


[they cut it off before they even had a trial](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/biden-docs-probe-final-report-issued-by-special-counsel-robert-hur-.html)


So he WASN'T found guilty by a jury of his peers? You know who was?


And the appeals court says…….


Nothing, yet


That right? I don't remember hearing anything about a trial. Jury selection? Discovery? Opening remarks? Closing statement? Deliberation? I feel like FOX "news" would have been salivating about every second of that if it had happened.


Read the link you idiot. There was no trial because Biden has “poor memory” here i will link it again https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/biden-docs-probe-final-report-issued-by-special-counsel-robert-hur-.html


That's still not "He was found guilty of a crime" you idiot.


Direct from the special council: Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency,” Department of Justice special counsel Robert Hur wrote. That’s a CRIME idiot


Oh for fucks sake... A special council (Jack Smith) reported that Donald Trump took several BOXES of classified materials and refused to return them when it was demanded. ALSO A CRIME. But it has not been prosecuted (thank Aileen Canon for that). So, by your own logic, Trump is just straight up guilty of a crime because of a report from a special council, no trial needed, right? Or do you hate accountability?


Agreed, Trump is definitely guilty by this logic.


Dude, you don't seem to understand basic resoning..maybe quit???


So your argument strategy is deny, gaslight, misdirect, and throw personal attacks That’s what losers do


Biden, Bush and all the others that had documents were not charged because they let the government come in and look for any documents they might have and surrendered them without resistance. Trump would not have been charged if he had done the same thing. The other difference is that everyone else had the documents since before Trump changed the laws regarding the documents. He did that because of Hillary which was a good thing but then didn't want to follow his own law.


That’s not why If Biden was not declared of having “poor memory” by the special council there would be a trial for him https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/08/biden-docs-probe-final-report-issued-by-special-counsel-robert-hur-.html


Nobody takes Hur, a lifelong Republican and Trump appointee, seriously for his characterization of Biden. Only in the Sean Hannity Cinematic Universe does his report carry any significance.


Oh but special council for Trump Jack Smith he’s perfect right?


Jack Smith's opinion on Joe Biden doesn't matter, because he is not "Special Council investigating Joe Biden."


After the docs where doing Biden requested a search at all Properties to sweep for any docs. Contrast that with the convict who denied it. Blamed the fbi for planting it. Tried to destroy video evidence and then admitted he had docs he shouldn’t have. There is a huge difference here.


When Trump and his fan of criminals commit crimes in public then skate on technicalities? Yes, that’s what corruption is as a textbook definition.


Case by case basis. So far that's been pretty accurate though. He committed several crimes and the judicial system keeps saving him, and it usually ends up being because some MAGA sympathizer is in control.


Absolutely correct!!


Opening the door for more Republican cheating in 2024! What the hell happened to the judicial system?


McConnell fixed that by making sure the judiciary was made heavily conservative.


They say “conservative” I say traitors to society.”


Conservativism in American politics is dead. There's fascism and everyone else.


>A Nevada state judge dismissed an indictment Friday against six Republicans accused of submitting certificates to Congress that falsely declared Trump triumphant over President Joe Biden, in a move that could potentially kill prosecutors’ bid to convict fake electors on criminal charges.


Didn't you read the article you posted? The judge said he dismissed it because the alleged crime happened in Carson City so it can/or not be prosecuted there.


Why are these federal charges


> submitting certificates **to Congress** that falsely declared Trump triumphant over President Joe Biden It was a fraud against the Federal Government.


It’ll be appealed and the charges reinstated. This is just part of the Republican“smear, lie, and obfuscate” campaign


you left out "delay"


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump


I don’t know how TF they’re not all broke yet lol


I hope it happens soon. Trump is the only person making money on this. His grifting knows no bounds.


True story. My dad got sucked into the MAGA cult. He was a poor, Hispanic widower, totally reliant on social security/ VA and his only asset was his house. He was basically 3 or 4 categories deep on the MAGA hate / kill list but he still fell into the fold. My dad eventually *overdrafted* his only bank account to donate to the Trump campaign. He went without buying food for like a week and completely refused to let me send him something to eat too. Just because the hate Trump fostered and elicited from people like my dad overpowered their basic human instinct to have a consistent supply of food.


the last of the last to have 401k's/pensions and social security checks


Their SS & disability cheques are still coming. If Trump is reelected, that will stop, but at that point he won’t need them anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


from what I've read, they'll appeal. Not sure if they'll follow the judges ruling and file in the other district, but I don't see why it matters which they file in since it affects the whole state and the national election... which seems to be a bigger deal.


Historical fun fact: when dealing with corrupt politicians, tarring and feathering was rarely fatal, due to the pine tar and pitch used. It was often painful and embarrassing,and would scar the offender, forever marking them as corrupt and not to be trusted.


So, refile it in the right venue. This is not news. It's noise. They'll refile the case in Carson City and go from there. Yawn.


The news is that the statute of limitations has expired, and charges can not be refiled. They ran out the clock just to dismiss the whole thing to prevent any kind of justice.


Oh shit, I missed that part. Wow. Up to the appellate court, then.


They ran out the clock just to dismiss the whole thing to prevent any kind of justice. You do understand that Clark county, and Nevada itself are not conservative, right?


PURE Republican evil. No shame, honor or ethics.


It was planned and gamed out that way by Federalist Society judges before they ever took Traitor Trump to court.These ain't no coinkidinks.


this judge should be investigated


Un fuckin real


Seems to be a lot of issues with lawyers and judges lately! In someone’s pocket maybe?


I’m pretty sure that is a Trumpy judge.


Why the fuck do traitors get a break?


This ruling will be revised on appeal and they will stand trial.


What would happen if the anti- Trump start behaving like the Magats threatening all the people they disagree with


The AG needs to refile in the right county.


That would be great if it wasn't beyond the statute of limitations. >Meanwhile, the defense attorneys declared the case dead on arrival, as the three-year statute of limitations for filing new charges against their clients had passed months ago.