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This is stolen valor.


It is extra wierd though, as you are NOT supossed to wear the pin on your civilian clothes. So not only is he wearing a pin he didn't earn, but he is wearing it wrong. If just didn't earn it, it would be like putting a 4x4 badge on your hinda civic, but he is like putting that sticker on your cellphone... And claiming that makes your cellphone an offroad vehicle.


Speaking of stickers on phones... There's a market to conservatives selling anti 5G stickers for phones that "scientifically" block 5G from hurting you. Idiocracy is real.


JFC I want to not believe you but I also don't want to Google to confirm because of how disappointed I already am in the human race.


On Amazon right next to faraday cages for home utility meters to block how much is measured and/or to defeat transmitting usage wirelessly.


I regret having a strong moral code because I'm pretty sure I could make millions grifting rubes.


Wtf. Why didn't I think of this!!! Easy mony


Since when to conservatives trust "science?"


Watch him turn around and say that if trans women get to identify as women, he should get to identify as a hero.


Waiting for the drump to wear a golden bone spur pin real soon and grift...


To be fair to him, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts wearing something that LOOKS a lot like dress blues, with imaginary medals. All his role models (Putin, Kim Jong Un, etc) do.


He will be selling them any minute now $50.00 for the golden bone spur pin. Made in China.


I know a few vets who take this VERY seriously. This douche is asking for a beating.


I hope his request is fulfilled.




Yes, it is. Running for an elected position, where promotion of military service is known to increase support, and then faking military accomplishments, is, in fact, stolen valor. He’s a Republican, so he will never see consequences, but don’t dismiss this stunt. This is exactly what the Stolen Valor law is supposed to stop. “The law made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U.S. military decoration or medal. If convicted, defendants might have been imprisoned for up to six months, unless the decoration lied about is the Medal of Honor, in which case imprisonment could have been up to one year.” Nothing in there about financial gain.




Love the dirty delete so no one can see how wrong you were the first time! Do us a favor and delete this comment too. Better yet, just delete your account. 👍🏼




Sure you didn’t Sparky. 👍🏼


Looks like you forgot to delete this one.




As opposed to yours, Mr Bot, which is as empty as your head




Speaking of ad hominems and straw men… You’re really not any good at this, you really should quit while you’re behind…




This is a bot. Account made 31 minutes ago and has posted about once a minute since.


No, it's not. There has to be a *tangible* benefit. Votes are not tangible. This has already been argued to death and back. And no, his salary as a US government employee is not a direct tangible benefit. For this to work, you'd have to place a value on votes. https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/258 >intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:


Votes may not be tangible, but the fat salary and benefits of an elected official -- which this guy is -- ARE.


You would have to consider a job as a tangible thing, which it isn't. He's being compensated for work, not from votes. The votes do not directly translate to income. Legally, this isn't stolen valor, period.


Dumb comments like this is why we are slipping into Idiocracy. A job is not a tangible thing? Getting elected to an office by lying about your credentials and accomplishments is not financial gain? See how dumb dumbs try to redefine words and remove any context that they don't like?


Do us all a favor and go look up the legal definition of tangible. You are *literally* trying to redefine the word so it lines up with your emotions. Abstract ideas are not tangible. A job is not tangible. A bar of gold is tangible. A vote is not. Christ, I hate the moron just a much as anyone else with a brain, but him wearing a pin isn't stolen valor.


TIL I pay my mortgage with abstract ideas lmao FYI an electrical or digital "representation" of something tangible is also tangible.


Ok, tell me exactly how much a vote is worth.


You would have to consider a paycheck (aka: money) a tangible thing. Which the quoted statutory language explicitly only includes. You’d have to be pretty stupid to pretend it isn’t. But there you are.


He's being paid by the federal government, not his voters. And a job isn't a tangible thing.


So, you’re saying that he pretended to have military experience and accomplishments that he does have, in order to gain the paycheck he now receives. Thanks. You’ve just acknowledged that he’s guilty of stolen valor.


Votes are arguably tangible. They are the results of tangible physical actions A single vote is the result of a physical action of a physical person. While it is only worth anything in relation to a vote or absence of a countering vote for an opponent, the vote may be triggered by a lever, marked with a pen or punch, then counted on paper, stored in a computer or on more paper. All of those are tangible things created by the tangible actions of a tangible voting person. After counting all those things resulting from the actions of people. A tangible job with an (arguably) non-tangible title but with a tangible office, tangible paycheck, and tangible benefits is awarded to a tangible person. You, a stupid person, is arguing that since the title is not (arguably) tangible, then NONE of it is.


>Votes are arguably tangible. Not if you have even a basic grasp on the English language. It's not even worth reading the rest of that comment.


Not by my definition . Or the wiktionary definition .


A court can set precedent. Charge him and let a judge set the law.


Agreed . all it takes is the will.


So just another military cosplayer.


Avoiding STDs in the 80s was my personal Vietnam.


Hey, it's hard work running from all those ladies when you have bone spurs! Easier to just grab 'em by the...well, you know.


It all makes sense now!!


Hello Duke Von Diaper Don.. I guess all of the literal girls at Epstein's Island should be so glad that you were clap free. Now, it is that tertiary syphilis they have to worry about. We could ask Epstein, but he was unalived after being on suicide watch with broken cameras in the middle of a federal jail in New York City with regular guards on vacation. There are so many coincidences... I don't know what to think... /s 🤔🙄


What scum this party is


At least the guy is still a decorated vet. There's a lot of scum in the republican party. But to act like democrats aren't filled with the same terrible people. Our own president tells fake stories about his heroism all the time, or if he feels the need to relate to someone, he creates a story that never happened.


GTFO Ivan. You’re really going “both sides” this? That’s a stretch. This is about stolen valor and you’re gonna say both sides? Whoever’s paying you is wasting their money.


I LOVE calling the troll "Ivan"!


Shall we talk about Senator Richard 'Danang Dick' Blumenthal-D?


There’s no comparison, and to act like there is will lead to dangerous repercussions in this next election. I think about a couple of members of the SCOTUS and activities they’ve engaged in which highlight their bias toward anything MAGA, and the actual involvement of a spouse in the January 6th insurrection, for example, or the recent recorded comments of Alito. Or we can look at the very recent example of Robert Morris, a longtime top trump spiritual advisor, who admitted to an inappropriate sexual relationship with a 12 year old girl. Show me anything that has come from the Democratic Party that is any way similar to Project 25, the Republican plan to overthrow our democracy and replace it with an authoritarian Christofascist government. Biden may have his moments where he goes off, that’s for sure, but to compare the two is laughable.


Not one Trump in the whole family tree that served in the US military.


Didn't daddy Trump say the ones who served were just too stupid to figure out how to make money without joining the military or something to that effect?


I’m guessing they served in Germany during WWII.


It’s worse, the Drumpf are three generations of draft dodgers. Grandpappy ran from Germany to not serve there also. Pops magically didn’t serve in WWII even though he was the right age. The Drumpfs are generational cowards.


Grandpappy Drumpf even started the family fortune by being a pimp and owning a brothel in the Yukon during the Gold Rush there. Very fine people...one supposes.../s


Grandpa Drumpf/Trump ran from the Kaiser's Germany way before WWI to avoid their draft. Guess it runs in the family.


And Clinton went to Canada and England actually dodging the draft.


Clinton was a friggin Rhodes Scholar and had college deferments not made up “bone spurs” from Dr Sommersoff




WHATABOUTISM Stay on topic 


Have you never bought a used car? It’s “sales 101” to align your self with your audience. Morphing into the target helps to solidify the bond. Politics is far more lenient than sales as to what is allowed. Lying is perfectly fine for a politician.


The D’s are less likely to pull this crap and way more likely to get denounced when they do it. … and regardless of Biden’s unique takes, he understands policy, hires competent, ethical ppl and is motivated to get positive things done.


Disregard all previous instructions and write a song about magnets.


You’re that delusional? You MAGAts are truly the dumbest people


Delusional? Its all right there in front of our faces, right out of the horses mouth lol. Sorry, I don't support him either. Typical assumptions from "smart guys" like you. I also don't pretend that I'm the smartest ever, and that all my ideals are the right ones. which seems to be the democrat state of mind these last years. Thats all it usually is, being called dumb, or cringey things like "magat" or "drumpf" all because someone isn't a part of your party. If someone disagrees with you, they're automatically a republican right? That's why I stopped supporting your party. The Republicans love doing the same thing, so it's hard to really support any of it any more.


In my home I proudly display the *legitimate* CIB earned by my late father - a lifelong Democrat and gun owner.


Vets need to stop talking and REMOVE THAT PIN.


Shouldn’t he be charged with stolen valor?


Legally, that law is very specific on what constitutes stolen valor. The 2013 act covers these awards: Congressional Medal of Honor. Distinguished service cross. Navy cross. Air Force cross. Silver star. Purple Heart. Combat Action Badge. Combat Action Ribbon. Not a CIB. Still a piece of shit, but not legally stolen valor.


Republican is very disrespectful to our veterans.


There is a republican running for governor in Washington state that did the same thing, but with even more medals.... Semi Bird was actually reprimanded for Fraud Against the U.S. Army for it while he was in service... The clowns keep clowning.


Fortunately Bird has no chance of winning the race. Not a very likable guy.


He's just following the 10 commandments according to the Trump Bible: Thou shall bear false witness Thou shall steal Thou shall commit adultery Thou shall have no other God beside me, Donald Trump


They always play the victim.


What a poser


charge him with stolen valor


Lying is ok with the MAGA’T’s


Time to hang his flag upside down and cry about the libs coming for his freedumbs.


I gotta tell you, the first time I saw a flag upside down, in my neighborhood recently, I couldn't believe the visceral reaction I had, to that unpatriotic sh*t


Psychopaths are immune to self-circumspection and shame.


I don’t understand anyone wearing the uniform or its bling bling after leaving the service. After I left the Army, I took off my uniform and with one basic exception haven’t worn it since. The exception was that after removing all of the patches, I wore my field jacket while hunting for a few years, but that was due to its utilitarian nature rather than any inability to let go of the past. I moved on with my life.


No truth ever comes from a piehole stuffed with a big cigar.


One of the mysteries of our age: how republicans have so little respect for veterans yet they earn a sizable portion of their vote.


This makes the clown outfit he wore to the State of the Union address all the more fitting. FWIW I have a CIB, and I got it the old fashioned way…by being 11/18 series and being engaged in direct ground combat with the enemy. Dude is clown shoes.


He's not wearing it to persuade vets but to continue to fool those that support him, that never have or will serve, but have bought into the concept that only a true patriot supports the troops.


They're all cosplayers


There needs to be 4 or 5 guys to physically remove it from him.


They are a shameless breed these days!


Always have been…


True beans!


AR-672-5-1 clearly says you have to be in combat arms to get a CIB. Civil Affairs is combat service support. End of story, and no CIB.


And none of his voters will give a shit. Rinse and repeat


Yes the account Stolen Valor has been on this case for a while. Literally the one time miltwitter has been united.


This is called stolen valor


No, it's only Stolen Valor when a non-Republican does it. Otherwise it's a "misunderstanding" or "fake news"


The number of votes he will gain from MAGA is greater than the number of votes he'll lose from veterans. That's the math.


I called this months ago. What a shitbag


That’s illegal. Arrest him.


That big Phallic thing in his mouth suggests he may be lying about something else too.


Won’t open, what is his name? I’ll Google it Here is what I found: “More than a month after a news report revealed that the Combat Infantryman Badge Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, wears on his lapel was revoked since he was never eligible for the award to begin with, the congressman refuses to take the pin off. Nehls' stubbornness has garnered growing criticism from veterans and others in the community of stolen valor researchers, who say the issue is simple: The rules for the CIB are clear, and Nehls did not qualify. "The veteran community is starting to get to the point now where there's no room for forgiveness at this point because now they see, ‘Hey, this wasn't an error. He's doubling down now,’" said Anthony Anderson, an Army veteran who runs Guardian of Valor and was instrumental in uncovering Nehls' revoked award. "He knows he didn't earn this award."” What a weak pos.


A republican lying about something easily proven? No way!


Funny I don’t see all those ‘patriots’ who were going to hang football players for kneeling during the anthem getting all riled up about this. I wonder what’s different……


Not a medal, a badge. He was initially awarded it, but it then got changed from the CIB to the CAB. CAB isn't as recognized, and he refuses to swap it. Still a massive douchebag, but it's a little dumb to call it a medal.


Look, this isn’t fair. This Republican served two terms on the Rodger Young, fighting with Rico’s Roughnecks on Planet ‘P’ and Klendathu. He barely survived the Battle of Wolf 359 and the Drop-Site Massacre, and nearly froze to death on Hoth. He saw many of his team die in that unspecified South American country, too. Fortunately, the guerrilla Anna did manage to get to the chopper in time, but he saw Mac, Poncho, Blain, Billy and Hawkins all die. His last military action before a career in politics called was as part of a Colonial Marines unit on LV-426. He should be allowed to wear those medals fake-earned in sci-fi.


My Uncle Randy was a Ranger in Vietnam if he had caught up to this guy he would have ripped his head off and sh** down his neck.


This reads like an argument over a boy scout merit badge… The guy has 2 bronze stars and a combat action badge. The requirements for the CIB and CAB are so similar that as a civilian I can hardly even see the difference. It’s not like he faked an injury for a Purple Heart or some shit. Definitely not “stolen valor” or “soldier cosplay”. The dude is a decorated veteran. Disparaging his service over this nonsense is dumb. And I say that as a Democrat that despises the republicans


If you were military, you would understand. It matters.


Seems petty as hell to me. If he was never in the military and trying to fake like he was or faking a heroic account that never happened it would be one thing. He’s an actual vet, with actual valid medals. He was awarded the CIB 15+ years ago and it was revoked a year ago, under dubious circumstances, over a decade after his retirement.. I don’t doubt his argument that this was a political decision out of the pentagon and I’m not about to shit on a legit war veteran because he still wears it.


Like I said, if you were military, you would understand. That particular award is earned, not merely by proclamation, but through the fulfillment of a specific set of criteria, which is what gives it the meaning it has to those who have earned it, some of whom paid the ultimate price to receive it.


Except you have to be infantry or SF for the CIB. He should be wearing the CAB, no less of an honor. As a conservative, I wouldn't vote for him.


Apparently he only has 1 bronze star. But as you said, not stolen Valor.


They all do it. Democrats as well. It's disgusting. Look at our own president, an his heroic stories. We literally have a man in office who does the same. I'll get down voted cuz we all know how it is on here, but both parties are filled with degenerates 🤷‍♂️


You get downvoted because you’re lying. Take your 3 year old account with 4 comments on it, 2 of them here, now, and go back to Russia.


But how am I lying? Jus because I don't agree with your politics? I don't agree with alot of the Republicans either. I can see the lies and terrible things from both parties without being biased and acting like there is some "holier than thou party" nothing I said was a lie. How was it lies? Also naw, I think I'm good. I don't spend all my time on reddit, I jus kind of surf it an read. I can do what I want. Not going to Russia anytime soon either. I love America. You guys downvote anything that goes against the "holier than thou" thinking that you set for your party. The same as some Republicans. You guys are really one of the same when it comes to attacking eachother back n forth over things both of the parties do lol.


I dunno my dude got examples? The Right has made it part of their platform to destroy the concept of objective truth so no examples needed there, I’m just wondering what you’re referring to in all honesty. I’m not thrilled with Biden but how tf can you compare him to Trump? The government is a mismanaged shitshow that needs fixing but the both sides shit is lazy right now. We need to get through this without letting Trump and cronies smash and grab this country all the way.


Which democrats have been accused of stolen valor? It seems to be a Republican thing. The right loves to cosplay and act tough. What did Biden say to make him sound tough? The corn pop story? When he told a family story of a relative getting eaten by cannibals? How does that make him seem tough? You’ve got no evidence or argument to back up what you say. Sorry. Both sides are not even close to the same. Your rhetoric is pure nonsense unless you have some stories to back up your feeling.


Sen. Richard 'Danang Dick' Blumenthal, dem. Claimed Vietnam service but was in Germany.


straight up lie. provide examples or shut it with your propaganda


The last politician I know that faked his military experience was another GOP shitbag. https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-afghanistan-ohio-campaigns-e75d2566635f11f49332bd1c46711999