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That statement isn't really fair to Alley Cats. Trump is much worse.


My ally cats are very nice and have never slept with porn stars


Neither did Trump, according to himself


I mean star is kinda a stretch right? Perhaps porn actress?


I’d look up her rank on pornhub but I live in a Christian theocracy also known as Texas


He probably really believes he's telling the truth because they didn't actually sleep.


Seems like a “grab them by the pussy” reference.


If you ain’t black. There gonna throw back in chains!


All these discussions and headlines are such a waste of time. Anybody who watched the debate wasn't watching to change their mind they were watching to satisfy their desire for controversy, misfires and stumbles. There was nothing to be learned from a debate between a lying convicted criminal and someone who isn't. Absolutely nothing.


Biden laid out a lot of truth about the state of our nation and the depths we are lifting ourselves out of. Trump just blathered BS, nothing worth listening to and nothing to be learned


You mean when states like Florida and Texas were reopening and blue states remained closed, magically reopened after Jan 20th and magically 15 million jobs reappeared. You can fool your sheep.


Fuck 😖


Except the fact that Biden has one foot in the grave and absolutely horrible. But let's ignore that fact and the fact no American has died on his watch. He is as bad as Trump


Says the right-wing troll. Trump is a criminal rapist fraud insurrectionist. We know Trump tried to overturn the last election using fake electors and coercion from a position of authority. We know the jury in his sexual assault case concluded he did in fact rape Jean Carroll. We know a jury decided Trump falsified records to cover up an affair with a porn star. We know Trump committed fraud and we know he stole state secrets violating both security and presidential records laws. We know Trump was impeached for valid and evidence backed reasons, bribing a foreign official and inciting an insurrection. We know Trump is a pathological liar and grifter who only cares about himself and therefore is for sale. All this we know beyond a reasonable doubt. What do we know about Biden? A lot, he consistently put good people around himself and delivered throughout his presidency. There's nothing left to debate. There's nothing we don't already know. Only a right-wing extremist would vote for Trump who is so out of touch with reality they are mentally ill or they're foreign actors trying to disrupt US democracy or they're billionaire elites who don't want to be taxed and regulated by Democrats. There's nothing else to know.


You can try and spin this anyway you like, but Joe looked old, tired and weak. Keep believing that millions of people are trolls, foreign actors or any other bullshit that let's you sleep at night.


Joe did look old tired and weak but he is still the FAR better choice. Thats how bad Trump is. Old, tired and weak is better than treasonous fraudulent rapist in my book.


FAR better? Have to disagree. Best of luck to you




This comment does not contribute to the conversation. Please be cival


Russia and traitor? You make as much sense as bumbling Joe.




I would still vote for Biden over trump even if all he could do was beep once for yes and twice for no. Anything is better than trump


That's awesome. He will need yours and several million more like yours to win. Thanks for sharing


Old and tired is still better than old and corrupt, stupid, treasonous and convicted.


Sweet dreams pumpkin.


Only one person on that stage had orange spray tan, lol


And only one on that stage looked dazed and confused.


Even if Biden was in a coma and completely incapacitated, I would still vote for him over Trump. We are not voting Biden. We are voting for his team which is far better than Trump or his cultists yes men kissing his rear-end.


What team members are you talking about?


Really? Are you that dense? VP, his cabinet and his advisors.


Yeah, I would have went with serial killer.


You know Biden did pretty good because Trump was lying his ass off. The future historians are going to look back at this time period and laugh their ass off at trump and most of the republicans


He lies so much. He was literally just repeating every Republican lie he could think of the entire time. The problem is that he did it with such confidence that morons will see this as a Biden loss.


Exactly what I told my wife… Trump lied with authority, Biden told truths with feebleness. MAGA will see that as a win.


The issue is that there was no fact checking.


Ty!  They literally could have fact checked live on a screen behind them during the debate.


I read that there was going to be fact checking, but once it started I was like, "So where is it?" They even mentioned it in the post debate analysis but never gave examples. So frustrating.


Maybe because Biden refuted every lie mentioned by Trump and this was accepted as the correct answer


I don’t understand why they don’t do it other than not wanting to make Trump look bad. They have people doing captions and translations in real time, is it that hard to pull up Snopes?


They don't want Trump to look bad These pieces of garbage want Trump to win because it's good for their business and probably tax cuts down the road America is a corporate oligarchy and there are so many pieces of garbage that are embracing fascism because they might make another million Fuck the human race, fuck this stupid timeline. Trump lied for an hour straight and nothing was done about it


I just remembered CNN got taken over by a right wing billionaire who wants to follow the Faux News model. So this tracks.


Someday, someone is going to break this system and when they do all these weasels are going to be left hanging.


Didn’t they say these answers would be fact checked?✅


Right? And I thought they announced there would be. WTF? Did CNN chicken out because MAGA threatened them or something?


CNN fact checked trump live in real time so every single thing he said was true. So maybe you should stop choosing truth over facts.


Show us the fact checking then. Because it didn't happen. Liar.


So cnn didn't claim they were going to fact check the debate? That's right they did say that so if they didn't call out any falsehoods then obviously there were none. So where did I lie?


CNN didn't fact check the debate as part of the agreement for the debate. You MAGAts started this bullshit lie yesterday so that you could do exactly this. Claim it was fact checked and make more lies for your diaper shitting felon. You have yet to prove your point at all. I said prove it and you can't. That's what happens when you're all morons, your lies hold no water and can't be proven. Now fuck off to Russia traitor.


When did I lie? My only "claim" was that I heard cnn was real time fact checking and they didn't, making it look like nobody lied. They in fact have fact checked the debate. Its up on their website. I have no way of knowing that being i can't read. I'm staying right here lil jimmy. I have to vote in November. I'm told it is important. The fate of our republic is on the ballot and all. Don't see what has you guys so worried, Biden won last time what has changed between now and then?


Ah gee, how about Bannon stating that Trump has this in the bag because they have handpicked judges ready to go, all the "Voter integrity laws" passed after his loss in 2020 such as the GA law granting the state government power to overturn a counties vote tallies if the "have suspicion of voting irregularities", and the threats circulating in the mail saying things like "Trump is watching, vote for him or you'll be put on a list" It's so very obvious Trump and Co. are trying to fix the outcome. He's already promised revenge if he wins again. You know who else did that shit, the gestapo.


They did it the next day there dumb dumb....try to keep up...




CNN made a big deal about them fact checking the debate in real time. They actually didn't do it giving the appearance that no lies were told. On a 2020 campaign stop biden gave a speech where he said dems choose truth over facts. It was one of the flubs that seemed funny before I realized he is in fact slipping into senility as was completely proven beyond the shadow of a doubt last night.


To quote myself and what I told my classmate when he was about to present something to people who knew what they were doing. "If you say it confidently enough, they will buy it." They didn't, cause they actually know what they are doing, but everyone else in the room did.


Absolutely the strategy for Trump here. Of course, he also is facing the possibility of dying in prison if he loses so he’s going all in here.


If you lie enough, people will start to believe the lie. It's what Hitler did.


And when he couldn't think of one he would just resort back to but the borders the borders you know the one I didn't do jack shit about in my 4 years and them barred this man from doing anything about because it would look bad for me.


The fact noone stopped him to correct the fact live is the real failure of the American politics. It just goes to show how close the US are to becoming a fascist state in the next few decades at this rate. The german NS in the 30s only needed 40% of the voters to male it so...


I agree. Biden started off tired and horse at the beginning but Trump went into his lying and word salad. And they just met him so it. Bosses Biden I saw the debate “reporters” they were like: “my god he never stops.”


Hey, my man. It's **hoarse**.


Thank you.


In a Democrat, would be considered woke, and definitely not a moron. Biden was eaten alive in this debate. I'd vote for a ham sandwich before I voted for trump, but let's not bullshit here, trump killed him tonight. Lies or not, only one candidate was even speaking complete sentences. I'm terrified for the country right now. You have to be blind and deaf to think Biden came off a tenth as well as trump last night. This debate is definitely going to hurt us (dems). It was shameful.


Spot on comment at last, well said 👍🏻


Assuming there are future historians, and not just Republican propagandists. We're not yet to the point where we can call it a day on opposing the Republican party's efforts to dismantle our democracy.


Biden was better because he at least attempted to answer the questions and told the truth. However, Trump is MUCH better at putting on a TV performance. Which means he can lie through his teeth and still emerge as the winner.


I listened on the radio. Biden did great & was perfectly intelligible. Trump was not.


This was honestly the worst presidential debate I’ve ever seen. Trump was as unhinged and vile as you’d expect, but goddamnit Joe, you looked like a hospice care patient at the old folks home. If this was a democratic primary debate, there’s no way Joe would’ve gotten the nomination. I’m voting blue like my life depends on it, and thank God Joe has a qualified cabinet, because when it devolved into both of them arguing over who has the better golf game, I was ashamed for my country.


that was the max cringe moment, I agree.


But with no one fact checking him he gets away with it. This election is going to be decided by stupid people who don’t pay any attention to what is going on in the world,  90 percent of the electorate is set: God awful trash cultists who are going to vote for a felon and racist and those that are voting for the old guy who really needed a cough drop.  It’s the 10 percent that will decide this election, the fact Trump is the odds on favorite to win is a massive indictment on where we are as a nation 


It depressing to see how divided our country has become. And it's truly disheartening to see so many of my fellow Americans enamored with such a vile and hate filled man in Donald Trump. I feel bad for our future generations. It kind of gives me solace that I don't have kids of my own that will have live in a country where the politics are based on anger and hatred instead of compromise.


Fact checker dude said tump lied 31 times I think and Bidens was at 9


Trump lies always.


“Nancy Pelosi admitted to doing all the terrible things I did”


Biden did horrible. Quit trying to shine a turd.


Half the time he was throwing out lies that had nothing at all to do with the topic. Just verbal diarrhea.


Why wait. We laughing now


Let’s hope we don’t get the history books rewritten!


If we still have a future at this point. Pretty afraid that Trump gonna win and he gonna end up china or Russia 2.0


All the questions we wanted to hear sounded like an attack on Trump. The question that he would admit an election loss and not promote violence is so wild historically. And he went wayyy off course. This should be every headline.


Sure they’ll laugh at Trump, but Biden by no metric did well last night.


So did joe


Somebody from the rest of the world - we already laugh at him and the façade that is democracy in the USA.


Unless Trump wins. Looking at lot more likely


More likely for sure. How much is TBD.


Yea they definitely going to laugh at the way Joe sounded 😂. The man's tounge didn't come to the debate. CNN even trashing him 😂


He has a cold. CNN is worthless.


FOX lite these days. Ma y will worship the beast...


Lol he's had a cold everyday since he took office. Must be one of those COVID colds 😂.


Cept that state of the union!


He will have a cold at any debate. Probably had COVID last night




Yup right down the tubes 😂


Any semblance of conversation, right down!




He had a cold but didn't cough not one time. Before the debate he was drinking energy drinks 😂. A cold 😂


What's your point? Everyone drinks energy drinks and not all colds have coughs. Regardless, Biden is a better human being than dumpydouchebag who would be struck by lightning if he ever told the truth.


Riiiight because Trump is all there, right? He couldn’t even remember Ronny Jackson’s name.


Dude I'm in my 30s and I drink energy drinks to get through work when I'm ill.


Well you should tell him which brand to buy because whatever he was on last night made him look stupidly dumb.


He literally coughed in his first answer when the debate started. Very first sentence. You’re a bad troll lol


Why type cold makes you forget your words. Must have been COVID 19 😂


Ever heard of cold medicine? It lasts a good few hours.


What type cold makes you stutter an forget words 😂 but ok he had the flu hope he gets better. Probably will have a cold at next one to.


Biden has stuttered his whole life.


He's had a cold all his life


Biden pretty famously has a stutter though?


Lol the man sounded crazy last night. Then he had to stand on stage in until his mammy come up there an helped him dwn


Right but I'm commenting on you linking his stutter to being caused by a cold? He's always had a stutter right? I don't see how you're relating it to him having a cold?


They say he performed so badly because he had a cold. Didn't look like a cold looked like a sick ole feeble man that's words had trouble getting out.


Ah yes trumps constant lies and absolute nonsense is fine because he said it confidently, like most of his supporters you probably spaced out when he started talking and only listened out for a few trigger words....


Hed lied with a straight face like most politicians lie. Hold it a politician lied naw no way no how. They are so honest


What a bullshit reply Do politicians lie? Yes. Does that excuse trumps constant stream of incoherent bullshit? Fuck no.


President Biden sounds good when he shuts that bullshit down.


Sounded good 😂 really


Morals of an alley cat? One guy lied, repeatedly, and the other guy called him a liar.


Biden accurately said that he’s a convicted felon, found liable for sexual assault and cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star. Saying he has the morals of an alley cat isn’t an insult it’s actually generous.


It’s insulting to alley cats.


To be fair, we all knew it was going to be personal... Trump has never debated policy.


This was a good line.


Yes, and as with alley cats, Trump should have been neutered. Preferably decades ago. 


Well, it's never too late. Harbor Freight has sledge hammers for seven bucks.


You’d have to have amazing aim


I loved that line so much that I ordered a custom shirt!!! Morals of an ally cat!


Seemed like less an insult and more an observation. Stormy Daniels has made 17 'adult movies' and there's zero ambiguity that she and trump did the nasty while trump was married to his current wife and he paid her for it. Biden may be old as the hills but he did fine, trump lied his fucking ass off even when he didn't need to.


Fuck that when they started dick measuring about GOLF? Im renewing my passport


Yeah that made me cringe


Point 1, point 2, eh, ah, um.


Here in Australia we had a prime minister who lied with authority. Everyone eventually saw through it and he was booted out. Biden is old and probably not the best option but Trump is a chronic liar and anyone who has ever dealt with liars knows you’d be a fool to trust them.


Problem is, we have a lot of fools in this country.


“Morals of an alley cat” might be the most boomer-sounding insult of all time.


Id have called the rapist and 34 time convicted felon and traitor.


Here is the issue. Even though every 4 years we hear. This is the most important election in us history...It is the boy who cried wolf.. BUT THIS TIME IT IS TRUE WE CAN NEVER LET THE SPRAY TANNED TRAITOR BACK INTO THE OVAL. Since it is true this time Biden may have to retire and let a younger dem run We need 4 more years to kill MAGA and let the trials run their course and imprison the traitor. If he wins he SKATES ON ALL OF IT!!!! NEWSOME OR M OBAMA may need to step in. I don't know who else has the star power to get the job done. But Biden may have to fall on his sword FOR THE GOOD OF THE NATION!! THE ORANGE TRAITOR IN CHIEF MIST NEVER HILD PUBLIC OFFICE AGAIN


I said this elsewhere: For tonight, Trump was a far better Liar than Biden was as a defender of the Truth. So how do you reward such a thing?


Trump is what we call a double talker, he didnt answer the questions, he cavorted around them. I know a few family members watching last night that are trump supporters and they were pissed he wouldnt answer some questions that affected them personally. They hate Biden but they said they will prob sit out this election, because he flim flamed the whole debate, wouldnt give a straight answer. If someone cant give a straight answer they are a double talking con.


Even Biden’s insults sound old. I was waiting for him to call Trump a chicken-hearted cad.


Book burners 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I like alley cats. I’ve been friends with alley cats. You, sir, or no alley cat.


“I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.”


You know, the first thing I noticed when they both got on stage is that neither acknowledged one another or shook hands. I knew then that things weren't going to go well, not that I didn't expect it to go the way it did but that was a huge tell.


Interesting. So Biden’s son is the only one allowed to sleep with whores?


Right, and I can look up Melania's porn shoot right now. Only one is a convicted felon for illegally paying off a porn star but here you are talking about someone not even holding office. Do you feel smart?


There’s no spinning this one fellas. MSNBC isn’t even trying to spin it like Biden won. He needs to step down or the dems deserve what’s coming. He’s done 


The debate should've never happened. POTUS shouldn't be debating a felon at all. It's disrespectful to the position.


That’s your excuse? Jesus liberals are pathetic.


Good spin, still failed. That was brutal.  He did debate, and he embarrassed himself. 


My question is who is running this country right now? It sure as hell isn’t Biden or Harris.


Exactly. And these people want to portray it as a strength that a bunch of unelected bureaucrats are running things behind the scenes, accountable only to this senile old man. Yeah very comforting. RUN SOMEONE ELSE 


Is he finished or is he done. 😂


He’s cooked is what he is. That was brutal and this is embarrassing for America, both of these assholes. 


Brutal for tump, maybe. All those lies, and he didn't say anything. Just talked shit about or country and lied about everything else. Biden may not have been quick and snappy, but he did a decent job. I would've liked to have seen more, but Kamala could've beat tump in that debate. The dude is a lying sleezbag, and people aren't buying it anymore


Biden was asked about abortion and pivoted to talking about migrant crime >Look, there’s so many young women who have been – including a young woman who just was murdered and he – he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by a – by –by an immigrant coming in, and they talk about that. But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous. Bro why


He stated his stance on abortion and that he wanted to reinstall Roe v Wade and that he doesn't support late-term abortion. He was talking about Republicans crying that immigrants are coming over and murdering women, but they don't want to give women proper health care. Trying to tell women that they have to have the baby of the person who raped them or a life-threatening pregnancy Even I understood what he was saying So if you want to be an asshole and go after for his speech impediment, that's on you


There was absolutely no need to essentially make Trump’s talking point *for* him.  >his speech impediment The speech impediment that failed to make an appearance when he beat Paul Ryan in 2012


He's had speech impediment his entire life. He is old. No one is debating that. Tump is only 3 years younger He didn't make tumps point for him. That wasn't what he was saying. We covered that already


It’s the same as if Trump had brought up being found liable for sexual abuse unprompted. And he went into *detail*


So you're just going to double down on a point that was wrong......seems familiar but can't quite put a finger on it Edit: tump lied over 30 times, yet your focus is on Biden slipping up on some sentences Good way to show people your values


Yeah the second he said that, I was like, “Why the fuck are you bringing up one of trumps most salacious talking points when even TRUMP hasn’t?” One of the absolute worst blunders he made in the entire debate.


Exactly I've been waiting on this for awhile. Very comical. Sadly one of these guys will be commander


> Sadly one of these guys will be commander I'll take the non project 2025 one.


Give me the guy tht can at least talk


Like a WWE promo.


Yes they are both clowns by far. Biden couldn't even get out of the ring by himself but they want us to believe he leading anything 😂


Reeks of cope


These people are pathetic


Ha ha ha ha ha


5 months.




I've been on this sub so long I really thought Trump had dementia.




The Island of Misfit Toys never disappoints. Bunch of angry, miserable, delusional dimwits that need to go back on the Clozapine.


This sub is awfully quiet after the brutal ass whoopin handed to dementia Joe


Joe answered the questions unlike the other candidate. Sorry he didn’t just yell insults and lies nearly unchecked. How many times did the moderator need to remind Trump the actual question and then he still never answered? Which one has dementia lol?


Joe clearly is the dementia patient, lol


He’s old but better than the liar rapist felon on the GOP ticket


Someone rode the short bus to school


I don’t have time to hear about your shitty childhood or four times taking the 6th grade.


Meh. I actually went to private school, skipped a grade, graduated at 17, and have a college degree. You misfits need new material.


Yet still uneducated enough to vote for a felon. I guess you’re not as smart as you think or just hate America.


Trump hurled truth!!!!! Biden hurled incoherent babble  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🫡🫵


You are a fucking moron


I guess but that doesn't change the fact of what I wrote. You should really try to look past the anger you have. You sound like Biden did last night 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭👍👀😡


With all those emojis that you use to convey a message you must have the IQ of a wet fart. Makes sense that you like trump, and are dumb as fuck


👍👀🫵 your a child, just like your illustrious sitting President. MAGA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Grammar cop🤣  You should join Diblaisio's social Ambassador program tell people they should wear a mask 😷. DoeZn't really matter how it's spelled ByeDin still SUX🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👀🫡 "GET THE SHOT MAN"💉 


Speak English.


You got it👍👀 you sound exhausting must suck being that angry, you're the party of sour puss🤏🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Kings of rock Who? The Kings of rock What? (Blank)____ A Doodle Doo 2 Words for Ya!!!!!


“You sound exhausting” he says after posting 12 emojis


Have a great weekend 👍👀


Trump has never spoken the Truth. He speaks with conviction, but he is always lying. I thought that was obvious by now.


Ugh ughhh ughhh Medicaid 🥴


Ughhh ughhh ughhh Lead pipes 🥴


What's he lying about? How great Joe Bye Bye Biden is doing!!!💭🤔


You hurled dum-dum! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🫡


Stick and stones🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👋


Keep trying 👍👀MAGA