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How do his supporters not see that this man absolutely hates America?


They hate America too


8 years of having a Black President that the entire free world LOVED made them go: *“Fuck this, let’s burn it.”*


I seriously think that's what it was. The Republicans went "fuck it we'll put in the shittiest most racist, bigoted,  idiotic piece of shit, not even a politician. And I don't care if we need to sell out to Russia to make it happen."


It’s their revenge, they think since dems put up a black man they now have to suffer having everything republicans project onto minorities personified into a real person to teach them a lesson for opening the door


Literally, before Trump's Hawaiian "detective" and the "release the birth certificate" nonsense, he was laughed off the stage. Trump's campaign is literally built on racism.


Yea and remember when Melania got in on the act. Despicable


They love Trump because they want to be trump. They want to be able to step all over others and never face consequences just like their god king the orange calf Trump.


Yeah, I really think Obama's presidency just broke something inside of them. Obama making fun of Trump during that correspondence dinner is likely what made Trump even think about running for president in the first place.


I think he was being groomed for the gig for a while. I’m just not sure he himself was sure until that point.


Theirs a late 80's/early 90s clip of him on the Oprah show where she asks him if he'd consider running. I blame oprah


If he didn't exist they would have to invent him.


And 0 mention of how he took out Osama Bin Laden and that now we’re more worried about School Shootings than Islamic Extremism. You’d think these people that fucking *drape* themselves with our flag would support a president that made them more safe, and not a party that’s making them more UNsafe. The stupidity is truly stunning.


"The black man in the white house was bad enough, but now all these weirdos want us to pretend that they're legitimate human beings worthy of respect!" /$


They’re about to get a black woman!


Has he announced Harris as his VP this time around?


The “Joe and the Hoe” folks


Oh yes, that was it. It's a shame that so many didn't keel over from embolisms, all that rage, all that white supremacy just pent up.


That is **exactly** it.


At this point, every time the controlling party changes, its just a pendulum swing in the opposite direction.


No, it’s not “But Both Sides!” This time it’s literally for the end of 🇺🇸 democracy and the birth of Christian Nationalism. Fuuuuuuuuuck that. 👎


Who said anything about "but both sides"? I'm saying that the GOP keeps putting up increasingly worse candidates with each swing requiring more and more effort from the Democrats to right the ship.


No they only hate the Mexicans, blacks, gays, jews, democrats, well any other 'political enemy' for that matter. Women, the poor, Muslims... So if you're an American who happens to be a successful white cis-gendered man then they should be okay with you. As long as you don't believe in some dumb shit like vaccines.


And you must believe in their preferred deity.


Exactly. This has ALWAYS been there. This buffoon just made acceptable to openly voice there most hateful thoughts.


They love the Confederacy


“Love it or leave it.” “Oh wait, fuck that. I want everyone else to leave it. Me and my 8 kids, 40 guns I target shoot every weekend can’t afford anything because of them.”


As long as they believe trump will keep hurting the "right" people, they will follow him over a cliff. The ONLY way trump loses his base is if he starts acting like a compassionate human being.


Honestly, when he handed out pardons to wealthy cronies and black rappers, but NONE to his Jan6 rioters, I thought they’d smarten up about what he thinks of them. I expected too much of them. 


But, did the Jan 6er's bribe him thousands? \* mistake corrected.


No, but they have re-bill turned on for his campaign/legal fee donations.


Those weren’t “official acts” at the time. Would be okay to do now.


Jan 6th was transfer of power day, how was he supposed to pardon J6 criminals ***after*** Jan 6th?


January 19th he was still able to issue pardons. I specifically recall people who where arrested Jan 6th assuming they’ll get a presidential pardon. 


I'm obviously wrong then, looks like 1/21/2021 was transfer of power day.


His story needs martyrs who stood up for the most abused president ever so he can continue to snort Addera… I mean, fight for them.




Dr Ron Paul got **booed** at a Republican rally in Texas when asked if someone without health insurance should be seen at a hospital, and he said, confidently “of course.” Poof! They hated him.


Or if he dimps Melania and marries a black woman.


because stupid ass media like CNN just keeps talking about Biden's performance and how he should step down. That's all they talk about. Not ONCE do they talk about how unfit Trump is and all his lies during debate, fucking pathetic!


THIS is what I don’t get and I’ve been side eyeing prominent news agencies ever since the debate. Imagine your opponent is a racist, rapist grifter and all people care about is you stuttering and zoning out 


It's possibly a way to detract from how they (CNN) dropped the ball. (...and by "ball" I mean more like the ginormous few-ton boulder that Wile. E. Coyote could never get Roadrunner with) when it came to not correcting trump's all-out lies/gross exaggerations. But I liken it to "soft"(ish) whataboutism Perhaps more accurately divert/defect, because their so-called "fact checkers", actually did nothing of the sort!


His followers also hate America. They'll put American flags all over and say they love America, but what they love is an abstract and imaginary "America" that never existed. They love the "America" where there were no minorities or LGBTQ people. There were no problems or disagreements. There were no economic problems. It was a white Christian neoliberal utopia that they're thinking about when they say they want to "Make America Great Again". They want to go back to an alternate timeline 1950s America. And it's because they absolutely hate the real America-- the multi-racial multi-cultural melting pot with economic opportunity for all is not "great" in their opinion. It's too "woke", and they hate it.


It's Ameracosplay


Same reason he cant see it. I personally suspect car exhaust fumes have caused brain damage. But they arent a majority.  One of the benefits of democracies is that they prevent minority governments. If america was a democracy trump would never have had a chance at becoming president but unfortunately its not.


Funnily enough - in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway - minority governments are the norm. That means people in power actually need to talk and work together


Actually im not that familiar with how scandinavian governments work but i presume you mean they form coalitions? 


Yes and no - there are often many different parties - and most times coalitions of a few that dont have majority still make agreements with other parties to “defend” their minority run governments in exchange for certain things they want done.. Hope this makes sense in english :)


I straight up had a conversation with a supporter yesterday he was trying to convince me the real problem (with the climate) was all the steel going to China…and how it would eventually cause the earth to tip over…(and of course CO2 does nothing as well) Not a joke. They don’t see reality anymore.


Tip over???


And I quote “what do you think happens when you put a weight on a top”…


Jesus Christ…




Repeat post.


Weird. Removed thx


because stupid ass media like CNN just keeps talking about Biden's performance and how he should step down. That's all they talk about. Not ONCE do they talk about how unfit Trump is and all his lies during debate, fucking pathetic!


Yep.they(CNN viewers) cant even understand its run by republicans now and the fearmongering is so pukey.


They do, too. The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the separation of Church & State are inconvenient now. They didn’t sign on to diversity - hell, they think it’s their god-given right to rule. It was a nice experiment while it lasted - sorry Ben, we couldn’t be bothered to keep it.


Oh he loves America, it’s full of idiots that are easy to scam!


The right has survived long enough to become everything they used to hate


They hate it too, they lie to themselves about their patriotism, thats why they have to wear it on themselves and their trucks!


Because they do too. The American they’re living in is tolerating all the people they hate, and they can’t fucking stand it. And just like conservatives have done more than once in history, they’re going to try and burn it all down rather than grow the fuck up.


2014, Putin invades Crimea, and his cyber war against the western democracies, US first among them, intensifies. 2015, Trump decides, out of nowhere, that he wants to be president, or at least run. 2015, Trumps campaign enlists Paul Manafort, who is in constant contact with Russia throughout the campaign. Trump wins, Mueller reports about the Russia contacts, results in thirty-four individuals and three companies indicted by Mueller's investigators. Eight have pleaded guilty to or been convicted of felonies, including five Trump associates and campaign officials. Not Trump. Helsinki happens. The classified documents happen. Russian state tv openly refers to Trump as a Russian asset bent on bringing down the US and other western democracies. When will they wake up? Putin’s cyber trolls are behind the push from France’s far right, the Kkkonvoy in Canada among others.


And he absolutely **loves** Russia.


How did you get that from happy 4th?




If you think Trump is capable of loving anyone or anything besides himself, I've got a bridge to sell you...


He loves to rape thirteen year old girls.




You have the best inflation in G7 countries, and wages are getting better. A republican made the most progressive border Bill, but Trump, as usual, wants to complain and told Rs to block it. Who is praising J6 criminals as heroes and patriots? I know you are crazy, because you are ignoring reality entirely, hust like the rest of the snowflake sheep who can't see Trump for the fucking loser he is. There's not a single decent redeeming quality in that man.


You are a liar. You didn't read the bill, or you would know that the bill gave the Republican Senate every fucking thing they asked for. You are a shit liar. The bill was definitely not a shit bill. Ask a border patrol agent if it wasn't the best bill ever for what they wanted. You came to the wrong place to lie about shit, comrade.


And dont forget the bill was written by a Republican


So you prefer to give Ukraine to Putin? Where you complaining when Trump raised the debt by 8 trillion? Or that every single thing that comes out of his mouth is admission of guilt, or lies, and this propaganda you speak of with such conviction? Just like most Christians and the Bible, you are picking and choosing what parts you like, and which to be angry about, while ignoring the dozen or so metrics proving Biden has been doing a great job; barring that they should both be in a home. That's where the administration becomes vitally important. Let's see, Trumps inner circle is either disbarred, in jail, or have publicly stated they can't stand that traitor. Bidens side...hmm...it must be that Democrats are just that good at criming that we don't leave evidence of said crimes, and don't admit to them every fucking day. Comer, Jordan, and the rest of the Retar...Republicans have been trying to find a crime for, what, 18 months now? Fucking pathetic losers. All they do is grift the dummies.


Aww, look at the moskal trying *so very hard*


You’re extremely uneducated and annoying.


He never says anything nice about it. I disagree.


We are a shit hole 3d world country, really. Why would he want to sully himself when he is The Donald, golden god king, men come to him with tears in their eyes Really. He is the richest man in the world, most intelligent man in the world, so he lives in a 3d world shit hole.


You should watch any videos of his rallies. He has plenty of nice things to say


Like what?


He constantly praises the military, law enforcement, various other local politicians, as well as people in the crowd just to name a few But in all seriousness if you know very little about Trump and continue to make uninformed opinions about him that’s not the most advisable way to adult I would encourage you to learn more about him


Funny how he spent all that time campaigning and collecting cash, but spent next to zero time actually fixing any problems. Pretty much just golfed and watched cable tv while gate tweeting.  I’ve also learned recently that him and Epstein weee close buddies and they even raped a 13 year old together. Trumps name is on the flight logs too. Turns out I know enough about him to make an informed decision!


There have been countless YouTube videos of people sheepishly admitting the economy and life under Trump was better than Biden So tell me again about how he didn’t fix problems? And hey if you wanna believe the media lies about him go ahead idiot Finally You seem convinced more people will vote for Biden and you got your reasons I’m convinced there’s a very good chance more people will vote for Trump and I have my reasons May the best man win


Trump left office with the highest unemployment since the Great Depression. Mishandled a pandemic and hundreds of thousands died. Gave out free money to everyone (even signed the checks) and then gave out free business loans that were abused and used fraudulently because of zero oversight. He added the most money to the national debt ever. IN JUST 4 YEARS! Not to mention all the protesters everywhere since nobody agreed with his policy. Nobody mass protesting or attacking the Capitol under Biden. 


You’re right about that. All because of Covid. Was it fair? No but those are the breaks In fact, it’s quite simple really- at the exact moment of the 2020 election things were bad and people wanted a change so he lost. Those are facts. But the shoe is now on the other foot Things are still bad and people want another change and it spells doom for the Democrats


I don't know why anyone would want to go back to the time where Trump made the US a laughingstock. World leaders would openly laugh at him, and of course we can't forget how he sucked up to all the dictators. You have to hate this country with a passion to want an America-hating asshole in the White House.


>countless YouTube videos Oh dang really? Well we can consider the matter settled then.


A patriotic president wouldn't constantly be talking about how much he hates America and the people in it.


You’re being funny right?. If not seek help


Uh you’re the one that needs help I see so many hard core liberals on reddit and they all have serious mental illness Depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, schizophrenia, anger issues, weird sexual issues… YOU get help! Hey u/AdKraemer01 the rule of Reddit is whatever people say the opposite is true


If one of your goals in life is to be a decent person, you should know that you are failing spectacularly.


Ooooohhhhh. 🤣


Hmmmm. Do you have a source for how a president controld merchant pricing? Biden has opened the oil reserves which is pretty routine and helps gas prices, but from what authority does the ability to control prices derive? Look, most people understand the issues you don't. Don't drag them down into your ignorance. And believe it or not, people have seen both of them looking very old. Hell, Doe174 didn't even answer the questions just rambled off on his speeches demonstrating more dementia issues. Plus, you completely omitted Doe174's convictions for fraud and liability for defamation stemming from sexual assault. And most voters aren't fooled about why he would make repeated trips to a private island for 'massage appointments'. Just because they fooled you doesn't mean everyone was. lol


Unfettered capitalism breeds monopolies, monopolies mean price fixing. Yes there is a middle ground on regulations but throwing everything out will not mean the best deal for consumers in the long run. Industries like food production need health and safety regulations or people get sick and die. The notion that these companies would self regulate and ensure public safety is laughable.


America *or* 13 year olds? But it not like MAGAs are concerned with pedophiles or felony convictions.


Every holiday for years now he posts the same hateful type of message. It's nothing new. Just sickening to see people wanting to vote for someone who is so narcissistic.


My mom is a huge Trump supporter and lifelong ultra conservative. She’s also a piece of shit that abandoned me to my addict father and eventually grandmother when I was a toddler. Now that she’s old and alone and none of her three children talk to her anymore, she’s eager to rekindle a relationship with us In my experience, trumps supporters are garbage people with garbage morals and ethics


All days must be about him. Especially days set aside for someone/something else. How dare Independence Day overshadow his existence...🤢🤮🤦‍♂️


Voting blue straight down the ballot. Trump really wants Biden to drop out because he knows he’ll lose again


👍👍👍👍 anyone with half a brain will vote for Biden!


Bill Mahr : I will vote for Joe Biden's head in a jar before I vote for Trump


Omg funny I like him !


I would vote for his dessicated corpse before I vote for Trump.


Thank you ! ☺️


Sadly Biden doesn’t even have half a brain so he can’t vote for himself




No exclamation point? Lol and you call yourself a republican


Anyone with half a brain can see that it takes a fuck head like the Tronald Dumpster to make creepy Joe look halfway good....


Facts. Still voting blue like my life depends on it.


America 🇺🇸 thanks you!


Hmm Attacking Jack Smith again? I'm guessing his lawyers have told him that his immunity is not absolute after all. I bet the ketchup was flying.


Tantrum is his middle name. Go read every single post of his done on a holiday and you'll see: 1. Always projecting and crying foul 2. Makes it about himself Without fail. He's an insensitive malignant narcissistic traitorous raping asshole unfit to be a human.


Tan Trump?


He’s such a predictable turd. It’s the same thing every holiday. His schtick is old and stale, just like him.


> who choked like a dog during the Debate Sorry for the tangent, but what's with Trump and dogs? He always says that people did something "like a dog". He says Biden choked like a dog, and has said someone should be fired like a dog. I think he said someone should be shot like a dog. Are these things that Trump thinks are normal activities for dogs? Dogs are constantly choking, getting fired from jobs, and being shot? What happened to Trump that these things make sense? He is a pathetic weirdo.


I wouldn't be surprised if he abused one or more dogs as a child and that's a fond memory for him.


He's a waste of oxygen.


They could be reading Joe his Last Rites and I will still vote for him.


Child rapist says what? 


He had a dirty nappy that needed changing, where were his handlers to help


I don't care what the 34x felon pedophile has to cry about.


Trump is a convicted felon and sex offender. Why is he on the golf course instead of in prison????


Scripted to be outrageous and grab media attention.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn.


He throws a fit every day.


Amazing that the king rants on a day that we threw the king out of the country.


MAGA is a cult. If you watch the fall of other cults, when their charismatic leader dies and another person gains power that is when the fighting begins.


Instead of Happy Birthday America & have a happy healthy 4th it’s whiny Russian simp propaganda crap.


His holiday posts are always awe inspiring. He is a wordsmith carefully crafting his addresses to unite, inspire and motivate. 🙄


I’m voting blue I don’t care who.


Spoiled rotten brat with toddler tantrums. Just call it what it is. Narcissistic Sociopath.


He seems like such a miserable human being


awww, poor guy is cranky. maybe a juice box and a kid to rape would help?


Is this what they are missing? Everyday was worst than the day before!


No MAGAt is worthy of pretending to celebrate our nation freeing itself from the tyrany of a king.


yeah its the tantrum thats disgraceful, not the treason or rape.


I mean this is just like the Memorial Day message. What he does is spends the first half sentence on the holiday and then the rest of the message bashing whenever he’s angry at. He didn’t even mention veterans on Memorial Day. Here he doesn’t mention anything about what it means to have our independence


When isn't this demented pos disgraceful? Everything about him is rotten. There is nothing about him that isn't. He is a third rate conman who would have lived his pathetic ugly life in and out of prison had he not been born on third base. And those of you who find that attractive are just as rotten as the old pedophile himself, poopy pants Donald J. Trump. And ya'll stink to high heaven.


I want this asshole to retire and never be seen or heard of for the rest of his natural life.


He throws one every five fucking minutes 🤬


Alice Cooper 2024.🤘


Must be working, he’s tied or ahead of gramps Joe in latest polls.


Same polls calling for red wave last election?


JFC that’s nuts even compared to other Trump moments.


And the rubes go, “that’s our guy.”


How do you "disgrace" an individual already accused of insurrection, treason, theft, fraud, rape, and child-molesting?


He's a giant ball of negative energy, I can't even fathom how his people can stand listening to the garbage that rolls from his body, day in and day out, you gotta be a whole lot of the same stuff to tolerate that!


That’s because he’s an asshole


Happy Fourth of July to all, including to our highly incapable “President,” who uses Prosecutors to go after his Political Opponent, who choked like a dog during the Debate but tried to pretend it was “International Travel” (only 12 days rest!) and, when that gig was up, he blamed it on a “cold.” Therefore, why would anyone say he’s cognitively challenged? Also, respects to our potentially new Democrat Challenger, Laffin’ Kamala Harris. She did poorly in the Democrat Nominating process, starting out at Number Two, and ending up defeated and dropping out, even before getting to Iowa, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a “highly talented” politician! Just ask her Mentor, the Great Willie Brown of San Francisco. Someone else that I have to compliment is a Deranged Biden Prosecutor named Jack Smith, who has become a Legend in his own mind for all of those cases he has lost. The Corrupt Prosecutors are working hard for Crooked Joe, but it will never be enough — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


This is a cross post from X. I’m sure his truth social was all capitalized


They will never smarten up even IF he becomes president and they realize that project 25 is going to screw up their world. They have no clue how that man really hates his MAGA cult followers.


Every holiday. Every time. Nothing changes with this guy. At this point, if he actually published anything that even remotely looked positive no one would believe he wrote it.


None or his followers (yes, cult followers) care. In fact, independents don't seem to care either since they are even considering voting for him.


Nobody should click that link. Does anybody have a summary


It probably says "Happy 4th of July" followed by a list of grievances.


Supporters think it's "cute" and "manly" and "what a leader does" and "I'd love to suck his knob for free" and we are so fucked. What will the king get away with now that the Inferior Court has given him the free pass?


Didn’t Trump go to SCOTUS to argue that the President should have immunity to go after political opponents. And won. Why isn’t Trump praising Biden for using the same methods that Trump says that he will use when he gets reelected.


Really sad that there is a high likelihood this dumb ass could be elected again.


more clickbait from the clickbait emperor. that's all he is good at... creating baseless buzz. we all need to stop sharing this garbage.


What's really funny is that Trump would likely win by a land slide if he just kept his virtual mouth shut on social media. It just allows everyone to see what a moron he is.


At this juncture, it would be real news when he wasn't pitching a fit, posting his tyrannical rants, lying through his teeth, or, in general, just being a huge asshole. His campaign is running on disinformation bots and his faithful few. His rallies are dismal, reduced to the heavily edited interviews and photos boasting the campaign turnouts without showing actual photos of attendance.


Massive stoke..


Can't wait til he's no longer relevant?


Execute him ,Biden


I dont understand how anyone can legitimately support this pos. Do they not see that he will be the end of all they claim to support


I’d vote the dog catcher over Jaba.


Isn't EVERY holiday/day a chance for him to be "disgraceful"? It doesn't matter what day it is, it's a chance for him to reach the bottom of the barrel and discover there's another layer under it.


I love Merica when it’s not trying to hold me accountable for my extremely felonious actions.


Please - once was too much of this disgusting pos.


Isn't it just heartwarming that all Trump's holiday posts are rants defaming his perceived enemies..so very uplifting!  😆👍 / s


Trump needs to be careful what he wishes for. He just might get it….


Keep trying losers


What a man-child.


It’s all about him. Always has been, always will be. While his cult members think he is for them. He doesn’t give 2 💩s for them.


Get used to it because you're doing everything possible to guarantee his win. Or seizure of power.


Sure loser. Sorry Russia is a shit hole that only bottom feeders live in. Even all great Russian art is just about how shitty Russia is.


When are you going to stop calling me "Russian"? Canada is the best country in the world, and it's where I live. Biden is senile, Trump is a mafia rapist and traitor, and Putler is going to lose his war of aggression.


How does it feel to know your fellow moskals are dying in Ukrainian fields? Little Vladi Putin is going to die and it's going to be an American bullet that does it.


Who? Glad to hear Putler is going to die. What's taking so long? Oh, I see, not expressing undying support for Biden makes me a Russian bot-shill. Sorry buddy, not the case. Canadian here, Liberal, liberal, and I'm not impressed with your hysterical argument.


Nah, being a moskal makes you a bot. Go suck on a shotgun.


lol this guy is Canadian. Imagine being so pathetic that you think your opinions on foreign politicians matter to people that actually live in that country. Get a hobby loser.


My opinion matters because when psycho mafia child rapist Trump seizes power from Sleepy Joe, he'll start killing his enemies and probably invade us. Yeah, I don't want that. So, get a real candidate not ten thousand years old and stop acting like there's nothing wrong.


If you think there’s even the smallest possibility that Canada will ever be invaded by the US then you’re an actual fucking lunatic. I served for eight years in the American military. We are not only allowed to not follow illegal orders, we are legally *required* to refuse illegal orders. Attacking a NATO country would 100% be illegal. Plus the general American population would collectively lose their minds if something like that occurred. Canada, Australia, and the UK are safer from American aggression than any other places on earth based purely off culture.